摘要:8.managed to get what he had wanted


When I decided to get married, my father decided to share some wisdom. “Lori, it is just as easy to love a rich man as it is to love a poor man, “ he said. My boyfriend didn’t have much money, but I loved him. “What?” I cried. “ How can you say that? I want to marry for love, NOT for money.” “ But why not marry someone you love who has money?” he asked. “Rich men are materialistic(物质主义的). I’d rather marry a poor man who loves me,” I said and he gave in.
And as we went on, with my family growing, I learned why my father put such importance on money. We had to cover the rent, car, electricity, food, and medical bills. We were under lot of pressure. The worries over whether we would be asked to move out or if we had the money to wash our clothes at the Laundromat this week made me question if I did the right thing by marrying a “poor” man.
I realized that I had entered the ranks of the poor. Not that I’d ever been rich. Most of my life, I considered us in the lower middle-class rank. We had a house of our own, food on the table, cars, clothes, and money for college. But now, as I listened to an apartment neighbour talk about her monthly “Mother’s Day” gift, I realized she was talking about her welfare check(政府发放的救济金). And another young mother tried to “help” me out by connecting me with a friend who stole baby clothes from a department store. “ For a small cut,” she said, “ I could return my ‘purchase’(购买的东西)for cash.” It made me sick. How poor was I?
I had a college education but wasn’t using it. I insisted on not missing a minute of our children’s childhood and it came at a price. My husband was working as hard as he could and it wasn’t enough. But somehow we made it.
The kids grew. Today, we look back and see the great values gained by going through those hard years. My children are not materialistic. They never thought they were poor growing up because we always managed to give a little bit of food, money, or clothes to the “poor”. They were satisfied with the simple things in life that come free such as a beach day or a horse back ride from their dad.
We had our worries, but we still treasured our very favorite part of the day when we’d nest (栖息地)under the covers and talked about our future, the kids and how much we loved each other. Sure our financial(财政的) troubles caused a lot of fights, but we didn’t leave each other. We began to live a better life. We moved to a better community(社区)with good schools for the kids. And soon, we’ll face a new challenge with wealth. But we’ll never give up.
My father died three years ago. Before he died, he knew I made the right choice. I’m proud of my decision.
【小题1】.The writer argued with her father because _________________.

A.she thought her father didn’t love her at all
B.her father thought her boyfriend was too materialistic
C.her father wanted her to marry a rich man while she didn’t
D.she thought her father loved her boyfriend’s money more than him.
【小题2】.After getting married, the writer questioned if she had done the right thing to marry her husband because___________.
A.she was often scolded(责骂)by her father
B.she found her husband was irresponsible(不负责任的)
C.he didn’t think her husband loved her deeply
D.they lived a poor life with children to support
【小题3】.After their children were born, the writer_______________.
A.often regretted not using her college education
B.worked very hard in order to make more money
C.had to steal baby clothes from a department store
D.looked after her children as a professional (职业的,专业的)housewife
【小题4】. Why didn’t the writer’s children think they were poor growing up?
A.Because the writer always gave them whatever they wanted
B.Because the writer and her children often helped other people.
C.Because the writer didn’t let her children play with their rich neighbours
D.Because the writer let her children have a good life through receiving help from others.
【小题5】.What do you think is the theme(主题)of the story?
A.Women should always make a decision by themselves
B.Listening to the old is important when people get married
C.Money doesn’t matter as much as love in marriage
D.Children don’t mind whether they have a poor family or not


When I decided to get married, my father decided to share some wisdom. “Lori, it is just as easy to love a rich man as it is to love a poor man, “ he said. My boyfriend didn’t have much money, but I loved him. “What?” I cried. “ How can you say that? I want to marry for love, NOT for money.” “ But why not marry someone you love who has money?” he asked. “Rich men are materialistic(物质主义的). I’d rather marry a poor man who loves me,” I said and he gave in.

And as we went on, with my family growing, I learned why my father put such importance on money. We had to cover the rent, car, electricity, food, and medical bills. We were under lot of pressure. The worries over whether we would be asked to move out or if we had the money to wash our clothes at the Laundromat this week made me question if I did the right thing by marrying a “poor” man.

