摘要: It was not until you went away that I realized that I had made a mistake. ?提升练习


What do working mothers worry about the most? It’s the kids of course. Whatever the setting, the question I get asked the most is “Will the kids be alright?” It’s made me realize that we tend to look at the glass half-empty rather than half-filled when it comes to blending work and family. We forget about all the benefits that we bring to our children when we work ---- and I’m not talking about the obvious financial benefits, although these of course shouldn’t be taken for granted.

About a year ago I remember getting a call from the school just as I was pulling up to the house after having driven 20 minutes to the school and 20 minutes back. “Mrs. Brown Quinn, your son asked us to call. He forgot his sports clothes. Can you come back to the school and drop them off?” I was exasperated (恼火)! I had already spent 40 minutes in aggressive weekday morning traffic. I replied, “Sorry, I’m working at the moment. I’m afraid my son needs to learn to be organized.”

Being a good parent requires delivering tough love sometimes. Kids need to learn to be independent. It can be a cruel and competitive world out there. Pursuing interests, including business, outside of your kids, can give you that extra perspective that you need not overwhelm your kids with attention. This benefit of working isn’t always immediately evident.

It wasn’t until our daughter went away to college that she realized why we had raised her in the way that we did. “Mom, I can’t believe how so many of my friends struggle to manage things on their own. They are constantly calling their parents for help.” You’ll love that moment! After all those years of complaining about why you don’t do this or why you don’t give them that, your kids realize that tough love has made them better people.

69. The author refused to drop off her son’s sports clothes because ______.

A. she was caught in heavy traffic

B. she was busy working

C. she thought her son was lying

D. she wanted her son to be organized

70. How can kids become better people according to the author?

  A. By giving them all your attention

  B. By giving them freedom to do things on their own

  C. By showing them your deep love

  D. By giving them tough love

71. The daughter’s attitude towards the author is ______ when she grows up.

  A. complaining

B. caring

C. understanding

D. disappointed

72. The purpose of the author is to ______.

  A. analyze a special benefit of working

  B. advise us to blend work and family

  C. argue for working mothers

  D. describe her own experience in raising children

      What do working mothers worry about the most? It's the kids of course. Whatever the setting, the
question I get asked the most is "Will the kids be alright?" It's made me realize that we tend to look at the
glass half-empty rather than half-filled when it comes to mixing work and family. We forget about all the
benefits that we bring to our children when we work - and I'm not talking about the obvious financial
benefits, although these of course shouldn't be taken for granted.
     About a year ago I remember getting a call from the school just as I was pulling up to the house after
having driven 20 minutes to the school and 20 minutes back. "Mrs. Brown Quinn, your son asked us to
call. He forgot his sports clothes. Can you come back to the school and drop them off?" I was exasperated(恼火)! I had already spent 40 minutes in aggressive weekday morning traffic. I replied, "Sorry, I'm
working at the moment. I'm afraid my son needs to learn to be organized."
     Being a good parent requires delivering tough love sometimes. Kids need to learn to be independent.
It can be a cruel and competitive world out there. Seeking   interests, including business, outside of your
kids, can give you that extra idea that you need not care for your kids with attention. This benefit of
working isn't always immediately evident.
     It wasn't until our daughter went away to college that she realized why we had raised her in the way
that we did. "Mom, I can't believe how so many of my friends struggle to manage things on their own.
They are constantly calling their parents for help." You'll love that moment! After all those years of
complaining about why you don't do this or why you don't give them that, your kids realize that tough
love has made them better people.

1. The author refused to drop off her son's sports clothes because ______.

A. she was caught in heavy traffic
B. she was busy working
C. she thought her son was lying
D. she wanted her son to be organized

2. How can kids become better people according to the author?

A. By giving them all your attention.
B. By giving them freedom to do things on their own.
C. By showing them your deep love.
D. By giving them tough love.

