摘要: Americans account for 6 percent of the world’s population but over a third of the world’s energy.


Human needs seem endless. When a hungry man gets a meal, he begins to think about an overcoat, when a manager gets a new sports car, a big house and pleasure boats dance into view.
The many needs of mankind might be regarded as making up several levels. When there is money enough to satisfy one level of needs, another level appears.
The first and most basic level of needs involves food. Once this level is satisfied, the second level of needs, clothing and some sort of shelter, appears. By the end of World War Ⅱ, these needs were satisfied for a great majority of Americans. Then a third level appeared. It included such items as automobiles and new houses.
By 1957 or 1958 this third level of needs was fairly well satisfied. Then, in the late 1950s, a fourth level of needs appeared; the “life-enriching” level. While the other levels involve physical satisfaction, that is, the need in comfort, safety, and transportation, this level stresses mental needs for recognition, achievement, and happiness. It includes a variety of goods and services, many of which could be called “luxury” items. Among them are vacation trips, the best medical and dental care, and recreation. Also included here are fancy goods and the latest styles in clothing.
On the fourth level, a lot of money is spent on services, while on the first three levels more is spent on goods. Will consumers raise their sights to a fifth level of needs as their income increases, or will they continue to demand luxuries and personal services on the fourth level?
A fifth level would probably involve needs that can be achieved best by community action. Consumers may be spending more on taxes to pay for government action against disease, ignorance, crime, and prejudice. After filling our stomachs, our clothes closets, our garages, our teeth, and our minds, we now may seek to ensure the health, safety, and leisure to enjoy more fully the good things on the first four levels.
【小题1】According to the passage, man will begin to think about such needs as housing and clothing only when      .

A.he has saved up enough money
B.he has grown dissatisfied with his simple shelter
C.he has satisfied his hunger
D.he has learned to build houses
【小题2】 It can be inferred from the passage that by the end of World War Ⅱ, most Americans       .
A.were very richB.lived in poverty
C.had the good things on the first three levels
D.did not own automobiles
【小题3】Which of the following is NOT related to “physical satisfaction” ?
A.A successful career.B.A comfortable home.
C.A good meal.D.A family car.
【小题4】 What is the main concern of man on the fourth level?
A.The more goods the better.
B.The more mental satisfaction the better.
C.The more “luxury” items the better.
D.The more earnings the better.



For Americans, a mosquito bite is an itchy(使人发痒的) bother, but for many in Africa, a tiny bite can be deadly. One million people die each year of malaria, a disease spread by infected mosquitoes. Most of these people live in Africa, and are under age 5.

Malaria can be prevented and treated. However, many African nations don’t have the funds to fight it. Nothing but Nets (NBN) hopes to change that. The United Nations Foundation created the campaign in 2006. The mission: Squash(压制) malaria by covering sleeping areas with nets. Hanging bed nets treated with insecticide(杀虫剂) is the simplest way to stop mosquitoes from biting at night. The chemical lasts four to five years. For $10, anyone can send a net to Africa and help save a life.

So far, NBN has raised $19 million and delivered 700,000 nets to seven countries. Families are taught how to use the nets. Kids also get vaccines(疫苗) and vitamins. “Women line up for miles to get these interventions(干预措施) for their kids,” says NBN director Elizabeth McKee Gore. “They understand the importance.” So do kids in this country. “They get so excited thinking of ways to raise money,” says NBN spokesperson and basketball star Ruth Riley.

NBN’s biggest fund-raiser is Katherine Commale, 7. She’s been spreading the buzz(嗡嗡声) about bed nets for the past two years. To show how they work, she and her brother made a picture. “We teach that bed nets can save lives,” she told TFK.

Katherine has raised $42,000 for NBN. “She just wants those who need a net to have one,” says her mom, Lynda. “It’s pretty simple to her.” To find out how you can help, visit nothingbutnets.net.

58.   Why can a tiny mosquito bite be deadly in Africa? (within 10 words)


59. List the ways to prevent malaria. (not more than 8 words)


60. Paraphrase(用英语重述) the underlined sentence. (not more than 12 words)




More surprising, perhaps, than the current difficulties of traditional marriage is the fact that marriage itself is alive and thriving(旺盛的). As Skolnich notes, Americans are a marrying people: relative to Europeans, more of us marry and we marry at a younger age. Moreover, after a decline(衰退)in the early 1970s, the rate of marriage in the United States is now increasing. Even the divorce(离婚)rate needs to be taken in this pro- marriage context: some 80 percent of divorced individuals remarry. Thus, marriage remains by far the preferred way of life for the vast majority of the people in our society.

  What has changed more than marriage is the nuclear family. Twenty- five years ago, the typical American family consisted of the husband, the wife, and two or three children. Now, there are many marriages in which couples have decided not to have any children, and there are many marriages where at least some of the children are from the wife’s previous marriage, or the husband’s, or both. Sometimes these children spend all of their time with one parent from the former marriage; sometimes they are shared between the two former spouses (配偶).

  Thus, one can find every type of tamely arrangement. There are marriages without children; marriages with children from only the present marriages; marriages with “full - time” children from both the present and former marriages; marriages with“full- time”children from the present marriage and“ part- time”children from former marriages. There are stepfathers, stepmothers, half- brothers and half - sisters. It is not all that unusual for a child to have four parents and eight grandparents! These are enormous changes from the traditional nuclear family. But even so, even in the midst of all this, there remains one constant: most Americans spend most of their adult lives married.

