摘要:3.A.save sb. from“从--中救某人 ,而stop/prevent sb. from“阻止某人做-- .由句意知选A.


Melissa Poe was 9 years old when she began a campaign for a cleaner environment by writing a letter to the then President Bush. Through her on efforts, her letter was reproduced on over 250 donated billboards (广告牌)across the country.

The response to her request for help was so huge that Poe established Kids For A Cleaner Environment (Kids F.A.C.E.) in 1989. There are now 300,000 members of Kids F.A.C.E. worldwide and it is the world’s largest youth environmental organization.

Poe has also asked the National Park Service to carry out a “Children’s Forest” project in every national park. In 1992, she was invited one of only six children in the world to speak at the Earth Summit in Brazil as part of the Voices of the future Program. In 1993, she was given a Caring Award for her efforts by the Caring Institute.

Since the organization started, Kids F.A.C.E. members have distributed and planted over 1 million trees! Ongoing tree-planting projects include Kids’ Yards — the creation of backyard wildlife habitats (栖息地) and now Kids F.A.C.E. is involved in the exciting Odyssey, which is a great way to start helping.

 “We try to tell kids that it’s not OK to be lazy,” she explains, “You need to start being a response, environmentally friendly person now, right now, before you become a resource-sucking adult.”

72. Kids F.A.C.E. is __________.

A. a program to help students with writing

B. a project of litter recycling

C. a campaign launched by President Bush

D. a club of environmental protection

73. What can we learn about Poe?

A. She was awarded a prize in Brazil.

B. She donated billboards across the country.

C. She got positive responses for her efforts.

D. She joined the National Park Service.

74. Kid’s Yards is ____________.

A. established in national park

B. started to protect wildlife

C. a wildlife-raising project

D. an environment park for kids

75. Which of the following can be inferred from the text?

A. Adults are resources –sucking people.

B. Poe sought help from a youth organization

C. Kids F.A.C.E. members are from the U.S.

D. Kids are urged to save natural resources.


“Your honor(法官大人)!Let me say a few words for myself. What they have told you is just not true. I was not trying to kill anyone, and it was hardly possible to try to kill three strong young men at the same time. I didn't have anything to tell people that night and was quite alone. I didn't know them and needn't hate them. I was attacked by them, and I knocked one of them down. It's true, but I was made to do it, or I might be killed by them. I did this not because I hated the white men as they said. I just had to do so. While I was beaten in the dark street by the three men, a policeman came, caught me and took me here. I know why I was beaten. I have just moved into a house next to these three white men. I have felt that I am not welcome and I have tried to be quiet. I think, as an American, I have the right to choose where to live. I am guilty. What makes me guilty is my color opposite to theirs and I can't enjoy justice(公正). Yes, I'm not guilty. This is all I want to say. Thank you, your honor.”
【小题1】Why did he speak for himself?

A.He wanted to live in the house next to the whites.
B.He wanted to have the right to choose where to live.
C.He wanted to show he was not guilty.
D.He wanted to show he didn't hate the whites.
【小题2】The speaker was caught because________.
A.the policeman wanted to save him
B.he was black and was fighting with the whites
C.he killed the three men in a dark street
D.he lived in a house next to the whites
【小题3】What's the right order of the story?
a. The speaker said something for himself.
b. The three men said something.
c. The speaker knocked down one of the three men.
d. The speaker was beaten by the three men.
e. He was caught by the policeman.
f. The speaker moved into a house near the whites.


阅读理解: 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

Melissa Poe was 9 years old when she began a campaign for a cleaner environment by writing a letter to the then President Bush. Through her own efforts, her letter was reproduced on over 250 donated billboards across the country.

The response to her request for help was so huge that Poe established Kids For A Cleaner Environment (Kids F.A.C.E.) in 1989. There are now 300,000 members of Kids FACE worldwide and is the world's largest youth environmental organization.

Poe has also asked the National Park Service to carry out a "Children's Forest" project in every national park. In 1992, she was invited as one of only six children in the world to speak at the Earth Summit in Brazil as part of the Voices of the Future Program. In 1993, she was given a Caring Award for her efforts by the Caring Institute.

Since the organization started, Kids F.A.C.E. members have distributed and planted over 1 million trees! Ongoing tree-planting projects include Kid's Yards – the creation of backyard wildlife habitats (栖息地) and now Kids F.A.C.E. is involved in the exciting Earth Odyssey, which is a great way to start helping.

