摘要: I thought him an honest man I saw him. A. the first time B. for the first time C. every time when D. by the time


When I was fourteen, I earned money in the summer by cutting lawns(草坪), and within a few weeks I had built up a body of customers. I got to know people by the flowers they planted that I had to remember not to cut down, by the things they lost in the grass or struck in the ground on purpose. I reached the point with most of them when I knew in advance what complaint was about to be spoken, which particular request was most important. And I learned something about the measure of my neighbors by their preferred method of payment: by the job, by the month--- or not at all.

Mr. Ballou fell into the last category, and he always had a reason why. On one day, he had no  change for a fifty, on another he was flat out of checks, on another, he was simply out when I knocked on his door. Still, except for the money apart, he was a nice enough guy, always waving or tipping his hat when he’d see me from a distance. I figured him for a thin retirement check, maybe a work-relayed injury that kept him from doing his own yard work. Sure, I kept track of the total, but I didn’t worry about the amount too much. Grass was grass, and the little that Mr. Ballou’s property comprised didn’t take long to trim (修剪).

Then, one late afternoon in mid-July, the hottest time of the year, I was walking by his house and he opened the door, mentioned me to come inside. The hall was cool, shaded, and it took my eyes a minute to adjust to the dim light. 

“ I owe you,” Mr Ballou, “ but…”

I thought I’d save him the trouble of thinking of a new excuse. “ No problem. Don’t worry about it.”

“ The bank made a mistake in my account,” he continued, ignoring my words. “ It will be cleared up in a day or two . But in the meantime I thought perhaps you could choose one or two volumes for a down payment.

He gestured toward the walls and I saw that books were stacked (堆放) everywhere. It was like a library, except with no order to the arrangement.

“ Take your time,” Mr. Ballou encouraged. “Read, borrow, keep. Find something you like. What do you read?”

“ I don’t know.” And I didn’t. I generally read what was in front of me, what I could get from the paperback stack at the drugstore, what I found at the library, magazines, the back of cereal boxes, comics. The idea of consciously seeking out a special title was new to me, but, I realized, not without appeal--- so I started to look through the piles of books.

“ You actually read all of these?”

“ This isn’t much,” Mr. Ballou said. “ This is nothing, just what I’ve kept, the ones worth looking at a second time.”

“ Pick for me, then.”

He raised his eyebrows, cocked his head, and regarded me as though measuring me for a suit. After a moment, he nodded, searched through a stack, and handed me a dark red hardbound book, fairly thick.

“ The Last of the Just,” I read. “ By Andre Schwarz-Bart. What’s it about?” “ You tell me,” he said. “ Next week.”

I started after supper, sitting outdoors on an uncomfortable kitchen chair. Within a few pages, the yard, the summer, disappeared, and I was plunged into the aching tragedy of the Holocaust, the extraordinary clash of good, represented by one decent man, and evil. Translated from French, the language was elegant, simple, impossible to resist. When the evening light finally failed I moved inside, read all through the night,

To this day, thirty years later, I vividly remember the experience. It was my first voluntary encounter with world literature, and I was stunned (震惊) by the concentrated power a novel could contain. I lacked the vocabulary, however, to translate my feelings into words, so the next week. When Mr. Ballou asked, “ Well?” I only replied, “ It was good?”

“ Keep it, then,” he said. “ Shall I suggest another?”

I nodded, and was presented with the paperback edition of Margaret Mead’s Coming of Age in Samoa ( a very important book on the study of the social and cultural development of peoples--- anthropology (人类学) ).

To make two long stories short, Mr. Ballou never paid me a cent for cutting his grass that year or the next, but for fifteen years I taught anthropology at Dartmouth College. Summer reading was not the innocent entertainment I had assumed it to be, not a light-hearted, instantly forgettable escape in a hammock (吊床) ( though I have since enjoyed many of those, too). A book, if it arrives before you at the right moment, in the proper season, at an internal in the daily business of things, will change the course of all that follows.

1..The author thought that Mr. Ballou was ______________.

A. rich but mean                         B. poor but polite

C. honest but forgettable                   D. strong but lazy

2.. Before his encounter with Mr. Ballou, the author used to read _____________.

   A. anything and everything                 B. only what was given to him

   C. only serious novels                     D. nothing in the summer

3.. The author found the first book Mr. Ballou gave him _____________.

   A. light-heated and enjoyable               B. dull but well written

   C. impossible to put down                  D. difficult to understand

4.. From what he said to the author we can gather that Mr. Ballou _______________.

   A. read all books twice                    B. did not do much reading

   C. read more books than he kept             D. preferred to read hardbound books


5.. The following year the author _______________.

   A. started studying anthropology at college    B. continued to cut Mr. Ballou’s lawn

   C. spent most of his time lazing away in a hammock

   D. had forgotten what he had read the summer before

6.. The author’s main point is that _____________.

