摘要:14. different kinds of pianos.the factory is sure they can satisfy people’s needs. A.To produce B.Being produced C.Produced D.Having produced


When several different people look at the same person, it is not unusual for each of them to see different things; when you alone observe one behavior or one person at two different times, you may see different things. The following are but some of the factors that lead to these varying perceptions(感知,感觉): k+s-5#u 

Each person’s perceptions of others are formed by his or her own cultural conditioning, education, and personal experience.

Sometimes perceptions differ because of what we choose to observe and how we deal with what we’ve observed. It is not necessarily true that person’s perception is based on observations of a particular person. Your observations may be totally controlled by some. Your observations may be totally controlled by what others have told you about this person; or you may focus primarily on the situation or role relationship. Most people do not use the same yardstick(尺码) to measure their parents, their friends, and strangers.

Sometimes we see only what we want to see what may be obverse(正面的)to others because of our own needs, desires, or temporary(临时的) emotional states. This is a process known as selective perception. Selective perception is obviously more difficult when contradictory(相反的) information is particularly obvious, but it can be done. We can ignore the stimulus(刺激)—“He’s basically a good boy, so what I saw was not shoplifting(入店行窃).”  We can reduce the importance of the contradictory information —“All kids get into mischief(顽皮). Taking a book from the bookstore isn’t such a big deal.” We call change the meaning of the contradictory information—“It wasn’t shoplifting because he was going to pay for it later.”...

Why might the observation of the same person by two people at the same time differ?

       A.Because they are from different family.

       B.Because they have different opinions.

       C.Because their yardsticks are not the same.

       D.Because their thoughts are different. k+s-5#u 

According the passage, our perceptions are formed by ________.

       A.our own cultural conditions, education and experience

       B.our own thoughts, aims and knowledge

       C.the society’s rules, laws and needs

       D.the society’s values, standards and requires

From the passage, we know _____ causes us to think a boy’s shoplifting isn’t serious.

       A.our kindness           B.our experience        

C.the society’s require                             D.selective perception

What does the passage mainly talk about?

       A.It mainly talks about the results of different perceptions.

       B.It mainly talks about the factors that lead to different perceptions. k+s-5#u 

       C.It mainly talks about the kinds of perceptions.

       D.It mainly talks about the yardsticks.


A 17-year-old boy, caught sending text messages in class, was recently sent to the vice principal's office.The vice principal, Steve Gallagher, told the boy he needed to focus on the teach- er, not his cellphone.The boy listened politely and nodded, and that's when Mr.Gallagher noticed the student's fingers moving on his lap.He was texting while being scolded for texting."It was a subconscious act," says Mr.Gallagher, who took the phone away."Young people today are con-nected socially from the moment they open their eyes in the moming until they close their eyes at night. It's compulsive."
A study this year by psychology students at Covenant College in Lookout Mountain, Ga., found that the more time young people spend on Facebook, the more likely they are to have lower grades and weaker study habits. Heavy Facebook users show signs of being more sociable, but they are alsomore likely to be anxious, hostile or depressed.
Almost a quarter of today's teens check Facebook more than 10 times a day, according to a2009 survey by Common Sense Media, a nonprofit group that monitors media's impact on families.Will these young people get rid of this habit once they enter the work force, or will employers cometo see texting and 'social-network checking' as accepted parts of the workday? Think bac.k.Whentoday's older workers were in their 20s, they might have taken a break on the job to call friends andmake after-work plans.In those earlier eras, companies discouraged non-business-related calls, and someone who made personal calls all day risked being fired. It was impossible to imagine the con-stant back-and-forth texting that defines interactions among young people today.Educators are alsobeing asked by parents, students and educational strategists to reconsider their rules."In past gen-erations, students got in trouble for passing notes in class.Now students are good at texting withtheir phones stiU in their pockets," says 40-year-old Mr.Gallagher, the vice principal,  ”and they're able to communicate with someone one floor down and three rows over.Students are just fun-amentally different today.They will take suspensions rather than give up their phones."
66.The underlined word“a subconscious act" in the first paragraph refers to an act______
A.on purpose                      B.without realization
C.in secret                       D.with care
67.Young people addicted to the use of Facebook______.
A.are good at dealing with the social relationships and concentrate on their study
B.have high spirits and positive attitudes towards their life and work
C.have been influenced mentally in the aspects of behaviors and habits
D.are always in bad mood and have poor performance in every respect
68.Through the situation of today's older workers in their 20s, it can be inferred that______.
A.the employers will not accept young people's sending text messages
B.a cellphone is a must for today's older workers instead of young people
C.the employers prefer older workers to young people
D.the employers will find it hard to control the interaction among young people
69. Mr. Gallagher reminds us that the students in the past and those today______.
A.like to break rules and have the same means of sending messages
B.are alwa)-s the big problem for the educators and their parents
C.like sending text messages but those today do it in a more secret and skillful way  
D.cannot live without a ceUphone
70.What's the best title of the passage?
A.Teenagers and CeLl.phones         B.Teenagers' Texting Addiction
C.Employers and Teenagers              D.Teenagers' Education    


I am a strong believer that if a child is raised with approval, he learns to love himself and will be successful in his own way.

    Several weeks ago,I was doing homework with my son in the third grade and he kept standing up from his chair to go over the math lines.I kept asking him to sit down, telling him that he would concentrate better. He sat but seconds later, as if he didn’t even notice he was doing it, he got up again.I was getting frustrated, but then it hit me.I started noticing his answers were much quicker and accurate when he stood up.Could he be more intent while standing up?[来源:学.科.网Z.X.X.K]

This made me start questioning myself and what I had been raised to believe. I was raised to believe that a quiet, calm child was a sure way to success.This child would have the discipline to study hard, get good grades and become someone important in life.

