摘要:12. struck me I would have an important meeting in Shanghai the next day. A.It,which B.What,that C.What,which D.It,that


完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Doing community service work, I spent three or four hours handing out warm dinner to the homeless out in the streets. After that I went to a   36   shelter not far from the Bay Bridge.

I was in high school and at the time my sister was too young to   37   . She wanted to help,    38   she made four or five dozen chocolate chip cookies for me to    39    and hand out to people. When getting to the homeless shelter I passed out the remaining meals. I had the containers with my   40   cookies in them and began to   41   , offering them to anyone near me.

  42    an old gentleman and said, “Sir, would you like a cookie?” He stopped and turned around, looked at me    43   in the eye and said, “What did you say? Did you call me sir?” I told him I had, and his eyes    44    a little bit and he said, “No one has    45    called me sir.” He was completely taken aback.

It struck me. 

I explained I had been raised that    46    color and social status, everyone deserved     47    . It made me    48    to think that just because he was homeless, no one    49   him the honor. It broke my   50   , and I couldn’t help   51   cry. I just didn’t understand    52   no one ever called him sir? I had never thought that anyone was below me because I wasn’t raised that way. Every    53   person deserves to be treated with dignity. Years later, I still carry that memory and the    54   it taught me. Sometimes, what we take for granted can    55   make a difference in someone’s life.

How have you made a difference to others? How have others made a difference to you?

36. A. useless                              B. careless                 C. homeless                        D. hopeless

37. A. participate                  B. involve    C. choose                   D. go

38. A. however                B. but               C. yet                  D. so

39. A. bring                 B. fetch             C. collect               D. take

40. A. classmate’s               B. schoolmate’s      C. sister’s                  D. family’s

41. A. walk around      B. knock around      C. come around                D. stand around

42. A. went                     B. came             C. approached             D. met

43. A. right                       B. even               C. still                   D. just

44. A. watered     B. cried                C. tore                  D. dropped

45. A. already               B. ever             C. still                  D. yet

46. A. in spite                B. regardless of      C. concerned about       D. for fear of

47. A. happiness                         B. truth                       C. respect                           D. help

48. A. strong-minded                B. sad                      C. frightened             D. pleased

49. A. handed                     B. afforded            C. provided               D. supplied

50. A. eyes                                   B. mind                       C. opinions                          D. heart

51. A. but                                      B. and                         C. until                                 D. or

52. A. what                 B. when              C. whether               D. why

53. A. single                      B. poor             C. ordinary              D. normal

54. A. stories                               B. lessons                  C. experiences                   D. tears

55. A. equally                               B. hardly           C. really                               D. finally


Around twenty years ago I was living in Seattle and going through hard times. I could not find   36 work and I found this especially difficult as I had a lot of experience and a Master’s degree.
To my   37  I was driving a school bus to   38  my family. I had been through five   39  with a company and one day they   40  to say I did not get the job. I went to the bus barn, feeling   41 .
Later that afternoon,   42  doing my rounds through a quiet suburban neighborhood I had an inner wave   43  from deep inside me and I thought “Why has my   44  become so hard?” “Give me a sign, I asked, a physical sign, not some inner   45  type of thing.”
Immediately after this internal(内心的) scream I   46  the bus over to drop off a little girl and as she   47  she handed me an earring saying I should keep it   48  somebody looked for it. The   49  was stamped metal, painted black and said “BE HAPPY”. Then it struck me. I had been putting all of my   50  into what was wrong with my life   51  than what was right! 
One night there was a phone call for me from the   52  at a large hospital. She asked me whether I   53  do a report for 200 hospital workers. I said   54  and got the job.
My day with the hospital workers   55  very well. I got a great welcome and many more days of work. To this day I KNOW that it was because I changed my attitude to gratitude.
【小题1】A. satisfying     B. probable      particular      D. considerate
【小题2】 A. joy                    B. luck             shame            D. surprise

