摘要:20.C.提示:make use of意为“利用 .含此动词短语的句子变被动语态时.可将of的宾语提到句首作主语.也可将use置于句首作主语.此处即use被提至句首作主语的用法.



  People have smoked cigarettes for a long time now.The tobacco which is used to make cigarettes was first grown in what is now part of the United States.Christopher Columbus, who discovered America, saw the Indians smoking.Soon the dried leaves were transported to Europe.In the late 1800s, the Turks made cigarettes popular.

  Cigarette smoke contains at least two harmful substances, tar and nicotine.Tar, which forms as the tobacco burns, damages the lungs and therefore affects breathing.Nicotine, which is found in the leaves, causes the heart to beat faster and increases the breathing rate.Nicotine in large can kill a person by stopping a person’s breathing muscles.Smokers usually take in small amounts that the body can quickly break down.

  Nicotine can make new smokers feel dizzy(头晕)or sick to their stomachs.The heart rate for young smokers increases 2 to 3 beats per minute.Nicotine also lowers skin temperature and reduces blood flow in the legs and feet.It plays an important role in increasing smokers’ risk of heart disease and stroke.

  Smoking cigarettes is dangerous.Cigarette smoking was the cause of lung cancer and several other deadly diseases.


Tobacco first appeared in ________.

[  ]










________ doesn’t make one’s heart beat as usual.

[  ]






Lung disease




Smoking is dangerous because ________.

[  ]


it makes us live longer


it can waste money


it can make us warm


it causes lung cancer


What’s the main idea of this passage?

[  ]


Where did cigarettes come from.


The affect of smoking on your body.


How to smoke is healthy.


Who is the first smoker.


Most of us are the only child in our family. We have no brothers or sisters. Our family mainly consists of our mom,our dad and us. We are growing up in a world differently from our parents’. And we will be the future leaders of China. Some day we have to work hand in hand with each other and make China more and more beautiful. So we must learn to love each other like brothers and sisters.

       It’s hard to think how difficult life would be if we had a sibling(同胞,手足).We never have to share anything at home. Of course, we might have cousins, but we don’t have to live with them! Our parents try to give us the best, and the best doesn’t need sharing between two or three children. Do we ever ask ourselves if we are (宠坏) spoiled?

     A recent study has found that many children don’t know how to love others! We don’r know the value of money. We don’t know how hard our parents are to support us. We don’t want others to regard us as spoiled, do we? Well, why not start now to help our parents at home, share a game with one of our friends or value the opinions of our classmates, even if we don’t always agree? In a word, we must learn to love each other!

1.The underlined phrase “consists of ” means ____________in Chinese.

A.由...组成     B.由...反映     C.由...提示      D.由...覆盖

2.As Chinese teenagers, what’s our duty in the future?

   A.To save money      B. To learn to love each other

   C. To look after our brothers and sisters

D. To make China more and more beautiful

3.Why do some people think we are spoiled?

A. We don’t know how to love each other    

B. We only share games with our friends    

C. We don’t know how to use money      

D. Our parents work hard to support us.



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