I realized that I had entered the ranks of the poor. Not that I’d ever been rich. Most of my life, I considered us in the lower middle-class rank. We had a house of our own, food on the table, cars, clothes, and money for college. But now, as I listened to an apartment neighbour talk about her monthly “Mother’s Day” gift, I realized she was talking about her welfare check(政府发放的救济金). And another young mother tried to “help” me out by connecting me with a friend who stole baby clothes from a department store. “ For a small cut,” she said, “ I could return my ‘purchase’(购买的东西)for cash.” It made me sick. How poor was I?

I had a college education but wasn’t using it. I insisted on not missing a minute of our children’s childhood and it came at a price. My husband was working as hard as he could and it wasn’t enough. But somehow we made it.

The kids grew. Today, we look back and see the great values gained by going through those hard years. My children are not materialistic. They never thought they were poor growing up because we always managed to give a little bit of food, money, or clothes to the “poor”. They were satisfied with the simple things in life that come free such as a beach day or a horse back ride from their dad.

We had our worries, but we still treasured our very favorite part of the day when we’d nest (栖息地)under the covers and talked about our future, the kids and how much we loved each other. Sure our financial(财政的) troubles caused a lot of fights, but we didn’t leave each other. We began to live a better life. We moved to a better community(社区)with good schools for the kids. And soon, we’ll face a new challenge with wealth. But we’ll never give up.

My father died three years ago. Before he died, he knew I made the right choice. I’m proud of my decision.

1..The writer argued with her father because _________________.

A.she thought her father didn’t love her at all

B.her father thought her boyfriend was too materialistic

C.her father wanted her to marry a rich man while she didn’t

D.she thought her father loved her boyfriend’s money more than him.

2..After getting married, the writer questioned if she had done the right thing to marry her husband because___________.

A.she was often scolded(责骂)by her father

B.she found her husband was irresponsible(不负责任的)

C.he didn’t think her husband loved her deeply

D.they lived a poor life with children to support

3..After their children were born, the writer_______________.

A.often regretted not using her college education

B.worked very hard in order to make more money

C.had to steal baby clothes from a department store

D.looked after her children as a professional (职业的,专业的)housewife

4.. Why didn’t the writer’s children think they were poor growing up?

A.Because the writer always gave them whatever they wanted

B.Because the writer and her children often helped other people.

C.Because the writer didn’t let her children play with their rich neighbours

D.Because the writer let her children have a good life through receiving help from others.

5..What do you think is the theme(主题)of the story?

A.Women should always make a decision by themselves

B.Listening to the old is important when people get married

C.Money doesn’t matter as much as love in marriage

D.Children don’t mind whether they have a poor family or not



When I decided to get married, my father decided to share some wisdom. “Lori, it is just as easy to love a rich man as it is to love a poor man, “ he said. My boyfriend didn’t have much money, but I loved him. “What?” I cried. “ How can you say that? I want to marry for love, NOT for money.” “ But why not marry someone you love who has money?” he asked. “Rich men are materialistic(物质主义的). I’d rather marry a poor man who loves me,” I said and he gave in.
And as we went on, with my family growing, I learned why my father put such importance on money. We had to cover the rent, car, electricity, food, and medical bills. We were under lot of pressure. The worries over whether we would be asked to move out or if we had the money to wash our clothes at the Laundromat this week made me question if I did the right thing by marrying a “poor” man.
I realized that I had entered the ranks of the poor. Not that I’d ever been rich. Most of my life, I considered us in the lower middle-class rank. We had a house of our own, food on the table, cars, clothes, and money for college. But now, as I listened to an apartment neighbour talk about her monthly “Mother’s Day” gift, I realized she was talking about her welfare check(政府发放的救济金). And another young mother tried to “help” me out by connecting me with a friend who stole baby clothes from a department store. “ For a small cut,” she said, “ I could return my ‘purchase’(购买的东西)for cash.” It made me sick. How poor was I?
I had a college education but wasn’t using it. I insisted on not missing a minute of our children’s childhood and it came at a price. My husband was working as hard as he could and it wasn’t enough. But somehow we made it.
The kids grew. Today, we look back and see the great values gained by going through those hard years. My children are not materialistic. They never thought they were poor growing up because we always managed to give a little bit of food, money, or clothes to the “poor”. They were satisfied with the simple things in life that come free such as a beach day or a horse back ride from their dad.
We had our worries, but we still treasured our very favorite part of the day when we’d nest (栖息地)under the covers and talked about our future, the kids and how much we loved each other. Sure our financial(财政的) troubles caused a lot of fights, but we didn’t leave each other. We began to live a better life. We moved to a better community(社区)with good schools for the kids. And soon, we’ll face a new challenge with wealth. But we’ll never give up.
My father died three years ago. Before he died, he knew I made the right choice. I’m proud of my decision

