摘要: Heat causes the of gases.



  In our country, power plants that make electricity are often built on rivers. Cool water that is used in making electricity becomes warm as it runs through the plant. Then the heated water is returned to the river.

  When large amounts of warm water are dumped into a river, the river itself is heated. The temperature of the water may be raised only a few degrees. Yet these few degrees can change the animal and plant life in the river. Heat causes a loss of oxygen in the water. fish no longer do well, and some kinds die. Without enough oxygen, bacteria in the river cannot break down waste matter. The river is no longer clean.

  In the coming years, new power plants will be built. Many will be run by nuclear energy. A nuclear power plant heats a river even more than a power plant run by gas, oil, or coal.

  In some states, laws are being passed to protect the rivers. Certain rivers will be called “cold-water rivers” . Power plants will not be allowed to raise their temperature above . The temperature of “warm-water rivers” will not be raised above . Power plants will have to cool the water before they pour into rivers.

1.Water that is used in making electricity ________.

[  ]

A.flows fast
B.is used up
C.becomes warm
D.turns to ice

2.The story does not say so, but it makes you think that ________.

[  ]

A.fish must have oxygen

B.bacteria must be removed from rivers

C.plants need warm water

D.all the power plants am built on rivets

3.Many power plants will be run by ________ .

[  ]

A.cold-water rivers

B.nuclear energy

C.gas, coal, or oil

D.drops of water

4.Why are laws being passed to protect our rivers?

[  ]

A.We must save all the water we can to make electricity.

B.People are catching too many fish in our streams and rivers.

C.Without laws, warm water dumped into rivers could kill the fish.

D.Lawyers can have many jobs to do.

5 .On the whole this story is about ________.

[  ]

A.the changes caused by heating rivers

B.how nuclear power plants use electricity

C.why we must build new power plants

D.where we can find dead fish

     Almost all theme park accidents can be prevented. Here, based on theme park safety, are some tips to help
you and your family stay safe on your next visit.
     Stay Cool, and Don't Get Burned
     Heat causes more pain and injury at theme parks than all the world's roller coasters (过山车) combined.
Water is your best friend in helping p.revent heat-related illnesses in theme parks. Choose water rather than
juice and soft drinks whenever you get thirsty. Put on a waterproof sunscreen before you enter the park. A
hat or sunglass- es can help, too.
     Stay In to Stay Safe
     On any theme park ride, keep your rear (后部) on the seat, your hands on the grab bar (扶手) and your
feet and knees inside the car. If there is no grab bar, keep your hands on your lap (膝部). If you are riding a
"floorless" coaster, relax your legs. Don't kick them out to the side or front. Do not get on or off a ride until
you've been given the okay by an attendant to do so.
     Help the Kids
     If you are visiting with a child, tell them how they should be have. Meanwhile, parents also know the
following rules, too.
     ★Tell them to stay seated, to hold the grab bar or put their hands in the laps.
     ★And never put a crying child on a ride. If your child starts to cry, let others pass you in line until your
child is calmed. Or, gently exit the queue and find something more relaxing to do.
     ★Let them take plenty of breaks.
     "Kids get tired," said TPI reader Matt Johnson, a father of four. "Tired kids make parents even more tired.
And tired kids and parents get hurt-physically and emotionally." He advises that parefits plan a mid-day break,
perhaps a swim back at the hotel, to avoid mid-day heat and crowds.
     "You will see many families having a miserable time while you are refreshed and having a great evening."
1. The best title for the passage would probably be _____.
A. Theme Park Safety Tips
B. How to Protect Yourselves Better
C. Full Preparations Before Visiting Theme Park
D. Theme Park Accidents
2. The underlined word "miserable" likely means _____.
A. comfortable
B. very unhappy
C. pleasant
D. wonderful
3. We may infer from Matt Johnson's words that _____.
A. he doesn't like to visit a theme park with his children
B. parents with many children may be tired of visiting a theme park
C. not all the families are relaxed or happy when they visit a theme park
D. parents should plan a mid-day break or a swim back at the hotel to avoid heat and crowds.


  In our country, power plants that make electricity are often built on rivers. Cool water that is used in making electricity becomes warm as it runs through the plant. Then the heated water is returned to the river.

  When large amounts of warm water are dumped into a river, the river itself is heated. The temperature of the water may be raised only a few degrees. Yet these few degrees can change the animal and plant life in the river. Heat causes a loss of oxygen in the water. Fish no longer do well, and some kinds die. Without enough oxygen, bacteria in the river cannot break down waste matter. The river is no longer clean.

  In the coming years, new power plants will be built. Many will be run by nuclear energy. A nuclear power plant heats a river even more than a power plant run by gas, oil, or coal.

