摘要: His word made everyone laugh.



  Walking around the corner and into the hall at three in the morning, lost in thought and dragging a mop bucket, I raised my eyes to the front counter in indifference.A man, looking to be in his mid 40's, stood in a pink dress.A wide-edged hat stuck out over his massive frame resembling an umbrella that was a little too shabby and worn-out, making him look like a woman.The shock at seeing such a strong proud man in a cheap disgusting dress broke my heart, as well as frightened me.

  Dropping my mop on the floor in surprise and picking up my face that had temporarily fallen off, I confidently walked over to the desk.

  “I'm sorry,”I began to say but was confused on whether sir or madam was appropriate.“Can I help you?”

  “I need a room,”he said in a gruff(粗哑的)powerful voice.

  “Sure thing,”I said bringing up the registry.“Can I get your last name?”

  “Hurgan,”he said briefly.

  “And your first name?”


  Suddenly I had to direct all of my concentration on holding back a smile.A ten second pause of silence passed while I tried to stay calm.

  “Okay,”I said getting back to the job,“can I get your phone number, Amanda?”

  All of the information was acquired and stored and Amanda received her room key for the night.All was well as I returned to the neglected mop bucket.Suddenly a low throaty cough drew me out of my temporary mental disorder.Looking over at the desk where Amanda stood touching her thick biceps(二头肌)I once again dropped the mop in shock.

  “I'm sorry about that,”I said coming around to the desk.Amanda stared with unease twisting her sleeve with her right index finger.

  “I have a cat,”she said in a low voice.

  “I'm sorry you what?”I asked leaning in closer.She drew back a bit as if I was some kind of threat.

  “I have a cat.”

  Looking up into her tall frame, I replied,“That's fine.We just need to add an extra $10 fee.”She handed me her credit card once again.I swiped it, returned it, and grabbed the printing receipt.

  “You just need to sign here,”I said handing over the pen.She hesitantly grabbed it from my hand and signed.As she began to return it, my hand came a bit too close to connecting with hers.Scared and possibly a little disgusted she dropped the pen, causing it to bounce off the counter and onto the floor.

  “Sorry,”she said, looking down.“I have to go get my cat.”

  While Amanda was getting her cat, an unpleasant thought was circling around my head.Here I was just doing my job and this, this WO-MAN was acting as if I was the monster!He was wearing a pink dress!And I was the monster?Was he even still a man?The sliding doors opened and in came Amanda passing the front desk without even giving me a polite nod.


The story most probably happened at a ________.

[  ]










We can conclude that the author's attitude towards the man is ________.

[  ]










Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

[  ]


The author was on the edge of smiling when he heard the man's first name.


When the man checked in, he tipped the author $10.


After signing, the man grasped the author's hand and thanked him.


The man gave the author a friendly nod while going toward his room.


What might be the best title of this passage?

[  ]


A disgusting cat


A considerate waiter


A fierce monster


A strange-looking WO-MAN


Every time Lionel Messi breaks a record, it seems appropriate to compare him to the legends that came before him.

In 2012, he rewrote soccer history on multiple occasions, and his latest record came when he scored his 86th goal of the calendar year, breaking Gerd Muller’s previous mark, before wrapping up the year with 91 goals.

All statistics indicate that Messi is currently the best player in the world, and that he will go down in history as the top footballer of his generation. But when he is judged against all-time greats like Pele and Diego Maradona, he still has work to do.

We don’t know whether the Barcelona striker will have another year in which he records more than 90 goals, but he must still sustain(维持)a similar level of production for the next several seasons.

Messi has already taken part in three of Barcelona’s victorious Champions League(冠军联赛)campaigns, and he played an important role in two of them. In order to firmly establish himself as the greatest club football player in history, he must win the tournament a few more times.

Most importantly, the Argentine(阿根廷人)needs to win on the international stage. Regardless of what Messi does for Barcelona, his legacy will be incomplete if he cannot win the World Cup with Argentina.

Both Pele and Maradona led their countries to the top of international soccer during their careers, and Messi’s performances for his country have been severely disappointing.

While he was still a teenager in 2006 —and his lackluster(平淡的)showing is excusable due to his youth—he cannot brush off the disappointment that characterized Argentina’s performance in 2010.

But the 4-0 loss to Germany in the 2010 World Cup Quarter Final seems to have sparked Messi. He scored 12 times for Argentina last year, and the next World Cup could finally be Messi’s breakout performance in blue and white stripes.

Due to all of his accomplishments, it is easy to forget that the extraordinary footballer is just 25 years old. If he can avoid injury or lengthy slumps(低潮状态)until his speed and skills start to decline due to age, he may continue to break records and win trophies.

