摘要: He e his old car for a new model as soon as he won the money.




____1.____. He had more money than he could ever spend, and he was admired and looked up to by his community._____ 2._____ .He was not happy. All his life he had been pursuing happiness and struggling for happiness, but he had never been able to find it.

Then one day he heard about a hidden temple in Nepal that had a special room that contained the secret of happiness.____ 3.___ .After many years searching and countless hardships he arrived there. He was tired and penniless, but he knew that none of that mattered now because he had found the temple. He asked a wise, smiling monk(和尚)if he could enter the special room. The monk agreed and showed him to the stairs leading to the room.____ 4.__ .He stared into the room with sunlight streaming through the window and saw what he had come so far to find. There hanging on the wall was the secret of happiness. The man looked at his reflection in the mirror and laughed.

_5.___ .Happiness is a choice that we can make. Don’t spend the rest of your life searching the world for happiness then. Just look at the mirror and laugh. Let the happiness flow from your heart, mind, and soul until it fills your life and the lives of all around you.

A. He immediately sold all that he owned and set out to find this hidden temple.

B. The man found the secret of happiness at last.

C. But he knew that something was missing in his life.

D. He climbed them with legs shaking with expectation and slowly opened the door.

E. There was once a very wealthy and successful man.

F. It is time we all realized that we were the secret of our own happiness.

G. It was difficult to find the temple in Nepal.




  Is bottled water better for you than tap? Or should you choose vitamin-enriched water? Experts say, skip it all.None of these products is likely to make you any healthier.Below, we look at four major myths about the benefits of drinking water.  1   Experts say there’s an easy way to judge.If you are not thirsty, your fluid intake is likely “just right”

  Myth No 1:Drink eight glasses each day.

  Scientists say there’s no clear health benefit of drinking so much water a day.  2   “Nobody really knows,” says Dr.Stanley Goldfarb, a kidney expert at the University of Pennsylvania.

  Myth No.2:Lots of water equals healthier skin.

  The body is already 60 percent water.  3   Adding a few extra glasses of water each day has a limited effect.“It’s such a tiny part of what’s in the body,” says Goldfarb.“ It’s very unlikely that one’s getting any benefit.”

  Myth No.3:  4  

  A more accurate statement may be:Drinking water is a helpful tool for dieters.“Water is a great strategy for dieters because it has no calories,” says Madeline Fernstrom of the University of Pittsburgh.“So you can keep your mouth busy without food and get a sense of satisfaction.” But water is not magical, she adds.“Other zero-calorie options such as diet sodas are fine, too.”

  Myth No.4:It’s easy to get dehydrated(脱水的)during a workout.

  Dehydration sets in when a person has lost 2 percent of his or her body weight.  5   “It’s also obvious that individuals in hot, dry climates have an increased need for water,” says Goldfarb.“But for a walk in the park, no water bottle is necessary.”

A.So where does the standard advice come from?

B.But it’s unclear whether these changes are clinically significant.

C.So for a 200-pound man, this means losing 4 pounds of water.

D.Drinking extra water leads to weight loss.

E.Drink as much water as you can.

F.So, if you take a 200-pound man, he’s 120 pounds of water.

G.But first, how do you know if you’re drinking enough water?






Booking tickets for an important play on September 8.

A  By Telephone

For credit card (信用卡) bookings. Calls are answered.

Box office (售票处) 

01789-95623 9a.m.-8p.m.(Mon.-Sat.)

0541-541051 (24 hours, 7 days, no booking charge)

B  By Fax

For credit card bookings. Please allow at least 48 hours for reply, if required.

Box office 01789-261974 or 01862-387765

C  By Post

   Please enclose(附上) a cheque (支票) details together with 50p to the total amount (总额) to cover postage. Please send to the Box Office, RST, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV376BB.

  Booking opens for all the plays.

D In Person

   Box office

   RST hall, 9:30a.m.-8p.m.(Mon.-Sat.)

   9:30a.m.-6p.m.when theatres are closed (Sun.)

E  Overseas Booking

   The easiest method of payment is by credit card.


  We accept Visa, Master Card, American Express and Diners Club. Please give the card number, name and address of the card holder.

F  By E-mail

Please visit the website http://www.bigcitytheatre.com and you will get the ticket in no time. Book the ticket online through the online payment system. 10p would be charged for each ticket.


1.Mr. Wallet is a retired man and has lots of free time. Watching plays is one of his favorites. The theatre is not far from his home.

