摘要:My dad also taught me, by example, that a healthy lifestyle is important. He was 21 ever sick. But I don’t think my dad ever even had a cup of coffee. He seldom 22 alcohol. He would say, “Bonnie, your 23 is a reflection of your overall physical well-being. So 24 you want to sing well, take better care of yourself. If I became hoarse or caught a cold, he didn’t 25 me directly, “Well, Bonnie, you know, if you get to sleep a little earlier, that would probably be a good 26 . When I decided to get silent about 18 years ago, he told me, “See, Bonnie, it’s so great to see you in such strong voice 27 . He just did not complain, even when he was uncomfortable towards the end, 28 the cancer that eventually 29 his life. He simply made a 30 to be positive. I am so glad that we had the 31 to perform together. I was touched that he tried singing my music, 32 the bluesy style didn’t come 33 to him. Then, when I had so much Grammy 34 with my album Nick of Time in 1990, I 35 . Hey, I had one of the greatest 36 of all time in my family. I was very 37 about doing The Boston Pops Show on TV with my dad. To 38 me, he said, “Bonnie, a beautiful song is a beautiful song. Just 39 it. I looked in my dad’s 40 . and there we were singing the Irving Berlin song. Of all the duets I’ve done, that one will always be a highlight. 21.A. possibly B. hardly C. nearly D. almost 22.A. avoided B. banned C. served D. touched 23.A. voice B. beauty C. habit D. health 24.A. whether B. when C. if D. though 25.A. punish B. scold C. blame D. order 26.A. idea B. question C. decision D. deed 27.A. all in all B. all over C. all the time D. all right 28.A. from B. by C. in D. at 29.A. carried B. took C. changed D. lost 30.A. plan B. living C. choice D. promise 31.A. time B. luck C. energy D. chance 32.A. if only B. even though C. whenever D. unless 33.A. happily B. fortunately C. truly D. naturally 34.A. difficulty B. success C. process D. effort 35.A. said B. guessed C. meant D. realized 36.A. dancers B. editors C. listeners D. singers 37.A. nervous B. shy C. scared D. upset 38.A. teach B. train C. calm D. praise 39.A. forget B. believe C. make D. do 40.A. mind B. thought C. heart D. eyes [答案] 文章讲述了作者从父亲那里学到了人生重要的一课.即人要保持健康的生活方式.保持乐观向上的心态. 21.B.根据第一段的第一句话和最后一句话可知.作者父亲的生活方式是健康的.因此这里填hardly符合语境.即他几乎从来不生病. 22.D.avoid“避免 ,ban“禁止 ,serve“提供.服务 ,touch“接触 .显然D项符合语境.即他几乎从来不喝酒. 23.A.考查上下文语境.根据后面句子中的sing可知.这里说的是嗓音. 24.C.if引导条件状语从句.符合题意.这句话的意思是:如果你想唱好歌.你要保护好自己. 25.C.blame“责备 .根据她父亲说的话可知.他是在责备作者.但是他说得比较委婉.其他几项不符合语境:punish“惩罚 .order“命令 .显然都不符合语境,scold“责骂.训斥 .语气太重.不符合语境. 26.A.idea“主意.想法 .即你早点睡觉是个好主意.其他几项不符合题意. 27.C.all in all“总之 ,all over“彻底地.完全地 ,all the time“一直 ,all right“好.同意 .根据文章内容可知C项正确. 28.A.from表示原因.他从来不抱怨.甚至在他因为癌症而不舒服时都是如此.直到最后癌症夺走了他的生命. 29.B.take one’s life是固定短语.意思是“夺去某人的生命 . 30.C.make a plan“制订计划 ,make a living“谋生 ,make a choice“作出选择 ,make a promise“许诺 .根据上下文内容可知C项正确.即他选择的是积极的生活方式. 31.D.这句话的意思是:我很高兴我们有机会同台演出.其他选项不符合语境. 32.B.even though/if表示“尽管 .引导让步状语从句.符合语境. 33.D.happily“高兴地 ,fortunately“幸运地 ,truly“真实地 ,naturally“自然地 .根据文章内容可知.D项符合题意. 34.B.success表示“成功 .即取得了很大的成功.其他选项不符合题意. 35.D.realize表示“感觉到.意识到 .这句话是说:当我获得成功的时候.我意识到家里一直有一位伟大的歌手. 36.D.“我 意识到自己家里有一个很伟大的“歌手 .即父亲.其他几个词不符合题意:dancers“舞蹈演员 ,editors“编辑 ,listeners“听众 . 37.A.nervous“紧张的.烦乱的 .从后面作者父亲说的话可知.他在安慰和鼓励作者.因此本题选nervous.即作者感到紧张.其他几个词不符合语境:shy“害羞的 ,scared“恐惧的 ,upset“烦乱的.不高兴的 . 38.C.calm“使平静 .符合语境. 39.B.父亲的意思是:你要相信这一点.即要作者相信他前面说的话. 40.D.根据looked in可知.只有D项符合题意.即望着父亲的眼睛(并从父亲的眼神中得到了鼓励).