【小题4】  A. meetings            B. interviews    conferences         D. reports
【小题5】 A. came                 B. hoped          called                 D. expected
【小题6】 A. excited               B. worried        disappointed              D. frightened
【小题7】 A. though               B. while           unless                 D. until
【小题8】  A. rise                    B. shout           raise                   D. cry
【小题9】  A. work                 B. situation       life                D. position
【小题10】 A. sound                B. voice           noise                  D. thought
【小题11】 A. pulled                B. carried                brought                     D. held
【小题12】 A. took off             B. put off                gave off             D. got off
【小题13】 A. as long as           B. now that       in case                D. as soon as
【小题14】 A. earring               B. watch           necklace             D. bag
【小题15】 A. money               B. ideas            energies              D. strength
【小题16】 A. rather                B. other            more                  D. less
【小题17】 A. nurse                 B. work            patient                D. manager
【小题18】 A. should               B. would          must                  D. ought
【小题19】 A. no                            B. hello            yes                     D. nothing
【小题20】 A. went                  B. looked                seemed               D. appeared


When I was young, I belonged to a club that did community service work. There was one specific event that was unusual for me. I spent three or four hours handing out warm dinner to the homeless out in the streets. After that I went to a homeless shelter not far from the Bay Bridge.

   I was in high school and at the time my sister was too young to __36__. She wanted to help, __37__ she made four or five dozen chocolate chip cookies for me to __38__ and hand out to people. When getting to the homeless shelter __39__ passed out the remaining meals. __40__, I began making sandwiches and __41__ them with the crowd. I had the containers with my __42__ cookies in them and began to __43__, offering them to anyone near me.

I __44__ an old gentleman and said, “sir, would you like a cookie?” He stopped and turned around, __45__ and said, “What did you say? Did you call me sir?” I told him I __46__, and his eyes __47__ a little bit and he said, “No one has __48__ called me sir.” So he was __49__ taken aback(意外). It struck me.

I explained I had been raised that__ 50__color and social status, everyone deserved respect. It __51__ me to think that just because he was homeless, no one__ 52__ him the honor. It broke my heart, and I __53__. I just didn’t understand__ 54__ no one ever called him sir. I had never thought that anyone was below me because I wasn’t raised that way. Every __55__ person deserves to be treated with dignity. Years later, I still carry that memory and the lessons it taught me. Sometimes, what we take for granted can really make a difference in someone’s life.

How have you made a difference to others? How have others made a difference to you?

1.A. participate            B. decide                   C. choose                  D. go

2. A. however               B. but                       C. yet                         D. so

3.A. bring                      B. fetch                        C. collect                  D. take

4.A. I                             B. you                      C. she                    D. we

5.A. First                      B. Next                    C. Third                     D. Finally

6.A. shared                    B. gave                     C. helped                   D. assisted

7. A. classmate’s              B. schoolmate’s        C. sister’s                 D. family’s

8.A. walk around          B. knock around       C. come around         D. stand around

9. A. went                      B. came                    C. approached           D. met

10.A. glanced at me rightly                                   B. stared at me with difficulty

C. glared at me in anger                                  D. looked at me right in the eye

11.A. had                        B. called                      C. did                           D. do

12.A. watered                B. cried                        C. tore                         D. dropped

13.A. already                 B. ever                    C.still                        D. yet

14.A. differently           B. normally         C. completely           D. exactly

15.A. in spite                    B. regardless of            C. concerned about        D. for fear of

16.A. strengthened            B. saddened                  C.frightened              D. pleased

17.A. handed                 B. afforded                  C. provided                D. supplied

18.A. had no choice but to cry                            B. couldn’t help to cry

C. had no right to cry                                      D. couldn’t help but cry

19.A. what                      B. when                   C. whether                   D. why

20.A. single                   B. poor                     C. ordinary                 D. normal



 When I was young, I belonged to a club that did community sevice work.There was one specific event that was unusual for me. I spent three or four hours handing out warm dinner to the homeless out in the streets. After that I went to a homeless shelter not far from the Bay Bridge.

I was in high school and at the time my sister was too young to   36  . She wanted to help,   37   she made four or five dozen chocolate chip cookies for me to  38  and hand out to people. When getting to the homeless shelter  39  passed out the remaining meals.  40  , I began making sandwiches and  41  them with the crowd. I had the containers with my  42  cookies in them and began to  43  , offering them to anyone near me.

I  44  an old gentleman and said, “sir, would you like a cookie?” He stopped and turned around,   45   me right in the eye and said, “What did you say? Did you call me sir?” I told him I  46  , and his eyes   47  a little bit and he said, “No one has   48  called me sir.” So he  49  .

It struck me. 

