摘要:第一节:基础写作 四川5·12特大地震发生之后.你们学校普及地震知识.请你根据下列提示写一份地 震知识汇报. [写作内容] How to stay safe during an earthquake 地震突如其来.可能会随时发生. 最好的方法是做好充分准备. 装备好救生包, 里面有电筒.电池.食物和急救包.躲在桌子下面或者用垫子保护头部免受伤害.留意电台有关地震的最新消息. [写作要求] 只能使用5个句子表达全部内容. [评分标准] 句子结构准确.信息内容完整.篇章结构连贯. 参考范文: Earthquakes are unexpected and can happen at anytime. The best way to stay safe in an earthquake is to be well prepared. You should always have an emergency kit in your home filled with flashlights, batteries, food and a first­aid kit. Get under a table if you are near it and take cover under a cushion to protect your head. What's more, listen to your portable radio for the latest news.


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