Many years ago  my dad was diagnosed (诊断) with a terminal illness . He was unable to work at     36   job . He would be fine for quite a while , but would then fall suddenly   37     and have to be admitted to the hospital .

He wanted to do something to keep himself    38    , so he decided to volunteer at the local children    39    . My dad loved kids . He would talk to them and play with them .Sometimes , he would    40    one of his kids . In certain instances , he would give   41     to the sad parents of these children .

One of his kids was a girl who had been admitted with a    42    disease that paralyzed (使…瘫痪) her from the neck down . I don’t know the    43    of the disease , but I do know that it was very sad for a little girl . My dad decided to try to help her . He started    44    her in her room , bringing paints , brushes and paper . He stood the paper up    45    a backing , put the paintbrush in his mouth and began to paint . He didn’t use his hands at all . Only his    46    would move . He would visit her    47    he could and paint for her . All the while he would tell her , “see , you can do    48    you set your mind to .”

  49     , she began to paint using her mouth , and she and my dad became friends . Soon after , the little girl was discharged (允许出院). My dad also    50    the children hospital for a little while because he became ill. Sometime later after my dad had recovered and    51    to work , he was at the volunteer counter one day and    52    the front door open . In came the little girl who had been paralyzed , but this time she was    53    . She ran straight to my dad and hugged him really tight . She gave my dad a picture she had done using her   54     . At the bottom it read, “thank you for helping me walk .” Sometimes love is more    55    than doctors , and my dad-who died just a few months after the little girl gave him the picture-loved every single child in that hospital .

1.. A.an important         B.a steady             C.an easy      D.a good

2...A.ill         B.behind           C.asleep       D.down

3...A.well                B.wealthy          C.busy         D.healthy

4.. A.palace           B.hospital         C.center       D.park

5...A.teach               B.miss             C.lose         D.treat

6...A.speech          B.comfort          C.praise       D.help

7...A.special         B.curious          C.strange      D.rare

8.. A.result               B.reason           C.name         D.course

9...A.observing       B.drawing          C.painting         D.visiting

10...A.with               B.across           C.against      D.over

11...A.head           B.neck             C.fingers      D.eyes

12...A.with whoever       B.whenever         C.as if            D.as soon as

13.. A.everything      B.something        C.anything         D.nothing

14.. A.Basically           B.Naturally            C.Eventually       D.Suddenly

15.. A.left                B.entered          C.rushed to        D.stayed at

16...A.stopped            B.returned             C.hesitated        D.refused

17...A.pushed             B.noticed          C.observed         D.kicked

18...A.shouting           B.lying            C.walking      D.jumping

19...A.hands          B.pens             C.paper    D.mind

20...A.thankful           B.useful           C.thoughtful       D.powerful




My dad also taught me,by example,that a healthy lifestyle is important.He was hardly ever sick.But I don’l think my dad ever even had a cup of coffee.He barely touched alcohol.

