摘要: alternative8. eventually


The forces that make Japan one of the world's most earthquake-prone(有地震倾向的) countries could become part of its long-term energy solution.
Water from deep below the ground at Japan's tens of thousands of hot springs could be used to produce electricity.
Although Japanese high-tech companies are leaders in geothermal(地热的) technology and export it, its use is limited in the nation.
"Japan should no doubt make use of its resources of geothermal energy," said Yoshiyasu Takefuji, a leading researcher of thermal-electric power production.
The disastrous earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011 caused a reaction against atomic power, which previously made up 30 percent of Japan's energy needs, and increased interest in alternative energies, which account for only 8 percent.
Artist Yoko Ono has called on Japan to explore its natural energy, following the example of Iceland which uses renewable energy for more than 80 percent of its needs.
For now, geothermal energy makes up less than 1 percent of the energy needs in Japan, which has for decades relied heavily on fossil fuels and atomic power.
The biggest problem to geothermal energy is the high initial cost of the exploration and constructing the factories.Another problem is that Japan's potentially best sites are already being developed for tourism or are located within national parks where construction is forbidden.
"We can't even dig 10cm inside national parks." said Shigeto Yamada of Fuji Electric, adding that regulations protecting nature would need to be relaxed for geothermal energy to grow.
Researcher Hideaki Matsui said, "Producing electricity using hot springs is a decades-long project.We also have to think about what to do for now as energy supplies will decline in the short term."
The Earth Policy Institute in Washington, US, believed Japan could produce 80,000 megawatts(兆瓦)and meet more than half its electricity needs with geothermal technology.
Japanese giants such as Toshiba are already global leaders in geothermal technology, with a 70 percent market share.In 2010, Fuji Electric built the world's largest geothermal factory in New Zealand.
【小题1】What would be the best title for the text?

A.Alternative energies in Japan
B.World's largest geothermal plant
C.Japan takes the lead in geothermal technology
D.Japan thinks of geothermal energy
【小题2】What percentage of Japan's energy needs is geothermal energy?
A.About 8%.B.Below 1%.C.Around 30%.D.Over 80%.
【小题3】According to Shigeto Yamada, the growth of geothermal power in Japan needs ____.
A.a change of rulesB.financial support
C.local people's helpD.high technology
【小题4】Geothermal energy is considered as a long-term program by _____.
A.Yoshiyasu TakefujiB.Hideaki Matsui
C.Shigeto YamadaD.Yoko Ono
【小题5】It can be learned from the last two paragraphs that _____.
A.the world's biggest geothermal plant was built by America
B.Japan will not export its geothermal technology
C.the potential of Japan's geothermal energy is great
D.it is hard to find geothermal energy in Japan


According to the United States government, people are classified as homeless if they have no place to stay and no expectation of finding a place for the next thirty days. Although technically accurate, that is an impersonal assessment of an enormous and very human problem.
The homeless population represents all of us Americans. It includes men and women, the elderly, children, and infants. Its members are from all ethnic groups. What they have in common is poverty.
Currently in the U.S., thirty-nine million people live in poverty. When money is really tight, paying the rent or buying food often becomes a choice. Government assistance in the form of food stamps does help but, as one homeless man explains, you can’t pay the rent with food stamps.
With no money for rent, the streets and homeless shelters become the alternative.
Although men make up the largest group within the homeless population, homeless women with children are rapidly joining them. In fact, one quarter of the homeless people in the U.S. are teenagers and young children.
People may become homeless for numerous reasons. However, there are certain factors that many of these individuals have in common. They include a lack of adequate education and job skills. A majority of the teenagers and adults have not completed high school.
The abuse of alcohol and drugs is also a common factor. One third of the adult homeless population abuses alcohol, while one quarter of the same group uses drugs.
Some members of this population suffer mental health problems. Within the past several years many institutions for the mentally ill have been closed and their patients sent “home”. Unfortunately, a number of those people have no home to go to and they are unable to adequately look after themselves.
Job loss in today’s economy has also become a real factor in the loss of people’s homes. The breakup of families through abandonment and divorce is also contributing factors, particularly when there are children involved. The parent who is left to care for the kids with inadequate income may be forced to depend on the homeless shelters to put a roof over their heads.
【小题1】The writer thinks that the U.S. government’s definition for the homeless shows _________.