"Starting the club turned out to be a way to help people get involved with the environment. Club members started doing things like recycling, picking up litter and planting trees as well as inviting other kids to join their club."

"We try to tell kids that it's not OK to be lazy," she explains. "You need to start being a responsible, environmentally friendly person now, right away, before you become a resource-sucking adult."

1. Kids F.A.C.E is _____.

A. a program to help students with writing

B. a project of litter recycling

C. a campaign launched by President Bush

D. a club of environmental protection

2. What can we learn about Poe?

A. She was awarded a prize in Brazil.

B. She donated billboard across the country.

C. She got positive responses for her efforts

D. She joined the National Park Service.

3. Kid’s Yards is _____.

A. established in a national park.

B. started to protect wildlife

C. a wildlife- raising project

D. an entertainment park for kids.

4. Which of the following can be inferred from the text?

A. Adults are resource-sucking people

B. Poe sought help from a youth organization

C. Kids F.A.C.E members are from the U.S.

D. Kids are urged to save natural resources.


  Kristy,28,a cook in La Gross, often wondered what she’d do in a life threatening situation. On August 29, she got her answer. While she was driving on a road,a big truck hit its head on a pickup car.The pickup burst into flames.Kristy rushed out and ran to the pickup.Two farmers,Dean Bernhard,51, and his brother,Donald,44,were inside.

When she got close,Kristy could see the unconscious driver.The other man was under the passenger seat. “The smells were sicking.I was afraid the truck would blow up and kill us all,” said kristy.

The driver of the big truck was struggling to open the passenger door,so Kristy rushed to the driver’s side.Finally they opened the door.She reached in,seized the driver and, to her horror,felt her hands sink into his chest.She quickly dragged the man to safety on the roadside,then hurried back.As Kristy started down the ditch(水沟) with the passenger,the pickup exploded..She jumped on top of him and they both rolled to safety.

Today,the two farmers,each the farmer of two children,are good friends with Kristy.To show their deep appreciation,they bought her a ring with nine diamonds---one for each member of their immediate families,and the ninth for her.

Which is the correct order according to the passage?

a.carried Dean and Donald to safety

b.rushed to the pickup

c.the pickup exploded

d.saw the truck hit on the pickup

e.got out of her car

f.wondered what she’d do when in danger

A.e,d,b,a,c,f      B.f,e,b,a,d,c      C.f,d,e,b,a,c    D.f,c,e,d,b,a

When coming to save Donald and Dean Bernhard,Kristy never thought that she___.

A.could have any help from others

B.would be successful in saving both of them

C.might be killed

D.would be tested in dangerous situations

This sentence “The pickup burst into flames.”in the first paragragh means “_______”.

A.The pickup was on fire

B.The pickup started smoking badly

C.A terrifying cry came out of the pickup

D.The pickup was broken into pieces

Which of the following best shows Kristy’s true heroism?

A.She did not feel terrified at the accident

B.She protected herself as well as the two brothers from harm.

C.She put her life  “on the line” to save others.

D.She was regarded as a member of Dean’s and Donald’s families.


As we all know pollution is getting worse on the earth. Everybody of us has our own duty to protect our earth and we can do our best in our daily life and make a difference. Here are some tips.
★Reuse plastic packages. Throwing away plastic wrappings adds greatly to the amount rubbish.
1      If you take a look around your home you will most likely find a new possible way to reuse the bags.
★Use organic (有机的) cleaners. Organic cleaners have almost no pollutants and are much better for not just the environment but also you and your families. Think about your pets which walk across the floor and then lick their paws __2     .
__3    take a look at all your toilets and faucets (水龙头) in the house. If any toilets run much longer than they should, adjust them so they are a bit more efficient. If you have a faucet or sink that drips, fix it . Those little drips can really add up .
★Use energy-efficient bulbs. Energy-efficient bulbs can really help in reducing your electricity payment every single month.     4   Energy-efficient bulbs stay cool requiring very little energy to light.
___5    Do you live in or near a city and have access to the public transportation system? Try taking the bus or subway a few times per week. This will help in reducing the amount of vehicle pollutants in the air.

A.Save water.
B.Improve the equipment.
C.Use public transportation.
D.Organic cleaners are better to use at any time.
E. Regular bulbs give off a great amount of heat only wasting more power.
F. Whenever possible if you use plastic bags , try reusing them for something else.
G. Plastic packages can be used to create artistic works instead of throwing them away


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