  1. 1.

    The writer argued with her father because _________________

    1. A.
      she thought her father didn’t love her at all
    2. B.
      her father thought her boyfriend was too materialistic
    3. C.
      her father wanted her to marry a rich man while she didn’t
    4. D.
      she thought her father loved her boyfriend’s money more than him
  2. 2.

    After getting married, the writer questioned if she had done the right thing to marry her husband because___________

    1. A.
      she was often scolded(责骂)by her father
    2. B.
      she found her husband was irresponsible(不负责任的)
    3. C.
      he didn’t think her husband loved her deeply
    4. D.
      they lived a poor life with children to support
  3. 3.

    After their children were born, the writer_______________

    1. A.
      often regretted not using her college education
    2. B.
      worked very hard in order to make more money
    3. C.
      had to steal baby clothes from a department store
    4. D.
      looked after her children as a professional (职业的,专业的)housewife
  4. 4.

    Why didn’t the writer’s children think they were poor growing up?

    1. A.
      Because the writer always gave them whatever they wanted
    2. B.
      Because the writer and her children often helped other people
    3. C.
      Because the writer didn’t let her children play with their rich neighbours
    4. D.
      Because the writer let her children have a good life through receiving help from others
  5. 5.

    What do you think is the theme(主题)of the story?

    1. A.
      Women should always make a decision by themselves
    2. B.
      Listening to the old is important when people get married
    3. C.
      Money doesn’t matter as much as love in marriage
    4. D.
      Children don’t mind whether they have a poor family or not

  Polly Jones lived on a farm.She had lived there all her life,all twelve years of it.Her father,who managed the farm,had just lifted the potato crop.Prices were high:he wanted to sell the crop as quickly as he could.

  Polly wandered over the rough field looking for the smaller potatoes that the pickers had accidentally missed.She found one,then another,then a handful.She was pleased.They were delicious once cooked.Then she caught sight of something else.It looked like a piece of coloured stone.Polly picked it up and thought how pretty it was.She could see a pattern on it:a picture of a fish and a part of a leaf.She scraped(擦去)the soil away around her feet and found that she was standing on what seemed to be a piece of pavement(铺路石).Stuck to another piece of stone was something small and round like a button.She realized it was an old coin.

  The field was busy the next morning though not with potato pickers.In front of the house where the farm machinery usually stood were several cars and a policeman.A group of distinguished-looking men and women had appeared the morning after her father's telephone call.The local television station had shown some pictures of the field with Polly pointing to the place where she had found her pavement.It was proving to be of Roman origin and was being described as the most exciting thing that had happened in the area since the end of the Second World War.In those days an American airbase had occupied the site of the potato field.

  A week later about forty students arrived from the local university.That afternoon a truck with equipment arrived.The excavation(挖掘)was officially under way.Permission had been given and the“dig”,as it was called,was expected to last several months.Polly wondered how the everyday work of the farm would get done with so many strange people around and cars coming and going all day long.All the unusual activity had made the cows and sheep restless.Her father said their cows produced less milk.

  Still,it was interesting and great fun.They had let her keep the gold coin.

