摘要:5.C.share your problems“共同分担问题 .


A.Try to stay friendly                               B.Look nice and neat

C.Share your interests with others             D.Join clubs to meet new friends

E.Take part in after school activities           F.Play sports to develop friendshi

How to Make Friends in High School

61. ______________

Feel nervous on the first day of high school?  Be afraid of having no friends? Here are some tips.Pick clubs that focus on something in which you are interested.This will help you meet other high school students with similar interests as yours.Make sure that you are willing to take part in club activities.These may give you an opportunity to meet high school students from other schools,too.

62. ______________

Join a sport team,but remember to pick something that you are good at.Keep in mind that you have to represent your team.When you join a sport team,you are trying to do your best and if you do that,other team members will learn to trust you.Many people who play sports form deep friendships since they spend so much time together.

63. ______________

If you have a good attitude,people will think that you are a good person to be around.Make sure that you are always friendly to others,even when you dislike someone.Other people will notice if you are mean.Be a good friend.Using your friends will earn you the reputation  (名声)  for being a bad friend.If you want to make friends,you should make sure that you act like a friend.Resist the temptation (诱惑) to talk about someone behind his / her back.

64. ______________

People tend to stay away from a person who looks dirty.If you want to make friends in high school,you need to make sure that your clothes are neat and clean and make sure that you smell good.Brush your teeth,take a shower,brush your hair,wash and iron (熨) your clothes and clean your shoes.


Consider participating in after school activities that are organized by churches or community centers.Extra—curricular activities are an integral part of your school life.You may meet students at different ages and of different cultures from other schools who can share interests and ideals with you.Some of the friends you make can become lifelong friends.



  The Staff Room is onestopenglish's exclusive(独家)subscription service, giving you access to our full database of resources as well as many other benefits.

  Here is just a taste of how the Staff Room can help and enhance(强化)your teaching:

  1.Enjoy our entire database of resources

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  2.Find everything you need

  Whether you teach children, teenagers, adults or business executives, onestopenglish is packed with resources for you.As a Staff Room member you'll find a wealth of materials in the core(核心)subject areas that matter most to you, including Grammar & Vocabulary, Exams, Business & ESP and Young Learners.You'll also find a special CLIL section for Content and Language Integrated 1 earning teachers, regularly updated with new materials.

  3.Organize your teaching

  Every Staff Room member can benefit from a personal, interactive(交互的)Learning Calendar.This exciting new tool will allow you to save, organize and share all your favourite resources, and easily schedule your lessons in advance.You can find out more about the Learning Calendar here.[来源:学科网]

  4.Refresh your classes with topical news lessons and authentic listening materials

  As part of your Staff Room subscription, we'll publish a news lesson from the Guardian every week, edited at three different language levels and complete with student worksheets.You'll also find regular news lessons from Business Spotlight as well as from Spot on, a magazine written especially for teenagers studying English.

  Our engaging listening materials include an ongoing series of authentic interviews with members of the public, an exclusive soap opera, and our exciting mini-plays on British culture: your students will be able to improve their listening skills with real-life contents and a huge variety of accents.


The purpose of the passage is to ________.

[  ]


introduce the advantages of a column in a website


persuade readers to join in an organization


give some advice on how to teach English


offer some suggestions on how to learn English


Which of the following is most likely to be the next part of the passags?

[  ]


Where the Staff Room is located


How the Staff Room started


What the Staff Room will do this year


How to join in the Staff Room


According to the passage, the Staff Room is intended for ________.

[  ]










What can't you do in the Staff Room?

[  ]


Solve all your problems.


Plan your lessons


Share your resources


Enjoy British culture.


The passage can be most probably found ________.

[  ]


on the front page of a newspaper


on the home page of a website


in an English course book


on the preface of a book



  There are many people who could be Olympic Champions, all Americans who have never tried.I’d estimate(估计)that five million people could have beaten me in the pole vault(撑杆跳高)on the years I won it, at least five million.Men who were stronger, bigger, and faster than I could have done it, but they never picked up a pole, never made the efforts to vault their legs off the ground to try to get over the bar.

  Greatness is all around us.It’s easy to be great because great people will help you.What fantastic about all the conventions(大会)I went to was that the greatest in the business would come and share their ideas ,their methods and their techniques with everyone else.I have seen the greatest salesmen opening up and showing young salesmen exactly how they did it.They didn’t hold back.I have also found it true in the world of sports.

  I’ll never forget the time I was trying to break Dutch Warmer Dam’s record.I was about a foot below his record, so I called on the phone.I said,“Dutch ,can you help me?I seem to have leveled off.I can’t get any higher

  He said,“Sure, Bob, come on up to visit me and I’ll give you all I got”I spent days with the master, the greatest pole-vaulter in the world.For three days, Dutch gave me everything that he’d seen.There were things that I was doing wring and he corrected them.To make a long story short, I went up eight inches.That great guy gave me the best that he had.

