摘要:10.She climbed through a gap in the fence. [答案]


Washoe is a young chimpanzee(黑猩猩). She is no ___1___ chimpanzee, though. Scientists are doing a research ___2___ her. They want to see how civilized(驯化) she can ___3___. Already she does many things a human being can do.

For example, she has been learning how to exchange ___4___ with people. The scientists are teaching her ___5___ language. When she wants to be picked ___6___, Washoe points up with one finger. She rubs her teeth with her finger ___7___ she wants to brush her teeth. This is done after every meal.

Washoe has also been ___8___ to think out and find answers to problems. Once she was put in a ___9___ with food hanging from the ceiling. It was too high to ___10___. After she considered the ___11___, she got a tall box to stand ___12___. The food was still too high to be reached. Washoe found a ___13___ pole. Then she climbed onto the ___14___, grasped the pole, and ___15___ down the food with the pole.

Washoe ___16___ like a human, too. The scientists keep her in a fully furnished(家具齐全的) house. After a hard ___17___ in the laboratory, she goes home. ___18___ she plays with her toys. She ___19___ enjoys watching television before going to bed.

Scientists hope to ___20___ more about people by studying our closest relative(亲属) — chimpanzee.

1. A. foolish   B. ordinary     C. special       D. simple

2. A. for  B. by      C. to       D. on

3. A. experience     B. change       C. develop      D. become

4. A. actions   B. views  C. messages    D. feelings

5. A. sign       B. human       C. spoken       D. foreign

6. A. out B. at       C. on      D. up

7. A. when     B. until   C. since   D. while

8. A. raised     B. trained       C. ordered      D. led

9. A. cave       B. zoo     C. room  D. museum

10. A. pull      B. see      C. eat      D. reach

11. A. problem       B. position      C. food   D. ceiling

12. A. by B. on      C. up      D. with

13. A. straight B. strong C. long    D. big

14. A. wall     B. box     C. ceiling       D. pole

15. A. knocked      B. picked C. took    D. shocked

16. A. lives     B. acts     C. thinks D. plays

17. A. task      B. lesson C. day     D. time

18. A. Here    B. There  C. So      D. Then

19. A. quite    B. already       C. even   D. still

20. A. observe       B. discover     C. gain    D. learn


This is a talk by a London taxi(出租车)driver.
"I've been a taxi driver for nearly ten years. Most London taxi drivers have their own taxis."
"It's a nice job most of time. You meet a lot of people. I always work at night, because there is too much traffic during the day. I live twenty miles outside London and I go to work at 5:30 in the afternoon."
"I usually go home between 2 and 3 in the morning."
"Some very strange things happened late at night .The other day I was taking a woman home from a party .She had her little dog with her. When we got to her house, she found that she had lost her key. So I waited in the car with the dog while she climbed in through the windows."
"I waited and waited. After half an hour of ringing the bell I decided to find out what was going on .I tied the dog to a tree and started to climb in through the window. The next thing I knew was that the police came. They thought I was a thief.
Luckily the woman came downstairs.She must have gone to sleep and forgotten about me and the dog!"
【小题1】The driver always worked at night because it was easier to _____.

A.make moneyB.drive
C.climb in through the window D.meet a lot of people
【小题2】The woman climbed in through the window because _____.
A.she wanted to have a sleep
B.her husband didn't open the door for her
C.she didn't want to pay the driver
D.she couldn't find her key
【小题3】The story happened _____.
A.early in the morning B.late at night
C.20 miles outside London D.near the police station
【小题4】Which of the following is wrong?
A.The driver worked until between 2 and 3 in the morning.
B.The police made a mistake.
C.The woman had no money to pay the driver.
D.The woman had forgotten about the driver and the dog.
【小题5】The driver climbed in through the window to
A.get money from the woman B.return the dog to the woman
C.phone the policeD.see what was happening in the house


The English are often considered as unfriendly people who don't talk to strangers, but not London taxi drivers. I once asked a cabbie to describe his life to me and he didn't stop talking until I arrived home half an hour later. He told me many interesting stories and this is one of them: “Some very strange things happen late at night. The other day I was taking a woman home from a party. She had a little dog with her. When we got to her house she found that she'd lost her key. So, I waited in the cab with the dog while she climbed up the window.” “ I waited … and waited … After half an hour of ringing the bell I decided to find out what was going on. I tied the dog to a tree and started to climb up the window. The next thing I knew was that the police came. They thought that I was trying to rob the house! Luckily, the woman came downstairs, she'd gone to sleep and forgotten about me and the dog. I was in such a hurry to get away that I forgot to ask her for the fare (车费).”

1.In the writer’s opinion, London taxi drivers are _____________.

A. unfriendly       B. talkative           C. helpful      D. strange enough

2. From the passage we guess that the writer ______.

A. is the driver of the taxi                    B. often travels by taxi

C. is a foreigner visiting London           D. lives in London

3.What does the underlined word “cabbie” mean in this passage?

