摘要: 解析:选C.be in trouble处于困境中,句中trouble为泛指.不用冠词; lose heart为固定搭配.表示“失去信心 .heart前不用冠词.


Elizabeth Clay decided to go home and spend the holiday with her parents. The next day she drove her old car home along the road.    36    she found she got a flat. The 22-year-old student    37    to stop her car by the side of the road in the winter night and opened the trunk. No    38   tire.
At this time, a car   39   . Paul and Diane told Clay to   40    them to a service station near their    41   . They arrived to see that it had no suitable tires to   42    with her car. “Follow us home,” said Paul.
The couple called around to find a tire. No   43     . They decided to let her use their own car. “Here,” Paul said, handing Clay a    44    of keys, “Take our car. We   45    be using it over the holiday.”
Clay was    46     . “But I’m going all the way to South Carolina, and I’ll be gone for two weeks,” she    47    them.
“We know,” Paul said. “We’ll be    48    when you get back. Here’s our number if you need to    49    us.”
Unable to believe her eyes, Clay watched as the    50     put her luggage into their car and then   51     her off. Two weeks later she    52    to find her old car cleaned inside and out with three new tires and the radio     53  .
“Thank you so much,” she said. “How much do I    54    you?” “Oh, no,” Paul said, “we don’t want any money. It’s our    55    .” Clay realized that while it might have been their pleasure, it was now her duty to pass on their “do unto others” spirit.

A.Suddenly B.Finally C.Immediately D.Fortunately
A.afforded B.wanted C.allowed D.managed
A.spare B.freeC.full D.empty
A.passed B.stopped C.paused D.started
A.help B.push C.takeD.follow
A.garage B.house C.shop D.hotel
A.agree B.match C.go D.deal
A.wayB.message C.success D.luck
A.set B.number C.pairD.chain
A.can’t B.shouldn’t C.mustn’t D.won’t
A.satisfied B.worried C.astonished D.disturbed
A.persuaded B.advised C.reminded D.promised
A.happyB.hereC.away D.busy
A.get in touch with B.keep in touch with
C.be in touch with D.put in touch with
A.repairmen B.cleaners C.friends D.couple
A.sent B.shook C.watched D.drove
A.shocked B.happened C.returned D.came
A.loaded B.fixed C.tiedD.rebuilt
A.owe B.lendC.giveD.offer
A.wish B.job C.duty D.pleasure


After my brother died in an accident, my mother was in deep sadness. I was only a four-year-old girl at the time, but I still understood the sudden shift in my mom’s attitude towards safety. Suddenly everything around us was potentially dangerous. Overnight, the world had gone from a playground to a dangerous zone. I grew up with a lot of limits and rules. I couldn’t walk home from school by myself, even though everyone I knew already did. I couldn’t go to summer camp because what if something happened to me?
As I got older, the list of things of fear got longer. My whole life was divided into “things you should avoid”, and “things you needed to do in order to have a good, long life.” I became a natural worrier. I worry about things like getting cancer, losing my wallet, car accidents, earthquakes, and losing my job — disasters big and small, real and imagined.
The funny part is that you’d never know it by looking at my life. In fact, I’ve developed a rule for myself: If it scares me, then I have to do it at least once. I’ve done lots of things that my mom would have worried about: I’ve ridden a motorcycle; I’ve traveled —a lot. I’ve performed stand-up comedy, and I’m planning my second wedding.
There’s something else I don’t usually talk about, but it’s a cornerstone in my belief: When I was 14, my mother died suddenly in a car accident. At my mom’s funeral I remember making a choice. I could either live out the rest of my life trying to be “safe” or I could be brave enough to live out a fulfilling, exciting and, yes, sometimes dangerous life.
I worry that I may have betrayed(背叛) my mother by writing her in this light, but she has been a driving force in my life and, in the end I think she would have been proud of me. Courage isn’t a natural character of human beings. I believe that using courage is like developing a muscle. The more often I do things that scare me or that make me uncomfortable, the more I realize that I can do a lot more than I originally thought I could do.
Even though I inherited (继承) my mother’s cautious nature. I’ve also come to believe that fear can be a good thing, if we face it. Believing that has made my world a less scary place.
【小题1】In the writer’s childhood, the limits and rules were used to ______.

