摘要:12.A.句意:“你能射到树顶上那只鸟吗? “不能.它超出了射程范围. out of reach“够不着 ,out of control“失控 ,out of distance“超出距离 都不符合题意.out of range“超出射程范围 .故答案选A.


完成句子 (共10小题;每小题l分,共10分)

1. 她是被宠坏了,但又能怎么样呢?她毕竟还是个孩子。

She is quite __________ but what can you do ? _____ ________ she is a child.

2. 他喜欢开玩笑,因此在同学中很有人缘。

He likes to _________ _______, so he is very _______ __________ his classmates.

3. 他躲在门后, 直到脚步声逐渐消失。

He ___________  ____________ the door until the footsteps had ________  ___________ .

4. 不要以貌取人,而应该看他(她)讲话和做事的方式。

Don’t judge a person by his or her _______, but look at ______ _____ he or she speaks or acts.

5. 我一直在看笔记, 这样一来我就不会忘记我要说的话。

I kept ___________  ____________ my notes ________ ______ I wouldn’t forget what I wanted to say.

6. 没有人知道这样的风俗是何时形成的。

No one knows when such a custom first __________  __________  ___________.

7. 如果你能开车顺便带我一下, 我会表示感激。 我的车在回家的路上坏了。

I’d appreciate ______ if you can give me a lift. My car ______ ______ on the way back home.

8.  中国的新年在一月底和二月底之间, 取决于阴历。

The date of the Chinese New Year falls somewhere between late January and late February, _______ _________ the __________ calendar.

9.万圣节已经变成了开联欢的日子, 孩子们装扮成巫婆做各种特别的游戏。

Halloween has become a time for parties, ________ children __________ _________ _________ witches and play all kinds of special games.

10. 游客们说他们从来没有梦想到有这么美的风景。

The visitors said that they had never ________ _________ _________ _________ such a beautiful scenery.






86. 为何不放松下来享受这种氛围呢?

Why _________  __________  and enjoy the atmosphere?

87. 他们花了很多钱给这个学校配备新电脑。

They spent a large amount of money ________ the school ________ new computers.

88. 他行动起来就像他认识你很久一样。

He acted as though he ________  ________ you for long.

89. 他宁愿站着死也不愿跪着生。

He __________ to die standing  __________ than live kneeling down.

90. –去附近的咖啡屋喝杯咖啡怎么样?   - 行!

- ______  ________  having a cup of coffee in the nearby coffee shop?

- All right.

91. – 你到家时一定给我电话!   - 一定。

- ______  ______ to ring me when you get home.

- Certainly I will.

92. 他今晚可能来参加我的生日聚会。

He ______  ______ to join in my birthday party tonight.

93. – 他既聪明,又勤奋,还喜欢提问。

- 难怪他总是班上最好的学生之一。

-He is clever and hardworking. Besides, he is fond of asking questions.

- ______  ______ he is among the top students of his class.

94. 只有当人们看见河面上的死鱼时,他们才意识到污染是多么严重。

Only when people saw the dead fish in the river ____ they ____ how serious the pollution was.

95. 据说下周他要去美国。那样的话,我就不能像以前那样经常见到他了。

It is said that he will go to America next week. ____  ____ , I won’t see him as often as before.






Why _________  __________  and enjoy the atmosphere?


They spent a large amount of money ________ the school ________ new computers.


He acted as though he ________  ________ you for long.


He __________ to die standing  __________ than live kneeling down.

5.–去附近的咖啡屋喝杯咖啡怎么样?   - 行!

- ______  ________  having a cup of coffee in the nearby coffee shop?

- All right.

6.– 你到家时一定给我电话!   - 一定。

  - ______  ______ to ring me when you get home.

  - Certainly I will.


   He ______  ______ to join in my birthday party tonight.

8.– 他既聪明,又勤奋,还喜欢提问。

   - 难怪他总是班上最好的学生之一。

   -He is clever and hardworking. Besides, he is fond of asking questions.

   - ______  ______ he is among the top students of his class.


   Only when people saw the dead fish in the river ______ they ______ how serious the pollution was.


   It is said that he will go to America next week. ______  ______ , I won’t see him as often as before.






Why _________ __________ and enjoy the atmosphere?


They spent a large amount of money ________ the school ________ new computers.


He acted as though he ________  ________ you for long.


He __________ to die standing __________ than live kneeling down.

5.–去附近的咖啡屋喝杯咖啡怎么样?   - 行!

- ______  ________  having a cup of coffee in the nearby coffee shop?

- All right.

6.– 你到家时一定给我电话!   - 一定。

  - ______  ______ to ring me when you get home.

  - Certainly I will.


   He ______  ______ to join in my birthday party tonight.

8.– 他既聪明,又勤奋,还喜欢提问。

   - 难怪他总是班上最好的学生之一。

   -He is clever and hardworking.Besides, he is fond of asking questions.

   - ______  ______ he is among the top students of his class.


    Only when people saw the dead fish in the river ______ they ______ how serious the pollution was.


It is said that he will go to America next week.________ , I won’t see him as often as before.


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