摘要: Progress has been made towards a political c between the two nations. [答案] compromise


第二节:英国卫报就教育问题在其网站上组织了一次讨论,其中Jesica、Bernal、Stevens、Carlos与lnersoll的观点颇具代表性。第61—65题是他们各自的观点。阅读下面发表在the Guardians网站上的6段留言(A、B、C、D、E和F),选择与其观点一致的表述,并在答题纸上将该项标号涂黑。选项中有一项是多余选项。

61.Stevens blames the modern methods of teaching for the deafening noise in primary schools.

62.Jessica holds the view that it’s shameful that the investment in education has not achieved the expected results.

63.Ingersoll believes that education should be assessed from the students’ aspect and that how much they enjoy is what counts most.

64.Carlos thinks that in terms of education, students’ own willingness to learn really matters.

65.Bernal thinks the standard of education has made significant progress though we may not see plenty of obvious sings of it.


I think it’s a great shame that people don’t learn anything today. I mean, good heavens, when you think of all the millions of pounds the Government have spent on education—new schools, more teachers, new equipment. And yet still you find people who can’t read properly, can’t even write their names and don’t know what two and two is without a calculator. I think it’s downright disgraceful. I remember when I was young you went to school to learn. You did as you were told and respected your teachers. Nowadays you get long-haired kids who aren’t interested in anything. No wonder they don’t learn anything.


I can’t praise our educational system too much. Our universities provide internationally recognized qualifications and the teaching standards in our country are among the best in the world. The education system in our country is different from that in many other countries, and it greatly appeals to the foreign students. It has a long history of welcoming international students to study in its universities and colleges. Now over 300,000 international students from 180 different courtiers are currently studying in Britain. I think the government should invest more money into this field to maintain the competitiveness of the system and ensure the high quality of the education in the 21st century.


Well, there are a log of different views on this, but I think it is probably wrong to imagine that there was some golden age in the past when everything was perfect. It all depends, of course, on what you measure and how you measure it. It may surprise some people that there ha snot been an obvious and dramatic increase in the standard of educating, given the vast amounts of money spent in this area by successive governments in recent years. But of course you can’t expect to see a child grow into an adult overnight.


Well, if you asked me, it’s all these modern methods that is the problem. In the old days you sat in rows at desks and you did as you were told. You knew what you had to do and you did it—and you kept quiet. Nowadays, my god, the noise in most schools is deafening especially primary schools. The children wander around—do more or less what they want to as far as I can see. The teacher just sits there or wanders around with them, talking to them. Informal teaching they call it. discovery methods sounds more like a recipe for discovering disaster to me.


Many people talk about how to improve education and a lot suggest raising the salaries of teachers and professors. Of course, this is very important to education. Of course, this is very important to education. However, increasing the salary of teachers is just one way to improve education. It will not work without the cooperation of the other determining factors, such as students’ love of knowledge and reading. Even if the teachers are devoted, it will make no sense if the students are not willing to learn.


The criticism that what students learn today is not adapted to present-day society is completely wrong because education can never be seen only in terms of how useful the subjects are when students leave school. We ought to assess education in terms of how much the students enjoy those subjects and how much they mean to those students. Instead of being trained to be utilitarian, students should be encouraged to do things for their own sake, and study what they are interested in.


Each year there is an increasing number of cars as millions of new cars are produced in America . Americans will not live without cars ! However , some have realised the serious problem of air pollution by cars . It is necessary to find ways to solve the problem of air pollution .
One way to clean the air is to build a new kind of clean car . That’s what several of the large car factories are trying to do . But to build a clean car is easier said than done . Progress in this field has been slow .
Another way is to take the place of the car engine by something else . Engineers are now working on it . Many makers believe that it will take years to develop a practical model that can please man .
To prevebt the world being polluted by cars , They have to cut down on the number of their cars and are encouraged to travel and go to work by bike . But this change doesn’t close down ---- many workers may find themselves without jobs if a car factory closes down . And the problem of their pollution would become less important than that of unemployment.
Title : (1) _____ and Pollution in America

Air (2)
Building a new kind of the car (3)
_____ by something else  
Progress in this field is (7)______
Americans may live a happy but (10)____ life .
(4)_____ down on the number of cars
It takes years to develop a practical (8)______
Traveling and going to work by (5) ______
(9) _____ may lose jobs


