摘要: A.expected B. persuaded C. allowed D. advised


A Good Custodian

I know a woman who tries hard to be a good custodian.

I pass her every day after school as she pushes her cart down my

hallway.Of course, she is my building's cleaner,

One Tuesday morning I came into school and saw a  36 on my

desk from my custodian,

It seemed that some unbearable first year students had damaged the bathroom in a particularly disgusting way and she had been  37  to clean it.This took  38  than she had expected. She had left the typewritten note on my desk to  39 for not being able to clean my room as she was  40  to do.

At the beginning of the period, I shared her note with my first period  41  When I mentioned that our custodian had apologized to us, their first  42 was to volunteer to seek out and beat up those first year students for making our custodian have to clean up their  43  . It turned out that just about all of my students also knew our custodian by name -all of them responded with smiles and  44  for a long time about this time or that time when she'd  45 each of them in the hallway.That she felt she needed to apologize  46  a strong reaction from many of the kids.

As the class period was about to end, I asked them to  47 the floor like I do every period and thanked them for picking up any garbage   48  it wasn't theirs.My entire class disappeared; they each disappeared instantly  49  their desks to pick up those annoying tiny pieces of paper that  50  so easily from notebooks.One girl made a (an)  51  that I later used with my other classes:" Her job might be to clean the room, but she shouldn't have to clean up  52 us.There's a difference.”

I believe that people know the difference between right and wrong.I believe that people appreciate it when others  53  take care of them.And I believe that people, even adolescents who are not quite yet mature, appreciate it when they see someone who takes  54  in her work. Sometimes we need a  55  of the things we take for granted ...things like a good custodian to take care of us.

36.A.paper           B.handbook         C.note            D.letter

37.A.advised          B.persuaded        C.allowed         D.charged

38.A.shorter          B.longer           C.mare           D.less

39.A.apologize         B.regret           C.appeal          D.complain

40.A.recommended     B.believed         C.approved        D.scheduled

41.A.class           B.colleagues        C.staff            D.members

42.A.answer          B.reaction,         C.decision         D.behavior

43.A.room           B.desks           C.mess           D.chaos

44.A.talked           B.asked           C.quarreled        D.discussed

45.A.visited          B.called           C.praised          D.greeted

46.A.made           B.showed          C.earned          D.accepted

47.A.sweep          B.examine         C.check           D.mop

48.A.even if          B.only if           C.if only          D.if ever

49.A.above           B.under           C.beyond          D.across

50.A.leave           B.fall             C.fly             D.miss

51.A.promise         B.agreement        C.announcement     D.comment

52.A.after            B.before           C.with            D.for

53.A.freely           B.gently           C.hopefully        D.sincerely

54.A.advantage        B.pride            C.action           D.chance

55.A.keeper         B.caretaker       C.reminder       D.observer

     There was a very special teacher who made a far -reaching difference in my life.
     Fall, 1959, the first day of class at Bethesda Chevy Chase High School was about to begin. "Who", I asked
a senior, "is Mrs. McNamara, my 10th grade English teacher?" He just   1   and said something about my being
in   2  . Soon, I understood what he meant. Mrs. McNamara had a pattern of   3   that she repeated again and
again. We would have a literature reading task for   4  . The next day, when we came to class, there would be
two or three topics on the blackboard   5   to the homework reading. We were   6   to write an in-class essay
about one of the topics. The following day, she would   7   the corrected and graded essays and each person
would be called   8   to stand in front of the class and to   9   his\her essay. The class were required to criticize
(评论) that essay  10  the grade of everyone in class would be reduced.
     The first time that I  11  her read-write-criticize method, I had not  12  to do the homework and had written
something without knowing what it meant.  13  the extreme embarrassment I suffered, standing before my
classmates,  14  myself. No one laughed at me, no one would be  15  enough, or foolish enough, to do that in
Mrs. McNamara's class. The embarrassment came from  16  and along with it came a strong  17  not to let it
happen again.
     Mrs. McNamara kept all of our written work in files. It was easy to see the  18  in writing that had occurred.
What was not so easy to see was the inner transformation that had taken peace, at least for me. What Mrs.
McNamar  19  me to do was to see myself as others see me and, having done that, I could improve myself.
And  20 . Thank you, Mrs. McNamara.
(     )1. A. nodded        
(     )2. A. trouble        
(     )3. A. behavior       
(     )4. A. review        
(     )5. A. added          
(     )6. A. expected      
(     )7. A. collect        
(     )8. A. on purpose    
(     )9. A. talk through  
(     )10. A. so            
(     )11. A. tried          
(     )12. A. undertaken    
(     )13. A. remember      
(     )14. A. playing jokes on
(     )15. A. brave          
(     )16. A. above          
(     )17. A. tendency      
(     )18. A. improvements  
(     )20. A. did            

