摘要:1.As long as you keep up, you’ll


第二节:完形填空(共20 小题 ,满分30分)
Each of us fails from time to time. If we are wise, we accept these failures as a 36 part of the learning process. But all too often as parents and teachers we disallow this 37 right to 高考资源网our children.
When I see a child 38 to this kind of pressure, I think of Donnie.
Donnie was my youngest third grader. His 39 of failure kept him from classroom games that other children enjoyed. He 40  answered questions — he might be wrong.
I tried my best to build his  41. But nothing changed until midterm, when Mary Anne, a student teacher, was assigned(安排)to 高考资源网our classroom.
She was young and pretty, and she loved children. My pupils, Donnie included, 42 her.
One morning, we were working math problems at the chalkboard. Donnie had 43 the problems with painstaking neatness. Pleased with his progress, I 44 the children with Mary Anne and went for art materials. When I returned, Donnie was in 45 . He’d missed the third problem.
My student teacher looked at me in despair. Suddenly her face 46. From the desk we shared, she got a container filled with pencils.
"Look, Donnie," she said, kneeling beside him and gently 47 the tear stained face from his arms. "I’ve got something to 48 you." She removed the pencils, one at a time, and placed them on his desk.
"See these  49 , Donnie," she continued. "They belong to Mrs. Lindstrom and me. See how the erasers are 50 ? That’s because we make mistakes too. But we erase the mistakes and try again. That’s what you 51 learn to do, too."
She kissed him and stood up. "Here," she said, "I’ll leave one of these pencils on 52  desk so you’ll remember that everybody makes mistakes, 53 teachers." Donnie looked up with love in his eyes and a smile.
The pencil became Donnie’s 54 possession. That, together with Mary Anne’s frequent encouragement, gradually 55 him that it’s all right to make mistakes — as long as you erase them and try again.
36. A. small        B. basic          C. necessary            D. large
37. A. correct      B. same          C. important          D. natural
38. A. turn          B. object           C. refer              D. subject
39. A. fear          B. advice          C. chance                  D. sense
40. A. always      B. often         C. sometimes         D. seldom
41. A. self-protection                B. self-improvement
C. self-confidence               D. self-learning
42. A. respected     B. disliked        C. avoided             D. mined
43. A. worked out  B. copied          C. gone over          D. leaned
44. A. left               B. offered         C. missed                  D. parted
45. A. surprise           B. astonishment    C. anger                D. tears
46. A. darkened      B. brightened           C. pulled             D. loosened
47. A. lifting       B. picking        C. holding             D. pushing
48. A. help         B. show         C. reward                  D. promise
49. A. pencils      B. mistakes      C. marks             D. containers
50. A. used         B. built         C. worn              D. damaged
51. A. may         B. must          C. will               D. can
52. A. my               B. someone’s      C. the teacher’s         D. y our
53. A. still          B. also           C. even              D. not
54. A. prized       B. given              C. kept               D. expected
55. A. warned      B. informed     C. persuaded          D. Reminded


A feeling of excitement overcame me as I looked around the stadium.

At 5:30 pm, two hours before game time, I walked into the locker room(更衣室. My    _36  of school, music and what I planned to do on Saturday night were   37   with the simple aim to beat the football team across the field from us tonight.

Approaching my locker(衣物柜), I noticed my teammates   38  . Some rested on benches, staring up at the ceiling _ 39   it were a film of the opposing team’s play. Some seemed a bit more   40  , using the time to tell jokes. A few stared at the field,  _41   what would happen in 120 minutes.

Our coach, Tony Severino, came out of his office at 6 o’clock. He told the team how   42    this game was for the season, between two of the state’s top teams — my school and our opposing team, Liberty High School. His words gave the team impulse (冲动) it needed to   43  .

At 7:10 pm, warm – ups finished, we went over the game   44   and discussed what we needed to do for the next three hours. The sound of the national anthem (国歌)   45   that we were only minutes from the action. Our coach usually made a final   46  . But tonight was different. On this clear night he   47   looked around the room at all the players and shouted, “Let’s go and get them.” Even   48   the “get” came out of his mouth, we were already   49    our way out of the door.

Outside, a few young fans reached to touch our hands, eager to be a   50   of our school’s winning tradition. When I smiled and   51   my hand, the young faces lit up as if they had just met Superman.