Now those same people perhaps come to realize that their kids are born with their own sets of DNA and personality traits,and all you can do is loving and accepting them.As parents,throughout their growing years and beyond that, we need to be our kids' best cheerleaders,guiding them and helping them find their way.

    I have stopped asking my son to sit down and concentrate.Obviously, he is concentrating just in his own way and not mine.We need to learn to accept our kids' ways of doing things.Some way may have worked for me but doesn't mean we need to carry it through generations.There is nothing sweeter than being individual and unique.It makes us free and happy and that's just the way I want my kids to live their own life.

1. At the beginning, the author tried to keep his son seated in order to make him________.

 A. pay more attention to his study                 B. keep silent in the room

C. finish his homework on time                      D. get right answers

2. Inspired by the case of his son,the author began to doubt________.

 A.the importance of parents                          B.the old form of education

C.the relationship between kids and their parents       D.the good grades of some kids

3.According to the passage, which of the following statements is right?

A. We should help kids correct their wrong ways.

B. Parents should study their kids’ DNA.    

C. Kids should be taught to behave themselves.

D. Parents should love and accept their kids.

4. The author has stopped asking his son to sit down because __________.

A. he has changed his traditional ideas                           B. his son wants to be unique

C. his son doesn’t follow his advice                      D. his son’s DNAis different

5.Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?

A. Study hard and you'll be successful                B. Be friendly to your children

C. Children's success in their own style        D. Parents' help with their children's study




U.S. airlines are seeing a major interruption because of hundreds of flights canceled due to the ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano, but European flight companies will face the biggest losses.
The airline business has been tough: The decline dramatically slowed traffic; February heavy snow forced U.S. airlines to cancel thousands of flights; and now the ashes from the volcano stopped all traffic in and out of northern Europe for days.
"For U.S. flight companies, it'll be a relatively short-term hit," said Michael Boyd, president of Boyd Group International, an aviation (航空学) consulting firm. "We think right now they're down about $80 million in terms of lost income, and they're down domestically about 80,000 passengers that would have been flying domestically but aren't because they can't get here."
Delta announced that volcano-related interruption grounded about 400 flights until Monday at a cost of $20 million in lost revenues. But compare that to the recent snowstorms, when the airline canceled 7,000 flights and lost $65 million in revenue.
The disruption has created uncertainty for customers, but analysts say U.S. airlines won't face as many costs as you might think. They are not flying in extra planes to handle the passengers in trouble because, airline analyst Robert Mann said, companies simply don't have them.
"Airlines run a very lean operation now," Mann said. "So, since there are no spare aircraft or crews, the airlines will attempt to maximize loads on every one of their aircraft that do fly. But it may take days, or in some cases a week or so, to get some of these customers to where they want to go."
46. Which negative consequences mentioned in the passage did the disasters cause?
A. coldness, pollution and airlines’ losses    
B. airport damage, pollution and slow traffic
C. passenger delay, coldness and airport damage   
D. passenger delay, airlines’ losses and slow traffic
47. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?
A. The fewest airplanes will fly the trapped passengers to their destinations.
B. All the customers are sure to be sent to their destinations in time.
C. The U.S. and U.K. airlines suffered the same losses in the natural disasters.
D. The volcano eruption reduced the traffic to and from northern Europe.  
48. What does the last paragraph mainly tell us?
A. the troubles that the airlines will face after the ash cloud disappears
B. the measures that the airlines will take to maximize their profit
C. the present situation of the airlines and their plan to deliver the passengers
D. the reasons why the airlines run a fine operation
49. Why will it take a long time for airlines to send the passengers to their different destinations?
A. Because the passengers enjoy staying in airports to talk with one another.
B. Because the airlines don’t have spare planes or employees to serve.
C. Because the airlines don't have enough financial support after the disaster.
D. Because the passengers are asking for full refund from the airlines.
50. The passage is most probably from_______.
A.a novel                                  B.a news report        
C.a magazine                               D.a thesis



Stories about Kites in Japan

People have flown kites in Japan for more than 1000 years. There are many different kinds of kites there. Some look like bats; others look like birds. Most have pictures on them.

There are many interesting stories about kites in Japan.

One story tells us about a thief who used a kite to fly. He wanted to steal the gold from the top of an old tower. The thief and his friends made a large kite. One dark windy night, the thief caught hold of(抓住) the kite. His friends raised the kite into the air. Then they moved the kite near the top of the tower. The thief was able to steal the gold.

Another story tells about a father and a son who were on a small lonely island in the middle of the Japanese sea. There were no bouts or ships. They couldn’t go back to the mainland. So they made a big kite. His son flew on it back to Japan.

There is a K-Day in Japan. The young men of Japan have kite matches. When the kites are flying the match starts. The young men try to break each other’s kite string(细线). The last kite left in the sky is the winner.

35. Most kites in Japan ____.

A. are very large    B. are very small   C. look like bats    D. look nice with pictures.

36. In the kite match, the young men try to ____.

A. make their kites fly high         

B. stop each other’s kites from flying in the sky   

C. make very large kites themselves    

D. draw beautiful pictures on their kites.

37. The father in the passage made a big kite to help his son to ____.

A. return home  B. fly over Japan   C. win the match   D. steal the gold.

38. which of the following is NOT true?

A. The last kite left in the sky is the winner in the kite match.

B. The thief stole the gold from the top of an old tower.

C. The father and the son in the story were dead in the sea at last.

D. There is K-Day in Japan.



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