  Great people will share.Great people will tell you their secrets.Look for them, call them on the phone or buy their books.Go where they are, get around them, and talk to them.It is easy to be great when you get around great people.


What would be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Use the greatness around us


Many men are better than me


Share your greatness with people around you


My hearty thanks to Warmer Dam.


The author of this passage must be ________.

[  ]


a world record holder in pole vault


a Dutch pole-vaulter


an Olympic Champion


a student of Warmer Dam’s


The underlined phrase“leveled off”in paragraph 3 probably means ________.

[  ]


gone down in level


stayed in a certain level


gone up in level


progressed on


Why does the author think well of the conventions he attended?

[  ]


Because many great people also attended them.


Because they were supported by many great businessmen.


Because he learned to share his greatness with others.


Because great athletes were willing to share.



  There are many people who could be Olympic Champions, all Americans who have never tried.I’d estimate(估计)that five million people could have beaten me in the pole vault(撑竿跳高)on the years I won it, at least five million.Men who were stronger, bigger, and faster than I could have done it, but they never picked up a pole, never made the efforts to vault their legs off the ground to try to get over the bar.

  Greatness is all around us.It’s easy to be great because great people will help you.What fantastic about all the conventions(大会)I went to was that the greatest in the business would come and share their ideas, their methods and their techniques with everyone else.I have seen the greatest salesmen opening up and showing young salesmen exactly how they did it.They didn’t hold back.I have also found it true in the world of sports.

  I’ll never forget the time I was trying to break Dutch Warmer Dam’s record.I was about a foot below his record, so I called him on the phone.I said, “Dutch, can you help me?I seem to have leveled off.I can’t get any higher.”

  He said, “Sure, Bob, come on up to visit me and I’ll give you all I got.”I spent three days with the master, the greatest pole-vaulter in the world.For three days, Dutch gave me everything that he’d seen.There were things that I was doing wrong and he corrected them.To make a long story short, I went up eight inches.That great guy gave me the best that he had.

  Great people will share.Great people will tell you their secrets.Look for them, call them on the phone or buy their books.Go where they are, get around them, and talk to them.It is easy to be great when you get around great people.


What would be the best title for the passage?

[  ]


Use the greatness around us.


Many men are better than me.


Share your greatness with people around you.


My hearty thanks to Warmer Dam.


The author of this passage must be ________.

[  ]


a world record holder in pole vault


a Dutch pole-vaulter


an Olympic Champion


a student of Warmer Dam’s


The underlined phrase “leveled off” in Paragraph 3 probably means ________.

[  ]


gone down in level


stayed in a certain level


gone up in level


progressed on


Why does the author think well of the conventions he attended?

[  ]


Because many great people also attended them.


Because they were supported by many great businessmen.


Because he learned to share his greatness with others.


Because great athletes were willing to share.


EAT YOUR VEGETABLES.Wash your hands. Always say  “please” and “thank you”. We are full of advice for our children, but when it comes to money, we often have little to say. As a result, our children may grow up with clean hands and good manners, but without any idea how tomanage their money.
  Here are some basics that will help guide them their entire lives:
  Show them the future. If your 13-year-old girl were to save $1.000,invest(投资)it at 8% and add $100 every month, by the time she’s 65,she would have $980,983!
  Be careful of credit(信用).Credit cards can help you buy necessary things and build a credit history, but they must be used responsibly, which means paying off your debt in time. Explain to your children that when you buy something using a credit card, you can easily end up paying two or three times what you would have paid if you used cash.
  Teach patience. Suppose your child wants a new bicycle that costs $150.Rather than paying the cash, give him some regular pocket money and explain that by putting aside,say,$15 each week, he will be able to buy it for himself in only ten weeks.
  Provide incentive. Tell your children the importance of saving. “For every dollar he or she agrees to save and invest rather than spend, you agree to add another dollar to the pot,” says Cathy Pareto, expert in money planning.
  Explain your values. Values and money are deeply intertwined, says Eilleen Gallo,co-author of The Financially Intelligent Parent. When your child demands that you buy something, explain why you really don’t want to buy it.“You might say, ‘I’d rather save that money for your  education,’” advises Gallo. Every time you spend or don’t spend money, you have a chance to share your values.
【小题1】The writer gives some basics to help________ in a proper way.

A.parents teach their children how to deal with money
B.children follow their parents’ instructions
C.children manage their money
D.parents save their money
【小题2】The writer thinks that, if a child wants to buy something, his parents should________.      .
A.give him some regular pocket money
B.encourage him to put money away for it
C.explain to him the importance of investment
D.tell him to save some money by using a credit card
【小题3】The underlined word “incentive” in paragraph 6 means_________.       .
【小题4】What leads the writer to write this article?_________
A.Parents want to know how to educate their children.
B.He wants to share his good ideas about money matters.
C.He thinks money management the most important for children.
D.Parents care Little about their children’s management of money.


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