摘要:6.Don’t put your in that man; he may trick you.


 Life is too short to waste a moment, so while you still have time, let your hair down, remove that “boring” tag in your so-called life and start making it worthwhile. Below are some tips that will help you live a wonderful life.

    1. Keep a Positive Attitude. Enjoy what you have and work on getting the things you desire. Psychologists believe that optimism (乐观主义) is a good defense against unhappiness, so it is better to keep your optimism alive. Feeling sad about your life will only make you sadder, so be happy.

    2. Don’t Be Afraid to Take Risks. Life is all about taking risks, and that’s the exciting part of it. Challenges and failure are part of life. Once you learn how to take risks, you’ll soon realize how good it feels not to let moments pass you by.

    3. ... You only have one life, so make it worthwhile. Being unwilling to let the past go just keeps you away from the things you should be enjoying at the present.

    4. List the Things You Want to Do. Stop lazing around and give yourself something to be busy with. Write down a list of all the things you want to do and make a timeline, not to stress you out, but to remind you of your goals. So don’t put limits to yourself because you’ll never know what may happen.]

    5. Try Out Something New. Getting into something or trying something unfamiliar to you may seem scary, but nothing can make you feel happier than being able to overcome your fear. Who knows? You might enjoy it! The world is a big place and there are still lots of things waiting to be explored by you. Go to a foreign place where you know no one.


1. From Tip One we know that we should             .

   A. never be afraid to take risks

   B. try something new every day

   C. focus on the good things in life 

   D. get rid of all our former habits

2.What’s the best title for the third tip?

   A. Enjoy Today and Let Go of the Past.      

   B. Never Think of Tomorrow.

   C. Remember You Are the Best.   

   D. Never Change Your Mind.

3.The writer may NOT agree that              .

   A. feeling sad about your life does you no good

   B. it’s good to keep yourself busy doing something

   C. you shouldn’t go to a new place where you have no friends

   D. you should enjoy the present instead of always thinking of the past

4. What is the writer’s attitude toward life?

   A. Positive.             B. Negative.

   C. Doubtful.             D. Indifferent.



One day, an expert in time management was speaking to a group of business students. To make the point 1, he used an illustration.

As he stood in front of the group, he said, “Okay, time for a quiz.” He then pulled out a wide-mouth jar and set it on the table. Then he 2 placed about a dozen fist-sized rocks, one by one, into the jar.

When the jar was filled to the 3 and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, “Is this jar 4?” Everyone in the class said, “Yes.”

“Really?” Then he 5 under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel(石子), dumped some in and 6 the jar, causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the spaces 7 the big rocks. Then he asked the group the same question. “Probably not,” one of them answered. “Good!”  He replied.

He reached under the table and 8 a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all the 9 left between the rocks and the gravel. 10 he asked the question. “No!” the class shouted. “Good!” Then he grabbed a can of water and began to pour it in 11 the jar was filled to the brim.

Then the expert in time management looked at the class and asked, “What is the 12 of this illustration?” It is such a seemingly easy question that one 13 student raised his hand and said, “It is, however full your schedule is, if you try really hard you can always 14 some more things in it.

“No,” the speaker replied. “The truth it teaches us is that you will 15 get them in at all if you don't put the big rocks in first. 16 the big rocks in your life are, do things that you love and 17 for yourself. In your schedule if you value the little stuff then you’ll fill your life with 18 things and you will never have the real quality time you need to spend on the big, important stuff. So, tonight, or in the morning, when you are 19 on this short story, ask yourself what the ‘big rocks’ in your life are. Then put those in your 20 first. ”

1.                A.harder         B.rougher        C.clearer   D.wiser


2.                A.carefully        B.firmly          C.actively   D.unwillingly


3.A edge        B. bottom        C. wall        D. top

4.                A.full            B.pure           C.enough   D.smooth


5.                A.sent           B.reached        C.managed  D.felt


6.                A.delivered       B.shook          C.dropped  D.held


7.                A.beneath        B.across          C.beyond   D.between


8.                A.threw out       B.came out        C.brought out   D.set out


9.                A.spaces         B.caves          C.blanks    D.holes


10.               A.At last          B.shortly after     C.Later on   D.Once more


11.               A.unless         B.until           C.before    D.while


12.               A.result          B.opinion         C.point D.comment


13.               A.calm           B.awkward        C.nervous   D.eager


14.               A.add           B.fit             C.include    D.collect


15.               A.never          B.even           C.still   D.ever


16.               A.Whether       B.However       C.Whatever  D.Which


17.               A.conclude       B.encourage      C.achieve   D.value


18.               A.more          B.little           C.much D.less


19.               A.reflecting       B.counting        C.deciding   D.insisting


20.               A.packet         B.can            C.jar   D.luggage





阅读下面短文,从1---20各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该选项标号涂黑。

    One day, an expert in time-management was speaking to a group of business students. To make the point , he used an illustration.

    As he stood in front of the group, he said, “Okay, time for a quiz.” He then pulled out a wide-mouth jar and set it on the table. Then he    2    placed about a dozen fist-sized rocks, one by one, into the jar.

    When the jar was filled to the    3    and no more rocks would fit inside, he asked, “Is this jar    4  ?” Everyone in the class said, “Yes.”

    “Really?” Then he    5   under the table and pulled out a bucket of gravel(沙砾,石子),dumped some in and   6   the jar, causing pieces of gravel to work themselves down into the space    7   the big rocks. Then he asked the group the same question. “Probably not.” One of them answered. “Good!” he replied.

