摘要:2.This novel is so badly written that I can hardly what the writer is trying to say. A.fill out B.find out C.think out D.figure out 解析:figure out理解.努力弄清意思,fill out填写,find out指通过努力发现,think out想出. 答案:D


1. 我们能做些什么来保护麋鹿,使他们不会再次消失?
   What can we do _________ _________ the Milu deer _________ disappearing again?
2. 人们相信,总有一天会有足够多的动物再次在野外生活。
   ________ ________ _________ that one day there will be enough animals living
   in the wild again.
3. 从现在起,我将更加关注野生动植物的保护。 
   I will _________ _________ _________ _________ wildlife protection  _________
   _________ _________.
4. 我午饭更喜欢吃蛋糕,不喜欢吃面条。
   I _________ some cakes for my lunch _________ noodles.
5. 这本小说很感人,我看了很多遍了。
   This novel, _________ I _________ _________ many times, is very touching.
6. 你认为中国的熊猫处在灭绝的危险中吗?
   Do you think the pandas in China are _________ _________ _________ _________ _________?
   Once you make up your mind, you should _________ _________ it.
8. 我花了整整一个上午把我的书归类好。
   I spent a whole morning _________ _________ my books.
9. 请你建议我们应该做些什么来保护野生动植物呢?
   What do you _________ _________ _________ _________ protect wildlife?
10. 尽管我有些观点跟他不同,我喜欢与他一起干活。
    I enjoy working with him, _________ _________ I don't _________ _________ him on
    some points.

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