摘要:It took a long time before the excitement .


The passengers on the bus watched with sympathy as Susan made her way carefully up the steps. She paid the driver and then, using her hands to   11 the seats, settled in one of them.

It had been a year since Susan became blind. As the result of an accident she was suddenly thrown into a world of   12 . Susan’s husband Mark watched her sink into    13  and he was   14  to use every possible means to help his wife.

Finally, Susan felt ready to   15  to her job, but how would she get there? She used to take the bus, but she was now too    16  to get around the city by herself. Mark   17  to ride the bus with Susan each morning and evening until she could manage it by herself.

For two weeks, Mark accompaniedSusan to and from ____18____ each day. He taught her how to rely on her other   19   , specifically her hearing, to determine where she was and how to adapt to her new   20  .

At last, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip on her own. Monday morning arrived. Before she left, she hugged her husband   21  , her eyes filled with tears of gratitude. She said good-bye and, for the first time, they went their    22   ways. Each day went perfectly, and a wild excitement took hold of Susan. She was doing it!

On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was getting off the bus, the driver said, “Miss, I sure  23 you.” Curious, Susan asked the driver why.

“You know, every morning for the __24_ week, a fine-looking gentleman in a military uniform(军服) has been standing across the corner watching you until you enter your office building safely,” the bus driver said.

Tears of happiness poured down Susan’s cheeks. She was so lucky for he had given her a gift more powerful than_25_, That is the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness.

1.                A.touch          B.fall             C.count    D.feel


2.                A.weakness       B.sickness        C.darkness  D.sadness


3.                A.hopefulness     B.hopelessness     C.carefulness    D.loneliness


4.                A.encouraged     B.determined      C.honored  D.pleased


5.                A.return         B.adjust          C.prefer    D.stick


6.                A.skilled          B.astonished      C.excited   D.frightened


7.                A.volunteered     B.tried           C.continued D.refused


8.                A.school         B.shop           C.work D.bus


9.                A.feeling         B.abilities         C.skills D.senses


10.               A.position        B.environment    C.tradition   D.role


11.               A.politely         B.calmly          C.briefly D.tightly


12.               A.broad          B.separate        C.long  D.lonely


13.               A.respect        B.admire         C.know D.support


14.               A.past           B.same          C.first  D.next


15.               A.courage        B.will            C.sight  D.hearing




People who put a smiley face at the end of a message, in an attempt to show feeling, show no feeling. I wish there was a symbol for two fingers in the air.
I had some bad news this week. My manager informed me of this news via email. It was like hearing about the death of a loved one via pigeon. Bad news should only ever be delivered face to face or voice to voice.
We seem to celebrate our numerous methods of communication, but really there is no communication at all. I talk to my plants more than I talk to my neighbors, I get text messages that take me three hours to read because they’re written like this: “Hi, I ope you av a gr8 day. Call me La8tr.” I had an email from someone this week that read, “Da ut ov 2day are really annoying me!” Ut? I had to say this 20 times before I understood it. Youth has now become ut. Haven’t we taken enough from them—now we have to take their letters?
I had an email recently from a girl who used to live over the road from me as a child. She wrote, “Hi Shazia, howz u? Im sure u used 2 live across the road from me. We sumtimes played tennis 2 gever at the park and you was in your eliment. I am married now wif 3 daughters.” Then, to my horror, she ended the email with: “Im now teachin in Leeds. Luv Clare.”
Teaching? With English like this. It’s like saying you’re a train driver when you’ve never seen a train. It was like reading modern Morse code.
Getting bad news via email makes it seem so much worse than it actually is. Just a few lines, no emotion, no comfort, not really an explanation. Just a few cold hard words. It’s an excuse. Just write a few words and the problem of delivering it is no longer yours. A close friend recently told me she was very happy to announce she was getting married—and made the announcement by email. I don’t know how she didn’t fall off her chair with excitement while writing it. If you are really happy or really sad to announce something important, wouldn’t you like a human reaction? Some euphoria, elation, tears, a punch in the face?
I receive long text messages every day with information and explanations that I don’t bother reading. They’re boring, and annoy me. In the time it took someone to write me three laborious texts, they could have called, spoken to me, made some tea. People who put a smiley face at the end of a sentence, in an attempt to show feeling, show no feeling. I wish there was a symbol for two fingers in the air, because that’s the one I’d send back.
The telegram has been responsible for reporting world-shattering events when there were very few other options(选择权). Now we have options, and people opt for the least humane one. My mum, in an attempt to get down with the ut of today, asked me to teach her to text. Now she constantly texts me in block capitals, so it looks as if she is still angry and annoyed with me after all these years.
People don’t even write by hand any more. My doctor prints out prescriptions from his computer; even my mechanic prints out a receipt. I get typed Christmas cards and my friends send me emails. I get very excited when hand-written letters come through my door, only because they rarely do.
When I was at school, the girls used to write letters to each other, even though we sat side by side and spoke to one another all day. I think it was a way of expressing private things we were afraid to say when we were 14 and too shy. We used to write things like, “You are my best friend, can’t wait to sit next to you in math.”
I miss the personal method of communication. Once the pen was mightier than the sword, now it seems the keyboard is mightier than the pen.