   A. summer jobs are really good for young people

   B. you should insist on being paid before you do a job

   C. a good book can change the direction of your life

   D. a book is like a garden carried in the pocket.



The repairman told me, “No charge Professor Pan! We’re friends.” “I’d rather pay,” I replied.“If it’s free, I can’t afford it!”
Chinese often refuse payment for professional services, insisting, "We’re friends now!" But then they show up later to ask me to tutor them in English, or get them into an American university, and I wish I’d have just paid the 30 yuan I owed them in the first place!
According to the Americans, "There’s no free lunch," meaning that there’s a price for everything, and I’m always looking around to figure out what this means.Many of our neighbours have given us fruit or flowers or costly teas, never asking anything in return.For years, a bicycle repairman has repeatedly refused to let me pay him."Wait until you have something major to fix! "he insists.
I mentioned to a peasant friend that I wished I had a stone mill to grind(磨)flour for bread.A month later he showed up with a beautiful mill that he’d had his uncle in the countryside carve from a solid block of granite(花岗石).
Chinese generosity(慷慨)is a real education for Americans like me, who would rather avoid social entanglements (纠纷) and just hand over the money.But cash can’t compensate(补偿)for the greatest gift--friendship.
When an American saw some of my friends sitting on bamboo stools under the trees, sipping(呷)tea, he said, "They  must have nothing better to do.""Actually, "I said, "they are professors, with plenty to do.But probably you’re right in saying that, at this moment, they have nothing better to do.And neither do I!" And I joined the group.We chatted about tea and Chinese cooking and how much my boys have grown since we arrived.One man said, "They were pocket-sized when you came here.Now
they’re taller than you.How time flies!"
How life flies.And Chinese are smart enough to share what they know they cannot keep.They freely give of their time, never too busy to help a friend.And they are teaching me, slowly, to both give and receive.So the next time someone says, "No charge.We’re friends! " I will thank them heartily.But if they show up later asking me to tutor them in English, I’ll make sure they tutor my son in Chinese as well, because there’s still no free lunch.
64.The author insisted on paying repairman while he was offered free repairs because he     .
A.was an honest man
B.didn’t know the repairman
C.thought it natural to pay for others’ service
D.didn’t want to help others in return
65.Generally, the author thinks that Chinese are _________.
A.generous and always ready to help their friends
B.good at exchange of equal values
C.free enough to drink tea and chat with their friends
D.helpful but don’t treasure time
66.The best title of the passage should be “       ”.
A.Learn to Both Give And Receive    B.A Good Lesson from Chinese
C.True Help or Not                   D.Still No Free Lunch
67.Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The Chinese would rather not take the money to avoid problems in social communication.
B.When a peasant knew the author needed a mill, he made one for the author himself.
C.The author thinks that Chinese are wise enough to enjoy the limited life.
D.The author thinks little of Chinese way of life.



One day Mr. Kerry was walking along the Strand in London, killing time, when his eye was caught by an enormous picture displayed upon the wall of a house. It represented a human figure covered with long, dark hair, with huge nails upon his hands and a most fearful expression. On coming nearer, he heard a man call out 'Walk in, ladies and gentlemen, the most wonderful curiosity ever exhibited-only five pence-the wild man from Africa-he eats raw food, and many other pleasing and surprising performances. Mr. Kerry paid his money and was admitted. At first the crowd prevented his seeing anything, for the place was full of suffocation(窒息), and the noise was awful. At last, Mr. Kerry obtained, by dint of squeezing and pushing, a place in the front, when to his horror, he saw a figure that was far worse than the portrait outside.

It was a man, nearly naked, covered with long, shaggy hair, that grew even over his nose and cheekbones. He sprang about, sometimes his feet, sometimes on all-fours, but always uttering the most fearful yells, and glaring upon the crowd in a manner that was really dangerous. Mr. Kerry did not feel exactly happy at the whole proceeding, and began heartily to wish himself outside. Suddenly, thc savage gave a more frantic scream than before and seized a morsel(小块) of raw beef which a keeper extended to him on a long fork. This he tore to pieces eagerly, and devoured in the most voracious(贪婪的) manner, amid great clapping of hands and other evidence of satisfaction from the audience: 'I'll go now', thought Mr. Kerry, 'for who knows whether, in his hungry moods, he might not fancy finishing his dinner with me.' Just at this instant, some sounds struck his ear that surprised him. He listened more attentively and, to his amazement, found that amid the most fearful cries and wild yells, the savage was talking Irish. Now, Mr. Kerry had never heard of an African Irishman so he listened very closely, and, by degrees, not only thc words were known to him, but the very voice was familiar, so turning to the savage he addressed him in Irish, at the same time fixing him with a severe look.

'Who are you?' said Mr. Kerry.

'Billy McCabe, sir.'

'And what do you mean by playing your tricks here, instead of earning your living like an honest man?'

'Well,' said Billy, 'I'm earning the rent to pay you. One must do many strange things to pay the kind of rent you charge.'

1.Mr. Kerry was walking along the Strand because _____

A .he had nothing else to do.

B. he was late for an appointment.

C. he was looking for something to do.

D. he was reluctant to go home.

2.Inside the house, at first, Mr. Kerry____

A. was nearly suffocated.

B. could see nothing.

C. was pushed about.

D .couldn't hear anything

3.The wild man gave the impression of being dangerous by_______

A. the way he moved    B.    the way he dressed

C. the looks he gave     D.  the cries he made

4.Mr Kerry decided to leave the house because _______

A. he felt extremely frightened         B.   he was worried what might happen

C. he didn’t wish to eat with the savage  D.    he feared he might have a heart attack

5.The wild man surprised Mr Kerry by speaking Irish since____

A. he was on show in London       B. he was a primitive savage.

C. he previously spoke nonsense     D. he was thought to be African.



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