摘要:10.We still don’t know exactly how the universe first came into . 答案:1.extinction servation 3.finance 4.calculated demned 6.claiming 7.allocated 8.threatened 9.beyond 10.existence


Here below are two pieces taken from a blog.
▲ Growing up as one of three girls I’ve always been keen on women’s issues.And now with three daughters to raise,I have the responsibility of ensuring that they grow up without any preconceived(预想的) ideas of their capabilities & potential based on their gender.Earlier this year I read an article that indicated that women surpassed men in the workforce for the first time in history.That is a milestone! And while we still don’t have equality in leadership positions or pay (especially if you’re a mom),we have made significant progress over the past couple of decades.All this prompted me to do some digging around to see what else I could learn.Here are some fun facts from the census bureau for you:
●29% of women aged 25 or older had obtained a bachelors degree in 2008 vs.18% in 1987.
●55% of all college students were women in the Fall of 2008.
●60% of women 20 years or older participate in the workforce today vs.34% in 1950.
●14% of the armed forces were women in 2008.compared to 2% in 1950.
▲We’re all looking to stretch the value of our dollar as much as possible.Every day as you juggle the needs of your family,remember to eat right,take your vitamins and keep up with laundry and bills-you probably also look for budget friendly,family appropriate activities.A day trip to a national park is a great way to explore all the wonders of nature,without breaking the bank.Once or twice a month,my wife and I will prepare for a leisurely hike in one of our favorite parks close to home.The night before,she makes some homemade granola and I make sure our reusable water bottles are full and on ice.Next time you’re looking for an inexpensive adventure that your family isn’t soon to forget,take a hike! To find a national park near you,just visit www.nps.gov
43.According to the first blog,_____.
A.the blogger has three sisters
B.there are more women than men at work this year
C.14% of women are working in the army
D.women has got equality in leadership position
44.What is mainly talked about in the first blog?
A.Responsibility. B.Women’s potential.   C.Workforce. D.Women’s issues.
45.The underlined words“breaking the bank”in the second blog means_____.
A.robbing the bank                  B.getting some money from the bank
C.using up the money in the bank      D.going to the bank
46.What’s the writer’s suggestion in the second blog?
A.We all have to think about the needs of our family.
B.All the wonders of nature are in the national park.
C.To go hiking once or twice a month will be an inexpensive adventure.
D.Each of us will have to make our budget friendly.


Most American students have to say goodbye to fancy (高档的) fruits these days. In school restaurants across the country, cheaper fruits like apples and oranges have taken their place.
“People are afraid to spend now.” said Linda Morrow, who owns a shoe and handbag store. “They don’t know what the future will bring”. During the financial crisis (金融危机), several of the country’s biggest banks have been forced to sell or close. This has made lots of Americans afraid to buy expensive things.
The crisis began last year. Experts (专家) think it was because US banks lend money too easily. Last year a lot of people and companies, who borrowed money, found themselves unable to pay it back. This left the banks, as well as the people who put their money in the banks, without money. Since the banks borrowed money between themselves and even across borders (国界), the whole world was in trouble.
This month the US government agreed on a $700 billion plan to try to save the financial market. But no one is sure whether it will help or not. Last week presidents from 20 countries promised to work together to find a way out of the money trouble.
【小题1】This passage is probably taken from ___________.

A.a story bookB.a novelC.a newspaperD.an advertisement
【小题2】Why are people in the US afraid to spend?
A.Because they think it’s unnecessary
B.Because they don’t have the habit of spending money
C.Because they worry about their future
D.Because they don’t have any money
【小题3】From the passage, we still don’t know ________.
A.when the financial crisis began
B.when the financial crisis will end
C.why some of the US banks closed
D.whether the crisis has spread to other countries
【小题4】The best title for the passage is ___________.
A.Ways to Save Money
B.Financial Crisis facing the World
C.Banks in the USA
D.The USA Becoming Poor


It is not unusual for people to speak two or three languages; they’re known as bilinguals or trilinguals. Speakers of more than three languages are known as polyglots. And when we refer to people who speak many languages, perhaps a dozen or more, we use the term hyper-polyglot.

The most famous hyper-polyglot was Giuseppe Mezzofanti, a 19th century Italian cardinal, who was said to speak 72 languages. This claim sounds absurd. If you assume each language had 20,000 words, Mezzofanti would have to learn a word a minute, six hours a day, for eleven years—an impossible task. But Mezzofanti was tested by critics, and they were all impressed.

Did Mezzofanti have an extraordinary brain? Or are hyper-polyglots just ordinary people with ordinary brains who manage to do something extraordinary through hard work?

U.S. linguist Stephen Drashen believes that outstanding language learners just work harder at it and then they acquire unusually strong language ability. As an example, he mentions a Hungarian woman who worked as an interpreter during the 20th century. When she was 86, she could speak 16 languages and was still working on learning new languages. She said she learned them mostly on her own, reading fiction or working through dictionaries or textbooks.

