摘要: The rich man a hospital and a school in the town where he was born.


   The central government will pour billions of yuan into special projects to help meet the country’s energy-saving targets. Local officials are also about to come under increased pressure to toe the government line to meet the targets, otherwise their political futures could be in jeopardy. A top official from the National Development and Reform Commission reaffirmed China’s commitment to cutting energy use and emissions when making a report to the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress yesterday.

   “We’re facing a very vital situation to cut energy use,” Ma Kai, the NDRC minister said. “If we don’t fasten our pace, it will be difficult to meet the targets this year.”

   Ma said the central government would also issue compulsory energy consumption standards for 22 products such as steel, cement, caustic soda and thermal power by the end of the year. NDRC figures show that the country’s energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) dropped 2.78 percent in the first six months from the same period a year earlier. However, the government has set the target of reducing energy consumption per unit of GDP by 20 percent between 2006 and 2010, about an annual fall of 4 percent. But it fell only 1.33 percent last year from 2005. In addition, official figures also show that SO2 emissions dropped 0.88 percent to 12.63 million tons in the first half of the year.

   The minister blamed some local officials for dragging the rest of the country down in not meeting the targets. He said the assessment of officials in many places still focused too much on their performance in economic growth, and many cities and counties still lacked concrete plans to cut energy consumption. Ma said we had paid too much to economic growth and serious consequences are revealing themselves.

1. The underlined sentence in paragraph 1 means “________________”.

   A. their families would be healthy                 B. their futures would be bright

   C. their futures would be in danger               D. their jobs would be necessary

2. The Chinese government will pour billions of yuan into special projects to _______________.

A. help reduce energy use and emissions             

B. enlarge investment

C. improve the living conditions            

D. balance the income between the poor and the rich

3. The underlined word in paragraph 2 means “__________”.

   A. useless        B. strange      C. helpful       D. important

4. From the passage, we can infer that _______________.

   A. the government only focused on the economic growth

   B. some local officials could have done more for cutting energy use and emissions

   C. some local officials would not focus on the economic growth

   D. SO2 emissions increased in the first half of the year

5. What caused the government to face a very vital situation to cut energy use?

   A. The assessment of officials.

   B. The central government would not issue energy consumption standards.

   C. Many cities and counties still lacked concrete plans to cut energy consumption.

   D. A and C.



1.The songs sung by Song Zuying are _________(备受欢迎的)ones.

2.The fans _________(排队,列队)up in the rain to wait to see Zhou Bichang.

3.Some _________(鲜为人知的)people may become well-known in the future.

4.Maybe something is wrong with the _________(麦克风)because we can not hear what the chairman is saying except that his lips are moving.

5.Ma Sanli was a well-known _________(大师)of crosstalk.

6.The audience laughed when they heard the _________(幽默的)lines.

7.My teacher smiled _________(意味深长地)after hearing my reason for being late again.

8.He suddenly caught sight of the murderer when he was _________(漫步)in the street.

9.When the _________(场景)changed into the place where his dog was shot, he couldn’t help crying.

10.The _________(对话)made up by Tom and Jim is so funny that all the students burst into laughter.

11.The opinion seems _________(官方的), but in fact, it is just the company’s trick to cheat the employees.

12.The factory is in great need of _________(熟练的)workers.

13.The cheats said the clothes were _________(看不见的,无形的)to the fools.

14.In English-speaking countries, keeping one’s fingers _________(交叉的)means wishing you good luck.

15.The rich lady lives a _________(舒适的)life.

16.Seeing the dirty office, the boss was very _________(恼怒的).

17.You can dial the telephone number in case of _________(紧急情况,紧急事件).

18.After you learned this unit, can you tell me what the _________(单口喜剧)means?

19.I like the _________(最初的,初始的)form of the silent film.

20.There are more and more _________(外国人)who like the crosstalk in China.

21.Miss White is a _________(热心的,热情的)girl and we all like her.

22.Many people like playing basketball just for _________(娱乐).

23.It seems _________(合适的, 恰如其分的)that you left the office when the boss was so angry.

24.All the students in our class are _________(杰出的,显著的).

25.The _________(常规节目)of CCTV-1 at 6∶50 a. m. is News Report.

26.Can you tell me what _________(笑声)is good for?

27.I have nothing on me.I am really _________(空手的).

28.Chaplin was one of the greatest _________(喜剧演员, 滑稽演员)in the world.

29.The boss nodded with a smile in _________(回应, 反应)to the worker’s greetings.

30.The _________(反应)of the students did satisfy the English teacher.