He would say,“Boonnie,your voice is a reflection of your overall physical well-being.So if you want to sing well,take better care of yourself.” If I became hoarse(嘶哑)or caught a cold,he didn’t blame me directly:“Well,Bonnie,you know,if you’d get to sleep a little earlier,that would probably be a good idea.”When I decided to get unexcitable about 18 years ago,he told me.“See,

Bonnie,it's so great to see you in such strong voice all the time.”

He just did not complain,even when he was uncomfortable toward the end,from the pneumonia that eventually took his life.He simply made a choice to be positive and not negative.

I am so glad that we had the chance to perform together.I was touched that he tried singing my music,even though the bluesy style didn’t come naturally to him.Then,when I had so much

Grmnmy success with my album Nick of Time in 1990,I realized. Hey,I have one of the greatest singers of all time in my family.I was very nervous about doing the Boston Pops show on TV with my dad.To calm me,he said,“Bonnie,a beautiful song is a beautiful song.Just believe it.”I looked in my dad’s eyes,and there we were singing the Irving Berlia song with the lvric.Of all the duets I've done.that one wiU always be a highlight.

60.the second paragraph shows that          .

A.the author’s father had a loving, in-the-moment and joyful approach

B.the author’s father had a very healthy lifestyle

C.the author’s father was very strict with his son

D.the author’s father devoted himself to his son

61.The author。father died because of          .

A.coffee    B.alcohol    C.pneumonia     D.tire

62.The underlined word “inexeitable” means

A.heated   B.silent    C.angry      D.amused

63.From the last paragraph we may learn that          .

A.the father and his son often performed together

B.playing blues is the father' s favourite

C.The author was good at orchestral music

D.the father and his son are both musicians



Many years ago  my dad was diagnosed (诊断) with a terminal illness . He was unable to work at     36  job . He would be fine for quite a while , but would then fall suddenly   37    and have to be admitted to the hospital .
He wanted to do something to keep himself    38   , so he decided to volunteer at the local children    39   . My dad loved kids . He would talk to them and play with them .Sometimes , he would    40   one of his kids . In certain instances , he would give   41    to the sad parents of these children .
One of his kids was a girl who had been admitted with a    42   disease that paralyzed (使…瘫痪) her from the neck down . I don’t know the    43   of the disease , but I do know that it was very sad for a little girl . My dad decided to try to help her . He started    44   her in her room , bringing paints , brushes and paper . He stood the paper up    45   a backing , put the paintbrush in his mouth and began to paint . He didn’t use his hands at all . Only his    46   would move . He would visit her    47   he could and paint for her . All the while he would tell her , “see , you can do    48   you set your mind to .”
  49    , she began to paint using her mouth , and she and my dad became friends . Soon after , the little girl was discharged (允许出院). My dad also    50   the children hospital for a little while because he became ill. Sometime later after my dad had recovered and    51   to work , he was at the volunteer counter one day and    52   the front door open . In came the little girl who had been paralyzed , but this time she was    53   . She ran straight to my dad and hugged him really tight . She gave my dad a picture she had done using her   54    . At the bottom it read, “thank you for helping me walk .” Sometimes love is more    55   than doctors , and my dad-who died just a few months after the little girl gave him the picture-loved every single child in that hospital .

