摘要:1.If we can our present difficulties.then everything should be all right. A.come across B.get over C.come over D.get off 解析:考查动词短语辨析.句意为:如果我们能克服目前的困难.--.get over 有“克服.越过 的意思.为最佳选项.come across“偶然遇见 ,come over“突然感到.短暂造访 ,get off“下车 . 答案:B


Once upon a time there was a wise man that used to go to the sea to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work. One day he was walking along the shore. As he looked down at the beach, he saw a human figure moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself at the thought that someone would dance on the beach. So he began to walk faster to catch up. As he got closer, he saw that it was a young man and the young man wasn’t dancing, but instead he was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and throwing it into the ocean. As he got closer, he called out, “Good morning! What are you doing?’’

The young man paused, looked up and replied, “Throwing starfishes (海星) in the ocean.”

“I guess I should have asked, why are you throwing starfishes in the ocean?”

“The sun is up and the tide is going out. And if I don’t throw them in, they’ll die”.

“But, young man, don’t you realize that there are miles and miles of beach and starfishes all along it. You can’t possibly make a difference!”

The young man listened politely. Then he bent down, picked another starfish and threw it into the sea, and said, “It made a difference for that one.” There is something very special in each and every one of us. We have all been gifted with the ability to make a difference. And if we can know that gift, we will gain through the strength of our vision of the power to shape the future.

We must each find our starfish. And if we throw our starfish wisely and well, the world will be better. 

1.One day, the wise man saw a young man _____.

A. dancing along the beach     

B. walking with a dancer

C. picking up starfish for sale  

D. trying to save as many starfishes as possible

2.The underlined words “something very special” refers to _____. 

A. the gifts from friends   

B. the strength of making decision

C. our own starfish 

D. the ability to make a difference

3.From the last two paragraphs, we can learn that _____.

A. the wise man realized something new and important

B. the wise man thought it was foolish of the young man to throw starfishes in the ocean

C. the young man had the ability to make a difference

D. it is necessary for us to save starfish on the beach

4.The writer told this story to show us _____.   

A. how and where we can write a good article  

B. everyone can do something for the future

C. wise men are sometimes stupid           

D. young men are in fact wiser than old people



BUILDING up a close bond (关系) with friends is important in all cultures. But different cultures have different ways of socializing.

The Chinese love going to restaurants. Family, friends and colleagues all go out to eat as a way of relaxing. So Chinese restaurants are much louder and noisier places compared with those in the Western world.

Although British people do socialize by going out for dinner, most people meet in pubs. They go there in the evening and sometimes during the day. Most people order wine or beer.

Going for a drink with colleagues after work is a particularly important British tradition. A recent survey of office workers found three-quarters of people regard the after-work drink as the key to building positive relationships with colleagues.

But for the French, the preferred place to socialize is in cafés. They are a central part of daily life in France and its culture. People will go to cafes at all times during the day.

In the morning, people may go there to buy a newspaper and a cup of coffee. At lunch they may go there for something to eat. Then when it's evening they may return to enjoy a glass of wine.

While the meeting place is different from culture to culture, "Essentially (本质上) they serve the same purpose, which is that humans need a place to come together to meet," said Aidan Saunders, a professor of social history at the University College London. "We are sociable animals."

People from different parts of the world have different values, and sometimes these values are quite against each other. However, if we can understand them better, a multicultural environment will offer a wonderful chance for us to learn from each other.

1.What is the passage mainly about?      

A. Different cultures and different people.

B. Different places where different people love to go.

C. Different ways of building up relationships with friends

D. Different relationships in different countries.

2.Which of the following is true according to the passage?   

A. The Chinese love to dine out.

B. The Chinese always talk loudly in restaurants.

C. Making friends is an important thing in all countries

D. French people spend all their time in cafes.

3.What does Aidan Saunders mean by "We are sociable animals."?   

A. Human beings need society to survive in.

B. Human beings need to communicate with each other.

C. Human beings are the same as the other animals.

D. Human beings are also animals belonging to the society.

4. The following are all mentioned as ways of socializing except         .   

A. dining out with friends

B. drinking in pubs with colleagues after work

C. going to the cafes to have a cup of coffee

D. going to the cinema to see a film

5.Who are the intended readers of the passage ?        

A. People in general.            B. Adolescents.

C. Business people.             D. Educators.



A man and his family were in Europe. Once they needed to drive 3 days   36, day and night, to get to Germany. His little daughter had never  37  at night without a break before. She was  38   the first night in the car, with terrible deep darkness outside.

     “Where are we going, Daddy?” asked the daughter. “To your uncle’s house in Germany.” Father answered.

      “Have you been to his    39   before?” “No.”