  In some states, laws are being passed to protect the rivers. Certain rivers will be called “cold-water rivers”. Power plants will not be allowed to raise their temperature above 69F. The temperature of “warm-water rivers” will not be raised above 83 F. Power plants will have to cool the water before they pour into rivers.

1.Water that is used in making electricity ________ .

[  ]

A.flows fast
B.is used up
C.becomes warm
D.turns to ice

2.The story does not say so, but it makes you think that ________ .

[  ]

A.fish must have oxygen

B.bacteria must be removed from rivers

C.plants need warm water

D.all the power plants are built on rivers

3.Many power plants will be run by ________ .

[  ]

A.cold-water rivers
B.nuclear energy
C.gas, coal or oil
D.drops of water

4.Why are laws being passed to protect our rivers?

[  ]

A.We must save all the water we can to make electricity.

B.People are catching too many fish in our streams and rivers.

C.Without laws, warm water dumped into rivers could kill the fish.

D.Lawyers can have many jobs to do.

5.On the whole this story is about ________ .

[  ]

A.the changes caused by heating rivers

B.how nuclear power plants use electricity

C.why we must build new power plants

D.where we can find dead fish



People have smoked cigarettes for a long time. The tobacco used to make cigarettes was grown in what is now part of the United States. Christopher Columbus, who discovered America, saw the Indians smoking, and soon the dried leaves were transported to Europe where smoking began to catch on. In the late 1800s, the Turk(土耳其人) made cigarettes even popular.

Cigarettes smoke contains at least two harmful substances, tar and nicotine. Tar, which forms as the tobacco burns, damages the lungs and therefore affects breathing. Nicotine, which is found in the leaves, causes the heart to beat faster and increases breathing rate.

Smoking cigarettes is dangerous. The U.S. Public Health Service stated that cigarette smoking is the cause of lung cancers and several other deadly diseases. The U.S. government now requires that each package of cigarettes bear(带有)a special warning about the danger of smoking.

1. The expression “catch on” in the passage may mean _________.

A. start           B. cost a lot         C. become popular            D. dangerous

2. Before Columbus discovered America __________.

A. Europeans had smoked              B. Nobody smoked in the world

C. Nicotine was not in tobacco            D. Europeans had never smoked

3. In the nineteenth century smoking became popular because of the people in ________.

A. India  B. Turkey       C. the U.S.     D. British

4. Breathing is affected by ___________.

A. nicotine     B. tar           C. heat           D. both A and B



The year is 2094. It has been announced that a comet is heading towards the Earth. Most of it will miss our planet, but two pieces will probably hit the southern half of the Earth.

On 17 July, a piece four kilometers wide enters the Earth’s atmosphere with a massive explosion. About half of the piece is destroyed, but the remaining part hits the South Atlantic at 200 times the speed of sound. The sea boils and a huge hole is made in the sea bed. Huge waves are created and spread outwards from the hole. The wall of water, a kilometer high, rushes towards southern Africa at 800 kilometers an hour. Cities on the African coast are totally destroyed and millions of people drowned.

Before the waves reach South America, the second piece of the comet lands in Argentina. Earthquakes and volcanoes are set off in the Andes Mountains. The shock waves move north into California and all around the Pacific Ocean. The cities of Los Angeles, San Francisco and Tokyo are completely destroyed by earthquakes. Millions of people in the southern half of the Earth are already dead, but the north won’t escape for long. Because of the explosions, the sun is hidden by clouds of dust, temperatures around the world fall to almost zero. Crops are ruined. The sun won’t be seen again for many years. Wars break out as countries fight for food. A year later, no more than 10 million people remain alive.

Could it really happen? In fact, it has already happened more than once in the history of the Earth. The dinosaurs were on the Earth for over 160 million years. Then 65 million years ago they suddenly disappeared. Many scientists believe that the Earth was hit by a piece of object in space. The dinosaurs couldn’t live through the cold climate that followed and they died out. Will we meet the same end?

1.What is mainly described in the passage?

A. A historic discovery.           B. An event of imagination.

C. A research on space.           D. A scientific adventure.

2.When the first piece hits the South Atlantic, it causes      .

A. an earthquake                B. damages to cities

C. an Earth explosion            D. huge waves

3.Why can’t the northern half of the earth escape for long?

A. Because the land is covered with water.

B. Because the light and heat from the sun can not reach the Earth.

C. Because people there can not live at the temperature of zero.

D. Because wars break out among countries.

4.By giving the example of dinosaurs, the author tries to prove      .

A. animals could not live in the cold climate

B. what happened 65 million years ago was an invented story

C. the human beings will die out in 2094

D. the Earth could be hit by other objects in space



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