摘要: 解析:选A.考查连词的用法.now that 既然.引导原因状语从句.表示显而易见的原因.用于主句前;because引导原因状语从句.不用于主句前; for引导句子用来补充说明原因,不用于句首.although 尽管,引导让步状语从句.句意为:既然你已经想到解决这个问题的最好办法了.务必给我们解释一下.



Think about the different ways that people use the wind. You can use it to fly a kite or to sail a boat. Wind is one of our cleanest and richest power sources(来源), as well as one of the oldest. Evidence shows that windmills(风车)began to be used in ancient Iran back in the seventh century BC. They were first introduced to Europe during the 1100s, when armies returned from the Middle East with knowledge of using wind power.

For many centuries, people used windmills to grind(磨碎)wheat into flour or pump water from deep underground. When electricity was discovered in the late 1800s, people living in remote areas began to use them to produce electricity. This allowed them to have electric lights and radio. However, by the 1940s, when electricity was available to people in almost all areas of the United States, windmills were rarely used.

During the 1970s, people started becoming concerned about the pollution that is created when coal and gas are burned to produce electricity. People also realized that the supply of coal and gas would not last forever. Then, wind was rediscovered, though it means higher costs. Today, there is a global movement to supply more and more of our electricity through the use of wind.

60. From the text we know that windmills              .

A. were invented by European armies

B. have a history of more than 2800 years

C. used to supply power to radio in remote areas

D. have rarely been used since electricity was discovered

61. What was a new use for wind power in the late l9th century?

A. Sailing a boat. 

B. Producing electricity.

C. Grinding wheat into flour.

D. Pumping water from underground.

62. One of the reasons wind was rediscovered in the 1970s is that             .

A. wind power is cleaner

B. it is one of the oldest power sources

C. it was cheaper to create energy from wind

D. the supply of coal and gas failed to meet needs

63. What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?

A. The advantage of wind power.

B. The design of wind power plants.

C. The worldwide movement to save energy.

D. The global trend towards producing power from wind.

【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据末段句子Today, there is a global movement to supply more and more of our electricity through the use of wind可知,接下来作者应该谈论利用风能发电的情况,因此选择D项。



A.Learn to Listen and Speak

B.Develop Healthy Relationships

C.Arrange Some Time to Go Out

D.Respect Each Other

E.Agree to Disagree   

F.Learn Every day  










Healthy Relationship  Tips

Healthy relationships are effortless, if both the people involved take equal effort to maintain it.Here are a few healthy relationship tips to help you build the dream of your life.


Communication is an art of putting your thoughts into words, so that they are exactly understood by the opposite person. Communication does not mean going on talking unnecessarily. This is the first mistake that couples make. One person in the relationship assumes the role of talker and the other becomes the listener. Their roles remain so forever. The talker  forgets to listen and the listener becomes used to listening and not reacting. If your partner takes time to open up, help them out by asking questions. So hear them out and give proper reactions.You will obtain the benefits of a healthy relationship through increased confidence in both of you to open up and hear things out.


Regular conversations take the form of heated arguments amongst many couples. Understand that not every statement needs a reaction. Maybe a certain reaction may lead to an argument with your partner. Just agree with whatever ii is and there will be no harm done. Try and reach a  mutual(相互的) agreement. If that's not possible leave the topic for later. If you give it time, maybe both of you will be able to think about it rationally.             '


Every single day is a blessing. Each moment with your partner is a moment to learn something new and discover the finer nuances (细微差别) of your relationships. Each one of us keeps changing every day, the circumstances around us change every day and with that our attitude also needs to change. The same applies when you are living with a person. Learning every day and taking every day as a challenge will help you perfect healthy relationship tips.


This tip is especially meant for couples with children on how to maintain healthy relationships After a certain period, couples complain about romance being lost. To keep your relationship healthy, take some time out from your day-to-day routines to spend some quality time with your partner. This can be done as dinners, indulging in outdoor activities or just hanging out at a coffee shop like old times.


         Respect has to be earned. It can only be earned only if you learn to respect. Often, one of the partners plays the role of a dictator to give orders, while the other simply follows. Both sides involved are equally responsible for this mistake, Learn to respect each other-and understand that both of you are equally responsible for the relationship.

Creating a healthy relationship takes equal effort from both sides. Sharing, caring, being     apologetic, forgiving and having realistic expectations are some of the important ingredients to the recipe of a healthy relationship.



One day a doctor was starting his morning works. Suddenly                         81. _______
a man ran his room. His face was red and he could                             82. _______
only say"Quick! Quick!"The doctor thought he can be                              83. _______
very ill. His assistant helped to get the poor man sit in                            84. _______
a chair. The doctor gave the man some medicine to make                          85. _______
him to sleep. Then he looked into the man's mouth and                            86. _______
pulled out all the bad tooths. As soon as the man woke                           87. _______
up, he said"Quick, doctor, Quick,"with a low voice.                                88. _______
"It's all over now,"the doctor told him."You don't understand,"                    89. _______
said the man."I came to tell you your house is on the fire."                         90. _______


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