A.improve her behaviorB.develop her independence
C.be in memory of her dead brotherD.protect her from possible danger
【小题2】 How does the writer deal with the things that frighten her?
A.She just ignores them.B.She faces up to them.
C.She turns to her mother for help.D.She does them with her friends.
【小题3】From the passage, we can learn that ______.
A.the writer failed in her first marriage
B.nothing can make the writer afraid now
C.frightening things made the writer lose her self-confidence
D.the writer’s mother felt annoyed with her
【小题4】What does the passage mainly talk about?
A.Mothers influence their children much.
B.Fear is in fact not a bad thing.
C.Facing fear bravely produces courage.
D.The world is not as scary as people expect.


It has been more than twenty years since pioneering British computer programmer, Sir Tim Berners Lee, created the World Wide Web. But could he have ever imagined how much the web would change our lives? And would he approve of how some British students are taking advantage of his invention?

Universities and exam boards around the UK are becoming increasingly concerned with the rising number of cases of plagiarism, many of which are facilitated (助长) by the Internet access.

In the UK most school and university students complete coursework throughout the academic year which contributes toward their final mark. In many cases coursework makes up the main part of the qualification. Since coursework is completed in the students’ own time it cannot be monitored by teachers in the same way as an exam.

Derec Stockley, director of examinations in the UK, explains, “Plagiarism affects coursework more than anything else, and in the cases that come to our attention, more and more are linked to the Internet.”

At a university level recent reports suggest that plagiarism has evolved from separate cases of individual cheating to systematic and even commercial operation. Students can now pay for bespoke essays to be written for them by experts.

It is estimated that the market in online plagiarism is now worth 200 million pounds a year. Every month more and more websites offering to write student’s essays for them appear on the Internet.

Barclay Littlewood, owner of Degree Essays UK employs 3,500 specialist writers and charges between 120 pounds and 4,000 pounds per essay. However, Mr. Littlewood refutes the accusation that he is helping students to cheat.

1.What dose the underlined word “plagiarism” in Paragraph 2 mean in the passage?

A.problems of the Internet


C.learning pressure


2.Which of the following statements is mentioned by the author?

A.There will be no problem if online plagiarism is a systematic and commercial operation.

B.With the help of online plagiarism, students can write more creative coursework.

C.The Internet seems to have contributed much to the problem of online plagiarism.

D.Teachers should lay more emphasis on exams than coursework.

3.It can be inferred from the text that the author seems to _____.

A.blame Sir Tim Berners Lee for having created the World Wide Web

B.have studied the problem of online plagiarism for nearly 20 years

C.be in favour of Littlewood’s defence against the accusation of him

D.worry about the quality of students’ coursework influenced by the World Wide Web

4.The paragraph following the passage will most probably be about_____.

A.Mr. Littlewood’s defence against those who accused him of his website

B.different people’s opinions on plagiarism

C.how students use the website of Mr. Littlewood

D.the author’s opinions of Mr. Littlewood



It has been more than twenty years since pioneering British computer programmer, Sir Tim Berners Lee, created the World Wide Web. But could he have ever imagined how much the web would change our lives? And would he approve of how some British students are taking advantage of his invention?

Universities and exam boards around the UK are becoming increasingly concerned with the rising number of cases of plagiarism, many of which are facilitated (助长) by the Internet access.

In the UK most school and university students complete coursework throughout the academic year which contributes toward their final mark. In many cases coursework makes up the main part of the qualification. Since coursework is completed in the students’ own time it cannot be monitored by teachers in the same way as an exam.

Derec Stockley, director of examinations in the UK, explains, “Plagiarism affects coursework more than anything else, and in the cases that come to our attention, more and more are linked to the Internet.”

