摘要:So far we have known everything behind the accident.


This is the place for you to come to share stories with other real kids who are trying hard to improve their bodies and minds! Did you score a goal in your soccer game? Have you got rid of a bad habit? Are you working to reduce your stress in life? Tell the world what makes your body and mind healthy!

  Posted by Dp, Ohio

I have been working on a fitness equipment to exercise for over four months. I have completed my goal of losing weight and I am very proud of myself. That is so cool!

Posted by MK, Missouri

I was always tired at school, because I used to stay up late watching TV. I even fell asleep one day in my history class, and when I woke up, the teacher was looking at me and laughing! I decided that minute to start going to bed on time. It’s kind of a drag missing the shows I like, but I can tell my body loves it – I feel so much better!

Posted by SP, Georgia

Last year, I didn’t make the soccer team at school. I didn’t want to try out again this year, but a few weeks before tryouts(选拔赛), I started kicking the ball around and practicing. When tryout day came, I decided to give it another shot. Guess what? I made the team!

Posted by JS, New York

I’m deaf, so I’ve had more trouble playing sports than other people. But who wants to sit at home all the time? I like to play basketball with guys in my neighborhood. I can’t hear the ball bounce(弹起) or listen to the guys call plays, but I’ve taught them to use some sign language, and so far, we’ve been unstoppable!

The kids mentioned in the text came here _________.

   A. to make new friends

   B. to learn to tell stories

   C. to talk about their efforts to keep fit

   D. to share weight-losing experiences

The achievement that SP, Georgia has made is that ________.

A. he was admitted to the school soccer team

B. he scored a goal in an important soccer match

C. his soccer skills have improved a lot this year

D. he helped the school soccer team win an important match

Who taught other kids sign language?

A.  DP, Ohio     B.  JS, New York 

C.  SP, Georgia   D.  MK, Missouri

The underlined part “a drag” in the text probably refers to something that is ____.

A.  satisfying     B.  rewarding      C.  puzzling      D.  annoying


 This is the place for you to come to share stories with other real kids who are trying hard to improve their bodies and minds! Did you score a goal in your soccer game? Have you got rid of a bad habit? Are you working to reduce your stress in life? Tell the world what makes your body and mind healthy!

  Posted by Dp, Ohio

I have been working on a fitness equipment to exercise for over four months. I have completed my goal of losing weight and I am very proud of myself. That is so cool!

Posted by MK, Missouri

I was always tired at school, because I used to stay up late watching TV. I even fell asleep one day in my history class, and when I woke up, the teacher was looking at me and laughing! I decided that minute to start going to bed on time. It’s kind of a drag missing the shows I like, but I can tell my body loves it – I feel so much better!

Posted by SP, Georgia

Last year, I didn’t make the soccer team at school. I didn’t want to try out again this year, but a few weeks before tryouts(选拔赛), I started kicking the ball around and practicing. When tryout day came, I decided to give it another shot. Guess what? I made the team!

Posted by JS, New York

I’m deaf, so I’ve had more trouble playing sports than other people. But who wants to sit at home all the time? I like to play basketball with guys in my neighborhood. I can’t hear the ball bounce(弹起) or listen to the guys call plays, but I’ve taught them to use some sign language, and so far, we’ve been unstoppable!

1. The kids mentioned in the text came here _________.

   A. to make new friends

   B. to learn to tell stories

   C. to talk about their efforts to keep fit

   D. to share weight-losing experiences

2. The achievement that SP, Georgia has made is that ________.

A. he was admitted to the school soccer team

B. he scored a goal in an important soccer match

C. his soccer skills have improved a lot this year

D. he helped the school soccer team win an important match

3.Who taught other kids sign language?

A.  DP, Ohio     B.  JS, New York 

C.  SP, Georgia   D.  MK, Missouri

4. The underlined part “a drag” in the text probably refers to something that is ____.

A.  satisfying     B.  rewarding      C.  puzzling      D.  annoying




Name: Sam Champion

Hot job: TV Weatherman

Where: ABC-TV, New York City

When you were a child, did you plan to forecast wind, rain, and snow on TV?

I wanted to be a foreign journalist. I took courses in weather science at Eastern Kentucky University, but I majored in broadcasting news.

How did you finally become a weatherman?

My first job in the early 1980s was at the local TV station in Paducah, Kentucky. I did everything from turning on the lights in the morning to writing and delivering morning news. I put together weather forecasts, and became interested in them.

Back then, how did you forecast weather?

Independent companies collected computer information that showed, for example, how a single weather system might split into snow or snow mixed with rain. The information was often opposite and the job of a weatherman was to study the information and make the best educated guess about the storm.

Has weather forecasting changed much with new technology?

Advanced computers, satellites, and Doppler radar (sound waves used to track storms) have made forecasting more exact. But we still know very little about how weather is shaped. So far, we just have theories.

 Any advice for children who’d like to become weather scientists?

To me, weather is the most exciting field in the world. There are still so many more questions about weather than answers. After all, if we can’t foresee floods or hurricanes, how safe a society are we? Weather forecasting is wide open for scientists who love to solve puzzling problems. The next generation of meteorologists (weather scientists) will unlock many of Earth’s weather secrets. So get a general knowledge of Earth science, and study meteorology in college.

   Thanks, Sam.

40. Judging from the writing style, the text is _________.

A. a diary        B. an interview      C. a news story       D. an announcement

41. As a child, ABC-TV’s Sam Champion wanted to be a____________.

A. space scientist    B. weatherman      C. news reporter      D. meteorologist

42. Present weather forecasting technology___________.

A. has made weather report more exact than ever   

B. is still not perfect

C. hasn’t changed much in the last 50 years

D. both A and B

43. The study of weather science is called____________.

A. meteorology       B. forecasting        C. geography       D. Earth science




                              Something big is happening to the human race, something that could be called the Great Transformation.

The Transformation consists of all the changes that are occurring in human life due to advancing technology. For thousands of years such progress occurred slowly. Now everything is changing so fast that you may find yourself wondering where all this progress is really leading.

Nobody knows what all these changes will really mean in the long run. But this mysterious Transformation is the biggest story of all times. It is the story of the human race itself.

Some people worry about what will happen when the deposits(蕴藏)of petroleum are gone, but already researchers are finding all kinds of new ways to get energy. Someday, solar power collected by satellites circling the earth or fission(裂变) power produced by mankind may give us all the energy we need for an expanding civilization(文明).Space exploraton promises to open up much new land for human settlement, as well as leading to the harvest of mineral resources.

Like it or not, our advancing technology has made us masters of the earth. We not only control all the other animals, but also reshape the world’s plant life and even its soil and rocks, its waters and surrounding air.

Technology gives us the power to build a great new civilizaion, if we can just agee on what we want it to be, bu today, there is little global agreement on goals and how we should achieve them.

So it remanins to be seen what will happen as a result of our technology. Pessimists (悲观主义者) worry that we will use the technology eventually to blow ourselves up. But they have been saying that for decades, and so far we have escaped. Whether we will continue to do so remains unknown, but we can continue to hope.

68.The Great Transformation is caused by ________.

A. changes in human life    B.the development of science and technology

C. space exploration        D. unknown reasons

 69.Today it is impossible for people to build a remarkable new civilization because __________.  A.nobody is optimistic about the future

B.human beings aare unabale to do so

C.people diagree with each other in many ways

D.people are worried too much

 70.Advancing technology could possibly make us_______.

    A.hesitate    B.decisive      C.powerless      D.mysterious



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