摘要: They worked hard day and night and managed to finish the project ahead of s .


When Tom finished his studies at the university (大学), he began to look around for a job. He did not know what he would like to do, but one of his uncles had worked for the government for thirty years, and he advised Tom to try to get a job of the same kind, so he went for an exam one day. He was successful, and his first job was in a large government office in London.
When Tom had been working there for a few weeks, his uncle came to visit the family one Saturday evening. He was pleased that his nephew (侄子) had got a job working for the government, and he asked him a lot of questions about it.
One of the questions he asked was, “How many people work in your department (部门), Tom?”
The young man thought for a few moments and then answered, “About half of them, Uncle Jim.”
【小题1】When he graduated (毕业) from university, Tom was not ________.

A.interested in getting any information from the government
B.looking for a good-paying job with excellent hours
C.good at making decisions
D.very good at science
【小题2】What did Tom think of his uncle’s advice?
A.He did not like it.B.He thought it was good
C.He refused to take it. D.He was unable to follow it.
【小题3】The uncle wanted to find out ________.
A.what his nephew was doing
B.how his nephew was getting on with his job
C.whether his nephew could understand him or not
D.what his nephew had expected
【小题4】In fact Tom’s answer means that __________.
A.the people working in the government office were in many groups and they worked in turn
B.most of the government workers were not working hard
C.only half of the government workers went to work on time
D.the government office had more people than needed


Have you ever thought, “I wish I could take a year off and just travel around the world”?

Well,three lucky American teenagers were able to do just that.The teens—two males and one female--got an all-expenses paid, yearlong hike to five continents.

This trip didn’t include any five-star hotels or shopping funs.Eighteen-year-old Jamie Fiel from Keller, Texas, 17-year-old Arsen Ewing from Canyon, California, and 16-year-old Tyler Robinson from Lincoln, Massachusetts, didn’t expect fancy treatment.They signed up for the experience of a lifetime, which included hard work, often uncomfortable accommodations, and encounters with(遭遇) some of nature’s most dangerous animals and environments.

Jamie, Arsen, and Tyler were among hundreds of high school kids nominated by their science teachers to take this trip.Earthwatch Institute sponsored this adventure.Each year, Earthwatch employs thousands of volunteers worldwide to help with scientific research projects.

The group went all around the world to get a close look at the most pressing environmental issues of our time.Their assignments were as varied as their locations, and included measuring and attending pink flamingos in Kenya’s Great Rift Valley, and tracking giant sea turtles in Costa Rica.

As they worked with the Earthwatch scientists, Jamie, Arsen, and Tyler began to understand that we are at a critical moment in the life of our planet.Time for change is running out.As the teens went from country to country and witnessed different environmental dangers and challenges, they understood that solutions to important environmental issues start with the power of one person's actions.They realized that each of them can make a difference.

1.These teenagers went on the journey around the world _____.

A.to experience the most serous environmental problems on the earth

B.to bring the kindness of America to the other parts of the world

C.to go on sightseeing around the world

D.to call on more teenagers to join Earthwatch Institute

2.What’s true about their journey?

A.They had to pay for their journey at their own expense.

B.They often had to move from one hotel to another.

C.They had to take great pains to collect environmental information.

D.They received a warm welcome every time they arrived at a new place.

3.It can be inferred that Earthwatch Institute could be _____.

A.an international university that takes in students from all over the world

B.a TV station that makes programmes on the beautiful scenery of the earth

C.a travel agency that organizes adventure trips specially for school children

D.an organization that brings science to life for people concerned about the earth’s environment

4.What did they these teenagers learn from the journey?

A.It was high time that people protected the environment.

B.Long journey was not suitable for school children.

C.It should take the whole world to help the children.

D.Environmental problems can be solved if school children take part.



Many people go to the school for education. School education             【小题1】__
is very important and useful, so no one can learn everything from           【小题2】___
school. A teacher’s work is to show his student how to learn.                  【小题3】____
He teaches them how to read and think. And much more was to be          【小题4】___
learned outside school by the students themselves. Great scientists,          【小题5】_
such as Newton and Edison didn’t get anything from school, but            【小题6】_
they were both successful. They invented so many things. The reason       【小题7】___
for their success is because they knew how to study. They read                【小题8】____
many books in school. They worked hard all their lives, wasting not a         【小题9】_
single moment. The most important thing is that they knew how to use his brains. 【小题10】_


History is full of examples of leaders joining together to meet common goals. But rarely have two leaders worked together with such friendship and cooperation as American President Franklin Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. They both were born in wealthy families and were active in politics for many years. Both men loved the sea and the navy,history and nature.
Roosevelt and Churchill first met when they were lower­level officials in World War One. But neither man remembered much about that meeting. However,as they worked together during the Second World War they came to like and trust each other. Roosevelt and Churchill exchanged more than one thousand seven hundred letters and messages during five and a half years. They met many times,at large national gatherings and in private talks. But the closeness of their friendship might be seen best in a story told by one of Roosevelt’s close advisors,Harry Hopkins. Hopkins remembered how Churchill was visiting Roosevelt at the White House one day. Roosevelt went into Churchill’s room in the morning to say hello. But the president was shocked to see Churchill coming from the washing room with no clothes at all. Roosevelt immediately apologized to the British leader for seeing him naked. But Churchill reportedly said: “The Prime Minister of Great Britain has nothing to hide from the president of the United States.” And then both men laughed.
The United States and Great Britain were only two of several nations that joined together in the war to resist Hitler and his Allies. In January,1942,twenty­six of these nations signed an agreement promising to fight for peace,religious freedom,human rights,and justice. The three major Allies,however,were the most important for the war effort: the United States,Britain,and the Soviet Union. Yet,Churchill and Roosevelt disagreed about when  to attack Hitler in western Europe. And Churchill resisted Roosevelt’s suggestions that Britain give up some of its colonies. But in general,the friendship between Roosevelt and Churchill,and between the United States and Britain led the two nations to cooperate closely.
【小题1】What can be inferred from the passage?

A.Roosevelt and Churchill had much in common.
B.Roosevelt and Churchill had nothing in common.
C.Roosevelt and Churchill had no difference but cooperation.
D.Roosevelt and Churchill always joined together to meet common goals.
【小题2】Which of the following about Roosevelt and Churchill is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Since World War One they had believed in each other.
B.They exchanged just 27 letters and messages per month during the 5.5 years.
C.Harry Hopkins never let out the closeness of their friendship.
D.Roosevelt and Churchill hadn’t been presidents before World War One.
【小题3】We can know from the passage that________.
A.Roosevelt and Churchill did not always agree with each other
B.over two differences between Churchill and Roosevelt were mentioned
C.Churchill urged Roosevelt to give up some of its colonies
D.the differences between Roosevelt and Churchill had an effect on their cooperation


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