Some researchers argue to the contrary. They believe that there is such a thing as a talent for learning languages. In the 1930s, a German scientist examined parts of the preserved brain of a hyper-polyglot named Emil Krebs, who could speak 60 languages fluently. The scientist found that the area of Krebs’s brain called Broca’s area, which is associated with language, looked different from the Broca’s area in the brains of men who speak only one language. However, we still don’t know if Krebs was born with a brain ready to learn dozens of languages or if his brain adapted to the demands he put on it.

Although it is still not clear whether the ability to learn many languages is in born, there’s no doubt that just about all of us can acquire skills in a second, third, or even fourth language by putting our mind to it.

1.What does the underlined sentence imply?

A.Mezzofanti could remember 360 words a day.

B.Mezzofanti had a special way to learn languages.

C.Mezzofanti’s achievement was ridiculous.

D.Mezzofanti language ability was astonishing.

2.The Hungarian woman became a hyper-polyglot mainly because of her __.

A.good memory                          B.hard work

C.unique brain                           D.learning methods

3.The German scientist’s findings showed that Krebs ___.

A.had an unusual brain

B.was born with great talent

C.had worked hard at languages

D.expected too much of himself

4.The author seems to agree that ___.

A.it is not hard to learn foreign languages

B.hard work plays a part in language learning

C.there is no such thing as a talent for languages

D.hyper-polyglots have an inborn talent for language



It is not unusual for people to speak two or three languages; they’re known as bilinguals or trilinguals. Speakers of more than three languages are known as polyglots. And when we refer to people who speak many languages, perhaps a dozen or more, we use the term hyper-polyglot.

The most famous hyper-polyglot was Giuseppe Mezzofanti, a 19th century Italian cardinal, who was said to speak 72 languages. This claim sounds absurd. If you assume each language had 20,000 words, Mezzofanti would have to learn a word a minute, six hours a day, for eleven years—an impossible task. But Mezzofanti was tested by critics, and they were all impressed.

Did Mezzofanti have an extraordinary brain? Or are hyper-polyglots just ordinary people with ordinary brains who manage to do something extraordinary through hard work?

U.S. linguist Stephen Drashen believes that outstanding language learners just work harder at it and then they acquire unusually strong language ability. As an example, he mentions a Hungarian woman who worked as an interpreter during the 20th century. When she was 86, she could speak 16 languages and was still working on learning new languages. She said she learned them mostly on her own, reading fiction or working through dictionaries or textbooks.

Some researchers argue to the contrary. They believe that there is such a thing as a talent for learning languages. In the 1930s, a German scientist examined parts of the preserved brain of a hyper-polyglot named Emil Krebs, who could speak 60 languages fluently. The scientist found that the area of Krebs’s brain called Broca’s area, which is associated with language, looked different from the Broca’s area in the brains of men who speak only one language. However, we still don’t know if Krebs was born with a brain ready to learn dozens of languages or if his brain adapted to the demands he put on it.

Although it is still not clear whether the ability to learn many languages is in born, there’s no doubt that just about all of us can acquire skills in a second, third, or even fourth language by putting our mind to it.

1.What does the underlined sentence imply?

A. Mezzofanti could remember 360 words a day.

B. Mezzofanti had a special way to learn languages.

C. Mezzofanti’s achievement was ridiculous.

D. Mezzofanti language ability was astonishing.

2.The Hungarian woman became a hyper-polyglot mainly because of her __.

A. good memory       B. unique brain      C. hard work      D. learning methods

3.The German scientist’s findings showed that Krebs ___.

A. had an unusual brain

B. was born with great talent

C. had worked hard at languages

D. expected too much of himself

4.The author seems to agree that ___.

A. it is not hard to learn foreign languages

B. hard work plays a part in language learning

C. there is no such thing as a talent for languages

D. hyper-polyglots have an inborn talent for language



Most American students have to say goodbye to fancy (高档的) fruits these days. In school restaurants across the country, cheaper fruits like apples and oranges have taken their place.

“People are afraid to spend now.” said Linda Morrow, who owns a shoe and handbag store. “They don’t know what the future will bring”. During the financial crisis (金融危机), several of the country’s biggest banks have been forced to sell or close. This has made lots of Americans afraid to buy expensive things.

The crisis began last year. Experts (专家) think it was because US banks lend money too easily. Last year a lot of people and companies, who borrowed money, found themselves unable to pay it back. This left the banks, as well as the people who put their money in the banks, without money. Since the banks borrowed money between themselves and even across borders (国界), the whole world was in trouble.

This month the US government agreed on a $700 billion plan to try to save the financial market. But no one is sure whether it will help or not. Last week presidents from 20 countries promised to work together to find a way out of the money trouble.

1.This passage is probably taken from ___________.

A.a story book

B.a novel

C.a newspaper

D.an advertisement

2.Why are people in the US afraid to spend?

A.Because they think it’s unnecessary

B.Because they don’t have the habit of spending money

C.Because they worry about their future

D.Because they don’t have any money

3.From the passage, we still don’t know ________.

A.when the financial crisis began

B.when the financial crisis will end

C.why some of the US banks closed

D.whether the crisis has spread to other countries

4.The best title for the passage is ___________.

A.Ways to Save Money

B.Financial Crisis facing the World

C.Banks in the USA

D.The USA Becoming Poor



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