  From then on,Polly wouhl always walk carefully over potato fields.


There were still potatoes in the field because the pickers ________

[  ]


had left them for Polly on purpose


thought they were too small


would pick them later


had failed to notice them


When Polly was looking for potatoes,________ caught her attention first.

[  ]


a part of a leaf


an old coin


a piece of pavement


a button


Why did the findings cause great excitement?

[  ]


Because the coin was priceless.


Because an ancient Roman site was discovered.


Because few old coins had been found since the War.


Because such old coins had been found in American airbases.


How did the“dig”affect the life on the farm?

[  ]


It reduced milk production.


It prevented Polly from attending class.


It attracted more farmers to the potato fields.


It brought the farmers wealth overnight.


His father, Lin Jianbin, said "Super Dan"has waited for four years to get this championship and he felt very proud of his son, as well as his prospective daughter-in-law Xie Xingfang, who is also a badminton player and won silver in women's singles at the Beijing Games.
An SMS: The beginning of a love story
Lin was born in Shanghang County, Longyan in Fujian Province. He first met Xie Xingfang when he was 14-years-old. 16-year-old Xie was attending a national youth team badminton training camp in Jinjiang, Fujian and Lin was also there.
Tall and beautiful, Xie became the Snow White in the heart of Lin Dan, and he tried to please her and get chances to chat with her after the training sessions. He did not go beyond that.
Before the Spring Festival in 2004, Lin finally mustered(召集,聚集) the courage and sent Xie Xingfang a text message - I LOVE YOU. In fact, Xie Xingfang had already realized Lin Dan was fond of her. And covertly(秘密地) , she began to pay attention to Lin's movement and performance on the court. "He is very interesting, got a lot of ideas, and is a lovely boy."
Two Kisses
In May 2004 at the Thomas Cup in Jakarta, their love relationship was first known to the public. Xie sat with her teammates and watched the men's team playing. When Lin Dan won the match, he rushed to the bench and kissed Xie, a move that Xie did not expect Lin to do in public. A photographer captured this moment.
At the All England Open in 2007, Lin kissed her again in public, making Xie feel like the happiest woman in the world.
After Lin won his third title at the Open, he did not stay to watch Xie play. Xie defeated her opponent and won the championship. When she was called to accept the trophy(奖品,战利品) , Lin suddenly emerged at the central venue, holding red roses and gave her the flowers, and a passionate kiss.
Nine Roses
Earlier, on February 14, 2006, Lin and Xie were with the national badminton teams at a training camp in Jinjiang. The teams had their rules – not going out of the training camp. Xie thought she would spend the Valentine's Day without flowers.
But Lin still managed to give her a surprise – giving her a Dior wallet as a Valentine's gift and nine roses. With the teams' rule in place, Lin asked his local friend to buy the roses and gave her a pleasant Valentines surprise.
A 200-square-meter apartment
Lin Dan and Xie Xingfang's love has been through four years of tests, and Xie's father also said that they should consider marriage after the Olympics.
In fact, Lin Dan has already prepared for this. He has bought a 200-square-meter apartment in downtown Beijing, with 4 rooms and 2 living rooms. Paying about 20,000 yuan per square meter for the apartment, it is reported the apartment is now valued at 8 million yuan.
"After the Olympics, we really want to live our own lives, go on vacation, go to school, get married, I am really looking forward to it," Xie said happily.
With two kitchens, one Chinese and one Western style, Xie said she wanted to be the person preparing soup at home and enjoy family life.

  1. 1.

    How old was Lin Dan when he first met Xie Xingfang?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  2. 2.

    What does Xie Xingfang specialize in?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    What did Lin Dan give Xie Xingfang as a gift for the Valentinge’s Day in 2006?

    1. A.
      A Chanel perfume
    2. B.
      A Dior wallet
    3. C.
      An LV handbag
    4. D.
      A Tiffany ring
  4. 4.

    When are the plans of this couple after the Olympic except _____?

    1. A.
      to start business
    2. B.
      to go to school
    3. C.
      to go on vacation
    4. D.
      to get married

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