31.The style of the comedy is _________(观察评论的).

32.Each of us is equal.We can’t look down upon the _________(体力的,形体动作的)workers.

33.The students speak highly of the outstanding professor in the _________(学院,研究院).


Group buying is one of the fastest growing trends in South Africa today. Industry leaders are confident the growth potential remains strong since group buying is location-specific. Start-up costs are low and profit room remains high, so many sites continue to receive invested money despite widespread criticism and Facebook’s decision to phase out of deal business due to privacy concerns.

In the early stages of all industries, some companied fail because they cannot compete with stronger companies in difficult economic conditions. To deal with difficult conditions, an alarming number of businesses are developing group buying websites in places like China and India, so the increase of group buying in South Africa is nothing more than a natural progression into the international mainstream.

The group buying concept is fairly new and consumers have accepted this concept because they can now make full use of the rich information available on the Internet. Group buying is convenient and easy so it works. Anyone can view a site, join a mailing list, subscribe to RSS or print out a coupon(优惠券). The current group buying structure offered by the industry leaders works although there are still challenges to overcome.

Perhaps, the future of group buying is tied to the joining together of social media and mobile devices. Mobile devices are with us wherever we go and almost everyone is using some type of social media site like Facebook or Twitter to stay informed. Using GPS and social media technology to provide real time location-specific promotions would be beneficial to every consumer looking for the best deals in town.

Pause for a moment and think about it! What is better than signing on to your phone while having fun in town and you receive a real time information that your favorite shop across the street is offering a killer dial?

The future of the group buying in South Africa is bright and we can expect to see more advanced approaches to this concept in the future. In addition to the technological advances consumers will see the range of promotions expand to include new products and services.

1.What does the underlined phrase “phase out of” mean in the passage?

A.Gradually stop

B.Gradually increase

C.Begin to develop

D.Continue to enlarge

2.The author sets China and India as examples to show that      .

A.China and India are powerful countries

B.China and India are in difficult economic conditions

C.group buying is successful worldwide

D.group buying is an international trend

3. Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.People have accepted group buying because it’s a new concept

B.Social media and mobile devices have been joined

C.GPS and social media technology will be helpful in group buying

D.Shops usually offer a killer deal when their customers are having fun

4.The author’s attitude towards the future of group buying is     .





5.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.The history of group buying

B.Group buying in South Africa

C.The feature of group buying

D.The group buying concept



The tea gardens in Sri Lanka are actually large estates(种植园). The best tea usually comes from plants grown on high grounds, the cool hilltops with rows and rows of tea plants. The plants are about one metre apart. The plant is often pruned so that it remains only 60 to 90 centimetres high. Pruning is important because it encourages the growth of tender shoots, or young leaves. It is from these shoots that the best tea is got.

Practically all the tea pickers are women. The estates prefer to employ women pickers because they are more careful. Their thin fingers can easily remove the twin leaves and new shoots from the plant, which are the parts used for processing(加工) tea. The pickers carry large baskets into which they throw their pickings. A skilled worker can harvest between 9 to 14 kilogrammes of tea leaves a day. Usually new shoots can be picked from the plants about every ten or fifteen days.

       Processing tea shoots into the familiar dry tea leaves requires great care and skill .There are various methods of processing depending on the type of tea required .For black tea ,the young green leaves are first spread out o shelves to dry. This process removes much of its water and the leaves become soft. After this ,the leaves are passed through heavy rollers .This operation will press the leaves for juices which give the tea both its colour and taste .Then the leaves are spread out on floors and left to ferment (发酵)under wet conditions. Fermentation develops the rich taste of black tea .The fermented leaves are then dried with a hot-air blower until they become rolled-up black leaves .The final step is to sort and grade them before the black tea is ready for sale to countries all over the world.

68.In the first paragraph ,the word “pruning” means       .

       A.regular cutting of the plants

       B.frequent watering

       C.regular use of chemicals

       D.growing the plants high in the mountain

69.One of the reasons why women are employed to do the picking is that        .

       A.they work harder than men do in the picking

       B.they can throw their pickings more easily into the baskets

       C.their fingers fit them better for the job.

       D.they can more easily find the twin leaves.

70.How many processing steps are mentioned in the last paragraph?

       A.Three.                 B.Four.                   C.Five.                   D.Six.

71.What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage?

       A.To introduce various methods of tea processing.

       B.To persuade readers to buy tea from Sri Lanka.

       C.To tell a story that had happened in the tea gardens.

       D.To inform readers of tea growing ,picking and processing.


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