B. laughed        
B. sorrow          
B. evaluation      
B. performance    
B. related        
B. persuaded      
B. return          
B. at first        
B. hand over      
B. and            
B. adopted        
B. attempted      
B. attempted    
B. making a fool of 
B. careless        
B. within          
B. preference      
B. pains          
B. could        

C. apologized       
C. danger             
C. activity             
C. practice           
C. contributed         
C. allowed           
C. send               
C. by chance             
C. read out           
C. but                 
C. examined           
C. examined           
C. bothered         
C. trying a trap for of 
C. proud               
C. behind             
C. determination         
C. difficulties       
C. had             
D. shouted         
D. anger             
D. thought             
D. homework        
D. advised           
D. advised           
D. receive          
D. in turn               
D. show off        
D. or                  
D. experienced       
D. experienced       
D. hesitated      
D. taking advantage         
D. selfish             
D. below          
D. sense                 
D. advantages      
D. would          
    There was a very special teacher who made a far-reaching difference in my life.
    Fa11,1959,the first day of class at Bethesda Chevy Chase High School was about to begin, "Who" .
I asked a senior, "is  Mrs McNamara, my l0th grade English teacher?" He just__1_and said something
about my being in _2_. Soon,l understood what he meant. Mrs McNamara had a pattem of __3_that she
repeated again and again. We would have a literature reading task for_4_.The next day, when we came
to class, there would be two or three topics on the blackboard_5__ to the homework reading. We were
_6_ to write an in-class essay about one of the topics. The following day , she would _7_ the corrected
and graded essays andeach person would be called_8_to stand in front of the class and to _9_ his/her
essay. The class were required to criticize(评论) that  essay ,__10__ the grade of everyone in class
would  be reduced.
     The first time that I _11 her read-write-criticize method . I had not _12_ to do the homework and had
written something without knowing what it meant._13_the extreme embarrassment I sufferred,standing
before my classmates , _14_ myself. No one laughed
at me;no one would be _15_ enough ,or foolish enough ,to do that  in Mrs McNamara's class. The
embarrassment came from_16_and along with it came a strong_17_not to let it happen again.
      Mrs McNamara kept all of our written work in files;it was easy to see the_18_ in writing that had
occurred. What was not so easy to see was the inner transformation that had taken place, at least for me.
What Mrs McNamara_19  me to do was to see myself as others see me and, having done that.l could
improve myself. And I_20__. Thank you,Mrs McNamara.
(     )1. A. nodded            
(     )2. A. trouble            
(     )3. A. behaviour          
(     )4. A. review            
(     )5. A. added              
(     )6. A. expected          
(     )7. A. collect            
(     )8. A. on purpose        
(     )9. A. talk through      
(     )10. A. so                
(     )11. A. tried            
(     )12. A. undertaken        
(     )13. A. Remember          
(     )14. A. playing jokes on  
(     )15. A. brave            
(     )16. A. above            
(     )17. A. tendency          
(     )18. A. improvements      
(     )19. A. trusted          
(     )20. A. did              
B. laughed          
B. sorrow            
B.  evaluation      
B. performance      
B. related          
B. persuaded        
B. return            
B. at first          
B. hand over        
B. and              
B. adopted          
B. attempted        
B. Predict          
B. making a fool of  
B. careless          
B. within            
B. preference        
B. pains            
B. invited          
B. could            
C. apologized        
C. danger            
C.  activity          
C. practice          
C. contributed        
C. allowed            
C. send              
C. by chance          
C. read out          
C. but                
C. examined          
C. bothered          
C. Bear              
C. setting a trap for
C. proud              
C. behind            
C. determination      
C. difficulties      
C. forced            
C. had                
D. shouted                
D. anger                  
D. thought                
D. homework                
D. compared                
D. advised                
D. receive                
D. in turn                
D. show off                
D. or                      
D. experienced            
D. hesitated              
D. Imagine                
D. taking advantage of    
D. selfish                
D. below                  
D. sense                  
D. advantages              
D. permitted              
D. would                  


There was a very special teacher who made a far –reaching difference in my life

Fall, 1959, the first day of class at Bethesda Chevy Chase High School was about to begin. “Who”,I asked a senior , is Mrs. McNamara, my 10thgrade English teacher? He just __31__and said something about my begin in __32__. Soon , Understood what he meant Mrs. McNamara had a pattern of ___33___that she repeated again and again , we would have a literature reading task for_34__The next day , when we came to class , there would were____36__to write an in-class essay about one of the topics , The following day , she would ___37__thd corrected and graded essays and each person would be called ___38__to stand in front of the class and to _____39____his\her essay The class were required to criticize(评论)that essay ___40__the grade of everyone in class would be reduced