2. Mrs. Bright is a business woman. There is a fax machine in her office but she wants to get the ticket as soon as possible. She doesn’t want to pay extra money for the ticket.

3.Anna is a college student. At the beginning of this term, she is busy in all kinds of things. Thus, she can not afford to go to the theatre to book the ticket by herself. And she has no credit card at hand right now.

4. Shelly studies in Beijing University now. She will fly back to her country this weekend, before which she must book the ticket for the play.

5.Mr. William works in a company as a computer programmer and has an easy access (机会) to the Internet. He wants to get the ticket as soon as possible.



A punctual person is in the habit of doing a thing at the proper time and is never late in keeping an appointment.

    The unpunctual man,on the one hand,never does what he has to do at the proper time.__ 1._There is a proverb saying, “Time flies never to be recalled”. This is true. __2.__Time is more valuable than material things. In fact,time is life itself. The unpunctual man is for ever wasting and mismanaging his most valuable possessions as well as other's. The unpunctual person is always complaining that he finds no time to answer letters,or return calls or keep appointments promptly.. __3.__He knows that he can not get through his huge amount of work unless he faithfully keeps every piece of work when it has to be attended to.

__4.__If a person is invited to dinner and arrives later than the appointed time,he keeps all the other guests waiting for him. Usually this will be regarded as a great disrespect to the host and all other guests present.

    Unpunctuality,moreover,is very harmful when it comes to do one's duty,whether public or private. Imagine how it would be if those who are put in charge of important tasks failed to be at their proper place at the appointed time.__ 5.__

A. He is always in a hurry and in the end loses both time and his good name

B. They appear to be busy but never get well organized

C. Maybe everybody minds being kept waiting at a party

D. A lost thing may be found again,but lost time can never be regained.

E. But the man who really has a great deal to do is very careful of his time and seldom complains of want of it

F. After all, man who is known to be habitually unpunctual is never trusted by his friends or fellow men.

G. Failure to be punctual in keeping one's appointments is sign of disrespect towards others.







  JSC Boggs is an artist who makes money.To be exact,he draws money.In the United States he draws dollars,in Britain pounds and in France francs.Each are almost perfect reproductions,apart from the fact that he writes "Bank of Boggs" or another humorous message on them.

  When Boggs goes shopping or for a meal,he offers "Boggs dollars" in the payment for what he wants.He also offers real money.It is up to the people selling the goods to take whichever they prefer.

  When a shopkeeper or a restaurant owner takes a "Boggs dollar",he or she gives a receipt in return for the things bought.Boggs then sells the receipt at face value to art collectors.This is how he makes actual money for the times when people will not accept his drawings.

  The collector uses the receipt to find the person holding the actual "Boggs dollar" and the two talk over what they think would be a fair price.This gives the shop or restaurant owner the chance to make another profit on the goods he or she sold to Boggs.It means Boggs actually gets paid for buying things.And it means that the collector has a unique work of art---each "Boggs dollar" is separately drawn.

  Artists like to make us think.What Boggs wants us to think about is the nature of value and money. What is money really worth? Is value of money the same as personal value? Once "Boggs dollars " have been given away by the artist,they often continuew to circulate and grow on value A "Boggs one dollar bill" may have bought the artist a cup of coffee in New York.Now it may be worth a car or an expensive meal.It all depends on that value a person chooses to give it.

  Money used to be worth a certain weight in gold or silver.Now it is just worth whatever the government or the banks.JSC Boggs is trying to start another type of money.People can choose "Boggs dolars" or not.And their value is up to whoever uses them.In a way,"Boggs dollars" are "people's money".

  56.How much will Boggs get if he buys a cup of coffee with a "Boggs one dollar bill"?

   A.One dollar. B.More than one dollar.

   C.Less than one dollar. D.Much more than one dollar.

  57.According to the text,the main difference between"value of money "and "personal value" is that ______.

   A.they rise or fall separately B.they refer to different people

   C.they are decided by different people D.they are decided by different banks

  58.What does the writer mean by saying "Boggs dollars are people's money"?

   A.They are two different types of money.

   B.In fact they are not real money.

   C.People can share them and use them among themselves.

   D.People are free to use them and deck their value.

  59.Choose the girht order in which Boggs gets paid.

    a.He buys things with his dollars.

    b.He sells the receipt to an art collector.

    c.He araws dollars.

    d.The art collector finds the shopkeeper to buy his dollars.

    e.The shopkeeper gives him a receipt.

   A.c - a - e - b - d

   B.c - e - b - d - a

   C.e - c - b - d - a

   D.e - b - c - a - d



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