      “Then, do you know the   40  ?” “Maybe, we can read the map.”

       Short pause. “Do you know how to read the map?” “Yes, we will get there  41     . Don’t worry.”

       The same dialogue  42   a few times within the first night, and also the second night.   43   on the third night, his daughter was quiet. Father thought that she might have fallen   44  , but when he looked into the mirror, he saw that she was awake and was just   45  calmly. He couldn’t help wondering   46  she was not asking the questions anymore.

       “Dear, do you know where we are going?” “Germany, uncle’s house.”

       “ Do you know how we are getting there?” “No.”

       “ Then why aren’t you asking anymore?” “Because Daddy is   47  .”

       Because Daddy is driving. This answer from a 3 years old girl has then become the   48   and help this man for many years whenever he has questions and

  49  on his journey. We may  50  the destination and sometimes we may just know it  51  the little girl-“Germany”, without understanding where or what it  52 is. We do not know the way. We do not know how to read the map. We do not know if we can find   53  along the way to eat in. But the little girl knows the most  54  thing-Daddy is driving-and so she is safe and secure. She knows that her Daddy will 55   all that she needs.

1.A. occasionally       B. suddenly         C. casually     D. continuously

2.A. travelled      B. run              C. walked       D. lived

3.A. happy          B. excited          C. scared       D. bored

4.A. farm               B. house            C. office           D. hospital

5.A. name               B. way              C. language     D. family

6.A. safely         B. dangerously      C. hurriedly        D. slowly

7.A. waited         B. broke            C. spoke        D. repeated

8.A. So             B. Because          C. But          D. When

9.A. awake          B. dead             C. asleep       D. ill

10.A. looking around B. coming about     C. getting through  D .going out

11.A. when              B. why              C. how          D. where

12.A. crying        B. laughing         C. helping      D. driving

13.A. trouble           B. labor                C. enjoyment    D. strength

14.A. fears         B. achievements     C. prizes       D. successes

15.A. guess         B. know             C. find         D. search

16.A. beyond        B. unlike           C. like         D. despite

17.A. really        B. never            C. doubtfully   D. finally

18.A. stations          B. shops            C. libraries        D. restaurants

19.A. necessary     B. important            C. general      D. normal

20.A. buy               B. lend             C. provide      D. steal



Good Genes Mean Long Life

Scientists have discovered that living to the age of 100 may have nothing to do with the lifestyle you lead and everything to do with the type of genes you have.

For the lucky carriers of “Methuselah” genes, worries over smoking, eating unhealthily and not getting enough exercise may not be as necessary as to those of us without the special gene pattern (组合).

The “Methuselah” genes could give extra protection against the diseases of old age such as cancer and heart disease. They could also protect people against the effects of the unhealthy lifestyles that we believe will lead us to an early death, scientists say. However, the genes are very rare.

The genes include ADIPOQ, which is found in about 10 percent of young people but in nearly 30 percent of people living past 100. They also include the CETP and the ApoC3 genes, which are found in 10 percent of young people, but in about 20 percent of people over 100 years old.

Some of those genes were discovered by a research group at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York, led by Professor Nir Barzilai. The team studied the genes of over 500 people over 100 years old, and their children.

The studies show that tiny mutations (变异) in the make-up of some genes can greatly increase a person’s lifespan (寿命). Barzilai told a Royal Society conference that the discovery of such genes gave scientists clear targets for developing drugs that could prevent age-related diseases, allow people to live longer and stay healthy.

David Gems, a researcher at University College London, believes that drugs to slow ageing will become widespread.

“If we know which genes control longevity (长寿) then we can … target them with drugs. That makes it possible to slow down ageing,” he told The Times.

“Much of the pain and suffering in the world are caused by ageing. If we can find a way to reduce that, then we are obliged (义不容辞的) to take it.”

1.According to the article, which of the following is the most important if a person is to live to the age of 100?

A.Eating healthy food every day.

B.Having the right types of genes.

C.Having a healthy lifestyle.

D.Taking drugs that prevent ageing.

2.According to the article, the ApoC3 gene is found in ________ of people over 100 years old.





3.Which of the following statements is TRUE of the research led by Professor Nir Barzilai?

A.The team studied the genes of over 100 people over 100 years of age.

B.The researchers found that mutations in certain genes lead to longer life.

C.The researchers found ways to develop drugs that could cure age-related diseases.

D.The study suggested that most people have genes that could lengthen their lives.

4. According to David Gems, ________.

A.drugs to slow ageing will be very expensive

B.modern science will be able to find more longevity genes

C.it is the duty of medical scientists to fight the problems of ageing

D.scientists can make new genes that will allow longer life



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