摘要: In some areas, many local i refuse to accept foreign culture.


Forget Twitter and Facebook, Google and the Kindle. Television is still the most influential medium around. Indeed ,for many of the poorest regions of the world, it remains the next big thing——finally becomes globally available. And that is a good thing, because the TV revolution is changing lives for the better.
Across the developing world, around 45% of families had a TV in 1995; by 2005 the number had climbed above 60%. That is some way behind the U.S. , where are more TVs than people, and where people now easily get access to the Internet. Five million more families in sub-Saharan Africa will get a TV over the next five years. In 2005 , after the fall of the Taliban(塔利班),which had outlawed TV, 1 in 5 Afghans had one. The global total is another 150 million by 2013——pushing the numbers to well beyond two thirds of families.
Television’s most powerful effect will be on the lives of women. In India, researchers Robert Jensen and Emily Oster found that when TVs reached villages, women were more likely to go to the market without their husbands’ approval and less likely to want a boy rather than a girl. They were more likely to make decisions over child health care. TV is also a powerful medium for adult education. In the Indian state of Gujarat, Chitrageet is a popular show that plays Bollywood songs with words in Gujarati on the screen. Within six months, viewers had made a small but significant improvement in their reading skills.
Too much TV has been associated with violence, overweight and loneliness. However, TV is having a positive influence on the lives of billions worldwide. K^S*5U.C
【小题1】 The underlined word “outlawed” in paragraph 2 probably means “           ”.

【小题2】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Americans used to get access to the Internet easily.
B.The world’s TV sets will total 150 million by 2013.
C.45% of families in the developing countries had a TV in 2005.
D.Over two thirds of families in the world will have a TV by 2013.
【小题3】The author intends to             .
A.stress the advantages of TV to people’s lives
B.persuade women to become more independent
C.encourage people to improve their reading skills
D.introduce the readers some websites such as Google
【小题4】 What would be the best title for the passage?  
A.TV Will Rule the WorldB.TV Will Disturb the World
C.TV Will Better the WorldD.TV Will Remain in World
【小题5】 From the passage, we know _______________.
A.It is impossible for women in India to get access to TVs now.
B.Robert Jensen and Emily Oster are Indian women.
C.Women in India are more likely to want a girl than a boy because of the arrival of TV.
D.Viewers of a popular TV show can improve their reading skills greatly in half a year.


With fears of a possible nuclear meltdown(核反应堆堆芯的熔毁) in Japan building up, evidence has come to light that the nation received warnings over the stability of its power plants from an international watchdog more than two years ago.
  As the Telegraph is reporting, an official from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said in December 2008 that safety rules were out of date, and strong earthquakes would cause a “serious problem” for the power stations.
  A U.S. embassy document, by quoting(引用)an unnamed expert, states: “He (the IAEA official) explained that safety guides for earthquakes have only been updated three times in the last 35 years and that the IAEA is now re-examining them. Also, the presenter noted recent earthquakes in some cases have gone beyond the design basis for some nuclear plants, and that this is a serious problem that is now driving earthquake safety work.”
  The Telegraph also reports that the government responded to the warnings by building an emergency response center at the Fukushima Daiichi plant designed to resist magnitude-7.0 earthquakes. Friday's earthquake, originally named a magnitude-8.9 shock, has since been upgraded to magnitude-9.0.
  Other nuclear experts state IAEA officials had willingly ignored lessons from the Chernobyl disaster to protect the nuclear industry's expansion, reports Bloomberg. “After Chernobyl, all the force of the nuclear industry was directed to hide this event, for not creating damage to their reputation,”Russian nuclear accident specialist Iouli Andreyev tells Reuters, before noting that radiation from spent fuel rods(棒)stored close to reactors at Fukushima looked like an example of putting profit before safety. “The Japanese were very greedy, and they used every square inch of the space. But when you have a dense(密集的) placing of spent fuel in the basin, you have a high possibility of fire if the water is removed from the basin.”
【小题1】 From the passage, we know that ____________.

A.people fear that the nuclear meltdown will possibly become more and more serious in Japan
B.people are becoming more and more afraid of a possible nuclear meltdown in Japan
C.Japan made no response to the warnings over the safety of its power plants
D.Iouli Andreyev warned Japan not to store spent fuel rods close to reactors
【小题2】 Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Japan was warned of the stability of its power plants when they were built over 2 years ago.
B.Safety guides for earthquakes should be updated three times in 35 years.
C.The emergency response centre at the Fukushima Daiichi plant can not resist Friday’s
D.IAEA officials advised Japan to ignore lessons from the Chernobyl disaster.
【小题3】 IAEA officials were willing to ignore lessons from the Chernobyl disaster because they want ________.
A.to put profit before safety.B.the nuclear industry to develop
C.to protect the reputation of JapanD.every inch of land to be made good use of
【小题4】The writer develops this passage mainly by__________.
A.making comments B.providing facts
C.quoting what experts say D.analysing what happened


