摘要: in deep thought, he didn’t hear the sound.


A seven-year-old girl who had only just learnt to swim saved a four-year-old boy from drowning in the sea. Because of this she has been 36 as a hero.

Brave Amber Horton sprang into action after 37 her friend Kieran Martin slipping __38 rocks and falling into the water. Little Kieran couldn’t swim and 39 to keep his head above the water.  40 every bit of her strengh, Amber swam over to the sticken child and 41 him to the surface. Then she dragged him back to the shore at Lee-on-the-Solent, Hants.

Amber said, “I had to Kieran to be very __42 but he just slipped. He can’t swim and his feet couldn’t touch the 43 of the sea. I swam over and grabbed him from the water.” Kieran was 44 shaken but suffered only cuts on his legs from the rocks. “I was very scared. I was 45 for a long time and hurt my legs on the rocks. Then Amber saved me,” siad Kieran.

The pair were at the seaside for an outing with their 46 . Amber, Kieran, his cousin Max, five, and his brother Dorminic, seven, had all wandered over to the water’s edge while their 47 family members were in a nearby playpark. Amber’s mum Dee Horton said, “The first I knew about 48 was when Kieran’s brother Dorminic ran over and said Amber had just saved Kieran’s life.”

“It was 49. Kieran was frightened and distressed. He couldn’t move and was crying his eyes out… I think Amber’s phenomenal(了不起的). She’s just learned to swim herself and she’s had no 50 . I can’t believe she did it 51 . She’s a very brave little girl and we are all very proud of her.”

Drowning is the third most 52 cause of accidental death among children 53 the age of 16 . According to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, learning to 54 __may help children who find themselves in difficulties in the water,  55 it does not mean they will be safe. Latest figures show more than half of the children who drown can swim.

36. A. realized     B. recognized  C. celebrated    D. convinced

37. A. watching    B. viewing    C. considering   D. spotting

38. A. off       B. on      C. at       D. of

39. A. managed     B. pretended   C. struggled    D. succeeded

40. A. Using      B. Picking    C. Catching     D. Giving

41. A. drew      B. transported   C. held      D. pulled

42. A. devoted     B. frightened   C. brave      D. careful

43. A. base      B. foot      C. bottom     D. root

44. A. exactly     B. specially   C. extremely    D. happily

45. A. under the water  B. on the water  C. on the shore   D. on the rock

46. A. classmates    B. families    C. friends     D. fellows

47. A. another     B. other     C. different     D. extra

48. A. them      B. her      C. it        D. him

49. A. terrifying     B. interesting  C. exciting     D. satisfying

50. A. chances     B. reasons    C. lessons      D. possiblilities

51. A. Anyway     B. Otherwise   C. Besides     D. Furthermore

52. A. usual      B. ordinary    C. general     D. common

53. A. at        B. beneath    C. under      D. over

54. A. calm       B. play     C. save       D. swim

55. A. but       B. and     C. or        D. though




  Movie magic can defy reality, but actors are inescapably human.They grow and change, and don't necessarily change for the better.

  Harry Potter actors, who are now saying their final goodbyes to their roles, have all become fully-fledged(成熟的)grown-ups, worlds apart from the little kids who began the Hogwarts' adventures in 2001.

  While many fans feel sad that the magical franhise is coming to an end, some feel even sadder to dee how much the actors have changed over the years.

  "Daniel Radciffe(who plays Harry Potter)went from being a really cute kid to a thin, pale-looking guy,"daid Filipino internet User Lealuvy."I kind of wish he stayed a kid forever."

  Radcliffe himself doesn't seem to be bothered by his change of appearance.In an interview with GQ magazine last week, he teased himself:"If people find me sexy or cool, it's because they like short, little, nerdy guys.And we do have our niche(合适的职业)."

  Meanwhile, actors growing up to be handsome have their headaches.