  1. 1.

    We can learn from paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 that the writer wants to say ________.

    1. A.
      the spelling mistakes in the messages make her very annoyed
    2. B.
      only writing letters will bring friends and neighbors much closer
    3. C.
      she talks to plants more because no one shares her joys and sorrows
    4. D.
      gestures and the pen can express a lot more than the cold keyboard
  2. 2.

    According to the writer, which of the following can support her opinion?

    1. A.
      She has been separated from all his classmates many years.
    2. B.
      No doctors write prescriptions by hand because of computers.
    3. C.
      In communication, we should write more letters than send messages.
    4. D.
      Less shy than school girls, boys rarely write letters to their friends.
  3. 3.

    According to the passage, we can conclude that ________.

    1. A.
      the writer is a person full of emotions and treasures friendship and affections
    2. B.
      the writer becomes excited when she gets priceless gifts from other people
    3. C.
      her classmates would write to each other because they couldn’t send messages
    4. D.
      people put a smiley face at the end of a message just to show they are happy
  4. 4.

    What message is conveyed in the passage?

    1. A.
      The writer wastes much time in reading many rubbish text messages every day.
    2. B.
      Few people can write letters well in modern society owing to texting messages.
    3. C.
      Now people are too busy to communicate with each other face to face often.
    4. D.
      The writer prefers personal communication rather than electronic equipment.
  5. 5.

    Why does the writer mention the telegram?

    1. A.
      Because she thinks the annoyance of reading text messages is originated from it.
    2. B.
      Because we have more options to keep in touch with each other than ever before.
    3. C.
      Because advanced technology partly takes the blame for lacking the human touch.
    4. D.
      Because she thinks humans today become colder with the development of society.
  6. 6.

    Which of the following best describe the tone of this passage?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.

People who put a smiley face at the end of a message, in an attempt to show feeling, show no feeling. I wish there was a symbol for two fingers in the air.
I had some bad news this week. My manager informed me of this news via email. It was like hearing about the death of a loved one via pigeon. Bad news should only ever be delivered face to face or voice to voice.
We seem to celebrate our numerous methods of communication, but really there is no communication at all. I talk to my plants more than I talk to my neighbors, I get text messages that take me three hours to read because they’re written like this: “Hi, I ope you av a gr8 day. Call me La8tr.” I had an email from someone this week that read, “Da ut ov 2day are really annoying me!” Ut? I had to say this 20 times before I understood it. Youth has now become ut. Haven’t we taken enough from them—now we have to take their letters?
I had an email recently from a girl who used to live over the road from me as a child. She wrote, “Hi Shazia, howz u? Im sure u used 2 live across the road from me. We sumtimes played tennis 2 gever at the park and you was in your eliment. I am married now wif 3 daughters.” Then, to my horror, she ended the email with: “Im now teachin in Leeds. Luv Clare.”
Teaching? With English like this. It’s like saying you’re a train driver when you’ve never seen a train. It was like reading modern Morse code.
Getting bad news via email makes it seem so much worse than it actually is. Just a few lines, no emotion, no comfort, not really an explanation. Just a few cold hard words. It’s an excuse. Just write a few words and the problem of delivering it is no longer yours. A close friend recently told me she was very happy to announce she was getting married—and made the announcement by email. I don’t know how she didn’t fall off her chair with excitement while writing it. If you are really happy or really sad to announce something important, wouldn’t you like a human reaction? Some euphoria, elation, tears, a punch in the face?
I receive long text messages every day with information and explanations that I don’t bother reading. They’re boring, and annoy me. In the time it took someone to write me three laborious texts, they could have called, spoken to me, made some tea. People who put a smiley face at the end of a sentence, in an attempt to show feeling, show no feeling. I wish there was a symbol for two fingers in the air, because that’s the one I’d send back.
The telegram has been responsible for reporting world-shattering events when there were very few other options(选择权). Now we have options, and people opt for the least humane one. My mum, in an attempt to get down with the ut of today, asked me to teach her to text. Now she constantly texts me in block capitals, so it looks as if she is still angry and annoyed with me after all these years.
People don’t even write by hand any more. My doctor prints out prescriptions from his computer; even my mechanic prints out a receipt. I get typed Christmas cards and my friends send me emails. I get very excited when hand-written letters come through my door, only because they rarely do.
When I was at school, the girls used to write letters to each other, even though we sat side by side and spoke to one another all day. I think it was a way of expressing private things we were afraid to say when we were 14 and too shy. We used to write things like, “You are my best friend, can’t wait to sit next to you in math.”
I miss the personal method of communication. Once the pen was mightier than the sword, now it seems the keyboard is mightier than the pen.
【小题1】We can learn from paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 that the writer wants to say ________.