At a university level recent reports suggest that plagiarism has evolved from separate cases of individual cheating to systematic and even commercial operation. Students can now pay for bespoke essays to be written for them by experts.

It is estimated that the market in online plagiarism is now worth 200 million pounds a year. Every month more and more websites offering to write student’s essays for them appear on the Internet.

Barclay Littlewood, owner of Degree Essays UK employs 3,500 specialist writers and charges between 120 pounds and 4,000 pounds per essay. However, Mr. Littlewood refutes the accusation that he is helping students to cheat.

1.What dose the underlined word “plagiarism” in Paragraph 2 mean in the passage?

A.coursework         B.problems of the Internet    

C.learning pressure    D. cheating

2.Which of the following statements is mentioned by the author?

       A.With the help of online plagiarism, students can write more creative coursework.

       B.There will be no problem if online plagiarism is a systematic and commercial operation.

       C.The Internet seems to have contributed much to the problem of online plagiarism.

       D.Teachers should lay more emphasis on exams than coursework.

3.It can be inferred from the text that the author seems to _____      .

       A.blame Sir Tim Berners Lee for having created the World Wide Web

       B.worry about the quality of students’ coursework influenced by the World Wide Web

      C.be in favour of Littlewood’s defence against the accusation of him

       D.have studied the problem of online plagiarism for nearly 20 years

4.Who should be blamed for online plagiarism?

 A.Barclay Littlewood.   B.Sir Tim Berners Lee. 

 C.Derec Stockley.   D.Nobody.

5.The paragraph following the passage will most probably be about_____       .

A.the author’s opinions of Mr. Littlewood

B.different people’s opinions on plagiarism

C.how students use the website of Mr. Littlewood

D.Mr. Littlewood’s defence against those who accused him of his website



Although Thomas Edison created the technologies behind three major 21st century industries  electrical power,recorded music and movies—his greatest invention may have been the modern method of inventing.He basically came up with the modern system of research and development.Edison was not the only scientist doing research in his garage but someone who gathered around him a team of creative scientific minds.Edison’s 1aboratories were the forerunners( 先驱)of Apple,Google and Microsoft.

Yet for a11 his scientific gifts,he was no Steve Jobs or Bill Gates.He once said,“Anything that won’ t sell,I don’ t want to invent.” But Edison,unlike Jobs or Gates,had no real sense of what the public wanted or how to change his discoveries into products that might sell.It took him years to understand that the phonograph( 留声机)was not a business tool but an entertainment invention.He helped create movies but resisted the idea that people might want to go into a theater to watch one.

We chose Edison this year because we need his example now more than ever.Though we live in a time of great reformation,the U.S.is in danger of losing its advantage in science and technology.American investment( 投资)in research and development has not increased as a percentage of GDP since the mid一1980s,while the government’ s share has been dropping.And this is at a time when China is rapidly increasing its money on research and development.The U.S.was once among the 1eading nations.Now it ranks near the bottom of the 23 nations that collect such data.We hope that Edison’ s story might not only encourage reformation but also inspire more

young Americans to study science and engineering.

1.The first paragraph is mainly about         .

    A.the number of Edison’ s great inventions

    B.Edison’ s special personal characters

    C.Edi son’ s modern system of research

    D.Apple.Google and Microsoft and their forerunners

2.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

    A.A11 the things Edison invented sold well.

    B.Edison wanted to invent things that sold well.

    C.Edison’ s inventions were not valuable for being unpopular.

    D.Edison had a gift for changing his discoveries into best sellers.

3.The author’ s main purpose is to   

      A.inform US of the danger the USA is in

      B.get young Americans to study science

      C.be in honor of Edison for his contributions

      D.tell US how important Edison’ s inventions are

4.We can infer from the text that   

    A.the USA is no 10nger advanced in science and technology

    B.the USA falls behind China in research and inventions

    C.more and more young Americans will be interested in science

D.China is spending more and more money on research and development



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