A.an insincere attitude toward the homeless
B.an unbearable attitude toward the homeless
C.an uncivilized attitude toward the homeless
D.an unsympathetic attitude toward the homeless
【小题2】The U.S. government helps the homeless by _________.
A.giving them homeless allowanceB.giving them food stamps
C.finding jobs for themD.finding residence (a place to live) for them
【小题3】People become homeless for all the following reasons EXCEPT _________.
A.the lack of adequate education
B.the abuse of alcohol and drugs
C.the closure of institutions for the mentally ill
D.the poor performance of economy
【小题4】The breakup of families is likely to lead to homelessness because a parent with kids may _________.
A.lose his or her job in today’s economy
B.be unable to look after the kids
C.not have enough income
D.find residence at a homeless shelter


Scores of farms across he country are opening up to overnight guests.The best have all the appeal of a first-rate inn(小旅馆) — plus here a moo, there a moo.
Sure, you and your kids have a plan for the theme parks.In the meanwhile, why not make a little hay(干草)? Farm stays are fast becoming the great American alternative to the pre-packaged vacation.
Rochester, Vt.; 802/767-3926; www.libertyhillfarm.com.Adults $75, teens $50, kids 12 and under $35, including breakfast and dinner; shared baths.
Beth and Bob Kennett run a farm straight out of a storybook.You’ll find Beth in the kitchen, rolling out dough(生面团) for a pie.Bob’s busy with other work.Guests sleep in seven sunny bedrooms right in the farmhouse and can participate in any of the farm jobs.Maybe you and your kids won’t be up at 6 am to meet the milk truck, but you can help with the milking twice a day, collect eggs, and pick sweet corn and wild blackberries in season.
Durham, N.Y.; 518/239-6950; www.hull-o.com; Adults $110, kids 10-14 $60, 5-9 $50, 2-4 $35, under 2 free, including breakfast and dinner; private baths.
It started in 1993 as a way to bring in some extra money at a time of falling milk prices.But soon after Frank and Sherry Hull opened their Catskill Mountains dairy farm to overnight visitors, they discovered they loved it.As you drive up, Sherry greets you on the porch(入口处) of the 1825 farmhouse with a cow-shaped cookie jar.Before long your kids are playing around with the cows, sheep, ducks, goats and getting ready for a hayride.
Bourbon, Mo.; 573/732-4765; http://www.wine-mo.com Doubles with private bath $75, $10 per additional person.Trail and riding fees extra.
Climb on the back of the Ford pick up and catch up with the herd.One gentle cow named Cricket will even let the kids sit on her back.At the barn(牲口棚) Carol will introduce you to the horses — 15 Missouri Fox Trotters — and lead you on a ride over the hills and down along the spring-fed Meramec River, where everyone swims.Grab a fishing pole and head back to the river.When you have your fill of the wild, try Carol and Dave’s favorite restaurants, within 20 miles of the farm.
【小题1】The underlined sentence in the first paragraph implies that _____.

A.you can enjoy the best cuisine at the first rate restaurant
B.some farms provide country experiences as well as good accommodations
C.farm work is hard, but you can enjoy it a lot, playing with the animals
D.if you want to hear a cow’s cry, please stay on a best farm
【小题2】We can learn from the three ads that ____.
A.Hull-O Farm was not built for overnight visitors
B.Frank and Sherry Hull run a farm out of a storybook
C.kids can sit on a gentle cow’s back on Hull-O Farm
D.you can’t milk a cow if you get up late on Liberty Hill Farm
【小题3】The Browns have a 13-year-old son and 11-year-old daughter.If they stay on Liberty Hill Farm for one night, how much will they pay?
【小题4】Who will be most likely interested in the webpage?
A.Kids who want to find pleasure in the theme parks.
B.People who expect to be employed on the farm.
C.Those who plan to have family vacations on working farms.
D.Researchers who are interested in raising cows on farms.


