摘要:89.Of去掉 90.正确





M:Do you have any trouble with your pronunciation, Mary?

W:Not too much.I can pronounce English words well, but I write them poorly.

1.-Do you have any trouble ________, ________?

-________.I can ________ English words well, but write them ________.

M:Why don’t you go and ask the man sitting in the chair?

W:Oh, thank you very much.

2.Why ________ and ask the man ________?

John, a quite ordinary playwriter, is now in high debts.

3.John, ________, is now in high debts.


M:Mondays are the worst.Our timetable is full of difficult subjects.

W:Like what?

M:Well, like English, French and geography in the morning.

W:What’s your favorite day of the week?

M:Oh, the day after Tuesday without doubt.We have an easy morning:just art and music, followed by sports all the afternoon.

W:That sounds nice.

4.What’s their favorite day of the week?




M:I’d like to see Mr.Stone.I hear he is an expert on heart disease.

W:I’m sorry, Mr.Stone will be busy the whole afternoon.He is having a medical conference.Can you manage at 10∶30 tomorrow morning?

5.Who is Mr.Stone?

A.A doctor.

B.A nurse.

C.A secretary.

M:I’m so tired.I’ve spent the entire morning in selling my car.

W:Selling your car?Don’t you like it or isn’t it new?

M:No, my company is moving me to Europe next month.So I intend to buy a new one over there.

6.Why did the man sell his car?

A.He doesn’t like it.

B.He is going abroad.

C.It’s too old.

W:What’s the matter, Tom?You look unhappy.

M:No, not really.I’m only worrying about my maths exam.

7.What makes the man worried?

A.Maths test.

B.An English exam.

C.His headache.

W:I find listening most difficult.What can I do?

M:Don’t worry.Listen to English tapes every day, and you will make great progress.The more you listen, the easier you will find.

8.What does the man advise her to do?

A.Listen more.

B.Speak more.

C.Write more.


听第9段材料,并判断下列陈述是否正确(True or False)。

  Food is a subject that interests me.I like food that is good and well-cooked.I dislike watery cabbage, soup that looks and tastes like water, and beef or mutton that is burned or not cooked enough.But when you get real English beef and mutton, bread and cheese, or eggs and bacon, there is nothing like it.I didn’t know any apple that has a better taste than a good English one, and no other cup of tea ever tastes as good to me as the tea that we make in England.

  I know that coffee is not good in many English hotels.But it is good in many English homes when it is made with fresh coffee by people who know how to make it.My wife is going to make some coffee for us tomorrow morning at 11 o’clock.You’ll see then that English coffee can be good.

9.The speaker is interested in food, especially in English food.

10.According to the speaker, soup that looks and tastes like rain interests him.

11.The speaker likes to have a cup of tea made in England.

12.The speaker thinks coffee made in English homes is not better than in English hotels.

13.The speaker wants his friends to enjoy his wife’s coffee tomorrow morning.


  Jim walked into a store which had a sign outside:“Second-hand clothes bought and sold.”He was carrying a jacket and asked the owner of the store how much he thought the jacket was worth.

  The man looked at the jacket and then said, “Two dollars.”

  “What?” said Jim.“But I was thinking you would say at least five.”

  “Five dollars?No, it isn’t worth a cent more than two dollars, ” said the owner of the store.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Sure!” said the man.

  “Well,” said Jim, taking two dollars out of his pocket, “Here’s the money.This jacket was hanging outside your store with a price-tag that said $8.5, but I thought maybe that was a typing mistake.And now I know it is!” Then he walked out of the store with the jacket in his hand before the store owner could think of anything to say.

14.Jim walked into a store which had a sign outside:“Second-hand   (1)   bought and sold.”He was carrying a jacket and asked the   (2)   of the store how much he thought the jacket was   (3)  

  The man looked at the jacket and then said, “Two dollars.”

  “What?” said Jim, “But I was thinking you would say at least five.”

  “Five dollars?No, it isn’t worth a cent more than two dollars, ” said the owner of the store.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Sure!” said the man.

15.“Well, ” said Jim, taking two dollars out of his   (4)  , “here’s the money.This jacket was   (5)   outside your store with a price-tag(价格标签)that said $8.5, but I thought maybe that was a typing mistake.And now I know it is!” Then he walked out of the   (6)   with the jacket in his hand before the store owner could think of anything to say.


