摘要:2.The beauty of Venice largely in the style of its ancient buildings. A.is consisting B.consists C.is consisted D.is being consisted 解析:“Venice的美关键在于她古建筑的风格. consist in在于. 答案:B



  AThe Birth of a Nation(1915)186 minutes, DDWGriffith

  A landmark of American motion(动作)picturesGriffith's story of two families during the Civil War and Reconstruction(重建)is still fascinatingGriffith's portrayal of the Ku Klux Klan in a heroic role has kept this film a center of controversy to the present day

  BSnow White and the Seven Dwarfs(小矮人)(1937)83 minutes, DBen Sharpsteen

  Walt Disney's ground-breaking(创新的)lively feature film-the first of its kind-is still famous, a classic fairytale featuring seven dwarfsOnly bad-tempered(坏脾气的)people could fail to love itSongs include Whistle While You Work, Heigh Ho and Some Day My Prince Will Come

  CKing Kong(1933)103 minutes, DMerian

  A classic version of the-beauty-and-the-beast(美女与野兽)theme is a must-see movie, with Willis O'Brien's special effects and animation(活泼)of a monster ape named Kong is still unsurpassedThe final sequence on top of the Empire State Building is now cinema folklore(民间传说); Max Steiner's music is also memorableThe film was followed immediately by The Son of Kong

  DThe Adventures of Robin Hood(1938)102 minutes, DMichael Curtiz

  Dashing Flynn is the definitive swashbuckler(暴徒), with the help of de Havilland(never lovelier as Maid Marian), stops evil prince Rains, and fights with bad RathboneErich Wolfgang Korngold's outstanding music earned an Oscar, as did the art direction and editing

  EGone with the Wind(1939)222 minutes, DVictor Fleming

  Margaret Mitchell's story is, in effect, a Civil War soap opera, focusing on vixenish(泼辣的)Southern belle Scarlett O'Hara, brilliantly played by LeighShe won an Oscar, as did the picture, McDaniel, director Fleming, and many others

  FThe Gold Rush(1925)82 minutes, DCharlie Chaplin(卓别林)

  An immortal Chaplin classic, pitting Little Tramp against the YukonAlso a love story with dance hall girls and strong miners trying to make it in the wild northScenes likedance of the rolls, eating your leather shoes, cabin tottering over a cliff-all highlight this wonderful, time-less comedyChaplin re-edited the film in 1942His version, with his narration and music, runs 72m


1Ms Green will take a group of her history students to see a filmShe wants them to know something about US history in cinema

2Just learning about Chaplin's silent films for the first time, Jack is so interested in his films that he is looking for any and all works by Chaplin

3May is fond of romantic stories and the ones that have a beautiful woman and an ugly animal will be at the top of her list of things to see

4The Smiths together with the three children, aged from 510, are planning for some funThe little 5-year-old girl Tammy wants to see a film and she loves the song Heigh Ho

5Mary likes reading English literatureShe was so impressed with Margaret Mitchell's works that she wanted to know more, so she was advised to see a movie about the writer's works


The heart of Mexico is a high, oval valley surrounded by mountains. Once, forests covered the mountainsides, and broad, shining lakes covered nearly all the valley floor. Now, the mountains are bare and scarred with erosion(侵蚀), and much of the valley floor is dry and dusty.

Cortez and his Spanish soldiers were the first Europeans to enter this valley. They saw the thriving Aztec city of Tenochtitlan rising from an island in one of the lakes. Surrounding it were green floating gardens. The Spaniards said it was as beautiful as a dream. Then the conquest  began. 

By 1521, when the Spaniards had conquered the fierce Aztecs, the island city was in ruins. Cortez decided to rebuild it after the pattern of European cities. Using the conquered Aztecs as slave laborers, Cortez built the new city, now Mexico City, in just four years.

“But a generation had scarcely passed after the conquest before a sad change came over these scenes so beautiful,” writes one historian. The broad, shining lakes began to dry up.

Modern historians believe that Cortez began the destruction of the valley’s lakes when be ordered the city rebuilt. A great deal of charcoal was needed to burn the limestone (石灰石) from which cement (水泥) and mortar were made. Wood was needed to finish the interiors of the buildings.

The mountainside forests were destroyed to provide the charcoal and wood. Once the sloped were bare, rainfall o longer seeped (渗漏) slowly into the earth to feed the springs that filled the valley’s lakes. Instead, rainfall poured off the mountainsides the city from floods, later rulers made a cut through the mountains so that the water drained away into another valley. Mexico City, once an island, had become a city of a dry plain.

The underlined word “thriving” in the second paragraph means _______.

A. developing successfully          B. increasing

C. failing                         D. growing little

Which statement does this article lead you to believe?

Keeping nature’s balance is not important any more.

Men thought nature’s resources would last forever.

New forests always automatically replace old ones.

The Aztecs didn’t begin to flourish until Cortez came.

Why did later rulers cut through the mountains ?

They wanted to fill the city with rainwater.

They wanted the valleys to flood regularly.

They wanted to plant more trees.

They wanted to protect the city from floods.

One the whole, the article tells about ______.

Mexico as it looked when it was a European city

Modern historians who write about Mexico City

Mexico city before and after the Spaniards came

The beautiful scenery in Mexico

What is the author’s purpose of writing this article?

A .To tell the beauty and ugliness of Mexico City

B. To introduce the terrible change of Mexico City

C. To explain how Mexico City changed

D. To make people aware of the importance of nature balance


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