摘要:13.We are paid how much work we do. [答案] according to




1.What time is it in Beijing when it's noon in London?

A.Eight in the morning.

B.Eight in the evening.

C.Four in the afternoon.

2.How are the streets now?

A.Long and wide.

B.Wide and straight.

C.Straight and clean.

3.What do you think Mark can most probably be?

A.A teacher.

B.A lawyer.

C.A policeman.

4.Why is the man upset?

A.Because he wants to meet the woman's cousin.

B.Because he was not informed of the woman's holiday.

C.Because the woman does not want him to join her.

5.What does the man suggest?

A.Leaving the house less often at night.

B.Buying a new television to save electricity.

C.Reducing the power consumption(能量消耗)at home.




6.Where are the two speakers?

A.On their way home.

B.At the gas station.

C.At the bus station.

7.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The car is broken down.

B.There is no gas left in the tank.

C.The man forgot to fill the car with gas yesterday.


8.Why does the man apologize to the woman?

A.Because he broke her cup.

B.Because he broke her mobile.

C.Because he forgot to inform her about something.

9.Where will they go next?

A.To the library.

B.To the supermarket.

C.To the store.


10.What leads to the conversation?

A.The woman's suggestion.

B.An article.

C.An advertisement.

11.Which of the following is true according to the conversation?

A.More people have come to enjoy shopping.

B.Modern people spend little time shopping.

C.People are more likely to make purchases(购买)in limited time.

12.What did the man say about people who shop quickly?

A.They knew what they want to buy.

B.They seldom buy anything.

C.They tend to buy cheap products.


13.How does the man seem to feel after this interview?




14.How many people were there in the first interview?




15.What does the man's girlfriend want him to do?

A.Find a job with a better salary.

B.Find a job near her home.

C.Find a job far away from his home.

16.What do we know about the man?

A.He paid all the expenses himself.

B.He will work in this area next Monday.

C.He had a job interview in town.



17.The earthquake center was ________ kilometers ________ of Haiti's capital.

18.The earthquake occurred at 4∶53 p.m.local time on ________ , January 12th, 2010.

19.Many countries provided much aid for Haiti, including sending ________ and medical teams.

20.The Haitian Government officially stopped search for ________ on January ________.


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