摘要: What was her for why she was late? C. take part in/join/join in/attend



  Stacy had recently moved from New York City to Stone Brook, Connecticut.It was hard for her to make new friends but she finally had three when she joined the Babysitters Clubs to take care of little children whose parents were busy.Claudia, Kristy, and Mary were in her class at school and also the other members of the club.The girls met at five o’clock on Friday and waited for the phone to ring.So far they had been busy, in spite of the fact that they couldn’t stay out late and were under 13.

  Suddenly, the girls’ world was invaded by a second group calling themselves the Babysitters Agency.They were older and the group also included a few boys.The Babysitter Club tried to think of ways to compete with the older group.They could clean work for less money, however, they knew it would be difficult to compete.The shock was even greater than they had expected when most of their best customers started to call the new group.They seemed to get only a few jobs.

  To try a new policy, Kristy recruited a few older kids who told the club they didn’t want to share their money with the other group.The club found out only too quickly that these older girls joined only as spies and didn’t show up for their job assignments.Thus more parents were unhappy with the club.

  Finally the girls realized that the kids in the other group were not good babysitters.They watched television, talked on the phone and invited boyfriends to the house where they were sitting.When the children of the family started to complain and a near accident almost occurred the club went to the parents to tell them what was happening.


The girls of the Babysitter Club ________.

[  ]


were not allowed to go out at night


did part-time job on weekends


made phone calls on Friday


met on Friday evening for discussion


The girls found it difficult to compete with the Babysitters Agency probably because ________.

[  ]


they were inexperienced


they asked for more money


they didn’t have good customers


there were no boys in their club


Why did some older kids leave the Babysitters Agency to join the Club?

[  ]


Because they wanted to make more money.


Because the club was recruiting new members.


Because they wanted to destroy the club.


Because they were not happy there.


In the end the girls went to tell the parents about ________.

[  ]


the kids in the other group


the children they were sitting


the girls’ boyfriends


the older girls who joined their club





1.What can we learn from the dialogue?

A.The final score was zero-four.

B.England team lost the football match.

C.The man felt disappointed.

2.Where is this conversation probably taking place?

A.On the bus.

B.At the library.

C.At the cinema.

3.What drink does the woman prefer?


B.Cold water.


4.What’s the man interested in during his free time?

A.Playing chess.

B.Collecting stamps.

C.Nothing but play.

5.What do the two speakers do immediately?

A.Have a cup of coffee.

B.Take a taxi to the woman’s place.

C.Make an early start.




6.How long has Bill been looking for a new position?

A.For several weeks.

B.For some day.

C.For quite a long time.

7.How did Bill feel about the interview?

A.He was sure lie could get the new job.

B.He was uncertain if lie could get the new job.

C.He didn’t think the interview was difficult.

8.What can we know from the talk?

A.Bill’s wife had a wonderful time.

B.Bill’s wife didn’t know the news.

C.Bill’s wife was satisfied with their life.


9.Why did Li Ming go to Hainan Island?

A.On business.

B.For a holiday.

C.To see his friends.

10.What did Li Ming do there?

A.He went hiking in the mountains and swam in the sea.

B.He sometimes went shopping in the town.

C.He sometimes had a picnic in the mountains.

11.Why is it quite wet on Hainan Island?

A.Because the wind there often comes from the warm sea.

B.Because it is the southern part of China.

C.Both A and B.


12.What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife.



13.What can we learn about the football match?

A.It will begin at one o’clock tomorrow morning.

B.It is between British arid the USA.

C.It will be a boring one.

14.Why did the woman decide not to watch the match?

A.She was afraid that she would be late for work.

B.She was not interested in it.

C.It took a long tine for her to fall asleep.


15.Why did the woman have NOT seen the man for some times?

A.He had been on vacation.

B.He was catching up on things at home.

C.He had been sick.

16.What can we learn about the woman from the dialogue?

A.She was taking care of her mother who had the flu.

B.She had been sick.

C.She didn’t have the flu.


17.Which of the following is TRUE about diet foods in America?

A.Americans spend 70 million dollars on diet foods.

B.Not many new diet foods are popular every year.

C.American supermarkets sell a variety of diet foods.

18.If people can’t lose weight on their own,what should they do?

A.Only eat ice cream for lunch and dinner.

B.Join diet groups.

C.Get help and encouragement somewhere.

19.What is the speaker mainly talk about?

