摘要:1After the big earthquake.his house was completely .so he had to build a new one the old house stood. A.damaged,which B.destroyed,where C.ruined,when D.hurt,that 解析:第一个空考查动词的意义.表示“完全毁坏 可用destroy或ruin,第二个空考查连接词.从句意推断.应用where引导地点状语从句.句意:地震过后.他的房子完全被毁了.所以他不得不在旧房子处盖了一座新的. 答案:B 2So seriously in the accident that she was sent to hospital at once. A.she was wounded B.was she hurt C.she did injure D.did she hurt 解析:此题考查动词语态及句型结构.按照句型结构要求.此处应用倒装句型,根据逻辑关系分析.此处应使用被动语态. 答案:B 3 visitors to the UK were asked by newspaper reporters what their impressions of the British people were. A.The number of B.A number of C.Numbers of D.Any numbers of 解析:此题考查a number of和 the number of的区别.the number of修饰复数名词作主语.谓语用单数,a number of修饰复数名词作主语.谓语用复数,由题干中的谓语were可知要用a number of. 答案:B 4 is little doubt that the Chinese women basketball team will beat the Japanese team. A.It B.That C.There D.Which 解析:此题考查there be句式.There is no/little doubt that...“毫无疑问 .为固定句式. 答案:C 5Several rounds of air and ground attacks from the allied force left the whole city . A.in pieces B.in ruins C.in part D.in place 解析:句意:盟军的空袭和地面的好几轮进攻使整个城市变成了一片废墟.in pieces“破碎.拆散 ,in ruins“成为废墟 ,in part“一部分.有几分 ,in place“在适当的位置 . 答案:B 6-Jim.would you like to take tomorrow's driving test? - . A.Yes.with pleasure B.Yes.I would C.No.I can't come D.Sure.it's my pleasure. 解析:此题考查交际用语.with pleasure“很高兴 .是别人要求你帮助时所作出的肯定的回答,It's my pleasure“不用谢 .由语境可知A项符合题意. 答案:A 7-How long will you be staying? -I don't know. . A.That's OK B.Never mind C.It depends D.It doesn't matter 解析:此题考查交际用语.That's OK“没关系.不客气 ,Never mind“不要紧,没关系 ,It depends“看情况而定 ,It doesn't matter“没关系 .回答道歉时的用语.句意:--你要待多长时间?--我不知道.看情况而定.由句意可知.C项是正确答案. 答案:C 8-Why are most of us unable to study English well.Mr.Li? -You .But you too little attention to it. A.could,pay B.will,attach C.would,refer D.can,devote 解析:此题考查情态动词及动词用法.will“会-- .表示对未来事物的预料,attach“将--与--相联系,将--归于-- .例如:Do you attach any importance to what he said?你认为他说的话重要吗? 选项A.C时态不对,D选项中devote一般不与attention连用.句意:--李老师.为什么我们大多数人都学不好英语呢?--你们会学好的.但是你们对英语关注的太少了. 答案:B 9I advised that he to the hospital at once.but he insisted that he quite well then. A.be sent,was feeling B.was sent,felt C.be sent,feel D.should be sent,should feel 解析:此题考查情态动词及虚拟语气.advise.suggest .order .insist.require等表示“建议.命令.要求 类的动词用于名词性从句中时.从句谓语动词都要用虚拟语气.即“+动词原形 的形式.其中.insist作“坚决要求 讲时.要用虚拟语气,当“坚持说.坚持陈述某事实 解时.用陈述语气.句意:我建议立即送他去医院.但他坚持说他当时感觉很好.由句意可知要用A项. 答案:A 10-Have you forgotten anything.sir? -Oh.I forgot to pay.You see.I'm terribly sick.but I to. A.didn't mean B.don't mean C.haven't meant D.wasn't meaning 解析:此题考查时态.由I forgot to pay可知.我现在想起来了.所以mean这个动作发生在这之前.要用一般过去时态.例如:I'm sorry I hurt you.I didn't mean to.对不起.我弄伤了你.我不是故意的. 答案:A


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