    He reached under the table and    8    a bucket of sand. He started dumping the sand in the jar and it went into all the    9    left between the rocks and the gravel.    10    he asked the question. “No!” the class shouted. “Good!” Then he grabbed a can of water and began to pour it in    11    the jar was filled to the brim.

    Then the expert in time-management looked at the class and asked, “What is the    12   of this illustration?” It is such a seemingly easy question that one   13    student raised his hand and said, “It is, however full your schedule is, if you try really hard you can always   14    some more things in it.”

“No,” the speaker replied, “The truth it teaches us is that you will    15    get them in at all if you don’t put the big rocks in first.    16    the big rocks in your life are, do things that you love and    17   for yourself. In your schedule if you value the little stuff then you’ll fill your life with    18    things and you will never have the real quality time you need to spend on the big, important stuff. So, tonight, or in the morning, when you are   19    on this short story, ask yourself what are the ‘big rocks’ in your life? Then put those in your    20    first.”

1. A. harder                             B. rougher                      C. clearer                        D. wiser

2. A. carefully                          B. firmly                          C. actively                       D. unwillingly

3. A. edge                                B. bottom                       C. wall                             D. top

4.A. full                                     B. pure                            C. enough                       D. smooth

5.A. sent                                  B. reached                      C. managed                   D. felt

6.A. delivered                         B. shook                          C. dropped                     D. held

7.A. beneath                           B. across                         C. beyond                       D. between

8.A. put out                             B. came out                   C. brought out               D. set out

9. A. spaces                             B. caves                          C. blanks                         D. holes

10.A. At last                            B. Shortly after              C. Later on                     D. Once more

11.A. unless                            B. until                             C. before                         D. while

12. A. meaning                       B. opinion                       C. point                           D. comment

13.A. calm                               B. awkward                    C. nervous                      D. eager

14.A. add                                 B. fit                                 C. include                        D. collect

15. A. never                             B. even                            C. still                              D. ever

16.A. Whether                        B. However                    C. Whatever                  D. Which

17.A. conclude                        B. encourage                C. fresh                           D. time

18.A. more                              B. little                            C. much                           D. less

19.A. reflecting                      B. counting                     C. deciding                     D. insisting

20.A. packet                            B. can                              C. jar                                D. luggage



Lots of folks don't think about what they eat over the holiday season until January, when they stare sadly at the number on the scale and then hurry off to hit the gym, join Weight Watchers or pick up the latest diet book.
It doesn't have to be that way. Health experts say you can still enjoy the holidays.
"It's OK to indulge(沉溺), but it doesn't mean you have to gain weight," said Karen Ansel, a New York-based registered dietitian and a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association (ADA). Jessica Crandall, a registered dietitian from Denver who's also an ADA spokeswoman, added that gaining weight during the holidays and then working hard to lose it again is not good for a person's body.
For starters, people interested in maintaining their weight during the holidays should keep eating on a regular schedule, the two dietitians said. Research has shown that people who skip meals -- particularly breakfast -- end up eating more throughout the day. "Try and stick to consistent meal times so you can avoid being overly hungry," Crandall said. "When you're overly hungry, you can make some bad decisions regarding what you eat. Don't starve yourself during the day waiting for that party at night -- because you'll eat too much or overeat."
Ansel suggests that you think now about the foods you really enjoy and plan to focus on those while eating less of more common fare.
Be careful, too, about alcohol intake, for a couple of reasons. Alcoholic drinks, particularly the fancy ones handed out at holiday time, tend to come loaded with calories. "It's usually what you're adding to a drink that contains the calories," Crandall said. Also, if you're drunk, you might forget to watch what you're eating. "It totally lowers your inhibitions(压抑)," Ansel said.
Other holiday eating tips, suggested by Crandall and Ansel, include:
?Eat lots of vegetables, and eat them first before moving on to the other items on your plate.
?Recognize that many holiday extras, like cheese or cranberry sauce, come loaded with calories. "If those aren't your favorite foods, don't put them on your plate," Crandall said.
?If your favorite food has a lot of calories, be sure to minimize your portion. "Two bites cure the craving," Crandall said. "After that, you're just really feeding your old habits.
?After a big holiday meal, don't sink into a chair or couch. Go for a walk outdoors or participate in some other activities that help burn off some of the calories you've just eaten.
【小题1】Both Karen Ansel and Jessica Crandall ________.

A.think highly of the latest popular diet book
B.like going to the gym often
C.think trying to lose weight isn’t good for a person’s body
D.are registered dietitians and work for ADA
【小题2】Ansel asks people wishing to keep slim not to skip meals because _________.
A.it will do harm to their stomachs.
B.being overly hungry will make them feel not well
C.it may make them eat more
D.it might let them make bad decisions on important occasion
【小题3】Why does Crandall advise people wanting to lose weight not to drink wine?
A.Because if they’re drunk, they can watch what they eat.
B.Because it will make it hard for their body to burn calories.
C.Because wine itself contains many calories.
D.Because it will make them feel more stressed.
【小题4】Which of the following is the proper way to keep slim according to the passage?
A.Eating more vegetables than rice and other food.
B.Eating more cheese or cranberry sauce.
C.Never eat food with a lot of calories.
D.Sitting less and walking more after meals.
【小题5】The passage mainly talks about __________.
A.some advice on holiday eatingB.how to keep slim
C.the problems of fat peopleD.what to do in holidays


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