This morning, a Virgin Atantin 747 Jumbo Jet became the first commercial airplane to fly on biofuel. The short flight from London to Amsterdam used a blend of 20% babassu(棕榈) oil mixed with 80% conventional jet fuel.
What was really exciting about the flight was the fact that the engine did not have to be altered in any way for the biofuel to work While this is a great initial step in trying to reduce CO2(carbon-dioxide)emissions(排放)from airplanes. there are a lot of hurdles (障碍)that still need to be overcome.
First and foremost, unlike the normal fuel used to run airplanes (known as Jet A),biofuel freezes at high altitudes. Also, Jet‘A’fuel burns consistently (at the same pace),which means it provides a safe and reliable fuel for long flights--engineers are not sure if biofuel will be able to do the same.
The biggest hurdle to a full biofuel switch is our ability to be able to grow enough crops that can be converted to biofuel. There are two concerns that scientists have in this matter – the first is that the land to grow the extra crops will come from clearing more of our forests and the second is that since it competes with what we eat, the price of food will go up.
However, Richard Branson of Virgin Airlines, envisions that if biofuel starts to replace oil on a greater basis, it will be manufactured from algae(藻类)produced in sewage treatment plants, not from food sources.
Birgin Airlines is not the only one trying to look for alternative fuel sources. Earlier this year, an Airbus A380 used another alternative fuel-a man-made mix of gas-to-liquid, in one of its four engines. The flight was tested by Rolls Royce (manufacturer of jet engines), in partnership with Shell (an oil company). Rolls Royce is also working with Air New Zealand on a similar project.
While a complete switch to alternative fuel may take years, it is very encouraging to see airlines, oil companies and airplane manufacturers all coming together to try to make it happen!
【小题1】.Why does Virgin Airlines try to replace normal fuel with biofuel?

A.To cut down the flight cost of the company.
B.To remove some hurdles for the biofuel to work.
C.To reduce CO2 emissions from airplanes.
D.To test plane engines on biofuel.
【小题2】.Which is NOT true for a full biofuel switch of airplanes?
A Biofuel cannot run for long flights.                  
B.Biofuel cannot work at high altitudes.
C.Man has not enough land to grow extra crops for biofuel. 
D.It’s not easy for sewage treatment plants to manufacture biofuel.
【小题3】.One of the hurdles to be overcome for a full biofuel switch is to          .
A.alter the engine for airplanes
B.make biofuel burn consistently
C.open more land to grow more crops
D.develop sewage treatment plants
【小题4】.We can infer from the last paragraph that          .
A.there is a long way to go for a complete switch to alternative fuel
B.it won’t be long before alternative fuel comes into use
C.airlines, oil companies and airplane manufacturers are reliable
D.alternative fuel has a bright future
【小题5】.Which of the following can best serves as the title of this passage?
A.Biofuel-Alternative Fuel Sources.
B.The First Commercial Flight Powered by Biofuel.
C.How to Reduce CO2 Emissions from Airplanes.
D.Vigin Airlines Trying to Alter Fuel Sources.


Free and secure accommodation, no bills and even the odd home-cooked meal. It sounds like the perfect living arrangement for cash-strapped students.
Two mothers believe they have devised a way for struggling students to save on accommodation costs when they leave home to study at university.
Kate Barnham and Amanda Flude have launched Student Swaps, an online accommodation forum (论坛) for parents and students, in advance of the introduction in September of £3,000 higher education top-up fees.
Their website says, “The principle behind Student Swaps is to enable students to literally swap (交换) family homes.” The website will hold a database of students who would like to swap and link them with suitable matches. So those from one town / city could swap with those from a different town / city.
The site describes itself as offering a “cost-free accommodation alternative… at a time of growing student debt”. There is no charge for the service at the moment but Ms Barnham and Ms Flude intend to introduce a £10 annual fee if it becomes established.
However, the National Union of Students (NUS) has warned that, while the scheme may sound appealing to struggling freshers, it lacks any formal regulation.
Veronica King, NUS vice-president of welfare, said, “The fact that this scheme has even been suggested is evidence to the high levels of debt students now face on graduation.” Recent research has shown that students are more likely to live at home in coming years, in a bid to cut down on the cost of a degree.
“This is worrying, as it may mean that students choose their university on the basis of where it is, rather than because it offers the best course for them. It also means students will miss out on what is for some a key part of the student experience-living away from home.”
71. A “cash-strapped” student means one who __________.
A. lacks money                        B. prefers to stay at home
C. is careful with money             D. wants to change cash
72. What is Kate Barnham and Amanda Flude’s purpose of launching Student Swaps?
A. To provide cheaper accommodation for students.          
B. To let students stay close to their universities.
C. To help students spend less on accommodation costs. 
D.To let students exchange ideas freely online.
73. What can students do on Student Swaps?
A. They can find students to exchange homes with.
B. They can make friends with students from a different city.
C. They can borrow money to pay for their higher education.
D. They can voice their opinions against the rising cost of a degree.
74. Now many students would prefer a university _________.
A. which can give them free accommodation            
B. which is not far away from their homes
C. which offers the best courses                                     
D. which can offer home-cooked meals
75. What would be the best title for the passage?
A. High Cost Troubles University Students in UK.
B. Students Swaps is Welcomed by Students in UK.
C. Two Mothers’ Good Intention to Help Students in UK.
D. Website Helps Students Live at Someone Else’s Home.


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