A.Diet pills.

B.Ice cream diet.

C.American’s diet craze.

20.What’s the speaker’s attitude towards losing weight?



C.Not mentioned.





1.What can we learn from the dialogue ?

A.The final score was zero-four.

B.England team lost the football match.

C.The man felt disappointed.

2.Where is this conversation probably taking place?

A.On the bus.

B.At the library.

C.At the cinema.

3.What drink does the woman prefer ?


B.Cold water.


4.What’s the man interested in during his free time ?

A.Playing chess.

B.Collecting stamps.

C.Nothing but play.

5.What do the two speakers do immediately?

A.Have a cup of coffee.

B.Take a taxi to the woman’s place.

C.Make an early start.




6.How long has Bill been looking for a new position ?

A.For several weeks.

B.For some day.

C.For quite a long time.

7.How did Bill feel about the interview ?

A.He was sure lie could get the new job.

B.He was uncertain if lie could get the new job.

C.He didn’t think the interview was difficult.

8.What can we know from the talk?

A.Bill’s wife had a wonderful time.

B.Bill’s wife didn’t know the news.

C.Bill’s wife was satisfied with their life.


9.Why did Li Ming go to Hainan Island?

A.On business.

B.For a holiday.

C.To see his friends.

10.What did Li Ming do there?

A.He went hiking in the mountains and swam in the sea.

B.He sometimes went shopping in the town.

C.He sometimes had a picnic in the mountains.

11.Why is it quite wet on Hainan Island?

A.Because the wind there often comes from the warm sea.

B.Because it is the southern part of China.

C.Both A and B.


12.What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers ?

A.Husband and wife.



13.What can we learn about the football match?

A.It will begin at one o’clock tomorrow morning.

B.It is between British arid the USA.

C.It will be a boring one.

14.Why did the woman decide not to watch the match?

A.She was afraid that she would be late for work.

B.She was not interested in it.

C.It took a long tine for her to fall asleep.


15.Why did the woman have NOT seen the man for some times?

A.He had been on vacation.

B.He was catching up on things at home.

C.He had been sick.

16.What can we learn about the woman from the dialogue ?

A.She was taking care of her mother who had the flu.

B.She had been sick.

C.She didn’t have the flu.


17.Which of the following is TRUE about diet foods in America ?

A.Americans spend 70 million dollars on diet foods.

B.Not many new diet foods are popular every year.

C.American supermarkets sell a variety of diet foods.

18.If people can’t lose weight on their own,what should they do ?

A.Only eat ice cream for lunch and dinner.

B.Join diet groups.

C.Get help and encouragement somewhere.

19.What is the speaker mainly talk about ?

A.Diet pills.

B.Ice cream diet.

C.American’s diet craze.

20.What’s the speaker’s attitude towards losing weight ?



C.Not mentioned.





W:What do you think of the movie?

M:It’s very interesting.But it’s a pity I missed the first part.

1.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.The weather.

B.A movie.

C.A basketball match.

W:You are late again.What’s the matter with you?

M:I’m sorry, Miss Green.But I didn’t catch the school bus.That’s why I was late for school.

2.Where did the conversation probably take place?

A.In a restaurant.

B.In a book shop.

C.In a classroom.

W:I wonder if Jim will be here by 8∶00.He’s supposed to be.

M:His wife said he left at 7∶30, so he should be here by 8∶15 at the latest.

3.What time is Jim supposed to arrive?




W:How often should I take these pills and how many should I take?

M:Take two pills every six hours.

4.How many pills should the woman take in twenty-four hours?




xW:The room is filled with smoke.I can hardly breathe.

M:I agree.Smoking shouldn’t be allowed in this room.

5.What can be concluded from this conversation?

A.The woman is bothered by some people smoking heavily.

B.The room is on fire and full of smoke.

C.Smoking is strictly forbidden in the room.




W:It’s Alice’s birthday next Tuesday.What shall we buy for her birthday?

M:Does she like reading? We can buy her a book.

W:Well, she had lots of books already.Besides, her birthday present last year was also a book.

M:How about a basketball?

W:No, she doesn’t like basketball, but she likes football.

M:Get her a football, then?

W:Do you know how much a football costs?

M:I have no idea, about 20 yuan, maybe.

W:But I have only 6 yuan.How much do you have?

M:I have eight.Why not go and ask John if he would like to join us?

6.What was the birthday present they decided to buy?

A.A book.

