摘要: B 90%是自己当老板开公司赚的.而不是靠挣工资得来的.不可能是开工资.带走工资.花工资就更不对了.





Students should not be expected to do housework chores, farm work, and other daily routine work.They should concentrate on their studies and not be distracted by these low work.The reason is obvious.Students are trained to be future builders of our nation and most of them will make their living by knowledge and skills.In other words, they are the would-be white collar workers or professionals who will work with mind instead of hand.They are not trained to do physical jobs.Knowledge and skills are what they need, and they should not waste time doing things by hand.It never mind if they never tidy up their rooms and leave their things around.Their parents never fail to clean up and pick up after them.No does it matter if the school kid can never carry his bag of books or something like that.Their parents will go out of their way to do it for him.No does it matter if the child never washes his own clothes.Let it to his parents.As the farm work, it seems totally wrong to put the child to such hard work! In a word, it does not matter if the kid can not and will not do any chores and help around the house or in the fields.As long as he sets his mind to his lessons, everything else is nothing.













Teenagers’ secrets should be kept to themselves and no one else, their parents included, has the right to stick their noses into their private life.As we know, teenagers are going through a special period of development both physically and psychologically.They are curious and puzzled by the unexpected changes in their body and mind.What’s more, exposed to a world of adults, it is only too natural for them to begin imitating adults’ behaviors in secret.Boys begin to smoke and girls begin to spend time doing their hair.Some even begin to date with a girlfriend or boyfriend without their parents’ knowledge.They are doing all this in secret because they are still unsure whether it is right to do so and afraid that, if found out by their parent, they will get misunderstood and even punished.And in fact, in many cases, the parents can not deal with the matter well and hurt their children’s feelings badly, making the children no longer willing to communicate with their parents.When this happens, it hurts terribly the whole family feeling.So it seems right that teenagers should keep their secrets to themselves and their parents should allow their children that right.















Students should not be expected to do housework chores, farm work, and other daily routine work.They should concentrate on their studies and not be distracted by these low work.The reason is obvious.Students are trained to be future builders of our nation and most of them will make their living by knowledge and skills.In other words, they are the would-be white collar workers or professionals who will work with mind instead of hand.They are not trained to do physical jobs.Knowledge and skills are what they need, and they should not waste time doing things by hand.It never mind if they never tidy up their rooms and leave their things around.Their parents never fail to clean up and pick up after them.No does it matter if the school kid can never carry his bag of books or something like that.Their parents will go out of their way to do it for him.No does it matter if the child never washes his own clothes.Let it to his parents.As the farm work, it seems totally wrong to put the child to such hard work!In a word, it does not matter if the kid can not and will not do any chores and help around the house or in the fields.As long as he sets his mind to his lessons, everything else is nothing.











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