摘要:5.The sound came from an unknown s .far away in the distance.




The Bay Hotel  It’s a quiet, comfortable hotel overlooking the bay in an uncommercialized fishing village on England’s most southerly point. If you are considering a relaxing holiday where the scenery is breathtaking and the sound of the sea is live music to your ears, come and stay with us. For adults only. Sssh!  01326 280464



Willapark Manor Hotel Peaceful situation in 14 acres of separated gardens and woodland, overlooking picturesque bay. Close to coastal path and beach. Excellent cuisine. Our excellent service brings our guests back year after year. Children (reductions) and pets welcome.  01840 770782



The Country Garden Hotel Delightful hotel set in lovely gardens; calm Island of Wight near Tennyson Downs, Great food! Garden, sea view and ground floor rooms. Please call for brochure and sample menu. No pets.  0800 980 1943



Boscastle Romantic 17th Century farmer’s cottage in countryside with splendid coastal views. Well equipped. Sleeps 5. Regret no pets/smoking. Garden with furniture. Brochure: 01633 450417



Godshill 4 star self-served units. Non smoking. Open all year round. Good walks. Close to pubs. Peaceful, cozy, convenient to take any transportation vehicles. Adults only and pets welcome. Brochure: 01983 840371



The Blakeney Hotel Overlooking harbor, traditional privately owned friendly hotel with 60 bedrooms, lift, heated indoor pool, spa bath and saunas. Relax, walk, sail, play golf, explore the Norfolk villages, countryside and coast. Special seasonal midweek price for aged citizens. 01263 740797



56.                                                            Sept. 20, 2009
Dear Madam,
My husband and I want to take our four kids and a dog with us on holiday, and we are now trying to find the hotel which allows animals staying with the owners and some discount for children. I wonder if your hotel offers such services. Here is my address:
Independence Ave at 6th St SW·Washington, DC  20560
Yours sincerely,
Jane Turner
57. 100 Aquarium Way
Long Beach, CA, 90802
Nov. 8, 2009
Dear Sir or Madam,
I’d like to give my fiancee a big surprise to find a peaceful cottage inn so that we can spend a comfortable weekend without being disturbed by anyone. We just want to have romance together, and take walks with our pet dog or go for a drink at night. We’ll follow any of your requirements if you have the services we need.
Truly yours,
Paul Smith
58.                                                            Sept. 26, 2009
Dear Sir,
My wife and I are both retired form our working posts. We are longing to take a holiday in a quiet seaside country to relax ourselves and enjoy the sights of nature, walking along the beach or going fishing in the bay together. I hope to book a double room in advance. Please give me a reply as soon as possible. Here is my address:
Jefferson Drive at 12th Street SW, 95216
Charlie Green
59.                                                               Dec. 20, 2009
Dear Madam,
My family is planning to go on a holiday together before Christmas, and we are looking in your town for a hotel with marvelous sea view, nice furniture and good utensils. Please send me your reply to the following address:
401 N. Carson Street·Carson City NV 89701
Faithfully yours,
I. W. Nelson
60.  326 Glenneyre Street
Laguna Beech CA  96182
Jan. 2, 2010
Dear Sir or Madam,
We are glad to be offered a chance to go and do some explorations in the countryside nearby your town. At night, we’d like to have a good swim in the hotel pool and relax. It’d be wonderful if some other relaxation items are provided. Your reply can be sent to us at your earliest convenience.
Truly yours,
D. Pounds


People of Burlington are being disturbed by the sound of bells. Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the  1  and have made up their minds to  2  the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest against heavy trucks which run   3  through the narrow High Street. “They not only make it  4  to sleep at night, but they are doing damage to our houses and shops of historical  5  , ”said John Norris, one of the protestors.

“If we must have these noisy trucks on the roads, ” said Jean Lacey, a biology student, “why don’t they build a new road that goes round the town?  Burlington isn’t much more than a  6  village. Its streets were never  7  for heavy traffic. ”

Harry Fields also studying  8  said they wanted to make as much  9  as possible to force the government officials to realize what everybody was having to  10  . “Most of them don’t  11  here anyway, ” he said, “they come for meetings and the Town Hall is soundproof, so they probably don’t  12  . It is high time they realized the problem. ” The fourth student, Liza Vernum, said she thought the public were mostly on their side, and even if they weren’t, they soon would be.

