摘要:翻译: 1) you if you continue such conduct? 2) We never arrange a sports meet, 3) Wait a patience. I’d write down this address . 4) Scientists say it is possible to test this medicine on human patients. 5) As the President's car appeared, the waiting crowds 6) --- Are you satisfied with what she has done? ---Not a little. It 7) 我从老师的建议中获益良多. . 8) 应该教育儿童遵守法律. . 9) 我真忍受不了被这样对待. . 10) 政府将采取一些措施降低药价. . 11) Between astonishment and joy, she couldn’t help bursting into tears. . 12) You can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had bringing up her children. . 13) The refrigerators of this factory can be ranked beside the best of their kind in the world.