At the Cafe

Attendant:Good afternoon.

Tom:I’m Tom, Zhang.We made a reservation for tea this afternoon.

Attendant:Yes, sir.This way, please.Here’s your table.Is this all right?

Tom:Yes, it’s nice, indeed.Thank you.

Attendant:I’m so glad you like it.What would you like?We serve coffee and tea, sandwiches, cakes and cold drinks.Please look under the plate-glass at the menu for afternoon tea.

Tom:What would you like, Mike?

Mike:I’ll try a chicken salad sandwich and have a cup of coffee with cream.

Attendant:How about you, Mr.Zhang?

Tom:I will have black tea with lemon and sugar and a piece of Swiss roll.

Attendant:Anything else?

Tom:What’s your specialty today?

Attendant:We have strawberries with cream today.I suggest you try them.

Tom:Good, I will.

16.How many people are there in the dialogue?




17.Where is the menu?

A.On the plate-glass.

B.Beside the plate-glass.

C.Under the plate-glass.

听第12段材料,并判断下列陈述是否正确(True or False)。

Check, please!

Waiter:Are you through with your meal?

Tom:Yes, we are.Could we have the check, please?

Waiter:Here is your check, 85 dollars in all.I can take care of it here when you’re ready.

Tom:Do you accept cheque?

Waiter:No, I’m sorry we don’t.We accept credit cards and cash.

Tom:Well, I don’t have any cash with me.So I’ll have to put it on credit.Here’s 90 dollars.Please keep the change.

Waiter:Thank you.I will be right back.

Tom:Oh, please wait for a minute.I want to go with the food left.

Waiter:I see.I will bring some to-go boxes for you.

Tom:Thank you.

18.The waiter preferred to be paid by cheque.

19.The waiter received 4 dollars for his tip(小费).

20.The customer took away his left food with to-go boxes.


It doesn't matter when or how much a person sleeps, but everyone needs some rest to stay alive. That's what all doctors thought, until they heard about Al Herpin.

  Al Herpin, it was said, never slept. He was 90 years old when doctors came to his home in New Jersey. They expected to find out that he needed sleep of some kind. But they were surprised. Though they watched him every hour of the day, they never saw Herpin sleeping. He did not even own a bed. He never needed one.

  The closest that Herpin came to resting was to sit in a rocking chair(摇椅) and read some news papers. The doctors were puzzled by this strange continuous sleeplessness. Herpin offered the only probable explanation of his condition. He remembered some talk about his mother having been injured several days before he was born.

The point of this story is that _______.

 A. We needn't feel surprised to find someone who doesn't sleep

 B. one person was found who actually didn't need any sleep

C. everyone needs some rest to stay alive

 D. not sleeping may help one to live longer

After watching him closely, the doctors believed that Al Herpin _______.

 A. needed some kind of sleep    B. slept while one was watching

 C. needed no sleep at all     D. nearly slept in a rocking chair

One suggested explanation of Herpin's sleeplessness was _______.

 A. his old age     

B. his not having a bed

 C. his magnificent physical condition

 D. his mother's injury while carrying him

The writer of the story obviously thinks that Al Herpin's sleeplessness ___.

 A. could be cured     B. could be explained

 C. was healthful      D. was uncommon  






  Soon it may be harder to stop and smell the roses.

  Growing levels of air pollution from power plants and automobiles have reduced flower fragrances (芬芳) by up to 90 percent in the US.That is compared with pre-industrial levels,a new study has found.

  The trend is unpleasant for human noses,but may be life - threatening for bees and butterflies.

  "Many insects find flowers by folowing the scent(香味) produced by those flowers," said the studies lead author Jose D.Fuentes,an environmental scientist at the University of Virginia.

  "The increasing pollution makes it difficult for them to locate the flowers and feed on their nectar(花蜜)."

  Scientists have alrady known that flowers produce scent molecules(分子) that bond with pollutants.The process breaks down the plants' sweet smell.

  With more pollution in the air,the scent molecules don't remain effective as long and travel shorter distances on the wind.

  The new study suggests that in the mid - 19th century,when pollution levels were first recorded,scent molecules would have been able to travel some 1,000 to 1,200 meters.

  Today,in the polluted air found downwind of large cities,scentst may only make it some 200 to 300 meters.

