摘要:6.C.for three times应与完成时连用.且表“被研究 .为被动语态.


Tim Welford, aged 33, and Dom Mee, aged 30, both from England, were keen on (="like..." very much) rowing boats. They made a plan to row across the Pacific Ocean from Japan to San Francisco. The name of their rowboat was “Crackers”. It was about seven meters long.
They set out from Japan on May 17,2001. They had rowed nearly 5,500 miles when their boat was hit by a fishing ship on September 17,2001. Luckily they both escaped unharmed, but their boat was badly damaged and they had to abandon( =" stop)their" journey.
  In a radio interview, Dom expressed his disappointment and explained how the accident took place.
  “A fishing ship came towards us with nobody on the bridge and ran us down. It all happened so quickly. I managed to dive into the water. Tim felt it would be safer to stay on board. He was trapped inside as the boat was driven under the water. Finally some people appeared on the ship and saw me in the water. I shouted at them to stop the ship and to get Tim out. When the ship stopped, I eventually saw Tim, and I was very, very happy that we were still alive. We were very disappointed that we couldn’t reach San Francisco. But we are alive. That above everything is the most important. ”
41.【小题1】 How long had Tim and Dom been at sea when their boat was hit by a fishing boat?

A.For one month  B.For two months.
C.For three months.  D.For four months.
42. 【小题2】According to Dom, the main reason for the accident was that________.
A.Tim and Dom were too careless
B.the speed of the fishing ship was too fast
C.nobody on the fishing ship saw them
D.their rowboat was not strong enough
43. 【小题3】Dom said that the most important thing in this accident was that________.
A.their rowboat was not damaged
B.both of them existed after a dangerous time
C.they enjoyed this journey
D.they failed to reach San Francisco
44. 【小题4】Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?
A.Some people on the fishing ship saved them.
B.Tim and Dom were going to San Francisco in the rowboat because they had no money to buy airplane tickets.
C.Dom dived into the water when the accident happened because he thought it would be dangerous to stay on board.
D.Dom told people about their dangerous experience when he was interviewed on the radio.




1.When will the shirts be finished?

[  ]

A.By Friday morning.

B.By Saturday morning.

C.By Saturday afternoon.

2.Why does Kate look sad?

[  ]

A.She has no money to buy a watch.

B.She's lost a valuable watch.

C.She has to pay back much money.

3.Who was sent to the police station?

[  ]

A.The young man in green.

B.The young man about twenty.

C.The man living on the third floor.

4.What do we learn about the man's watch?

[  ]

A.It's 5 minutes fast.

B.It's 5 minutes slow.

C.It's 10 minutes slow.

5.What does Jack plan to do?

[  ]

A.Stay home.

B.Move to a city.

C.Travel abroad.


6.When did Liu Hua go to her hometown?

[  ]

A.At weekend.

B.During her summer holiday.

C.After she finished middle school.

7.How long was Liu Hua away from her hometown?

[  ]

A.For seven years.

B.For five years.

C.For three years.

8.Where do Liu Hua's uncles work now?

[  ]

A.In a clothing factory.

B.In a car factory.

C.In a book store.


9.Why does the woman look worried?

[  ]

A.Because her two keys are missing.

B.Because there is something wrong with her shoulder.

C.Because her bag is gone.

10.What kind of bag was it?

[  ]

A.It was a yellow leather shoulder bag.

B.It was a brown cloth bag.

C.It was a brown leather shoulder bag.

11.Can the woman find her bag?

[  ]

A.Yes, she can.

B.We don't know.

C.Of course.


12.Where's Sally?

[  ]

A.In the garden.

B.In the grass.

C.In the tree.

13.What is Tim doing?

[  ]

A.Sitting under the tree.

B.Climbing the tree.


14.What is the dog doing?

[  ]

A.Climbing the tree.

B.Running after Tim.

C.Running after a cat.


15.Where did Alice spend the night in the country?

[  ]

A.In a farmer's house.

B.In the open air.

C.At her friend's home.

16.What was the weather like in the country?

[  ]

A.It was fine.

B.It was OK, but rained once.

C.It rained every day except one day.

17.How long did it take Alice to come back from the country?

[  ]

A.Half an hour.

B.Four hours.

C.Nine hours.


18.Who killed Azhen's father?

[  ]

A.Some thieves did.

B.Some bad man did.

C.Japanese did.

19.Why did Azhen cut her hair short?

[  ]

A.She hoped to be a soldier.

B.She was afraid of the bad man.

C.She thought it easy to fight.

20.Where did Azhen work after the secret was out?

[  ]

A.In a field hospital.

B.In the army.

C.In the government.





1.What will the woman do next?

A.describe her neighbor

B.have a physical examination

C.do some exercises

2.What did the man do?

A.He criticized Jane.

B.He made the woman angry.

C.He had a fight with Jane.

3.Who is the woman?

A.a teacher

B.a student

C.a company employee

4.What does the man say about the summer palace?

A.It is well-preserved.

B.It has been damaged.

C.It was the target of wars.

5.When does the conversation take place?