  Harry Melling, who played Potter's cousin Dudley Dursley, told The Telegraph that he was almost recast for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows when producers discovered he' d lost a lot of weight he had as a kid.He was too thin for the part.

  "They(the producers)did this double take, 'Oh my God, we are going to have to do something', and I felt guilty," said Meiling.

  Aside from changes in looks, the gradual personality change of child stars is another big concern of audience and producers.

  Miley Cyrus began her career at 13 in Disney's hit TV series Hannah Montana.

  When Cyrus decided to show her adult personality by releasing "sexy" photos, people began to get uneasy about her.Reports said that furious Disney bosses were considering replacing Cyrus with a more clean-cut teen star.

  Cyrus finally kept her role after public apologies.But some parents banned their children watching the show.

  "My daughter has been banned from watching the show," supermodel Cindy Crawford told Showbiz Spy."I really don't think Miley Cyrus is much of a role model for my kid."


The underlined word "defy" in Paragraph 1 means " ________ ".

[  ]










Which one is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


Actors always grow and change for the better.


Daniel Radcliffe can't escape from being a kid.


Some fans feel sad about the ending of the film series and the actors' changes.


Harry Melling was too thin to recast for the film.


Radcliffe doesn't feel bothered by his change of appearance because ________.

[  ]


people think him sexy or cool


people like short, little, nerdy guys


he thinks he grows up to be handsome


some people do think such a boy as him is sexy


What do audience and producers concern about?

[  ]


The actors' changes in appearances and gradual personality.


The actors' weight.


Whether the producers did the double take.


Whether the actors are sexy or clean-cut.


We can infer that ________ from the story of Miley Cyrus.

[  ]


Miley Cyrus decided to change her sexy adult personality later on


Disney bosses prefer pure teen stars to sexy adults in their movies


parents prevented their children from watching her show


Cindy Crawford is a supermodel, who has a daughter



  Do you believe that boys learn more from men and girls learn more from women?That’s the result of a study by Thomas Dee, a professor in America.

  Although some support his idea, many leading education experts don’t agree with his conclusion.But Dee says his research supports his point that gender(性别)matters in learning.

  However, Dee warns against drawing fast conclusions based on his work.He is not encouraging single-sex education, or any other policy.Rather, he hopes his work will bring more research into gender’s effect.

  Dee’s study is based on a national investigation of nearly 25,000 eighth-graders that was made by the Education Department.He examined test scores.Dee found that having a female teacher instead of a male teacher raised the achievement of girls and lowered that of boys in science, social studies and English.It is also true the other way around.The study found changing teachers actually could narrow achievement gaps between boys and girls, but one gender would gain at the expense of the other.

  Dee also thinks that gender influences attitudes.For instance, with a female teacher, boys were more likely to be seen as disruptive, while girls were less likely to be considered inattentive or disorderly.In a class taught by a man, girls were more likely to say the subject was not useful for their future.They were less likely to look forward to the class or to ask questions.

  “The data, as he presents, is far from convincing.I don’t think there are many parents or students, looking back over their educational careers, who haven’t been inspired by a teacher of the opposite sex.”said Marcia Greenberger, co-president of the National Women’s Law Center, which works to advance the progress of women.


The passage is most probably taken from ________.

[  ]


a short- story collection


a personal diary


a popular science magazine


a textbook for middle school students


The underlined word“disruptive”in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to ________.

[  ]










Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

[  ]


Dee’s idea that teacher’s gender affects learning is widely accepted.


In Dee’s opinion, a teacher of the opposite gender helps students learn better.


Marcia agrees that a teacher of the opposite sex discourages students’ learning.


Dee thinks that a teacher of the same gender improves students’ learning.


What can be inferred from the passage?

[  ]


Dee has already proved his study result successfully.


Teacher’s gender determines student’s school performance.


More researches need to be done on teacher’s gender effect.


Marcia thinks the data presented by Dee is far from convincing.


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