摘要:The police came to the conclusion from the mass of that the old woman was the killer.


I was walking along Orchard Road when I realized a tall young man wearing a jacket and tie was following me. I noticed him because not many people wear a jacket and tie in the middle of a hot summer day, and I had already seen this man four times that afternoon.
To make sure he was following me, I walked on quickly, turned right into a shopping center and then stopped to look in a shop window. Soon the man appeared and stopped at another shop window. I walked on and stopped several times. When I stopped, he stopped too.
I began to be rather worried and decided to try to lose this strange man. When I saw a taxi coming, I jumped into it. As I was telling the taxi driver where to go, I found the man get into another taxi, which then followed mine. As the two taxies slowly made their way along Orchard Road, I looked back at the taxi behind, and saw that the stranger was looking out at me. At MRT station, I told the taxi driver to stop and I got out. As I was paying my fare, I saw the man was getting out of his taxi.
By now I got angry, so I turned and walked straight to him. I asked him why he was following me.  At first he said he was not following me at all, but when I threatened(威胁) to call the police, he admitted he was. He then told me that he was a news reporter and that he was writing an article on how elderly people in Singapore spend their time. He said he was observing me to gather materials for his article. 
46. What is strange about the man who followed the writer?
A. He seemed to be wearing too much.           B. He was out on such a hot day.
C. He walked quickly behind.                      D. He was a tall young man.
47. What did the stranger do when the writer jumped into a taxi?
A. He got into another taxi.                         B. He tried to stop the taxi.
C. He almost gave up following him.             D. He made his way along Orchard Road.
48. How did the writer have the stranger admit(承认) he was following him?
A. He threatened to take him to the police.            B. He called the police.
C. He said he would call the police.                             D. He talked to the police.
49. Why did the stranger follow the writer?
A. He was interested in elderly people.                  B. He often does such things.
C. He was writing a book about young people.          D. He needed materials for his article.


London, Reuters--What could annoy teenagers enough to make them stop hanging out with friends and go home?
No, it's not a visit from their mothers, and not a threat to take away their cellphones or pocket money.
It's high-frequency noise. The UK police recently agreed to use a device (装置) called the Sonic Teenager Deterrent. It sends out a sound that makes teenagers become so impatient and angry that they have to cover their ears tightly and walk away.
The sound is at extreme high-pitch that can be heard by those under 20. The body's natural ability to detect some wave bands decreases almost entirely after 20, so few adults can hear the sounds. The black-box device, nicknamed the Mosquito because of its sound, can be fixed to the outside walls of shops, offices and homes. It sounds to youngsters like a crazy insect or a badly played violin. But it causes no physical damage.
A number of police forces and councils have given permission to use the system and want to install (安装) it at trouble spots.
Staffordshire Police Inspector Amanda Davies, who has given the device to shopkeepers in the Moorlands area, said," It is controlled by the shopkeepers--if they can see through their window that there is a problem, they turn the device on for a while until the group has run away."
【小题1】The device can be used to _______.

A.threaten teenagers in public
B.drive away trouble-makers under 20
C.help mothers control their teenage children
D.help the police control shopkeepers
【小题2】From the passage we can know that _______.
A.young people often suffer from pains in ears
B.shopkeepers are troubled by noisy insects
C.high-frequency noise is beyond the listening ability of people over 20
D.the police invented a new device to deal with teenagers
【小题3】The purpose of the writer to write the passage is ______.
A.to advertise a new hi-tech device
B.to tell the reader a piece of news
C.to sell the device to shopkeepers
D.to inform the public as the spokesman of the police
【小题4】Who will welcome the device most?
A.Shopkeepers.B.The police.C.Young people.D.The producer.


A Swedish man aws dug out alive after being snowed in car on a forest track for rwo months with no food, police and local media reported on Saturday, The 45-year-old from southern Sweden was found on Friday , Fedruary 17, Too weak to say more than a rew wouds, He was found not far from the city of UImea in the north of Sweden by snowmobilers who thought they had come across a ruined car until they dug their way to a window and wawmovement inside.

The man ,who was lying in the back seat in a sleeping bag ,said he had been in the car since December 19.

“Just incredible that he’s alive considering that he had no food,but also since it’s been ,really cold for some time after Christmas,” a rescue team member told regional daily Vasterbottens - Kuriren ,which broke the news.

Ebbe Nyberg, duty officer at the Umea police , said police waw no reason to doubt that the man had been stuck in the car for a very long time,“We sould not make up something like this, The rescue services were on site too and saw the same as us”,he told Vasterbottens-Kuriren.

Umea University Hospital ,where the man is recovering after being rescued by police and a rescue team , said in a statement he was doing well considering the circumstances.

Doctors at the hospital said humans would normally be able to survive for about four weeks without food ,Besides eating snow , the man probably survived by going into a dormant-like(休息似的)state ,physician Stefan Branth told Vasterbottens-Knriren ,“He probably had a body temperature of around 31 degrees which the body adjusted to ,Due to the low temperature ,not much energy was used up”

1.Who found the Swedish man in the snow?

