摘要:He stared at her, by her beauty. A.fascinating B.fascinated C.being fascinated D.having fascinated 答案:B 提示:句意为“他被她的美貌迷住了,一直盯着她看 .


Signs can sometimes be seen at the entrance of a house, expressing that a tramp(流浪汉)has passed. This special sign-language is frequently   50   by tramps to inform their    51   whether the host of a certain house is friendly or unfriendly, and to   52   them the trouble of making unnecessary calls.

Quite   53   one day, I came across a real tramp. He was such a rare sight these days that I stood some distance away and watched him. He was dressed just as a tramp should be in, old worn trousers, and a jacket many sizes too big for him. On his head there was a battered old hat and his boots were so old and worn; they were almost coming into pieces.

But the man himself looked cheerful as if he had not a   54   in the world. He rubbed his nose with his forefinger,    55   a funny turn, laid a small parcel    56   the front gate, and began   57   a sign made by a former caller. Although the sign was meaningless to me, it must have been   58  , for the tramp’s face lit up with satisfaction. He entered the front gate   59   and rang the bell. When the door opened, I saw him raise his hat   60   couldn’t hear his words. The   61   was very short indeed, for no sooner had he spoken a few words than the door closed fiercely in his face.

I felt   62   for him as he walked sadly out of the house. But just as quickly, his face lit up again and he moved quickly towards the gate. There he stopped, looked at the sign, and shook his head seriously as if he had made a bad mistake.   63   deeply into his pockets, he produced a piece of chalk, rubbed out the existing sign and made a new one in its place. He stared at it for a moment smiling to himself, then gathered his belongings, pushed back his hat and began walking towards the next house at an unhurried   64  , whistling as he went along.

1.                A.employed       B.made          C.taken D.put up


2.                A.coaches        B.classmates       C.fellows   D.friends


3.                A.share          B.save           C.give D.urge


4.                A.in a way        B.by mistake       C.by the way D.by chance


5.                A.success         B.care           C.failure    D.responsibility


6.                A.gave           B.launched        C.set  D.made


7.                A.by             B.to             C.in   D.behind


8.                A.drawing        B.kissing          C.correcting D.studying


9.                A.sad            B.strange         C.funny    D.exciting


10.               A.confidently      B.innocently      C.consequently   D.consciously


11.               A.and           B.but            C.however  D.therefore


12.               A.conversation    B.introduction     C.argument  D.greeting


13.               A.happy          B.frightened      C.capable   D.sorry


14.               A.Digging         B.Stealing        C.Putting    D.Looking


15.               A.step           B.position        C.pace  D.situation






Mother’s Day was coming,but John had been visiting customers.He was now in a small town just outside a flower shop and he knew what to do.

He went into the shop and saw a young man  36  the clerk(店员) to sell him some roses for six dollars,but the clerk just explained that roses were    37   and that his money was not enough.

The clerk looked up at John,  38  her head.Something inside of John was   39  by the boy’ s voice.John had been   40  with his business,and he looked at the clerk and  41    mouthed that he would pay for the roses.

The clerk looked at the young man and told him to get the roses for six dollars. The young man almost jumped into the  42  and ran from the store with the  43 .It was worth the extra dollars just to see that kind of   44 .

John ordered his own flowers and made sure that the  45  would include a note telling his mother how much he loved her.He drove away from the shop,feeling very  46 .He caught a  traffic light about two blocks away.As he  47  at the light,he saw the young boy walking down the sidewalk.He watched him cross the street and enter a park through two huge gates.Suddenly,he  48  that it wasn’t a park but a cemetery(公墓).

The light  49 ,and John slowly crossed the intersection.He  50   and on an impuise(冲动)got out and began to follow the boy.The young man stopped by a small monument(墓碑) and went to his  51  . He began to cry after he carefully  52  the roses on the grave(墓地).He stared at the little boy’s heaving(起伏的)body and listened to his crying.

John turned with  53 ,and walked back to his car.He drove  54  to the shop and told her he would  55  the flowers personally.He wanted to tell his mother one more time just how much he loved her.