A.an important B.a steady C.an easyD.a good
A.illB.behind C.asleepD.down
A.palace B.hospitalC.center D.park
A.speechB.comfort C.praise D.help
A.specialB.curious C.strange D.rare
A.observing B.drawing C.painting D.visiting
A.head B.neck C.fingers D.eyes
A.with whoever B.whenever C.as if D.as soon as
A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing
A.left B.entered C.rushed to D.stayed at
A.stopped B.returned C.hesitated D.refused
A.pushed B.noticed C.observed D.kicked
A.shouting B.lying C.walkingD.jumping
A.hands B.pensC.paperD.mind


My dad also taught me,by example,that a healthy lifestyle is important.He was hardly ever sick.But I don’l think my dad ever even had a cup of coffee.He barely touched alcohol.
He would say,“Boonnie,your voice is a reflection of your overall physical well-being.So if you want to sing well,take better care of yourself.” If I became hoarse(嘶哑)or caught a cold,he didn’t blame me directly:“Well,Bonnie,you know,if you’d get to sleep a little earlier,that would probably be a good idea.”When I decided to get unexcitable about 18 years ago,he told me.“See,
Bonnie,it's so great to see you in such strong voice all the time.”
He just did not complain,even when he was uncomfortable toward the end,from the pneumonia that eventually took his life.He simply made a choice to be positive and not negative.
I am so glad that we had the chance to perform together.I was touched that he tried singing my music,even though the bluesy style didn’t come naturally to him.Then,when I had so much
Grmnmy success with my album Nick of Time in 1990,I realized. Hey,I have one of the greatest singers of all time in my family.I was very nervous about doing the Boston Pops show on TV with my dad.To calm me,he said,“Bonnie,a beautiful song is a beautiful song.Just believe it.”I looked in my dad’s eyes,and there we were singing the Irving Berlia song with the lvric.Of all the duets I've done.that one wiU always be a highlight.
60.the second paragraph shows that          .
A.the author’s father had a loving, in-the-moment and joyful approach
B.the author’s father had a very healthy lifestyle
C.the author’s father was very strict with his son
D.the author’s father devoted himself to his son
61.The author。father died because of          .
A.coffee    B.alcohol    C.pneumonia     D.tire
62.The underlined word “inexeitable” means
A.heated   B.silent    C.angry      D.amused
63.From the last paragraph we may learn that          .
A.the father and his son often performed together
B.playing blues is the father' s favourite
C.The author was good at orchestral music
D.the father and his son are both musicians


My dad also taught me,by example,that a healthy lifestyle is important.He was hardly ever sick.But I don’l think my dad ever even had a cup of coffee.He barely touched alcohol.

He would say,“Boonnie,your voice is a reflection of your overall physical well-being.So if you want to sing well,take better care of yourself.” If I became hoarse(嘶哑)or caught a cold,he didn’t blame me directly:“Well,Bonnie,you know,if you’d get to sleep a little earlier,that would probably be a good idea.”When I decided to get unexcitable about 18 years ago,he told me.“See,

Bonnie,it's so great to see you in such strong voice all the time.”

He just did not complain,even when he was uncomfortable toward the end,from the pneumonia that eventually took his life.He simply made a choice to be positive and not negative.

I am so glad that we had the chance to perform together.I was touched that he tried singing my music,even though the bluesy style didn’t come naturally to him.Then,when I had so much

Grmnmy success with my album Nick of Time in 1990,I realized. Hey,I have one of the greatest singers of all time in my family.I was very nervous about doing the Boston Pops show on TV with my dad.To calm me,he said,“Bonnie,a beautiful song is a beautiful song.Just believe it.”I looked in my dad’s eyes,and there we were singing the Irving Berlia song with the lvric.Of all the duets I've done.that one wiU always be a highlight.

60.the second paragraph shows that           .

A.the author’s father had a loving, in-the-moment and joyful approach

B.the author’s father had a very healthy lifestyle

C.the author’s father was very strict with his son

D.the author’s father devoted himself to his son

61.The author。father died because of           .

A.coffee    B.alcohol    C.pneumonia     D.tire

62.The underlined word “inexeitable” means

A.heated   B.silent    C.angry      D.amused

63.From the last paragraph we may learn that           .

A.the father and his son often performed together

B.playing blues is the father' s favourite

C.The author was good at orchestral music

D.the father and his son are both musicians


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