The first time that I_41__her read-write criticize method I had not ___42to do the homework and had written something without knowing what it meant _____43___the extreme embarrassment I suffered , standing before my classmates _____44____myself No one laughed at me , no one would be ___45_____enorgh , or foolish enough, to do that in Mrs. McNamara’s class. The embarrassment came from ___46_____and along with it came a strong ____47____not to let it happen again

Mrs. McNamara kept all of our written work in files. It was easy to see the ____48____in writing that had occurred. What was not so easy to see was the inner transformation that had taken peace, at least for me. What Mrs. McNamar______49_____me to do was to see myself as others see me and, having done that, I could improve myself And_____50__, Thank you Mrs. McNamara

31. A. nodded                            B. laughed               C. apologized              D. shouted

32. A. trouble                            B. sorrow                C. danger                    D. anger

33. A. behavior                          B. evaluation            C. activity                   D. thought

34. A. review                            B. performance        C. practice                  D. homework

35. A. added                              B. related                 C. contributed             D. advised

36. A. expected                         B. persuaded            C. allowed                  D. advised

37. A. collect                             B. return                 C. send                       D. receive

38. A. on purpose                      B. at first                 C. by chance               D. in turn

39. A. talk through                     B. hand over            C. read out                  D. show off

40. A. so                                   B. and                     C. but                         D. or

41. A. tried                                B. adopted               C. examined                D. experienced

42. A. undertaken                      B. attempted            C. examined                D. experienced

43. A. remember                        B. attempted            C. bothered                 D. hesitated

44. A. playing jokes on               B. making a fool of   C. trying a trap for of   D. taking advantage  

45. A. brave                              B. careless               C. proud                     D. selfish

46. A. above                              B. within                 C. behind                    D. below

47. A. tendency                         B. preference           C. determination       D. sense

48. A. improvements                  B. pains                   C. difficulties              D. advantages

50. A. did                                  B. could                  C. had                        D. would



There was a very special teacher who made a far-reaching difference in my life.  

Fall, 1959, the first day of class at Bethesda Chevy Chase High School was about to begin. “Who”, I asked a senior, “is Mrs. McNamara, my 10th grade English teacher?” He just  31  and said something about my being in  32 . Soon, I understood what he meant. Mrs. McNamara had a pattern of  33  that she repeated again and again. We would have a literature reading task for  34 . The next day, when we came to class, there would be two or three topics on the blackboard  35  to the homework reading. We were  36  to write an in-class essay about one of the topics. The following day, she would  37  the corrected and graded essays and each person would be called  38  to stand in front of the class and to  39  his/her essay. The class were required to criticize (评论) that essay,  40  the grade of everyone in class would be reduced.  

The first time that I  41  her read-write-criticize method, I had not  42 to do the homework and had written something without knowing what it meant.  43  the extreme embarrassment I suffered, standing before my classmates,  44  myself. No one laughed at me; no one would be  45  enough, or foolish enough, to do that in Mrs. McNamara’s class. The embarrassment came from  46  and along with it came a strong  47  not to let it happen again.  

Mrs. McNamara kept all of our written work in files; it was easy to see the  48  in writing that had occurred. What was not so easy to see was the inner transformation that had taken place, at least for me. What Mrs. McNamara  49  me to do was to see myself as others see me and, having done that, I could improve myself. And I  50 . Thank you, Mrs. McNamara.  


B. laughed        

C. apologized     

D. shouted  

32. A. trouble         

B. sorrow         

C. danger         

D. anger  

33. A. behaviour       

B. evaluation      

C. activity        

D. thought  

34. A. review         

B. performance    

C. practice        

D. homework  

35. A. added          

B. related         

C. contributed     

D. compared  

36. A. expected        

B. persuaded      

C. allowed        

D. advised  

37.  A. collect           

B. return          

C. send           

D. receive  

38. A. on purpose      

B. at first         

C. by chance      

D. in turn  

39. A. talk through     

B. hand over      

C. read out        

D. show off  

40. A. so             

B. and           

C. but           

D. or  

41. A. tried           

B. adopted        

C. examined      

D. experienced  

42. A. undertaken      

B. attempted       

C. bothered       

D. hesitated  

43. A. Remember     

B. Predict        

C. Bear          

D. Imagine  

44. A. playing jokes on 

B. making a fool of

C. setting a trap for

D. taking advantage of  

45. A. brave           

B. careless         

C. proud          

D. selfish  

46. A. above          

B. within         

C. behind         

D. below  

47. A. tendency         

B. preference      

C. determination   

D. sense  

48. A. improvements   

B. pains          

C. difficulties      

D. advantages  

49. A. trusted          

B. invited         

C. forced          

D. permitted  

50. A. did            

B. could          

C. had           

D. would  


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