Seconds later, the team ran onto the   52  , moving as a mass of blue, in front of a packed stadium. We enjoyed a noisy   53   from fans and the fight song played by our school band. Breathing in the   54   of one of the biggest games of the year, I felt we were sure to win. I told myself, “This was what it was all about” and   55   that it was for moments like this that I loved high school football.

36. A. thoughts y              B. ideas                      C. pictures                  D. minds

37. A. covered                  B. mixed                     C. replaced                 D. filled

38. A. exercising               B. struggling               C. preparing                D. previewing

39. A. in case                    B. even though            C. as long as               D. as if

40. A. relaxed                   B. worried                  C. frightened               D. impressed

41. A. dreaming                B. wishing                  C. expecting               D. imagining

42. A. useless                   B. difficult                  C. available                 D. important

43. A. warm up                 B. pick up                   C. get up                    D. rise up

44. A. route                      B. frame                     C. plan                       D. forecast

45. A. urged                     B. insisted                   C. suggested               D. stressed

46. A. speech                    B. preparation             C. decision                 D. change

47. A. finally                     B. simply                    C. actually                  D. eventually

48. A. when                      B. before                    C. as                          D. since

49. A. leading                    B. dragging                 C. showing                 D. making

50. A. player                     B. friend                     C. part                       D. team

51. A. held out                  B. took out                 C. got out                   D. brought out

52. A. field                       B. stage                      C. yard                       D. garden

53. A. success                  B. reply                      C. achievement           D. welcome

54. A. atmosphere             B. experience              C. expectation             D. examination

55. A. accepted                 B. admitted                 C. realized                  D. recognized


第二节: 完形填空(共20 小题 ,满分30分 )

Each of us fails from time to time. If we are wise, we accept these failures as a 36 part of the learning process. But all too often as parents and teachers we disallow this 37 right to our children.

When I see a child 38 to this kind of pressure, I think of Donnie.

Donnie was my youngest third grader. His 39 of failure kept him from classroom games that other children enjoyed. He 40  answered questions — he might be wrong.

I tried my best to build his  41. But nothing changed until midterm, when Mary Anne, a student teacher, was assigned(安排)to our classroom.

She was young and pretty, and she loved children. My pupils, Donnie included, 42 her.

One morning, we were working math problems at the chalkboard. Donnie had 43 the problems with painstaking neatness. Pleased with his progress, I 44 the children with Mary Anne and went for art materials. When I returned, Donnie was in 45 . He’d missed the third problem.

My student teacher looked at me in despair. Suddenly her face 46. From the desk we shared, she got a container filled with pencils.

"Look, Donnie," she said, kneeling beside him and gently 47 the tear stained face from his arms. "I’ve got something to 48 you." She removed the pencils, one at a time, and placed them on his desk.

"See these  49 , Donnie," she continued. "They belong to Mrs. Lindstrom and me. See how the erasers are 50 ? That’s because we make mistakes too. But we erase the mistakes and try again. That’s what you 51 learn to do, too."

She kissed him and stood up. "Here," she said, "I’ll leave one of these pencils on 52  desk so you’ll remember that everybody makes mistakes, 53 teachers." Donnie looked up with love in his eyes and a smile.

The pencil became Donnie’s 54 possession. That, together with Mary Anne’s frequent encouragement, gradually 55 him that it’s all right to make mistakes — as long as you erase them and try again.

36. A. small         B. basic           C. necessary             D. large

37. A. correct       B. same           C. important            D. natural

38. A. turn           B. object             C. refer               D. subject

39. A. fear           B. advice            C. chance                    D. sense

40. A. always       B. often         C. sometimes          D. seldom

41. A. self-protection                 B. self-improvement

   C. self-confidence                D. self-learning

42. A. respected     B. disliked          C. avoided              D. mined

43. A. worked out  B. copied            C. gone over            D. leaned

44. A. left                B. offered           C. missed                   D. parted

45. A. surprise            B. astonishment    C. anger                  D. tears

46. A. darkened      B. brightened             C. pulled              D. loosened

47. A. lifting        B. picking         C. holding              D. pushing

48. A. help          B. show         C. reward                   D. promise

49. A. pencils       B. mistakes       C. marks             D. containers

50. A. used          B. built          C. worn               D. damaged

51. A. may          B. must           C. will                D. can

52. A. my                B. someone’s       C. the teacher’s          D. y our

53. A. still           B. also             C. even                D. not

54. A. prized        B. given               C. kept                D. expected

55. A. warned      B. informed     C. persuaded            D. Reminded


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