摘要:55.A.normal B.happy C.good D.better 36-40 CADAC 41-45 BBCAB 46-50 CDBDC 51-55 BACBD Brownie and Spotty were neighbour dogs who met every day to play together. Like pairs of dogs you can find in any 36 , these two dogs loved each other and played 37 so often that they had worn a path through the grass of the field between their own houses. One evening, Brownie’s family 38 that Brownie hadn’t returned home. They went looking for him with no 39 . Brownie didn’t appear the next day, and, despite their 40 to find him, by the next week he was still missing. Curiously, Spotty 41 at Brownie’s house alone, barking. Busy with their own lives, they just ignored (to pay no attention to) the 42 little neighbour dog. Finally, one morning Spotty 43 to take “no for an answer. Spotty followed Ted about, barking strongly, then running towards a nearby wood, as if to say, “ 44 me! It’s urgent! Ted followed the anxious Spotty. The little dog led the man to a 45 spot a half mile from the house. There Ted found his beloved Brownie 46 , one of his hind legs stuck in a steel leg hold trap. Horrified, Ted now wished he’d taken Spotty’s earlier requirement 47 . Then Ted noticed something quite remarkable. Spotty had done more than simply 48 Brownie’s owner to his trapped friend. In a circle around the 49 dog, Ted found some dog food---which was later 50 as the remains of every meal Spotty had been fed that 51 ! Spotty had been visiting Brownie 52 , in a single-minded quest to keep his friend alive by offering his own comfort. Spotty had obviously stayed with Brownie to protect him from being hurt, snuggling with him at night to keep him 53 and touching him gently with its nose to keep his spirits up. Brownie’s 54 was treated by a veterinarian and he recovered. For many years afterwards, the two families watched the faithful friends frolicking 55 chasing each other down that well-worn path between their houses.


Last year, my mom found out that she had stomach cancer. I thought she’d be fine after she got  36 as she was diagnosed(诊断)early. She had an operation to 37 a third of her stomach to stop the cancer from spreading. And for two months she went back and forth to the  38 . But I never visited her because I was  39 with school abroad and didn’t fully know what was  40 . After her treatment, she  41 working because of her poor health and ate a(n)  42 diet. I visited her in the summer holiday. She seemed better, so I forgot that there was a possibility of cancer  43 .

 When school  44 , I said goodbye to my family. My mom called me from home every day.  45 in early November, my dad called instead. He sounded 46 .

  “What’s wrong? How come Mom’s not calling me today?” I asked. After a few seconds, he said my mom’s cancer had returned and spread throughout her  47 . Her survival rate was less than 30%.

  After I put down the phone, I  48 . Tears kept coming out. I didn’t want to  49 it. I couldn’t accept the  50 that my mom might not have much time left. I cried and cried and at last, I stopped crying. I thought I should stop acting like a  51 and pull myself together.

  Looking back to when my mom first got cancer, I  52 how stupid I was for not appreciating her. I feel bad that I didn’t visit her in the hospital. I should have cared. She’s my mom.  53 , it’s not too late. She recovered. I’ll try to spend more time with my mom  54 . I hope you will do the same for your mom. Spend some time with your loved ones  55 it is too late.