 I asked if they were  13  that the police might come to stop them.

“Not really, ” she said, “actually we are  14  bell ringers. I mean we are assistant bell ringers for the church. There is no law against practising. ”

I  15   the church with the sound of the bells ringing in my ears.

1. A. college       B. village      C. town     D. church

2. A. change        B. repair       C. ring        D. shake

3. A. now and then              B. day and night

C. up and down                  D. over and over

4. A. terrible                      B. difficult

C. uncomfortable                    D. unpleasant

5. A. scene                        B. period

C. interest                         D. sense

6. A. pretty                           B. quite

C. large                            D. modern

7. A. tested            B. meant        C. kept        D. used

8. A. chemistry                 B. geography

C. biology                          D. education

9. A. effort            B. time        C. trouble       D. noise

10. A. stand   B. accept       C. know     D. share

11. A. shop     B. live         C. come     D. study

12. A. notice                       B. mention

C. fear                             D. control

13. A. surprised                    B. afraid

C. pleased                          D. determined

14. A. proper                       B. experienced

C. hopeful                          D. serious

15. A. left         B. found        C. reached      D. passed



When I was a boy, every holiday that I had seemed wonderful. My   36   took me by train or by car to a hotel by the   37  . All day, I seem to remember, I  38 on the sands with strange   39  children. We made houses and gardens, and   40  the tide (潮汐) destroy them. When the tide went out, we   41  over the rocks and looked down at the fish in the rock-pools.

    In those days the   42  seemed to shine always brightly   43   the water was always warm. Sometimes we left the beach and walked in the country,   44   ruined houses and dark woods and climbing trees. There were  45  in one's pockets or good places where one could   46   ice-creams. Each day seemed a life-time. 

    Although I am now thirty-five years old, my idea of a good   47   is much the same as it was. I   48  like the sun and warm sand and the sound of _ 49   beating the rocks. I no longer wish to   50   any sand house or sand garden, and I dislike sweets.   51  , I love the sea and often feel sand running through my fingers.

    Sometimes I   52   what my ideal (理想的) holiday will be like when I am   53   . All I want to do then, perhaps, will be to lie in bed, reading books about   54  who make houses and gardens with sands, who watch the incoming tide, who make  55  sick on too many ices...

A. teacher           B. parents                     C. nurse                       D. doctor

A. sea           B. lake                  C. mountain           D. forest

A. played           B. slept                   C. sat                 D. stood

A. moved          B. excited                 C. worried           D. nervous

A. made         B. brought                C. watched                     D. heard

A. rolled         B. jumped                 C. turned            D. climbed

A. light            B. sun                C. moon             D. lamp

A. and              B. yet                C. but                 D. or

A. exploring       B. examining          C. repairing           D. measuring

A. sweets      B. sand                   C. ice-creams                   D. money

A. make         B. sell                 C. buy                 D. offer

A. house         B. holiday             C. garden                 D. tide

A. hardly       B. almost               C. still                   D. perhaps

A. waves          B. water                       C. hands                 D. birds

A. destroy       B. fix                    C. use                     D. build

A. But          B. However                C. Or                    D. Yet

A. wonder       B. feel                    C. understand             D. believe

A. strong        B. weak                  C. young                D. old

A. children      B. boys               C. girls                   D. grown-ups

A. herself        B. himself              C. itself                D. themselves


I HEAR America beeping(嘟嘟响).

 Beep,says my cellophane when it gets a text message.

  Beep,says my microwave oven when my sandwich  is warmed up. 

 Sometimes  I long for a natural sound:a bird singing,dog barking,children laughing, anything to drown out  the maddening beeps that have become the soundtrack(配乐)to modern life.

  My cellophane? It isn’t enough that its ring tone offerings seem to stretch from  “annoymg” toextremely “annoying”. It also has to beep whenever someone texts messages me. 

The microwave? A bell rings when it's finished heating my food.But is that enough? No.If I don’t rush to it right away, it starts beeping,like an impatient child tugging(用力拉) at my sleeve(袖子).

