摘要:19.-Do you consider it any good the test again? -I think so. A. to be made B. to make C. made D. making


Should parents consider any real value in kid humor? And should the sounds of armpit farts(咯吱打响) be encouraged?

“Absolutely. Not during a math test, necessarily, but there are too many places in our world right now where children have to be serious,” said Ed Dunkelblau, a psychologist. “We forget that humor, laughter and play are important to our existence.”

“Kids learn to build relationships through humor and laughter,” said Ed Dunkelblau. “There are ways to play and be humorous that don’t cost anybody self-esteem.”

Research shows that children respond to humor long before they can fully understand language or develop long-term memory.

Two top funny guys from American Greetings, Pat Sandy and Brain Cleary, see kid humor as a victory of language and one of the earliest acts of defiance(违抗), both of which should be celebrated as necessary and healthy.

“We do the same thing as grown-ups. We show off our vocabularies,” said Cleary. Sandy said parents should consider a good sense of humor a benefit to their children. “A kid who is really good at humor shows a sign of intelligence at an early age,” he said. “Armpit farts show an ability to take incongruent(不一致的) devices and bring them together.”

Social worker Devra Renner said parents tend to forget what made them laugh—and how good it felt—when they were young.

“Consider how many times you have heard a parent ask a laughing child, ‘What’s so funny’” said Renner. “But if we give up the adult definition of what‘fun’is and remember what was fun when we were kids, I think many parents would be amazed at their newfound ability to once again discover just what it is that’s so funny.”

67. What’s Dunkelblau’s attitude towards kid humor?

  A. Disapproving. B. Critical. C. Skeptical. D. Supportive.

68. In the opinion of Sandy, kid humor _______.

  A. shows children are creative

  B. helps children develop a good memory at an early age

  C. reflects children’s desire to show off their intelligence

  D. is a kind of way to show off kids’ big vocabularies

69. According to Renner, what can we know?

  A. Parents usually know how to make their kids laugh.

  B. Parents sometimes can’t understand kid humor.

  C. Parents can discover fun from what makes kids laugh.

  D. Parents tend to tell their funny stories from childhood to their kids.

70. The author’s purpose in writing this passage is to ______.

  A. encourage parents to teach kids how to be humorous

  B. remind kids to avoid being hurt by bad humor

  C. expect parents to realize the importance of kid humor

  D. explain what humor brings to parents and kids


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