36. A. medicine       B. attention      C. care             D. treatment

37. A. remove        B. rescue        C. check        D. protect

38. A. school        B. house        C. hospital          D. office

39. A. content        B. careful           C. popular          D. busy

40. A. going up       B. going on      C. taking on      D. showing up

41. A. continued                        B. hated

C. considered                          D. stopped

42. A. special                          B. delicious

C. normal                                D. interesting

43. A. changing                        B. returning

C. destroying                          D. appearing

44. A. ended                          B. required

C. responded                          D. started

45. A. Since         B. Although      C. But             D. So

46. A. bored         B. sad             C. excited           D. angry

47. A. back          B. skin             C. body         D. head

48. A. went through                     B. looked down

C. broke up                           D. broke down

49. A. say              B. answer           C. believe           D. remember

50. A. report         B. fact             C. message      D. lie

51. A. stranger           B. doctor        C. man             D. child

52. A. realize         B. pretend           C. imagine          D. ask

53. A. Luckily                         B. Unfortunately

C. Surprisingly                         D. Strangely

54. A. in the past                       B. from now on

C. at times                               D. in the future

55. A. if            B. as              C. before        D. when


America’s greatest technological achievement, the Hoover Dam, now has a companion piece, a bridge held up by the longest arch in the Western Hemisphere(半球). The Mike O’Callaghan-Pat Tillman Memorial Bridge, which opened this month and connects the U.S. states of Arizona and Nevada, crosses the vast chasm(峡谷)890 feet above the Colorado River that is controlled by the dam.
The striking 1,900-foot-long structure will improve traffic in the region and help protect the dam from being destroyed. It is the seventh highest bridge in the world, behind four in China, one in Papua New Guinea and one in the US state of Colorado.
“The Hoover Dam is the greatest civil engineering achievement in America’s history,” said the bridge project manager Dave Zanatell. “Our goal was not to outdo or outshine it. Our goal was to, in a respectful way, do something that would be great for our generation and that would stand besides Hoover Dam in a respectful and quality way that would become a part of Hoover’s legacy(遗产).”
Just as the Hoover Dam was built in the heart of the Great Depression(大萧条)and was seen as an example of the nation’s can-do spirit, some hope this project can also provide some uplift.
The bridge is surprising: at 1,050 feet, its support arch holds up a roadway that lies on 300-foot-long concrete pillars(柱子), some of the tallest in the world. It contains 16 million pounds of steel.
  The idea of the bridge came into being in the 1960s because the top of the Hoover Dam has been a narrow two-lane road that is the fastest route from Arizona to Las Vegas and then the Pacific Northwest and Canada.
 Access to the dam from each direction is a dangerously winding route, but massive trucks and passenger vehicles shared it for decades. During the day, when thousands of tourists travel to the dam from Las Vegas three times as many accidents as on a normal road will happen.
 The bridge has a sidewalk on the side facing the dam. The wall on both sides is 54 inches high, so walkers can take photos there.
【小题1】Which of the following is true of the Hoover Dam?

A.It was completed recently.
B.It was built during the hard times.
C.It has the longest arch.
D.It’s the seventh highest dam in the world.
【小题2】What is one of the purposes of building the bridge?
A.To protect the dam.B.To save the cultures.
C.To outdo the dam.D.To develop the tourism.
【小题3】The underlined word “uplift” in Paragraph 4 means _____.
A.lift of the heavy objectB.support in money
C.spiritual encouragementD.instruction in technology
【小题4】Which of the followings shows the right position of the bridge and dam?

【小题5】The text is mainly about ______.
A.the Hoover Dam
B.American western development
C.a tour along the Colorado River
D.a recently built bridge


It is hard to say that a telephone is just a telephone anymore. Not only does it let you hear Grandma's voice from miles away clearer than ever before, but it is providing even more important information services to its users. By the year 2000, American householders will rely on the telephone system for shopping, computing, playing the stock market, making airline reservations, and watching television. The lives of heart patients may depend on telephones with on line electronic systems altering their doctors to emergencies. This is in addition to American business managers who currently rely on their telephones for sales orders, inventory control, banking, video image transmission, and many other tasks.

New technologies, such as advanced computing and fiber optics, make telecommunications services cheap and quick. In addition, since the breakup of AT&T, the competition spawned (引起) among many phone companies has emphasized price changes and introduced innovative services.

But despite the stimulus to provide commercial benefits during normal operation, one essential ingredient is missing—the incentive to design for emergency preparedness in the event of disaster. The telephone system is improving its ability to respond to some emergencies such as wartime attack, but is not prepared to handle terrorism, natural disasters, fires or accidents.

Before divestiture (解体) AT&T operated a national emergency center that coordinated all procedures during a disaster. Today, in lieu of the previous AT&T center, a government agency—the National Communications System (NCS) —operates the National Coordinating Center to address disasters related to telecommunications. In addition, the numerous phone companies and large communications suppliers have developed mechanisms of their own to respond to limited emergency situations, but massive emergencies are beyond their capabilities.

   1. What does “anymore” in the first sentence of Paragraph 1 mean?

     A. in any case        B. at no time

     C. not longer         D. nowadays

   2. “In Lieu of” in Paragraph 4 is used to mean

     A. instead of         B. because of

     C. In spite of          D. due to

   3. The writer's main purpose is to

     A. describe phenomena

     B. propose a motion of the modem telecommunications sciences

     C. amuse attention to the limited uses of telephone in the event of disaster

     D. argue a belief of telephone

   4. What would the following paragraph after Paragraph 4 more probably deal with?

     A. the examples of emergencies that telephone system can not deal with

     B. different opinions towards the telephone services

     C. the writer's conclusion of the passage

     D. the disadvantages of the National Communications System



Baekeland and Hartmann report that the “short sleepers” had been more or less average in their sleep needs until the men were in their teens. But at about age 15 or so, the men voluntarily began cutting down their nightly sleep time because of pressures from school, work, and other activities. These men tended to view their nightly periods of unconsciousness as bothersome interruptions in their daily routines.