He met her at a party. She was outstanding; many guys were   36  her, but nobody paid any attention to him. After the party, he invited her for coffee. She was surprised. In order not to appear   37 , she went along.
  As they sat in a nice coffee shop, he was too   38  to say anything and she felt uncomfortable. Suddenly, he asked the waiter, "Could you please give me some   39 ? I'd like to put it in my coffee."
  They stared at him. He turned   40 , but when the salt came, he put it in his coffee and drank.   41 , she asked, "Why salt with coffee?" He explained, "When I was a little boy, I lived near the sea. I liked playing on the sea ... I could feel its taste salty, like salty coffee. Now  42  I drink it, I think of my childhood and my hometown. I   43  it and my parents, who are still there."
  She was deeply touched. A man who can admit that he's homesick must love his home and   44  his family. He must be responsible.
  She talked too, about her faraway hometown, her childhood, her family. That was the start to their love story.
  They continued to   45 . She found that he met all her   46 . He was tolerant, kind, warm and careful. She would have missed the catch if not for the salty coffee!
  So they   47  and lived happily together. And every time she made   48  for him, she put in some salt, the way he liked it.
  After 40 years, he passed away and left her a letter which said:
  My dearest, please   49  my life-long lie. Remember the first time we dated? I was so nervous I asked for salt instead of   50 .
  It was hard for me to ask for a   51 , so I just went ahead. Many times, I tried to tell you the truth, but I was afraid that it would   52  everything.
Sweetheart, I don't exactly like salty coffee. But as it   53  so much to you, I've learnt to enjoy it. Having you   54  me was my greatest happiness. If I could live a second time, I hope we can be together again,   55  it means that I have to drink salty coffee for the rest of my life.

A.some timeB.every timeC.no timeD.any time
A.care aboutB.care toC.take careD.do care
A.meal B.coffeeC.teaD.soup
A.as ifB.becauseC.even ifD.no matter


A powerful earthquake struck the northeastern coast of Japan at two forty-six p.m. local time on March eleventh.2011. Japan's Meteorological Agency released its first tsunami(海啸) warnings just three minutes later. The country has one of the best earthquake early warning systems in the world.
There are more than four thousand Seismic Intensity Meters in place throughout Japan to measure earthquake activity. These meters provide information within two minutes of an earthquake happening. Information about the strength and the center of the earthquake can be learned within three minutes.
There are also concrete(混凝土) sea walls around much of the Japanese coastline. But these measures proved no match for the powerful earthquake and tsunami.
Costas Synolakis ,a tsunami expert at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles said,"Japan is one of those most well-prepared countries on earth in terms of tsunami warning. They had a warning. I think what went wrong is that they had not expected the size of this event."
He says there are two reasons for this. Japan has not had any event anywhere near as big as this one in the last one hundred fifty years. And scientists had not expected such a large earthquake happening off the coast of Japan.
The nine point zero magnitude earthquake was the fourth most powerful earthquake ever recorded worldwide. It was also the worst earthquake ever to hit Japan. The tsunami waves that followed were reported to have reached as high as thirteen meters in some areas.
Costas Synolakis says Japan's concrete sea walls were not built to handle such high waves.
Experts say early warning systems will continue to be limited by these facts until earthquakes and tsunamis can be predicted
【小题1】Where can this passage probably be adapted from?

A.A magazine on scienceB.A fairy Tale
C.A scientific fantasy bookD.A newspaper
【小题2】Which of the following statements NOT true ?
A.A terrible earthquake hit the northeastern coast of Japan
B.It was also the worst earthquake in Japan
C.The 9.0 earthquake was the fourth most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan
D.Japan's concrete sea walls was unable to handle such high waves.
【小题3】According to Costas Synolakis, why did Japan suffer such a loss?
A.The country has never experienced any event as big as this one over the past 150 years
B.Japan has the best earthquake early warning systems in the world.
C.There are not concrete sea walls around all of the Japanese coastline
D.The government didn’t announce its first tsunami warnings three minutes earlier.


Do you ever find yourself longing for (渴望) some time for yourself? Many of us are so busy with work and school and there is little time left to do something that we enjoy. What follows are some ways to find to slow down and enjoy life.
1. Evenings with Yourself. Try to save certain weeknights just for you. If others ask you to do something else, just tell them your plans. Use the time for gardening, reading or doing exercise.
2. Monthly Treat. Schedule a treat for yourself once a month. Maybe you can go to see a movie, have a haircut, play golf or whatever treat you’re always thinking about but rarely get to.
3. Buy Tickets in Advance. Sports, theater, concerts or any other event you would enjoy. Schedule the plans with a friend later. Having the tickets already in hand will force you to make it happen!
4. Join a Group. Here are some ideas of groups that can allow you some time away from work and study: singing group, book club, biking/walking/running/etc clubs, ski club, etc. What are you interested in? Look up a club in your area today and join! If you can’t find a club, consider starting one by yourself!
5. Exercise. For busy people it can be difficult to make time for this. All you have to do is decide today and then make it a reality tomorrow. A new habit is started with just one step. Take that first step tomorrow. Walk for 20 minutes in the morning. Then build on that success daily.
64. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
A. Do more Exercise               B. How to Keep Fit
C. Find Time for Yourself           D. Spend Time with Your Friends
65. What are the main reasons why people have almost no time for relaxation?
A. Because people are eager to achieve success in life.
B. Because people are busy with their jobs and study.
C. Because people find it difficult to make their dreams come true.
D. Because people are too tired of life.
66. According to the passage, which of the following can NOT help you relax?
A. Do some exercise regularly, at least start to do some exercise.
B. Take part in some groups or build up a circle of your own.
C. Schedule certain evenings for yourself and enjoy them.
D. Stay late at your office and spend evenings with your colleagues.
67. According to the author, what is the most important step for an extremely busy man to do some exercise?
A. Buying some sports equipment.           B. Just doing it first.
C. Making a long-term plan.                D. Joining a health club.


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