A.just after a performance

B.before a performance

C.during a performance




6.Why does the woman speak English so well?

A.She has many English friends.

B.She watches English programs on TV.

C.She listens to English programs every day.

7.How long has the woman probably studied English?

A.for three months

B.for two years

C.for three years


8.What does Bob think of motorcycle racing after the accident?

A.It's still attractive.

B.It's too dangerous.

C.It's violent.

9.How long will it take Bob to fully recover?

A.about two weeks

B.about three weeks

C.about a year

10.What did the woman give to the man?

A.Some chocolates

B.Some flowers

C.Some medicine


11.Where is this conversation taking place?

A.on the phone

B.at the woman's

C.at the man's

12.Who is the man?

A.a policeman

B.a criminal

C.a ticket seller

13.What did the woman give to the man?

A.take a flight

B.talk with the man

C.meet her daughter


14.What's the relationship between the speakers?

A.interviewer and interviewee


C.boss and secretary

15.What is the man not good at?

A.organizing things

B.learning new things

C.speaking in public

16.What does the woman want to know at last?

A.If the man gets on well with others.

B.How the man deals with difficulties.

C.What certificates he has earned.


17.Where does the speaker's friend live?

A.in Atlanta

B.in Chicago

C.in San Francisco

18.What is the speaker's job?

A.an artist

B.a doctor

C.an office manager

19.How often do the two friends talk on the phone?

A.twice a month

B.once a week

C.once a day

20.In how many ways does the speaker keep in touch with her friend?







1.How much is the camera now?




2.What does the man mean?

A.He disagrees with the woman.

B.He doesn't like to have breakfast.

C.He is too busy to have breakfast.

3.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Read more articles.

B.Write an article herself.

C.Choose a better article to read.

4.What are the speakers talking about?

A.The weather.


C.The service.

5.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In a bank.

B.On a train.

C.At a railway station.



6.How much money do the woman's parents give her a month?




7.What will the woman do?

A.Work more.

B.Borrow some money.

C.Ask the man for help.


8.How much should the man pay for one night?




9.How can the man get a membership card?

A.By paying $100.

B.By staying here for 10days.

C.By having dinner here for five times.

10.Where is the canteen?

A.On the first floor.

B.On the second floor.

C.On the third floor.


11.Why could the man and Linda buy the house?

A.They bought it at a very low price.

B.They worked hard to earn the money.

C.They got the money when their grandmother died.

12.When did the man and Linda buy the house?

A.Five years ago

B.Four years ago.

C.Three years ago.

13.What does the man advise the woman to do?

A.Learn from her father.

B.Attend financial classes.

C.Read investing books.


14.How does the man feel about his interview?




15.Why does the woman apply to Michigan University?

A.Her father wants to go there.

B.She likes the university.

C.It's a beautiful university.

16.What does the woman want to be?

A.A doctor.

B.A teacher.

C.A reporter.


17.What does the speaker do?

A.A guide.

B.A teacher.

C.A historian.

18.According to the speaker, how long has the Great Wall been built?

A.More than 2,500 years.

B.More than3,000 years.

C.More than 3,500 years.

19.How long will the people stay here?

A.For two and half hours.

B.For three hours.

C.For three and a half hours.

20.What is the number of the bus?







1.Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A.In a hotel

B.At an airport

C.At a railway station

2.How does the man go to work?

A.By bike

B.On foot

C.By car

3.What does Lily dislike doing on Sundays?

A.Reading books

B.Going shopping

C.Going to the cinema

4.Why did the woman go to the hospital?

A.To have a physical examination

B.To find a job

C.To work in the hospital

5.What is the woman going to do on Friday evening?

A.Go to the cinema

B.Visit her new nephew

C.Have a baby



6.What will the speakers NOT do this weekend?

A.Take a boat to the island

B.Go to the river

C.See a play

7.Why does the man suggest phoning the theatre?

A.To book tickets

B.To check if there will be a play

C.To check if it is open this weekend.

8.What’s the phone number?





9.What’s Charlie doing when the conversation takes place?


B.Dressing up

C.Having breakfast

10.What time does school begin?

A.At 7∶00

B.At 7∶15

C.At 7∶30

11.What food will Charlie NOT have for his breakfast?





12.Where is the woman going?

A.To the post office

B.To the museum

C.To the fruit shop

13.How will the woman go there?

A.By taxi

B.By bus

C.On foot

14.What does the woman do now?

A.She’s a teacher

B.She’s an editor

C.She’s a doctor


15.How much will the man pay for the clothes if the price is 300 dollars?

A.240 dollars

B.150 dollars

C.60 dollars

16.What color does the man prefer?

A.Light color

B.Warm color

C.Dark color

17.What does the man buy?

A.A skirt

B.A skirt and a sweater

C.A shirt


18.How long did John stay in Japan?

A.For half a year

B.For four months

C.For three months

19.What did John think about his life in Japan?

A.It was hard

B.It was easy

C.It was boring

20.Why did the shopkeeper learn English?

A.He wanted to get a new job

B.He would visit English soon

C.He wanted to communicate with foreign customers


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