When I was struggling with cancer a few years ago, my wife and I formed our own "couple caution circle".  Anytime a doctor came with news of my progress, my wife would give me a big hug. The reports were seldom good during the early stages of my illness, and one day a doctor brought particularly frightening news. Staring at my reports, he said in a low voice, “It doesn't look like you're going to make it.”
Before I could ask him a question, my wife stood up, handed me my clothes, adjusted the tubes fastened to my body and  said, “Let’s get out of here. This man is a risk to your health.” As she helped me struggle to the door, the doctor came near us. “Stay back,” demanded my wife. “Stay away from us.”
As we walked together down the hall, the doctor attempted to catch up with us “Keep going,” said my wife, pushing the intravenous(静脉注射的)stand. “We’re going to talk to someone who really knows what is going on. Then she held up her hand to the doctor. “Don't come any closer to us.”
The two of us moved as one. We escaped to the safety and hope of a doctor who did not confuse diagnosis with conclusion. I could never have made that walk toward wellness alone.
From the passage we know__________.

A.hearing that her husband was not going to make it, the wife went out of her mind
B.the wife's decision in crisis contributed to the husband’s wellness
C.the husband was diagnosed with cancer by mistake
D.the husband became weaker and weaker as a result of the treatment conducted by the doctor
What's the author's feeling when writing the passage?
What can be inferred from the passage?
A.The wife was a woman hard to get along with.
B.The doctor was a dangerous man.
C.The wife loved her husband very much.
D.The husband was a man who believed everything would be OK.
What would be the best title for the passage?
A.A Happy Couple in CrisisB.Struggle with Cancer
C.In Crisis, Become As OneD.Don't Believe the Doctor


Doctors recognize obesity as a health problem. So why is it so hard for them to talk to their patients about it?
The results of two surveys, one of primary care physicians and the other of patients, found that while most doctors want to help patients lose weight and think it is their responsibility to do so, they often don’t know what to say.
So while doctors may tell patients they are overweight, the conversation often ends there, said Christine C. Ferguson, director of the Stop Obesity Alliance. Without being told about options for diabetes, she said. “Doctors don’t feel they have good information to give. They felt they didn’t have adequate tools to address this problem.”
The lack of dialogue hurts patients, too. The patient survey, of over 1,000 adults, found that most overweight patients don’t even know at they’re too heavy. Only 39 percent of overweight people surveyed had ever been told by a health care provider that they were overweight.
Of those who were told they were obese, 90 percent were also told by their doctors to lose weight, the survey found. In fact most have tried to lose weight and may have been successful in the past — and many are still trying, the survey found. And many understand that losing even a small amount of weight can have a positive impact on their health and reduce their risk of obesity-related diseases like hypertension and diabetes.
Dr. William Bestermann Jr., medical director of Holston Medical Group, in Kingsport, Tenn., which ranks 10th in obesity among metropolitan areas in the United States, said the dialogue had to be an ongoing one and could not be dropped after just one mention of the problem. “If you’re going to be successful with helping your patients lose weight, you’re going to have to talk to them at virtually every visit about their progress, and find something to encourage them about, find progress in some aspect of their care and coach them,” he said.
He acknowledged that many doctors tend to be optimistic.
“Part of this is that there’s this common belief, and doctors are burdened by it, too, that heavy people are weak-willed and just don’t have any willpower and are self-indulgent and all that business,” he said. “If you think that way, you’re not going to spend time having a productive conversation.”
61.What is most probably the Stop Obesity Alliance, as in Paragraph 3?
A.An organization of doctors specializing in obesity.
B.An organization of patients suffering from obesity.
C.A research group that conducts special surveys about overweight people.
D.A research group dealing with doctor – patient relationship.
62.How many of the patients surveyed have been advised by their doctors to lose weight?
A.About 350.             B.About 390.      C.About 900.             D.1,000.
63.What can be inferred about obesity patients in Paragraph 5?
A.They are not as hopeless as doctors think they are.
B.Most of them have tried hard to lose weight, but in vain.
C.Without their doctors’ constant coaching, there is little chance of their succeeding in losing weight.
D.Most of them have just given up their hope of becoming less heavy.
64.According to the passage, which factor contributes to the lack of dialogue between doctors and patients?
A.Most doctors just never think of warning their patients about their weight problem.
B.Many doctors find it difficult to persuade overweight people to lose weight.
C.Most patients are too weak – willed to do anything about their weight.
D.Many patients tend not to trust their doctors about their weight problem.
65.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?
A.Obesity in the U.S.
B.Trouble of overweight Americans
C.Talk more, help better
D.Doctors or patients – who to bear more blame?


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