A. Conductor          B. Stranger       C. Taxi driver      D. author

4.The man was waiting outside the woman's house because ______.

A. he began to like the woman and her dog at the first sight

B. the woman had not paid him

C. he wanted to know what would happen when the police came

D. he was trying to go on talking with her



Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world. It is in the Himalayan Mountains between Nepal and China, and it is 8 900 meters high. Sir Edmund Hillary from New Zealand and Tenzing Norgay from Nepal were the first people ever to climb Mount Everest. They climbed it in 1953. Men from several different countries climbed it after that.
Jumko Tabei, a Japanese from Hokkaido, was the first woman to make this difficult climb. A Tokyo newspaper television organized the climb in 1975. They chose fifteen women from mountaineering (登山) clubs to go to Nepal. The group climbed for several days. Then there was an avalanche (雪崩). The heavy ice and snow injured ten of the women. They had to stop climbing, the other five women continued.
Only Ms. Tabei was able to climbing the last 70 meters. She was standing on the top of the world. She was the first woman there.
Ms. Tabei was 35 years old at the time. She is 1 meter 50 centimeters and weighs 42 kilograms. She says that she is an ordinary housewife. She started climbing mountains in 1960. She climbed every mountain in Japan. Then she climbed Mount Annapurna, another high mountain in the Himalayas. Finally she climbed the world’s highest mountain.
When she reached the top, she thought, “I’m at the top and I’m glad that I’m at the top.” Then she climbed back down the mountain.
1. Ms. Tabei was great because _________.
A. she was the first one ever to climb Mount Everest
B. she had climbed every mountain in Japan
C. she was the first woman that climbed the world’s highest mountain
D. she had climbed many mountains though she was small and young
2. “The heavy ice and snow injured ten of the women.” The word “injured” means ________.
A. killed       B. hurt     C. buried      D. froze
3. Which of the following is true?
A.None of the group reached the top of Mount Everest.
B. Ms. Tabei was one of the other five women who reached the top of Mount Everest.
C. The other five women reached the top of Mount Everest but Ms. Tabei was the first one.
D. Ms. Tabei was the only one of the group who reached the top of Mount Everest.
4. Ms. Tabei had practiced climbing for _________ years.
A. fifteen     B. twenty-two      C. thirteen   D. ten
5.What’s the main idea of the passage ?
A. The highest mountain in  the world.
B. The first woman to set foot on the highest mountain in the world.
C. How to climb the highest mountain in the world.
D. The exploration to the highest mountain in the world.


While firing off pictures of a curious five-month-old fox, photographer Simon Czapp soon realized his subject had quite an interest in photography herself. The clever fox was so curious about the camera equipment that she climbed right on top of it. And while she was supposed to be the subject of the shoot, the fox stood on the shutter release button (快门按钮) and took her own frames.

    Mr Czapp visited the New Forest Wildlife Park to capture images of new arrival Jessie. She has been at the animal park in Ashurst, Hampshire — home to wolves, deer and other animals in 25 acres of ancient woodland — after being abandoned by her mother.

    Mr Czapp said, “Jessie was very playful and curious and not at all camera shy. Soon after I arrived she was chewing my shoes and everything seemed to be a game to her. Then she started exploring the camera I had set up on a tripod (三脚架). She balanced her front paws on it and at one point knocked it over.”

    He put the camera back on the tripod and Jessie soon jumped back up. At one point she had all four paws on the camera and was keeping her balance. Mr Czapp added, “She jumped up there several times and I realized it could make a good picture. As I was leaving with the public’s viewing window behind me, I thought I heard the camera go off but didn’t think much of it. But when I checked the memory card afterwards, I was amazed to see Jessie had actually taken two pictures of me photographing her. I couldn’t believe a fox had gained an advantage over me! Jessie is a lovely little fox. There were some lovely photos of her but she obviously thought the photographer was worthy of a picture too!”

1.The underlined word “frames” in Paragraph 1 probably means “_________”.

   A. photographers         B. pictures         C. buttons          D. advantages

2.What do we know about Jessie from the passage?

   A. She arrived at the park five months ago.

   B. She lives at the park together with some other foxes.

   C. She was sent to the park because her mother left her.

   D. She loved the life in the park so much that she left her mother.

3. What is the RIGHT time order of the following steps in Jessie taking a photo?

   a. Jessie pressed the shutter release button.

   b. Mr Czapp left the camera to take a photo.

   c. Jessie climbed onto the camera and balanced herself.

   d. Mr Czapp set up his camera on a tripod.

   e. Jessie stood up to look at the back of the camera.

   A. d, e, c, b, a         B. a, b, c, d, e        C. c, b, e, a, d        D. d, e, b, c, a

4.From the passage we can infer that __________.

   A. foxes are better at photographing than men

   B. some foxes are more friendly than humans

   C. Mr Czapp and Jessie took photos for each other   

   D. Jessie gained an advantage over Mr Czapp in photographing



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