摘要: A. takes B. makes C. means D. depends


The unquestioned role of a student is to learn as much as possible through whatever means it takes to acquire knowledge.Teachers and professors are human beings and are therefore not perfect.No one knows the correct answer to every question even when you limit the questions to a certain field of study.Having certain skepticism(质疑)about what they are being taught can help students to make the teachers even better by correcting mistakes and misinformation.

Students certainly have a huge role in their own abilities to learn.Teachers should act more as guides along the way rather than try to force each student to learn.The best teachers in the world cannot teach an unmotivated student.If the teacher,for whatever reason,cannot motivate the student,then the student must somehow find a way to motivate himself or herself.

One method of doing this is by becoming an active rather than a passive student.The more the student involves himself or herself in the act of studying,the better he or she can learn.One of the best ways to become more active is simply to ask the teacher or professor questions.Students who passively sit in a classroom and take everything that the teacher says for granted are not fully using their mental capacities to learn.

Better education comes from teachers who are able to get their students to think about a subject rather than merely absorb a certain amount of information.Having a healthy skepticism can improve a student's ability to both think and absorb knowledge in a learning situation.

Teachers are human beings and no one is one hundred percent right all the time,even in a classroom situation.Perhaps a teacher would simply unconsciously say the wrong word or pass on some misinformation that the teacher truly believed was correct.A student's question could prevent an entire classroom from becoming confused or misinformed.

There is of course a fine balance between a student having a healthy skepticism,and just being a downright skeptic.But with the proper attitude toward learning and a little skepticism,both the students and teachers can improve upon the learning process and maximize learning efficiency.

1.Which of the following is the author's main argument?

A.Passive learning results from passive teaching in class.

B.A student's ability plays a huge role in the learning process.

C.A healthy skepticism fully depends on students' motivation and ability.

D.A healthy skepticism and proper attitude contribute to effective learning.

2.Being passive learners,the students ________.

A.use little of their mental ability while studying

B.seldom involve themselves completely in learning

C.can hardly tell the right from the wrong in class

D.simply ask their teachers questions without thinking

3.According to the passage,a good teacher should ________.

A.help the unmotivated students patiently

B.instruct students in the learning process

C.make no mistakes in the teaching process

D.answer all the questions raised by students

4.The author will most probably agree that ________.

A.keeping skepticism to a certain degree is important

B.having a good attitude can ensure the learning process

C.taking everything for granted makes a student learn nothing

D.a teacher's ability can be improved by encouraging doubts



The unquestioned role of a student is to learn as much as possible through whatever means it takes to acquire knowledge. Teachers and professors are human beings and are therefore not perfect. No one knows the correct answer to every question even when you limit the questions to a certain field of study. Having certain skepticism (质疑) about what they are being taught can help students to make the teachers even better by correcting mistakes and misinformation.

Students certainly have a huge role in their own abilities to learn. Teachers should act more as guides along the way rather than try to force each student to learn. The best teachers in the world cannot teach an unmotivated student. If the teacher, for whatever reason, cannot motivate the student, then the student must somehow find a way to motivate himself or herself.

One method of doing this is by becoming an active rather than a passive student. The more the student involves himself or herself in the act of studying, the better he or she can learn. One of the best ways to become more active is simply to ask the teacher or professor questions. Students who passively sit in a classroom and take everything that the teacher says for granted are not fully using their mental capacities to learn.

Better education comes from teachers who are able to get their students to think about a subject rather than merely absorb a certain amount of information. Having a healthy skepticism can improve a student's ability to both think and absorb knowledge in a learning situation.

Teachers are human beings and no one is one hundred percent right all of the time, even in a classroom situation. Perhaps a teacher would simply unconsciously say the wrong word or pass on some misinformation that the teacher truly believed was correct. A student's question could prevent an entire classroom from becoming confused or misinformed.

There is of course a fine balance between a student having a healthy skepticism, and just being a downright skeptic. But with the proper attitude toward learning and a little skepticism, both the students and teachers can improve upon the learning process and maximize learning efficiency.

1. Which of the following is the author's main argument?

A.Passive learning results from passive teaching in class.

    B.A student's ability plays a huge role in the learning process.

    C.A healthy skepticism fully depends on students' motivation and ability.

    D.A healthy skepticism and proper attitude contribute to effective learning.

2. Being passive learners, the students _______________.

    A.use little of their mental ability while studying

    B.seldom involve themselves completely in learning

    C.can hardly tell the right from the wrong in class

    D.simply ask their teachers questions without thinking

3. According to the passage, a good teacher should _________.

A.help the unmotivated students patiently

B.instruct students in the learning process

C.make no mistakes in the teaching process

D.answer all the questions raised by students

4 The author will most probably agree that ___________.

A.keeping skepticism to a certain degree is important

B.having a good attitude can ensure the learning process

C.taking everything for granted makes a student learn nothing

D.a teacher's ability can be improved by encouraging doubts


The unquestioned role of a student is to learn as much as possible through whatever means it takes to acquire knowledge. Teachers and professors are human beings and are therefore not perfect. No one knows the correct answer to every question even when you limit the questions to a certain field of study. Having certain skepticism (质疑) about what they are being taught can help students to make the teachers even better by correcting mistakes and misinformation.

Students certainly have a huge role in their own abilities to learn. Teachers should act more as guides along the way rather than try to force each student to learn. The best teachers in the world cannot teach an unmotivated student. If the teacher, for whatever reason, cannot motivate the student, then the student must somehow find a way to motivate himself or herself.