 The smoke detector(探测器) is the worst offender.When its batteries are in need of replacement,it 1ets out a series of chirps.The things that don’t beep buzz(嗡嗡响).And for some reason,beeping and buzzing is beneath them,they clear their throats and perform a symphony. Like my TV, each time I turn it on, it performs an aria(咏叹调):La di da di dum.Salutions! Here I am! Same thing when I turn it off: La di da di dum.Good bye, kind sir! Until the next time

But at 1east I know where each of these sounds is coming from.That isn’t always the case.For weeks, my wife and I were awoken in the night by a beeping.There,in the stillness, we went through the possible suspects.Could we have a text message? Could it be any of the devices(装置)able to make a sound? Curling iron, rice cooker, smoke detector, TV set,clock radio...

The only way to tell was to chase the sound down ,but no sooner  would we pull on our bathrobes than the beeping would stop. We didn’t hear it every night but often enough that we would climb into bed wondering whether our sleep  would be interrupted by that maddening sound,that beep.

  Finally,early one morning,my wife found it:in the study,under a desk,a big plastic cube that was plugged into the wall.It was an uninterruptible power supply that we’d inherited(继承)from my wife’s mother.We’d never known it was capable of speech. 

I think it just wanted someone to talk to.

14.What does the writer truly mean by saying“I hear America beeping”?

A.American people like devices that beep.

B.Americans are crazy about sending text messages.

C.In modern society people are dependant on technology.

D.The soundtrack to modern life is no longer natural.

15.Why couldn’t the author and his wife find the source of the noise in their house in the beginning?

A.There were too many devices for them to check.

B.They were unwilling to get up at midnight.

C.They had never known that thing could beep too.

D.The noise didn’t come every day.

16.After reading this passage,we can probably tell the author    

   A.enjoys being surrounded by beeps  B.has a touch of humor in his writing

C.tries to avoid using anything that beeps

D.understands the beeping is designed to be user-friendly



This is a story about doing well by doing good. Sandy Greenberg was a very good student,   36  he came from a poor family. He went to Columbia University on a scholarship and there he met his  37   who also was receiving financial aid(经济资助).

Sandy got a(n)   38  disease during his second year at university. The   39  was, it wasn’t found out early enough, and   40  he became nearly blind. But Sandy said that he was so   41   because when he lost his   42 , his roommate read his textbooks to him every night. Because of this, Sandy went on with his study and   43  with honors. Later he went off to study at Oxford. He was still quite   44 , but he had managed to   45  about five hundred dollars as he went along. His roommate,   46 , also went on to graduate school(研究生院). One day, Sandy got a call from him at Oxford, telling him that he   47  $500 to start a(n)   48   business. So Sandy sent all the    49   he had saved to his roommate. He said, “What else could I do? He made my life; I needed to do    50   to make his life. ”

Sandy’s roommate was Art Garfunkel, who became a famous singer. He   51  up with another musician named Paul Simon. That $500   52  them a lot and they made a record that eventually became “The Sound of Silence”.

Each of us will be faced with problems we didn’t   53  in our lives. How we are able to deal with those difficulties will be   54  by how we deal with others along the way. What we get will depend a lot on what we   55 .

1.                A.so             B.for            C.but  D.and


2.                A.doctor         B.partner         C.teacher   D.roommate


3.                A.heart          B.eye            C.blood    D.brain


4.                A.trick           B.idea           C.trouble   D.chance


5.                                  A.in particular B.as a result

C.for example                       D.on the whole


6.                A.lucky          B.strong          C.calm D.painful


7.                A.hearing         B.sight           C.confidence    D.business


8.                A.grew           B.lived           C.worked   D.graduated


9.                A.kind           B.weak           C.poor D.clever


10.               A.save           B.spend          C.borrow    D.pay


11.                                A.therefore   B.as well as

C.however                         D.at the same time


12.               A.needed        B.earned         C.owned    D.lost


13.               A.computer       B.fashion         C.music D.advertising


14.               A.records        B.money         C.medicine  D.books


15.                                A.something  B.everything

C.anything                         D.nothing


16.               A.kept           B.ended         C.teamed   D.put


17.               A.satisfied        B.pleased        C.surprised  D.helped


18.               A.understand     B.expect         C.believe    D.like


19.               A.checked        B.questioned      C.educated  D.affected


20.               A.learn          B.give           C.wish  D.bring




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