摘要:2. in the book she was reading, Lucy failed to notice that the library was closing for the night. A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lose


In the new book The Education of MillionairesMichael Ellsberg suggests that althoughthere are many wonderful things you can learn in college,”few of them are applied to real life So Ellsberg has written the book to tell“the capabilities and attitudes that will get you improved outside the classroom.”

??? I welcome the kind of debate about the value of higher education.It is necessary to rememberhoweverthat Ellsberg also tells how important it is to make moneyHe mentions a number of college dropoutssuch as Bill Gates and Michael Dellto show how successful they have become without the benefit of a college degreeWhile Ellsberg stresses the achievements of dropoutshe includes degree holders who have become wealthy and famousFor exampleof the current Fortune 500 CEOssome 99have a college degreeSimilarlyof the Forbes 400 richest people in America81hold postseconda.ry(高等)degrees.

??? But in the discussionwhat is forgotten about the value is that the purpose of education is not simply to enable one to earn a living but to prepare one for living over the course of life What is also left out of the debate about higher education is that its purpose is not just to provide a pathway covered with gold for the nations elites(精英).If we have the discussion that waywe may look down upon the people who devote themselves to other ordinary jobs that form the basic structures(结构)of our societyThough these individuals may not be reaching for the kind of stars that Michael Ellsberg and others would have them graspmost are doing something even more importantthey are involved in the useful tasks of good citizens and contributing to the common welfareincluding providing for their families

1.In the book The Education of MillionairesMichael Ellsberg___.

Aapproves of the value of education

Bexplains the reasons for dropping out

Ctells the way of getting out of college

D. discusses the practical value of college degrees

2.The second paragraph suggests a fact that____

Athe value of higher education is never challenged

Bhigher education ensures people making more money

Cmost of the richest people received college education

Dsuccess of dropouts proves the value of higher education

3.From the last paragraph we can learn that the author___

Ais keen on society charity work? Bcalls for the equality of all man

Cspeaks highly of the nations elites Dshows respect to common people

4.The passage is written mainly to.___

Apersuade people to go to university

B. make a comment on a new book

Ccomplain about the college education

Dpraise Michael Ellsberg for his hard work



Reading is very important to help you learn English. To learn as much as you can from reading, you need to read different kinds of English. This book provides not only different kinds of English but also a good way to check your reading ability.

There are four parts in the book :

Part 1 is Messages: In this part somebody wants to send information in writing to somebody else. There is a test on timetables and a test on text messages .

Part 2 is People: In this part all the tests are about people . For example, there is an informal letter between friends. There is formal (正式的) English in biography (传记) . There is a job application as a model to help with your writing, as well as testing your reading .

Part 3 is Places: In this part , too many different kinds of English are shown , some informal and some formal. There is the informal English of a holiday postcard . There is also the formal English in a letter of complaint.

Part 4 is Things: You will find some descriptive writing in this part . There are descriptions of clothes and of a computer.

You can do these tests in any order you like , or you can do all the tests with a formal or informal text .

I enjoyed writing this book and I hope you enjoy using it.

1.We can find the introduction to a product in __________.

A.Part 1            B.Part 2            C.Part 3            D.Part 4

2. Which of the following is most probably written in informal English?

A.A letter of complaint                     B.A computer handbook

C.A letter to a friend                      D.A story of a president

3. The passage is most probably written for ____________.

A.test designers      B.students          C.test-takers         D.teachers

4. What is the best title of the book?

A.Test Your Reading

B.Help with Your Writing

C.Learn Different Kinds of English

D.Practise English in Different Ways



Breathe, wave and smile.Along with more than 300 other seniors, I marched into the stadium on the afternoon of May 10. The audience burst into deafening cheers. The huge stadium shook with all the whistling and clapping.

It was as if a Hollywood superstar had walked on stage. And indeed, every single senior that day was a star of the moment. Each deserved it. The seniors had been preparing for four years for this once-in-a-lifetime moment—the commencement(graduation ceremony).

Seated, I waited anxiously for the opening address. As a foreign exchange student, I was not able to receive a diploma. However, I still had the wonderful feeling of being part of things. Like the other graduates, I was dressed in marron cap and gown.