A.Snowmobilers      B.The police         C.A rescue team      D.Local people

2.“Police saw no reason to doubt that the man had been stuck in the car for a very long time”implies that         

A.police didn’t think it true

B.police were sure of the fact

C.police had some doubt on the fact

D.police had reasons to doubt the fact

3.The reason shy the man could survive was most probably that         

A.he was only forty –five –year old         B.he did not use any energy

C.he slept in the sleeping bag                D.he was in a dormant-like state

4.Which is the correct order of the following evernts?

a、The Swedish man was stuck in the snow

b、He was went to Umea University Hospital

c、He was found by snowmobilers

d、He was recovering after treatment

e、He stayed in his car for nearly two months

f、He was dug out by people

A.eackfb            B.aecfbd            C.afcebd            D.ecfadb

5.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A.A Traffic Accident                       B.A long Sleep in Winter

C.An Incredible Survival                    D.A Successful Rescue




       Although the top men in smuggling(走私)business must work together, most of a syndicate’s(集团)small fry, especially the mules, know only their immediate contacts. If caught there is little they can give away. A mule probably will not even know the name of the person who gives him his instructions, nor how to get in touch with him. Usually he even does not know the person to whom he has to make delivery. He will be told just to sit tight in a certain hotel or bar until someone contacts him. In this way if he is blown, coming through airport customs he cannot unwittingly lead agents to the next link in the chain. All the persons at the receiving end do is to hang around the airport among the waiting crowd, and see that the mule comes through safely. If he does not, he is dimply written off(报废;注销)as a loss. To make identification of mules easier, several syndicates have devised their own “club ties” so that a mule wearing one can immediately be picked out.

       Mules often receive careful training before embarking on their first journey. One Beirut organization, for example, uses a room with three airline seats in it. There the trainee mules sit for hours on end wearing weighted smuggling vests beneath their clothes, so that they become accustomed to standing up after a long flight in a natural way, and without revealing what they are carrying. An outfit in Brussels maintained a comfortable apartment where the mules could relax and get a firm grip on themselves on the night before their first journey; they were helped to dress before setting out for the airport in the morning. More often than not a courier will not know precisely where he is going or what flight number is until he is actually handed his tickets at the airport. This prevents the careless boast in some bar or to a girl friend the night before.

       Mules occasionally run off with the goods to keep the profit themselves. As insurance against this, a syndicate often sends a high-up on the same plane to keep a wary eye on couriers, particularly new ones. Even then things can go badly wrong. One international currency smuggler who was having trouble getting money out of Britain was offered help by a group of men who said they were in a position to “fix thing” – for a fee of course. Foolishly, the smuggler agreed to accept their help. When he got to London’s Heathrow Airport, he handed over to one of the men a black suitcase containing nearly $90,000 in cash, destined for Frankfurt. Just to keep an eye on things, the smuggler went along on the same plane. When they landed at Frankfurt he was handed back his suitcase. He beat a straight path to the men’s toilet, opened the case, and found only old clothes. The courier had switched suitcase en route, but the smuggler could hardly run to the police and complain that “the man who was smuggling money out of England for me has stolen it.”

What is a “mule”?

A A person who sends smuggling goods for a syndicate is called mule.

B A person in charge of smuggling goods is called mule.

C A person who makes delivery for a syndicate is called mule.

D A person who receives instructions from a smuggler is called mule.

The sentence “if he is blown” in line (6) is closest in meaning to

A if he is arrested.                  B if he is recognized, but not necessarily arrested.

C if he is recognized and arrested.     D if he runs away.

Why does the author give an example in the last paragraph?

A To show how a smuggler is caught. 

B To show a smuggler is afraid of the police.

C To show to keep a wary eye on couriers is useless.

D To show mules may keep the profit for themselves.

how does a mule work?

A Jointly.                   B Independently.

C consciously.               D Separately.


A Swedish man was dug out alive after being snowed in his car on a forest track for two months with no food, police and local media reported on Saturday.

The 45-year-old from southern Sweden was found on Friday, February17, too weak to say more than a few words.

He was found not far from the city of Umea in the north of Sweden by snowmobilers who thought they had come across a ruined car until they dug their way to a window and saw movement inside.

The man, who was lying in the back seat in a sleeping bag, said he had been in the car since December 19.

“Just incredible that he’s alive considering that he had no food, but also since it’s been really cold for some time after Christmas.” a rescue team member told regional daily Vasterbottens- Kuriren, which broke the news.

Ebbe Nyberg, duty officer at the Umea police, said police saw no reason to doubt that the man had been stuck in the car for a very long time.

“We would not make up something like this. The rescue services were on site too and saw the same as us.” he told Vasterbottens-Kuriren.

Umea University Hospital, where the man is recovering after being rescued by police and a rescue team, said in a statement he was doing well considering the circumstances.

Doctors at the hospital said humans would normally be able to survive for about four weeks without food. Besides eating snow, the man probably survived by going into a dormant-like(休眠似的) state, physician Stefan Branth told Vasterbottens-Kuriren.

“A bit like a bear that hibernates. Humans can do that.” he said. “He probably had a body temperature of around 31 degrees which the body adjusted to. Due to the low temperature, not much energy was used up.”

“Why the man ended up under the snow in the forest remains unknown,” police said.

1.Who found the Swedish man in the snow?

A.Snowmobilers      B.The police         C.A rescue team      D.Local people

2.“Police saw no reason to doubt that the man had been stuck in the car for a very long time.” implies that     .

A.police didn’t think it true                B.police were sure of the fact

C.police had some doubt on the fact          D.police had reasons to doubt the fact

3.The reason why the man could survive was most probably that     .

A.he was only forty-five year old             B.he did not use any energy

C.he slept in the sleeping bag                D.he was in a dormant-like state

4.Which is the correct order of the following events?

a.The Swedish man was stuck in the snow.     b.He was sent to Umea University Hospital.

c.He was found by snowmobilers.            d.He was recovering after treatment.

e.He stayed in his car for nearly two months.   f.He was dug out by people.

A.e, a, c, d, f, b       B.a, e, c, f, b, d        C.a, f, c, e, b, d       D.e, c, f, a, d, b

5.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A.A Traffic Accident                       B.A Long Sleep in Winter

C.An Incredible Survival                    D.A Successful Rescue



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