A.the spelling mistakes in the messages make her very annoyed
B.only writing letters will bring friends and neighbors much closer
C.she talks to plants more because no one shares her joys and sorrows
D.gestures and the pen can express a lot more than the cold keyboard
【小题2】According to the writer, which of the following can support her opinion?
A.She has been separated from all his classmates many years.
B.No doctors write prescriptions by hand because of computers.
C.In communication, we should write more letters than send messages.
D.Less shy than school girls, boys rarely write letters to their friends.
【小题3】According to the passage, we can conclude that ________.
A.the writer is a person full of emotions and treasures friendship and affections
B.the writer becomes excited when she gets priceless gifts from other people
C.her classmates would write to each other because they couldn’t send messages
D.people put a smiley face at the end of a message just to show they are happy
【小题4】What message is conveyed in the passage?
A.The writer wastes much time in reading many rubbish text messages every day.
B.Few people can write letters well in modern society owing to texting messages.
C.Now people are too busy to communicate with each other face to face often.
D.The writer prefers personal communication rather than electronic equipment.
【小题5】Why does the writer mention the telegram?
A.Because she thinks the annoyance of reading text messages is originated from it.
B.Because we have more options to keep in touch with each other than ever before.
C.Because advanced technology partly takes the blame for lacking the human touch.
D.Because she thinks humans today become colder with the development of society.
【小题6】Which of the following best describe the tone of this passage?


 Now came great news! It came from a neighboring state, where the family’s only surviving relative lived. It was Sally’s relative — a distant relative by the name of Tilbury Foster, seventy and single. Tilbury now wrote to Sally, saying he should shortly die, and should leave him thirty thousand dollars, cash; not for love, but because money had given him most of his troubles, and he wished to place it where there was good hope that it would continue its evil work. The bequest would be found in his will, and would be officially handed over provided that Sally should be able to prove to the executors (遗嘱执行人).

    As soon as Aleck had partially recovered from the strong emotions created by the letter, she sent someone to the relative’s home and subscribed for the local paper.

For the rest of the day Sally made confusion with his books, and Aleck could not keep her mind on her affairs, not even take up a flower-pot or book or a stick of wood without forgetting what she had intended to do with it. For both were dreaming.

“Thirty thousand dollars!”

All day long Aleck was absorbed in planning how to invest it, Sally in planning how to spend it.

There was no romance-reading that night. The children took themselves away early, for their parents were silent, disturbed, and strangely unentertaining. Two pencils had been busy during that hour — note-making; in the way of plans. It was Sally who broke the stillness at last. He said, with excitement, “Ah, it’ll be grand, Aleck! Out of the first thousand we’ll have a horse and a buggy for summer, and a cutter and a skin lap-robe for winter.”

    Aleck responded with decision and calmness.

    “You can spend a part of it. But the whole of the capital must be put right to work.

    “Why, yes. Yes, of course. Have you got it invested yet?”

    “No, there’s no hurry about that; I must look around first, and think, er…, I’ve turned it over twice; once in oil and once in wheat.”

    “Why, Aleck, it’s splendid! What does it amount to?”

    “I think — well, to be on the safe side, about a hundred and eighty thousand clear, though it will probably be more.”

    “My! Isn’t it wonderful? Good heaven! Luck has come our way at last, Aleck!”