By calling Americans a marrying people the writer means that ________.

  A. Americans are more traditional than Europeans

  B. Americans expect more out of marriage than Europeans

  C. there are more married couples in the USA than in Europe

  D. more of Americans, as compared with Europeans, prefer marriage and they accept it at a younger age

Divorced Americans ________ .

  A. prefer the way they live

  B. will most likely remarry

  C. have lost interest in marriage

  D. are the majority of people in the society

Which of the following can be presented as the picture of today’s American families?

  A. Which types of family arrangements have become socially acceptable.

  B. A typical American family consists of only a husband and a wife.

  C. Americans prefer to have more kids than before.

  D. There are no nuclear families any more.


More surprising,perhaps, than the present difficulties of traditional marriage is the fact that marriage itself is alive and thriving.As Skolnick notes,Americans are a marrying people: relative to Europeans, more of us marry and we marry at a younger age. Moreover, after a drop in the early 1915s,the rate of marriage in the United States is now increasing. Even the divorce rate needs to be taken in this pro?marriage context: some 30 percent of divorced individuals remarry. Thus, marriage remains by far the preferred way of life for the vast majority of people in our society.

What has changed more than marriage is the nuclear family. Twenty?five years ago, the typical American family was made up of a husband, a wife, and two or three children.Now,there are many marriages in which couples have decided not to have any children. And there are many marriages where at least some of the children are from the wife’s former marriage, or the husband’s, or both.Sometimes these children spend all of their time with one parent from the former marriage; sometimes they are shared between the two former spouses (配偶).

Thus, one can find every type of family arrangement. There are marriages without children; marriages with children from only the persent marriage;  marriages with “full?time” children from both the present and former marriages; marriages with “full?time” children from the present marriage and “part?time” children from former marriages. There are stepfathers, stepmothers, half?brothers, and half?sisters.It is not all that unusual for a child to have four parents and eight grandparents! These are great changes from the traditional nuclear family.But even so, even in the midst  of all this, there remains one constant: Most Americans spend most of their adult lives married.

13.By calling American marrying people the author means that .      

A.Americans are more traditional than Europeans  

B.Americans expect more out of marriage than Europeans

C.there are more married couples in U.S.A. than in Europe

D.more of Americans,as compared with Europeans, prefer marriage and they accept it at a younger age

14.Divorced Americans        .

A.prefer the way they live 

B.will most likely remarry   

C.have lost faith in marriage          

D.are the vast majority of people in the society

15.Which of the following can be presented as the picture of today’s American families?

A.Many types of family arrangements have become socially acceptable.

B.A typical American family is made up of only a husband and a wife.

C.Americans prefer to have more kids than before.     D.There are no nuclear families any more.

16.“Part time”children        .

A.spend some of their time with their half brothers and some of their time with their half?sisters

B.spend all of their time with one parent from the previous marriage

C.are shared between the two former spouses          D.cannot stay with “full?time” children

17.Even though great changes have taken place in the structure of American families, .

A.the vast majority of Americans still have faith in marriage

B.the functions of marriage remain unchanged      

C.most Americans prefer a second marriage   

D.most divorced Americans would rather not remarry


 More surprising, perhaps, than the current difficulties of traditional marriage is the fact that marriage itself is alive and thriving(旺盛的). As Skolnich notes, Americans are a marrying people: relative to Europeans, more of us marry and we marry at a younger age. Moreover, after a decline(衰退)in the early 1970s, the rate of marriage in the United States is now increasing. Even the divorce(离婚)rate needs to be taken in this pro-marriage context: some 80 percent of divorced individuals remarry. Thus, marriage remains by far the preferred way of life for the vast majority of the people in our society.

  What has changed more than marriage is the nuclear family. Twenty-five years ago, the typical American family consisted of the husband, the wife, and two or three children. Now, there are many marriages in which couples have decided not to have any children, and there are many marriages where at least some of the children are from the wife’s previous marriage, or the husband’s, or both. Sometimes these children spend all of their time with one parent from the former marriage; sometimes they are shared between the two former spouses(配偶).

  Thus, one can find every type of family arrangement. There are marriages without children; marriages with children from only the present marriages; marriages with“full-time”children from both the present and former marriages; marriages with“full-time”children from the present marriage and“part-time”children from former marriages. There are stepfathers, stepmothers, half-brothers and half-sisters. It is not all that unusual for a child to have four parents and eight grandparents! These are enormous changes from the traditional nuclear family. But even so, even in the midst of all this, there remains one constant: most Americans spend most of their adult lives married.

By calling Americans a marrying people the writer means that ________.

  A. Americans are more traditional than Europeans

  B. Americans expect more out of marriage than Europeans

  C. there are more married couples in the USA than in Europe

  D. more of Americans, as compared with Europeans, prefer marriage and they accept it at a younger age

Divorced Americans ________ .

  A. prefer the way they live                   B. will most likely remarry

  C. have lost interest in marriage               D. are the majority of people in the society

Which of the following can be presented as the picture of today’s American families?

  A. Different types of family arrangements have become socially acceptable.

  B. A typical American family consists of only a husband and a wife.

  C. Americans prefer to have more kids than before.

  D. There are no nuclear families any more.

Though great changes have taken place in the structure of American families, ________ .

  A. the majority of Americans still have faith in marriage

  B. the functions of marriage remain unchanged

  C. most Americans prefer a second marriage

D. most Americans prefer to be single


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