   In general, these “short sleeps” appeared ambitious, active, energetic, cheerful, conformist(不动摇) in their opinions, and very sure about their career choices. They often held several jobs at once, or workers full-or part-time while going to school. And many of them had a strong urge to appear “normal” or “acceptable” to their friends and associates.

  When asked to recall their dreams, the “short sleepers” did poorly. More than this, they seemed to prefer not remembering. In similar fashion, their usual way of dealing with psychological problems was to deny that the problem existed, and then to keep busy in the hope that the trouble would go away.

  The sleep patterns of the “short sleepers” were similar to, but less extreme than, sleep patterns shown by many mental patients categorized as manic(疯人).

  The “long sleepers” were quite different indeed. Baekeland and Hartmann report that these young men had been lengthy sleeps since childhood. They seemed to enjoy their sleep, protected it, and were quite concerned when they were occasionally robbed of their desired 9 hours of nightly bed rest. They tended to recall their dreams much better than did the “short sleepers.”

  Many of the “long sleepers” were shy, anxious, introverted (内向), inhibited (压抑), passive, mildly depressed, and unsure of themselves (particularly in social situations). Several openly states that sleep was an escape from their daily problems.

According to the report,______.

  A. many short sleepers need less sleep by nature

  B. many short sleepers are forced to reduce their nightly sleep time because they are busy

        with their work

  C. long sleepers sleep a longer period of time during the day

  D. many long sleepers preserve their sleeping habit formed during their childhood

Many “short sleepers” are likely to hold the view that _____.

  A. sleep is a withdrawal from the reality

  B. sleep interferes with their sound judgment

  C. sleep is the least expensive item on their routine program

  D. sleep is the best way to deal with psychological troubles

It is stated in the third paragraph that short sleepers _____.

  A. are ideally vigorous even under the pressures of life

  B. often neglect the consequences of inadequate sleep

  C. do not know how to relax properly

  D. are more unlikely to run into mental problems

When sometimes they cannot enjoy adequate sleep, the long sleepers might ____.

  A. appear disturbed                     B. become energetic

  C. feel dissatisfied                        D. be extremely depressed


The back door of the ambulance (救护车) was suddenly shut and the driver ran to the front, jumped into the seat, and started the engine. Inside were the  36  parents, Mr. and Mrs. Green, the mother holding their baby daughter, Ally. The little girl had some food stuck in her  37 and could hardly  38 .?

    The driver, Mr. White,  39  his siren (警报器) and flashing light, and started speeding toward the  40  hospital, fighting against  41 . The cars ahead of him pulled out of way  42  he drove through the busy traffic. From the back of the ambulance the parents were shouting at him to  43 , since Ally almost stopped breathing. In front of him he saw some traffic  44 , with the red “stop” light shining. Mr. White knew he had no time to lose, so he drove straight past the traffic lights, looking  45  his left and right as he did so.

    Coming towards him from his right was a  46 . The driver had the windows  47 , since the car was air-conditioned, and he was playing his radio. He did not hear the ambulance.

    The lights were  48 , so he drove straight  49  into the path of the ambulance. Mr. White tried to stop his ambulance, but it was too late. It hit the taxi. Everyone was shaken but no one was hurt. Mr. White looked back to see  50  little Ally was. He was  51  to see relief instead of fear in the face of the parents.

    “Look!” cried Mrs. Green. “She is  52  again.”?

    “It must have been the crash (撞击),” said her husband. “It  53  the food out of her throat.” The baby’s color was turning normal, and she was crying in a loud  54  healthy voice.

They were all joyful, and quite forgot about the  55 , the taxi, and the lines of cars all around them.

1.A. worried            B. excited      C. angry            D. surprised

2.A. mouth             B. nose      C. throat           D. ear

3.A. talk             B. breathe       C. cry                  D. hear

4.A. turned on         B. opened on    C. turned off       D. sped up

5.A. best              B. biggest      C. first            D. nearest

6.A. time              B. cars          C. policemen    D. speed

7.A. that              B. as            C. there        D. if

8.A. stop              B. slow down C. hurry            D. keep safe

9.A. lights            B. signs         C. policemen    D. marks

10.A. at                   B. to                C. down     D. forward

11.A. taxi             B. car           C. truck        D. train

12.A. up               B. down          C. open         D. covered

13.A. red              B. green         C. yellow       D. out

14.A. out             B. away          C. on           D. off

15.A. who              B. what          C. where        D. how

16.A. lucky           B. astonished        C. worried      D. happy

17.A. crying              B. breathing      C. smiling      D. talking

18.A. made             B. let           C. knocked      D. pulled

19.A. and              B. with          C. or              D. but

20.A. driver               B. accident      C. girl         D. reporters



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