I explained I had been raised that   50  color and social status, everyone deserved respect. It   51   me to think that just because he was homeless, no one  52  him the honor. It broke my heart, and I   53  .I just didn’t understand   54  no one ever called him sir? I had never thought that anyon e was below me because I wasn’t raised that way. Every   55  person deserves to be treated with dignity. Years later, I still carry that memory and the lessons it taught me. Sometimes, what we take for granted can really make a difference in someone’s life.

How have you made a difference to others? How have others made a difference to you?

1.A.participate    B.involve       C.choose       D.go

2.A.however      B.but       C.yet        D.so

3.A.bring      B.fetch      C.collect       D.take

4.A.I       B.you        C.she            D.he

5.A.First       B.Next      C.Third        D.Finally

6.A.shared     B.gave      C.helped       D.assisted

7.A.classmate’s B.schoolmate’s C.sister’s D.family’s

8.A.walk around  B.knock around   C.come around   D.stand around

9.A.went      B.came       C.approached      D.met

10.A.glanced    B.stared    C.glared    D.looked

11.A.had     B.called     C.would       D.do

12.A.watered   B.cried   C.tore     D.dropped

13.A.already   B.ever     C.still    D.yet

14.A.was complet ely frightened      B.was not a little confused

C.was completely taken aback     D.was not a bit surprised

15.A.in spite B.regardless of C.concerned about D.for fear of

16.A.strengthened B.saddened C.frightened D.pleased

17.A.handed   B.afforded  C.provided   D.supplied

18.A.had no choice but to cry    B.couldn’t help to cry

C.had no right to cry        D.couldn’t help but cry

19.A.what  B.when   C.whether  D.why

20.A.single   B.poor    C.ordinary   D.normal



It was in late April, dangerously near the well – known AP exams, when the absurdity(无助的荒诞感) of my life struck me. I was making a   36   of problems to be discussed for the evening as usual. When I   37  the great number of things on the list—a literature essay, timelines for American History, a Spanish presentation and   38 for tests in both Calculus and Physics, I was overwhelmed(难以承受) to the point of   39   exhaustion (extreme tiredness). After -  school arrangements had already worn away my   40  . To keep myself awake at 11p.m. to finish five hours of   41  just seemed like too much to handle. I   42   at the computer screen with tears streaming down my cheeks,   43  my friend James about how stressed out I was over school.
His response was immediate. “Well,   44   did you decide to take five AP classes on the top of everything you’re doing?”
My response   45  just as quickly. “Because I need them for college. Harvard won’t   46   someone who doesn’t challenge themselves with difficult classes!”
The words sounded so   47   as I typed them on the screen that I   48  laughed out loud. I was supposed to be   49 myself not torturing(折磨) myself. That was the night I   50   that I didn’t need to deal with a course load of disastrous difficulty to   51   my own self – worth.
It was a little too late to   52   things, of course. The AP exams were about to go full – force,   53   were winding down, and most of my clubs and organizations were about to hold their end – of – year parties. Still, I   54 a valuable lesson. No college, one billion dollar endowment (资助) or not, is worth the   55   I went through last year. I wish I’d had someone to tell me sooner that I didn’t have to do everything. Colleges don’t really want overachieving robots, They want people with passion(love). It doesn’t matter whether you’re a policy debater or not, as long as you show that you’re going for the things you love.
36.A.list    B.box   C.film  D.car
37.A.listened to B.put up      C.looked at  D.found out
38.A.working   B.fighting    C.struggling D.studying
39.A.physical    B.nervous    C.constant    D.mental
40.A.patience    B.sense C.energy      D.evidence
41.A.sleep B.homework       C.essays       D.tests
42.A.knocked   B.pointed     C.stared       D.shouted
43.A.typing      B.messaging C.dealing     D.telling
44.A.who  B.what  C.how  D.why
45.A.received   B.made C.showed     D.came
46.A.want B.teach C.meet  D.respect
47.A.curious     B.ridiculous C.encouraging     D.disappointing
48.A.still   B.also   C.almost      D.even
49.A.admiring  B.inspiring   C.educating  D.challenging
50.A.realized    B.doubted    C.believed    D.guessed
51.A.know       B.prove       C.become     D.trust
52.A.keep  B.collect      C.change      D.forget
53.A.classes      B.exams       C.students    D.operations
54.A.had   B.learned     C.gave  D.took
55.A.plans B.lessons      C.hardship   D.Stress


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