36.A.begging              B.ordering             C.forcing               D.threatening

37.A.cheap                  B.beautiful         C.expensive        D.special

38.A.shaking              B.waving               C.shocking                 D.holding

39.A.sensed                   B.touched                  C.hurt                   D.lightened

40.A.influenced                 B.ruined                    C.buried                    D.satisfied

41.A.loudly                    B.silently                   C.gently                    D.calmly

42.A.river                  B.air                          C.lake                   D.hole

43.A.money                    B.flowers                   C.basket                    D.cards

44.A.surprise                  B.fright                        C.excitement             D.sadness

45.A.sending                  B.message                  C.transportation     D.export

46.A.inspired                  B.disappointed            C.good                      D.sorry

47.A.sang                       B.waited                    C.looked                   D.stood

48.A.remembered            B.found                     C.discovered              D.realized

49.A.flashed                  B.changed                  C.disappeared            D.shone

50.A.drove back              B.pulled over             C.broke down            D.settled down

51.A.arms                      B.palms(手掌)            C.feet                   D.knees

52.A.laid                        B.removed                 C.set                         D.grew

53.A.laughter                  B.anger                  C.tears                      D.cruelty

54.A.slowly                    B.quickly                   C.carefully            D.excitedly

55.A.bring                  B.fetch              C.take                   D.fasten



It was a cloudy Saturday afternoon. A group of birds were having a great time 

  36  food and playing on the main road. All of a sudden, a big truck sped through… A   37  thing happened. Birds could   38 , too. Although this bird had already   39 , another bird flew over to her immediately, just like a family member, unable to accept the   40 .

Not long after that, another car passed by quickly,   41  the dead bird’s body to whirl(旋转) with the wind. The male bird   42  the movement. As if she was still alive, he   43  flew beside her again. He stared at her as if he was asking, “  44  are you not getting up?”

  45 , she was no longer able to hear him. At the same time, he was trying to lift her up. He,   46 , was unable to bear the burden. Another car soon passed by. He quickly   47 . Once the car had gone, he came down again.

Although other birds told him that it was   48 , he never gave up. He was trying his best to lift her up to   49  her flying again. Another car passed by, and her dead body whirled again as if she was still   50  and trying to fly. He had used all of his   51 , but he was too weak.

The   52 , who was taking photos of the scene, said he couldn’t shoot any more. He was so   53  that the living bird was going to be hurt by passing cars. So he picked up he dead bird and left it at the   54 . The living one still stayed at a nearby tree as if he was crying with his singing and   55  to leave.

1.                A.packing up      B.caring for       C.searching for   D.setting down


2.                A.strange         B.normal         C.funny    D.sad


3.                A.disagree        B.feel            C.fly   D.spread


4.                A.disappeared     B.dropped        C.died D.escaped


5.                A.story           B.truth           C.gift  D.past


6.                A.shaking         B.holding         C.sending   D.causing


7.                A.stopped        B.disturbed       C.noticed   D.feared


8.                A.worriedly       B.quickly         C.bravely   D.surprisingly


9.                A.Where         B.When          C.How D.Why


10.               A.Unfortunately    B.Gradually       C.Finally D.Honestly


11.               A.in return       B.of course       C.by accident D.on purpose


12.               A.sat down       B.looked up       C.showed up D.flew off


13.               A.simple         B.boring         C.useless    D.important


14.               A.see            B.keep           C.catch D.think


15.               A.lovely          B.complete       C.beautiful  D.alive


16.               A.confidence      B.energy         C.space D.time


17.               A.owner         B.bird           C.killer D.photographer


18.               A.hopeful        B.surprised       C.worried   D.shocked


19.               A.top            B.center         C.roadside   D.car


20.               A.required       B.pretended      C.tried  D.refused




Early one morning, I witnessed romance at one the least-expected places in the world—a room in a rest home. At the time, my father  36  a room with three other gentlemen.

Before my daddy lived in the rest home, an elderly  37  was sent there. Since there wasn’t a double room  38  , they were forced to separate the couple. The gentleman, Mr.West, was  39  in the bed beside Daddy. His wife, Mrs.West, shared a room with several other ladies down the hall.