3. The daughter's attitude towards the author is ______ when she grows up.

A. surprised
B. caring
C. understanding
D. disappointed

4. The purpose of the author is to ______.

A. throw light on a special benefit of working
B. advise us to mix work and family
C. argue for working mothers
D. describe her own experience in raising children
     In college I had a part-time job at a shop downtown that sold doughnuts (a kind of cake) and coffee.    1  on a block where a dozen buses stopped, it provided food to people who had a few minutes to
wait for their   2  .
     I   3   coffee in take-out cups and patiently waited on customers who'd point through the glass case
and say, "No, not that one, the one two rows over."
     Every afternoon around four o'clock, a group of school children would   4   into the shop. Adults
would glance in, see the crowd and   5  on. I didn't   6   if the kids waited for the bus in the shop.
I came to know them pretty well. The older girls would tell me about their boyfriends; the younger ones
would talk about school. The boys were quieter, choosing not to   7   their secrets, but still, they'd wait
every day in the store   8   their bus came.
     Sometimes I'd hand out bus fare when a ticket went   9  --always repaid the next day. When it
snowed, the kids and I would wait anxiously for a very   10   bus. They'd call their parents to let them
know they were okay. At   11   time I'd lock the door, and the kids and I would wait in the warm store
until their bus finally arrived.
     I   12   a lot of doughnuts on snowy days. I enjoyed my pals (伙伴), but it never  13   to me that I
played an important part in their lives until one Saturday afternoon when a serious -looking man entered
the store and asked if I was the girl who worked weekdays around four o'clock. I   14  it was true, and
he introduced himself   15  the father of two my favorites--a brother and sister team.
     "I want you to know I appreciate what you do for my children. I   16   about them having to take two
buses to get home. It   17   a lot that they can wait here with you keeping an eye on them."
     I told him it wasn't a big   18  and that I enjoyed the kids.
     "No, you don't understand. When they're with the doughnuts lady, I know they're   19  . It is a big
deal. And I'm grateful."
     So I was the Doughnuts lady. I not only had received a    20  , I had become a landmark.
(     )1. A. Crowded    
(     )2. A. ride       
(     )3. A. tasted     
(     )4. A. burst      
(     )5. A. go         
(     )6. A. know    
(     )7. A. hear       
(     )8. A. when       
(     )9. A. losing     
(     )10. A. early     
(     )11. A. closing  
(     )12. A. ate up    
(     )13. A. stuck     
(     )14. A. admitted  
(     )15. A. for     
(     )16. A. care      
(     )17. A. means    
(     )18. A. pride   
(     )19. A. happy     
(     )20. A. letter
B. Located        
B. chance       
B. cooked       
B. enter       
B. come          
B. mind           
B. notice      
B. before         
B. required      
B. late          
B. opening       
B. gave away     
B. reminded      
B. limited       
B. to            
B. worry        
B. takes         
B. pleasure     
B. active   
B. title
C. Directed      
C. children    
C. made         
C. look   
C. pass        
C. understand     
C. share    
C. after         
C. missing     
C. fast       
C. proper      
C. made         
C. moved         
C. guessed     
C. as        
C. talk         
C. intends  
C. deal          
C. alive         
C. fortune
D. Removed             
D. jobs            
D. poured                
D. point         
D. pull               
D. realized             
D. search          
D. until              
D. remaining          
D. big            
D. holiday         
D. produced          
D. occurred            
D. considered        
D. like             
D. wonder             
D. gives          
D. help              
D. safe        
D. love              


  What do working mothers worry about the most? It’s the kids of course.Whatever the setting, the question I get asked the most is “Will the kids be alright?” It’s made me realize that we tend to look at the glass half-empty rather than half-filled when it comes to mixing work and family.We forget about all the benefits that we bring to our children when we work ---- and I’m not talking about the obvious financial benefits, although these of course shouldn’t be taken for granted.