One method of doing this is by becoming an active rather than a passive student. The more the student involves himself or herself in the act of studying, the better he or she can learn. One of the best ways to become more active is simply to ask the teacher or professor questions. Students who passively sit in a classroom and take everything that the teacher says for granted are not fully using their mental capacities to learn.

Better education comes from teachers who are able to get their students to think about a subject rather than merely absorb a certain amount of information. Having a healthy skepticism can improve a student's ability to both think and absorb knowledge in a learning situation.

Teachers are human beings and no one is one hundred percent right all of the time, even in a classroom situation. Perhaps a teacher would simply unconsciously say the wrong word or pass on some misinformation that the teacher truly believed was correct. A student's question could prevent an entire classroom from becoming confused or misinformed.

There is of course a fine balance between a student having a healthy skepticism, and just being a downright skeptic. But with the proper attitude toward learning and a little skepticism, both the students and teachers can improve upon the learning process and maximize learning efficiency.

59. Which of the following is the author's main argument?

A. Passive learning results from passive teaching in class.

    B. A student's ability plays a huge role in the learning process.

    C. A healthy skepticism fully depends on students' motivation and ability.

    D. A healthy skepticism and proper attitude contribute to effective learning.

60. Being passive learners, the students _______________.

    A. use little of their mental ability while studying

    B. seldom involve themselves completely in learning

    C. can hardly tell the right from the wrong in class

    D. simply ask their teachers questions without thinking

61. According to the passage, a good teacher should _________.

A. help the unmotivated students patiently

B. instruct students in the learning process

C. make no mistakes in the teaching process

D. answer all the questions raised by students

62. The author will most probably agree that ___________.

A. keeping skepticism to a certain degree is important

B. having a good attitude can ensure the learning process

C. taking everything for granted makes a student learn nothing

D. a teacher's ability can be improved by encouraging doubts



  Time is one of the world's deepest mysteries. No one can say exactly what it is. Yet, the ability to measure time makes our way of life possible. Most human activities involve groups of people acting together in the same place at the same time. People could not do this if they did not all measure time in the same way.

  One way of thinking about time is to imagine a world without time. This timeless world would be at a standstill. But if some kind of change took place, that timeless world would be different “now” than it was “before”. The period-no matter how soon-between “before” and “now” suggests that time must have passed. Thus, time and change are related because the passing of time depends on changes taking place. In the real world, changes never stop happening. Some changes seem to happen only once, like the falling of a particular leaf. Other changes happen over and over again, like the breaking of waves against the shore.

  Any change that takes place again and again stands out from other changes. The rising and setting of the sun are examples of such change. The first people to keep time probably counted such natural repeating events and used them to keep track of events that did. not repeat. Later, people made clocks to imitate the regularity of natural events. When people began to count repeating events, they began to measure time.

1.We must have the same way of measuring of time because ________.

[  ]

A.it is a mystery no one can explain exactly

B.it makes our way of living possible

C.otherwise we could not do our activities properly

D.time is different in different places

2.“The timeless world would be at a standstill” means ________.

[  ]

A.the timeless world be different between “now” and “before”

B.if there were no time, there should be no change

C.the world would remain still if we couldn't measure time

D.the world would stop change unless time permitted

3.People learnt to measure time ________.

[  ]

A.when they saw the falling of a particular leaf

B.after they were able to make clocks

C.because some events did not repeat

D.when they learnt to count repeating happenings

4.Which of the following statements is not true according to the passage?

[  ]

A.Time has nothing to do with change.

B.We can't talk of time without change.

C.Repeating events have regularities.

D.Any change that takes place repeatedly makes itself different from others.



  From the moment that an animal is born it has to make decisions.It has to decide which of the things around it are for eating.and which are to be avoided;when to attack and when to run away.The animal is,in fact,playing a very dangerous game with its environment,a game in which it must make decisions— a matter of life or death.

  Animals' ability to act reasonably is believed to come partly from what we may call“genetic(遗传性的)learning”,which is different from the individual(个体的)learning that an animal does in the course of its own lifetime.Genetic learning is learning by a species animals of the same kind— as a whole,and it is achieved by selection of those members of each generation that happen to act in the right way.However,the role of genetic learning depends upon how similar the future environment is to the past.The more important individual experience is likely to be,the less important is genetic learning as a means of getting over the problems of the survival game.Because most animals live in ever changing environments from one generation to the next,it is not surprising to find that very few species indeed depend wholly upon genetic learning.

  In the great majority of animals,their particular ways of acting in a new environment are a compound(复合体)of individual experience added to the action patterns animals are born with.That is why animals can survive.


The animal's life will come to an end ________

[  ]


if the animal makes a wrong decision


if the animal plays a dangerous game


when the animal attacks its enemy


when the animal runs too slowly


Very few species depend entirely on genetic learning because ________

[  ]


each generation has its own way of learning


their environments change all the time


they can act reasonably on their own


it takes their whole life to learn


When the environment doesn't change much,________

[  ]


animals cannot act in a right way


genetic learning is less important for animals


individual learning plays a less important role


animals cannot get over problems on their own


Animals' living on generation after generation depends on ________

[  ]


their natural action pattern with their own experience


the lessons they have learnt during their lifetime


their experience in particular environments


the knowledge passed on by their parents


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