When I went to see Daddy that morning, I  40  Mr.West. Three employees were working with him. He hadn’t eaten a bite of food  41  he was sent several days earlier. I could  42  by the expression on the nurses’ faces that they were worried about him. Mr.West  43  to open his mouth for any of them.

“Go and get Mrs.West, ” the nurse told her helper. “Maybe Mr.West will eat  44  her. ”

In a few minutes a kind-looking lady was  45  into the room. Her smile was contagious(传染的)and Mr.West smiled  46  . I felt as though I was intruding(侵入)on a  47  moment, but I couldn’t take my eyes off the couple. The love between them was obvious, as Mrs.West patted Mr.West’s hand.

With a soft voice, Mrs.West tried to 48  Mr.West to eat. To everyone’s surprise, Mr.West  49  his mouth and began to enjoy the  50  and his wife’s company. While the nurses fed him, he stared at his sweetheart with a smile on his face. Mrs.West began singing a song for him. The  51  on his once solemn(严肃的)face became even brighter.

Tears  52  my eyes. The nurse then  53  the curtain around the couple to give them some quality time alone. I discovered that  54  doesn’t only exist when we’re young and in love. Romance  55  a lifetime and grows stronger with age.

1.                A.lived           B.stayed          C.shared   D.had


2.                A.husband.       B.couple         C.gentleman     D.wife


3.                A.accessible       B.acknowledge     C.available D.acceptable


4.                A.sent           B.lain            C.placed    D.fixed


5.                A.understood.     B.found          C.knew     D.met


6.                A.after           B.before          C.since     D.while


7.                A.say            B.tell            C.get D.look


8.                A.expected       B.demanded       C.refused   D.promised


9.                A.to             B.for             C.about    D.on


10.               A.reached        B.sent           C.wheeled   D.carried


11.               A.brightly        B.quietly         C.lightly     D.secretly


12.               A.personal        B.personnel       C.selfish     D.private


13.               A.convince       B.make          C.force D.urge


14.               A.closed         B.opened         C.was opening    D.was closed


15.               A.coffee         B.fruits           C.food D.sweets


16.               A.happiness       B.appearance     C.worry     D.expression


17.               A.filled in         B.filled with       C.filled D.were filled with


18.               A.pulled          B.dragged        C.put   D.pushed


19.               A.love           B.romance        C.happiness D.smile


20.               A.is             B.remains        C.lasts D.continues




Signs can sometimes be seen at the entrance of a house, expressing that a tramp(流浪汉) has passed. This special sign-language is frequently   36  by tramps to inform their  37  whether the host of a certain house is friendly or unfriendly, and to  38  them the trouble of making unnecessary calls.
Quite  39  one day, I came across a real tramp. He was such a rare sight these days that I stood some distance away and watched him. He was dressed just as a tramp should be  40 , old worn trousers, and a jacket many sizes too big for him. On his head there was a battered old hat and his boots were so old and worn; they were almost coming into   41 . But the man himself looked cheerful as if he had not been a   42  in the world. He rubbed his nose with his forefinger,  43  a funny turn, laid a small parcel by the front gate, and began   44  a sign made by a former caller. Although the sign was meaningless to me, it must have been   45 , for the tramp’s face lit up with  46 . He entered the front gate confidently and rang the bell. When the door opened, I saw him   47  his hat but couldn’t hear his words. The  48  was very short indeed, for no sooner had he spoken a few words than the door closed fiercely in his face. I felt  49  for him as he walked   50  out of the house, But just as quickly, his face lit up again and he moved quickly towards the gate. There he stopped, looked at the sign, and   51  his head seriously as if he had made a bad mistake.   52 deeply into his pockets, he produced a piece of chalk, rubbed out the  53  sign and made a new one in its place. He stared at it for a moment smiling to himself, then gathered his  54 , pushed back his hat and began walking towards the next house at an unhurried  55 , whistling as he went along.

A.employedB.madeC.takenD.put up
A.in a wayB.by mistakeC.by the wayD.by chance
A.a fashionB.a designC.piecesD.blocks
A.gaveB.got C.setD.made
A.riseB.put onC.raiseD.throw
A.conversationB.introduction C.quarrelD.greeting


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