Our principal, Mr Glover, delivered a short, warm greeting. The US national anthem followed and then, hands on chests, a solemn Pledge of Allegiance(美国的爱国誓言).

Students who had excelled academically gave farewell speeches. The tears in some eyes convinced me that many had deep feelings about the occasion. It was as the class motto says, “Life brings us tears, smiles and memories. The tears dry; the smiles fade; but the memories last forever.”

Then came the core(the most important part) of the commencement. Hundreds of names were announced. Each graduate walked across the stage to receive his or her diploma from the principal. From the different cheers each graduate got, we had the funny sense that it was a kind of competition of who could cheer the loudest.

To be honest, the presentation of diplomas got boring. A girl sitting next to me even started yawning. But it wasn’t boring for those receiving the diploma: they would treasure the moment the principal placed the sacred brown document in their hands for the rest of their lives.

A new page in the book of that person’s life had turned. They were glimpsing their futures: futures of challenge, hardship, perhaps loneliness too, which would take all of their courage.

What’s the article mainly about?

A.An American high school’s graduation ceremony.

B.The opening ceremony of a sports meeting.

C.A presentation of college diplomas.

D.A US college’s farewell party.

Which of the following statements about the author is FALSE?

A. She was one of the graduates.

B. She was a foreign exchange student.

C. She was excited to receive her diploma.

D. She felt it great to be at the ceremony.

The right order of the following events is______.

a.Diplomas were presented to graduates.   b.Students gave farewell speeches.

c.The US national anthem was played.     d.The principal gave a short, warm speech.

e.Seniors went into the stadium.

A. b,c,a,d,e       B. c,d,b,e,a         C. d,b,e,a,c         D. e,d,c,b,a

From the text, we can conclude that_______.

A.a diploma ensures a good job

B.a diploma guarantees a bright future

C.the commencement symbolizes the beginning of a new stage in life

D.everyone felt excited at the presentation of the diploma

According to the passage, which of the following statement is true?

A. Hollywood superstars went to attend the commencement.

B. Every single senior became a superstar on the commencement day.

C. All graduates would treasure the diploma for the rest of their lives.

D. When each graduate got his or her diploma, there were loud cheers.


As we all know sewing-machine(缝纫机) repair is one of the fastest growing businesses in the world today. Newspapers, women’s magazines, high schools and colleges are all encouraging millions of American women to do their own sewing, not only to make their own shirts and sweaters, but also to make nice clothes for their husbands, sons, or boyfriends. The lattes figures(数字) show that over 89 million American women, because of the high costs of ready-to-wear clothing are now making almost all of their families’ clothes. Most of these women get great satisfaction from making the family clothes on their own sewing machines. So it is natural that the demand(要求) for excellent service of sewing machines is growing.
Think of it! 89 million or more sewing machines, not including another 10 million sewing machines in schools of all kinds, need service at least once a year, and quite possibly four or more times each year. I know some women who return their sewing machines to repairmen time after time to get them fixed properly. I’ve seen sewing machines come out of repair shops in worse condition than they were when they went in.
So I’ve decided to write an introduction book to sewing-machine repair and teach people how to repair their own sewing machines at home. It’s not that difficult. In the book, I will teach you everything you need to know about how to repair your sewing machine.
【小题1】The author wrote the passage to       .

A.teach women to repair their sewing machines.
B.explain his or her purpose in writing the book
C.introduce the reasons for doing one’s own sewing
D.tell us that sewing-machine repair is a fast-growing business
【小题2】American women make clothes by themselves because       .
A.they cannot buy the clothes they see in magazines
B.their husbands or boyfriends want them to do so
C.ready-to-wear clothes cost a great deal of money
D.they can’t get great satisfaction from buying clothes
【小题3】We learn from the passage that sewing machines       .
A.aren’t very difficult to be repaired
B.cannot work well after one year
C.don’t easily get broken
D.need service 4 times a month
【小题4】It can be inferred from the passage that       .
A.the book will also show you how to make nice clothes
B.there are not enough sewing-machine-repair shops in America
C.over 99 million sewing machines need service at least once a year
D.the demand for excellent service of sewing machines grows the fastest in America


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