    Then they went up to bed, but they left the candle burning in the sitting room. They did not remember until they were undressed; then Sally was for letting it burn; he said they could afford it, if it was a thousand. But Aleck went down and put it out.

    A good job, too; for on her way back she hit on a scheme that would turn the hundred and eighty thousand into half a million before it had had time to get cold. 

1. Why would Tilbury like to give all his money to Sally?

A. Because Sally was Tilbury’s only relative alive.

B. Because Tilbury loved Sally and his family deeply.

C. Because Tilbury wanted his money to continue its function.

D. Because Sally and his wife are good at investing.

2.The underlined word “bequest” in Paragraph1 probably means _________.

A. a gift of personal property                                         B. a proof of a person’s identity

C. a method of getting money                                        D. a reason for giving money

3.What do we know about Sally and his wife after receiving the letter?

A. They were in deep sorrow and stayed up all night.

B. They cared little about the bequest and lived their life as usual.

C. They paid a visit to Tilbury to confirm the truth of the letter.

D. They had a big ambition to invest the money and make huge profits.

4. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. Thrilling News                                                               B. Sally’s Distant Relative

C. The $30,000 Bequest                                                  D. A Smart Investment



Now came great news! It came from a neighboring state, where the family’s only surviving relative lived. It was Sally’s relative—a distant relative by the name of Tilbury Foster, seventy and single. Tilbury now wrote to Sally, saying he should shortly die, and should leave him thirty thousand dollars, cash; not for love, but because money had given him most of his troubles, and he wished to place it where there was good hope that it would continue its evil work. The bequest would be found in his will, and would be officially handed over provided that Sally should be able to prove to the executors (遗嘱执行人).
As soon as Aleck had partially recovered from the strong emotions created by the letter, she sent someone to the relative’s home and subscribed for the local paper.
For the rest of the day Sally made confusion with his books, and Aleck could not keep her mind on her affairs, not even take up a flower-pot or book or a stick of wood without forgetting what she had intended to do with it. For both were dreaming.
“Thirty thousand dollars!”
All day long Aleck was absorbed in planning how to invest it, Sally in planning how to spend it.
There was no romance-reading that night. The children took themselves away early, for their parents were silent, disturbed, and strangely unentertaining. Two pencils had been busy during that hour —note-making; in the way of plans. It was Sally who broke the stillness at last. He said, with excitement, “Ah, it’ll be grand, Aleck! Out of the first thousand we’ll have a horse and a buggy for summer, and a cutter and a skin lap-robe for winter.”
Aleck responded with decision and calmness.
“You can spend a part of it. But the whole of the capital must be put right to work.
“Why, yes. Yes, of course. Have you got it invested yet?”
“No, there’s no hurry about that; I must look around first, and think, er…, I’ve turned it over twice; once in oil and once in wheat.”
“Why, Aleck, it’s splendid! What does it amount to?”
“I think — well, to be on the safe side, about a hundred and eighty thousand clear, though it will probably be more.”
“My! Isn’t it wonderful? Good heaven! Luck has come our way at last, Aleck!”
Then they went up to bed, but they left the candle burning in the sitting room. They did not remember until they were undressed; then Sally was for letting it burn; he said they could afford it, if it was a thousand. But Aleck went down and put it out.
A good job, too; for on her way back she hit on a scheme that would turn the hundred and eighty thousand into half a million before it had had time to get cold

  1. 1.

    Why would Tilbury like to give all his money to Sally?

    1. A.
      Because Sally was Tilbury’s only relative alive
    2. B.
      Because Tilbury loved Sally and his family deeply
    3. C.
      Because Tilbury wanted his money to continue its function
    4. D.
      Because Sally and his wife are good at investing
  2. 2.

    The underlined word “bequest” in Paragraph1 probably means _________

    1. A.
      a gift of personal property
    2. B.
      a proof of a person’s identity
    3. C.
      a method of getting money
    4. D.
      a reason for giving money
  3. 3.

    What do we know about Sally and his wife after receiving the letter?

    1. A.
      They were in deep sorrow and stayed up all night
    2. B.
      They cared little about the bequest and lived their life as usual
    3. C.
      They paid a visit to Tilbury to confirm the truth of the letter
    4. D.
      They had a big ambition to invest the money and make huge profits
  4. 4.

    Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

    1. A.
      Thrilling News
    2. B.
      Sally’s Distant Relative
    3. C.
      The $30,000 Bequest
    4. D.
      A Smart Investment

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