摘要:翻译: 1) I didn’t make great progress in my English study until my teacher the language well. 2) How proud she is! She 3) --- I wish it was time to go home. --- I I'm missing my family so much. 4) The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone . 5) Fireworks of the festival night. 6) ) 他没有参加这个会议. . 7) 你认为这场雨会影响足球比赛的结果吗? ? 8) 我们不允许在教室里吃东西. . 9) 因为怕出错.她不敢讲英语. . 10) 如果不是偶然.他一定是故意做的. . 11) 我收到了他送的礼物.但是我不愿意接受. . 12) 到目前为止.我们学过的英语单词总计大约有3500个. . 13) Our abundant resources and stable policy provide foreigners with the advantages they invest here. . 14) I passed her in the street but she didn't even acknowledge me when I smiled. . 15) It is universally acknowledged that dogs have an acute sense of smell. .


      When traveling in the Canadian Rockies by car, I often notice a road sign that says, "A fed bear is a
dead bear."   1  , I did not get it. Why is a fed bear a dead one? According to a friend, many travelers used
to throw their food from their cars for the bears.   2  , the bears turned to the roadside for food and slowly
lost their ability to take care of themselves. When winter came, fewer travelers took to the mountains, which   3   less food for the bears, some of whom starved or frozen to death. So the Canadian government   4   warning signs along the road, essentially advising people not to feed the bears.
      This reminded me of a scientific experiment. Some white mice were   5   into two groups. One group
spent their days only eating and sleeping,   6   the other, fed only with half the amount of food   7  , had to
search for food. Half a year later, scientists found that the mice that had to search for their own food
were   8  , while the fully fed ones were either ill or dead. It was   9   that the underfed white mice, in the
   10   of searching for their food, had kept healthy by exercising in finding food, being adaptable, and   11  
their immunity.
     Many over-concerned parents are feeding their children like bears or white mice. At present, children are only good at reading and studying, and are not   12   to think independently and act for themselves.   13  
placed in strange environments, they are lost, confused, and helpless. Parents do not understand what it takes to   14   their children's long-term success. They forget the most important thing---and that is how to
cultivate their children into   15   adults, so that they can bravely undertake challenges and succeed in the
(     )1. A. First of all
(     )2. A. Normally    
(     )3. A. proved      
(     )4. A. make up    
(     )5. A. separated  
(     )6. A. since      
(     )7. A. available  
(     )8. A. alive      
(     )9. A. evident      
(     )10. A. stage      
(     )11. A. practicing
(     )12. A. forced      
(     )13. A. Until      
(     )14. A. indicate  
(     )15. A. independent
B. At the beginning
B. Gradually      
B. explained      
B. take up        
B. divided        
B. when            
B. regular        
B. popular        
B. reliable        
B. process        
B. affecting      
B. advised        
B. Unless          
B. ensure          
B. skilful          
C. After all      
C. Generally     
C. meant          
C. keep up        
C. arranged      
C. while          
C. delicious      
C. healthy        
C. funny          
C. aim            
C. reducing      
C. allowed        
C. Once          
C. demand        
C. helpful        
D. In the end    
D. Actually      
D. advocated      
D. put up        
D. determined    
D. if            
D. necessary      
D. lazy          
D. curious        
D. period        
D. improving      
D. encouraged    
D. As            
D. predict        
D. successful    

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