56. What will Messi have to do in order to be complete in his soccer career?

A. He must win the World Cup with Argentina.

B. He must win the tournament a few more times.

C. He must defeat Pele and Maradona.

D. He must avoid injury or lengthy slumps.

57. How was Messi’s performance in 2010 World cup?

A. Excellent    B. Inspiring     C. Disappointing   D. Normal.

58. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Messi has firmly established himself as the greatest club soccer player in history.

B. Messi will try his best to win the next World Cup with Argentina.

C. Messi can avoid injury and lengthy slumps to break records and win trophies.

D. Pele and Maradona led their countries to the top of international soccer during their careers.

59. What is the best title of the passage?

A. Lionel Messi, the Best Soccer Player of All Time ?

B. Lionel Messi, the Greatest Soccer Player in History.

C. Barcelona and Lionel Messi.

D. World Cup and Lionel Messi.




第一节  选择题(共17小题;每小题2分,满分34分)

   阅读下列短文,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

2. 26-meter-tall Yao Ming made his NBA debut (初次登台) on October 23, 2002 and got 6 points for the Houston Rockets in the game. The next day, he got 13 points in another game.

Most people think that Yao Ming is a born basketball player. But Yao said, “When you watch it on TV, it looks very easy. But when you are playing in the NBA, it is really not so easy. ” He said that joining the Houston Rockets was a new start and a new challenge. “I hope that through very hard work I can make everyone happy and help the Rockets win more games,” he said

Yao Ming speaks some English. Both he and his teammates can understand each other. They don't think there is a language problem. While Yao Ming faces this new challenge,  the people of Houston have shown great interest in him and they hope Yao Ming will bring new energy (活力) to the Rockets. The team has started having lessons to learn more about China, and many people who work for the Rockets have learned to speak some Chinese.

1. Yao Ming got 13 points on October _____, 2002.

A. 22             B. 23               C. 24            D. 26

2. Yao Ming said that _____.

A. playing in the NBA was difficult      B. it’s hard watching NBA games on TV

C. he was not an NBA star at all    D. it was rather boring to play basketball

3. From the passage we can know that Yao Ming ________.

A. will work hard for his team     

B. made the highest score in his first NBA game

C. can't understand his teammates  

D. teaches the Rockets workers Chinese himself

4. The passage is probably ______.

A. an ad          B. a notice          C. a news report         D. a diary



Tong Shiqiang rushed into a kindergarten behind his primary school several times, carrying a __1__ of kids each time he rushed out of their classroom on that fateful(灾难的)day. Only 14 years old and 1.5 m tall, Tong can now__2__ a national bravery award for saving seven children.

The grade-6 student was__3__ a Chinese language class in Zhongwang Primary School in Qishan village of Longnan city, one of the worst-hit areas in Gansu province, __4__ the deadly quake struck on May 12,2008. There were 49__5__ students in his class at the time.

“Window panes began rattling(嘎嘎响)and it __6__ lots of bees were singing underground,”__7__ Tong Shuangxi, Tong Shiqiang's teacher and uncle. “The sound grew__8__...and then I__9__it was an earthquake.”

The teacher cried: “ __10__ out.” All the students ran out of the room immediately.

__11__ outside, Tong Shuangxi rushed toward the kindergarten where the children __12__a nap. Tong Shiqiang ran with him.

Only three of the kids had __13__ to run out of their room when they__14__ the building. The rest were crying, too __15__ to move. It __16__ less than three minutes for them to carry out all the five- and six-year-olds to __17__.

__18__ whether all the kids had been saved, Tong and his nephew had __19__ begun checking the rolls when the classroom's walls fell down. “That's the only time I was scared,” said Tong Shiqiang.

The 14-year-old is __20__ to be nominated (提名) for the child hero award, to be given by the Ministry of Education and the Central Committee of the Chinese Communist Youth League.

1.A.couple    B. dozen    C. lot    D. number

2.A.find         B. give       C. show      D. win

3.A.listening     B. hearing     C. attending   D. giving

4.A. while       B. when       C. where     D. which

5.A. other       B. another      C. others     D. the other

6.A. looked      B. seemed      C. appeared  D. turned

7.A. remembers  B. remains       C. reminds  D. remarks

8.A. alouder    B. weaker       C. louder    D. clearer

9.A. thought    B. found        C. realized    D. recognized

10.A. Nobody  B. Anybody     C. Somebody  D. Everybody

11.A. After     B. Before       C. Since     D. Once

12.A. had     B. have        C. were having  D. having had

13.A. tried     B. managed   C. wanted       D. wondered

14.A. arrived  B. got         C. reached     D. escaped

15.A. frightened     B. moved      C. surprised      D. excited

16.A. took          B. spent       C. carried        D. paid

17.A. hospital       B. classroom   C. yard          D. safety

18.A. Not sure       B. No wonder  C. No problem    D. Not nearly

19.A. even          B. ever        C. never        D. just

20.A. lovely        B. friendly      C. kindly        D. likely


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