  The report was recently published in the journal,Atmospheric Environment.

  Bee farmers have reported that bee populations are dropping dramatically in many parts of the world in recent years. Could these missing scents be a factor?

  Scientists trying to hind the cause of bee population declines have blamed bacteria,pesticides,and even cellphone radiation.

  Jay Evans,an entomologist(昆虫学者) at the US Department of Agriculture's bee research laboratory,was interested in the new study.But he says he hasn't seen bee behavior that suggests trouble with scents.

  "Over the last couple of summers I don't think the bees in this area were bringing in much less food,"he said.

  "It might be that they had to work harder,but it seems like as long as there were bees to collect food they were finding flowers somewhere."

  But Fuentes fears that the fading smell of flowers may stress insects that are already faced with other threats.

  "The effects shown in these studies will simply exacerbate whatever the bees are going through right now,"he said.

  "It's something that is really worthwhile paying attention to."

  56.What's the passage mainly about?

   A.How greatly air plooution affects our lives.

   B.Effects of air pollution on bee populations.

   C.Measures to fight air pollution.

   D.The rapid decline of bee populations in the world.

  57.According to the passage,Jay Evans probably agrees that ______ .

   A.bees are the insect that suffers most from air pollution

   B.bees are at risk of dying out owing to air pollution

   C.the fading smell of flowers doesn't affect bees so greatly as was thought

   D.as is often the case,bees fail to locate the flowers because of the missing scents

  58.The word"exacerbate" in the last paragraph but one probably means ______.

   A.worsen B.improve C.get rid of D.decrease

  59.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A.The more air pollution there is in a region,the greater the destruction of the flower scents.

   B.Bacteria,pesticides,and cellphone radiation are blamed for causing the decline of bees.

   C.The scent molecules produced by flowers in a less polluted environment oculd travel longer and farther.

   D.Air pollution does more harm to insects such as bees and butterflies than human beings.



Hoffman,40,a former senior vice president of a financial company,had what she describes as “one of those extreme jobs.” “I loved working,” she says. But her career path reached a crossroad when her second child was born,and she left her job in February 2007. Hoffman is one of many people who have left the work force to take a break,but she has a position as a consultant.She has described this type of career detour(绕路) ----- which is more common for women than for men—as “off- ramping.” Typically it occurs when the balancing act of parenting and work becomes too tough.

A study by the center found that more than 90 percent of women who off-ramp want to on-ramp back into the work force eventually.But making the transition back to work is rarely easy,and it is even harder in this economic climate of layoffs and hiring freezes.

Considering some of the obstacles faced by on- rampers , a three-day program called “Greater Returns:Restarting Your Career” was held at Columbia University. The goal of the three days was to have them walk away with a big shot of confidence.

 According to one school of thought, women looking to make a comeback might even have an advantage in the current economy,especially if they are looking for part-time or consultant positions that do not offer benefits. And a majority of on-rampers are women with extensive working experiences that could give them a slight advantage over less-experienced competition.

 “You absolutely cannot be defensive about why you off-ramped,” Ms Hoffman says, “ defensive” would have put her into a hard situation if the Greater Returns program had had not taught her how to describe the years she spent at home.“I now feel confident talking to an employer and saying,‘ Yes,I have been out of the work force,but here is where I can make significant contributions.’”

1.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Off ramp:it is common        

B.On ramp:it is easy

C.Off ramp or on ramp:it depends on confidence

D.Off ramp to on ramp:it can be a hard Journey

2.According to the passage,Greater Returns___________.

A.is intended to relieve the pressure of the jobless women

B.has all the jobless women restart their career

C.will build up the confidence of those in search of jobs

D.is to last a11 the year around for the jobless women

3.The main reason for the women’s off-ramping is that_________.

A.they have to suffer the sexual discrimination

B.they have to parent their children

C.they reach a crossroad of career

D.they have great work pressure

4.From what Ms.Hoffman says in the last paragraph,we can conclude________ .

A.she didn’t get advice from the Greater Returns program

B.she was defensive about her off-ramping

C.she didn’t get the job because she lied about her experience

D.she is off ramp partly due to her straightforward manner

5.Which job is easier to get for a woman off-ramper?

A.Regular workers.                        B.Casual workers.

C.Company managers.                     D.Bank clerks.



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