B.A basketball.

C.A football.

7.How much money did the two speakers have altogether?

A.6 yuan

B.14 yuan

C.8 yuan

8.Why did they decide not to buy Alice a book?

A.Because she didn’t like reading at all.

B.Because she had lots of books in her room.

C.Because she had lots of books and her birthday present last year was a book.


M:What’s the matter, Alice?

W:Sorry, Mr Harrison.I missed my train.

M:Why did you miss the train?

W:Because I left home a little late.

M:Did you get up late or something?

W:No.My aunt called me at the last minute.

M:Tell her not to call you in the morning.

W:I will, Mr Harrison.I’m really sorry for being late.

M:If you are late again, I can’t let you pass for this class.

W:Oh, please.

9.What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Secretary and boss.

B.Teacher and student.

C.Doctor and patient.

10.Why was she late?

A.Her aunt called her to get up late.

B.She missed the bus.

C.She got a telephone call.

11.What can we know about the man?

A.He is strict with his students.

B.He is cold to Alice.

C.He gets angry easily.


W:Is it true that you don’t swim at all now?

M:I’m afraid so.I’m too old.

W:But you’re only twenty!

M:That’s too old for a swimmer.If I swam in an international competition now, I wouldn’t win.So I’d rather not swim at all.

W:But don’t you enjoy swimming?

M:I used to, when I was small.But if you enter for big competitions, you have to work very hard.I used to get up at 6∶00 a. m.to go to the pool.I had to swim before school, after school and on weekends.I swam thirty five miles every week at that time.

W:But you were famous at fifteen.And look at all those cups!

M:It’s true that I have some wonderful memories.I enjoyed visiting other countries,and my Olympics were very exciting.But I missed more important things.While other boys were growing up, I was swimming.

12.At what time did he get up when he was small?

A.At six in the morning.

B.At six thirty in the morning.

C.At five to six in the morning.

13.How many miles did he swim every week?

A.Thirty miles a week.

B.Thirteen miles a week.

C.Thirty-five miles a week.

14.Which is right according to the dialogue?

A.The man is 40 now.

B.At the age of 15, the man became well-known.

C.The man doesn’t enjoy traveling.


M:Hi, Shirley, how about going to the football game today?

W:I’m not going to it.I’m planning to watch it on television.

M:What’s that? Do you feel too poor to watch a football game?

W:Money’s not the problem.I find it easier to follow football on television than in the stadium.When I see the game in the stadium, I feel as if I’m too far away from the action.

M:I know just what you mean.But there’s always so much excitement.People are cheering and shouting when you’re there.

W:You’re right there, but I can’t even see who has the ball, I can’t get very excited.So I really prefer watching it on television.

M:I see your point.Well, enjoy the game.

W:You too.

15.What are the man and the woman talking about?

A.Viewing a football game.

B.Interviews with football players.

C.Money problem about a football game.

16.Why is the woman not going with the man?

A.Because she is too poor to buy a ticket.

B.Because she doesn’t like people’s cheering and shouting in the stadium.

C.Because she finds it easier to follow football on television than in the stadium.

17.Which is right according to the dialogue?

A.The man likes people’s cheering and shouting in the stadium.

B.The woman can’t get excited while watching the football game on television.

C.There’s always so little excitement in the stadium.


  When the Americans were getting ready to send their first men to the moon, an old Irishman was watching them on TV in the bar of a hotel.There was an Englishman in the bar, too, and he said to the Irishman, “The Americans are very clever, aren’t they? They are going to send some men to the moon.It’s a very long way away from our world.”

  “Oh, that’s nothing, ” the Irishman answered quickly.“The Irish are going to send some men to the sun in a few months’ time.That’s much farther away than the moon, you know.”

  The Englishman was very surprised when he heard this.“Oh, yes, it is, ”he said.“But the sun’s too hot for people to go to.”

  The Irishman laughed and answered, “Well, the Irishmen aren’t stupid, you know.We won’t go to the sun during the day, of course.We’ll go there during the night.”

18.Who were in the bar of the hotel?

A.Some Americans.

B.An Irishman.

C.An Englishman and an Irishman.

19.What was the Irishman doing?

A.He was drinking.

B.He was watching TV.

C.He was reading.

20.What was on TV?

A.The Americans were getting ready to go to the moon.

B.The Irish were ready to send some men to the sun.

C.Some Englishmen were sent to the moon.


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