  About a year ago I remember getting a call from the school just as I was pulling up to the house after having driven 20 minutes to the school and 20 minutes back.“Mrs.Brown Quinn, your son asked us to call.He forgot his sports clothes.Can you come back to the school and drop them off?” I was exasperated(恼火)! I had already spent 40 minutes in aggressive weekday morning traffic.I replied, “Sorry, I’m working at the moment.I’m afraid my son needs to learn to be organized.”

  Being a good parent requires delivering tough love sometimes.Kids need to learn to be independent.It can be a cruel and competitive world out there.Seeking  interests, including business, outside of your kids, can give you that extra idea that you need not care for your kids with attention.This benefit of working isn’t always immediately evident.

  It wasn’t until our daughter went away to college that she realized why we had raised her in the way that we did.“Mom, I can’t believe how so many of my friends struggle to manage things on their own.They are constantly calling their parents for help.” You’ll love that moment! After all those years of complaining about why you don’t do this or why you don’t give them that, your kids realize that tough love has made them better people.


The author refused to drop off her son’s sports clothes because ________.

[  ]


she was caught in heavy traffic


she was busy working


she thought her son was lying


she wanted her son to be organized


How can kids become better people according to the author?

[  ]


By giving them all your attention.


By giving them freedom to do things on their own.


By showing them your deep love.


By giving them tough love.


The daughter’s attitude towards the author is ________ when she grows up.

[  ]










The purpose of the author is to ________.

[  ]


throw light on a special benefit of working


advise us to mix work and family


argue for working mothers


describe her own experience in raising children


Professor Bumble is an old man, thin and short. He is  1 absent-minded but seriously shortsighted. His mind is always busy 2 thought, plan, new ideas, and so on, and he hardly notices 3 around him.

One fine day he went out for a walk in the countryside, and, as always, he had 4 in his hand. As soon as he  5 his walk, he began reading attentively. He  6 far when he knocked 7 a big cow and fell down. He had lost his 8 in the fall, and he 9  he had stumbled over a fat lady. “ 10 , madam,” he said 11 with a low bow before searching for his glasses. When he  12 , he realized his mistake.

Now Professor Bumble went on 13 on the country road. Soon he was concentrating on his book again and paying no attention to 14 . He had hardly been walking for five minutes  15 he fell over again, losing  16 . This time he became very angry. He beat the “cow” angrily   17 his umbrella until he could not reach it. Then, after 18 his glasses, he realized that he had made 19 mistake. A large fat  20 was running away from him as fast as she could, crying for help with horror.

1. A. not     B. not also   C. not only    D. only

2. A. with    B. in     C. have      D. doing

3. A. what is happened       B. what is going on

  C. that is taken place     D. that is happening

4. A. a glass            B. a pair of glasses

  C. a black bag         D. a book

5. A. set off          B. began to set off

  C. set out           D. acted off for

6. A didn’t go          B. hadn’t gone

C. hasn’t gone         D. wasn’t gone

7. A. into    B. at      C. down      D. over

8. A. book   B. bag      C. glasses     D. umbrella

9. A. realized  B. saw     C. thought     D. noticed

10. A. Make an apology to me    B. Thanks

C. I show sorry to you     D. I beg your pardon

11. A. happily   B. angrily    C. rudely     D. politely

12. A. had put on them        B. had put them on

  C. had put it on        D. had worn them

13. A. with his walk        B. for a walk

  C. to walk          D. walking away

14. A. something else       B. other something

  C. else anything        D. anything else

15. A. when           B. than

  C. before            D. after

16. A. all his book and his glasses 

  B. either his book or his glasses

  C. both his book and his glasses

  D. neither his glasses nor his book

17. A. to use    B. with   C. by      D. in

18. A. searching for          B. looking for

  C. finding for          D. finding

19. A. the second          B. a second

  C. again             D. other

20. A. cow           B. man   

  C. woman           D. bear



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