摘要:A.seize B.burn C.place D.hold 答案 21.C 22.B 23.A 24.D 25.A 26.C 27.D 28.B 29.D 30.C Passage 4 People think children should play sports.Sports are fun,and children keep healthy while playing with others.However,playing sports can have 50 effects on children.It may produce feelings of poor self-respect or aggressive behavior in some children.According to research on kids and sports,40,000,000 kids play sports in the US.Of these,18,000,000 say they have been 51 at or called names while playing sports.This leaves many children with a bad 52 of sports.They think sports are just too aggressive. Many researchers believe adults,especially parents and coaches,are the main 53 of too much aggression in children’s sports.They believe children 54 aggressive adult behavior.This behavior is then further strengthened through both positive and negative feedback.Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children usually look up to them.Often these adults behave aggressively themselves,sending children the message that 55 is everything.Many parents go to children’s sporting events and shout 56 at other players or cheer when their child behaves 57 .As well,children are even taught that hurting other players is 58 or are pushed to continue playing even when they are injured. 59 ,the media makes violence seem exciting.Children watch adult sports games and see violent behavior replayed over and over on television. As a society,we really need to 60 this problem and do something about it.Parents and coaches 61 should act as better examples for children.They also need to teach children better 62 .They should not just cheer when children win or act aggressively.They should teach children to 63 themselves whether they win or not.Besides,children should not be allowed to continue to play when they are injured.If adults allow children to play when injured,this gives the message that 64 is not as important as winning.


People of Burlington are being disturbed by the sound of bells. Four students from Burlington College of Higher Education are in the bell tower of the 36 and have made up their minds to 37 the bells nonstop for two weeks as a protest against heavy trucks which run 38 through the narrow High Street. “They not only make it 39 to sleep at night, but they are 40 damage to our houses and shops of historical 41 . ”said John Norris, one of the protesters.

42 we must have these noisy trucks on the roads, ”said Jean Lacey, a biology student, “why don’t they build a new road that goes round the town? Burlington isn’t much more than a 43 village. Its streets were never 44 for heavy traffic. ”

Harry Fields also studying 45 said they wanted to make as much 46 as possible to force the government officials to realize what everybody was having to 47 . “Most of them don’t 48 here anyway, ”he said, “they come in for meetings and the Town Hall is soundproof, so they probably don’t 49 . It’s high time they realized the problem. ”The fourth student, Liza Vernum, said she thought the public were 50 on their side, and even if they weren’t, they soon would be.

I asked if they wer 51 that the police might come to 52 them.

“Not really, ”she said, “actually we are 53 bellringers. I mean we are assistant bellringers for the church. There is no 54 against practising. ”

I 55 the church with the sound of the bells ringing in my ears.

36. A. college        B. village        C. town         D. church

37. A. change        B. repair        C. ring             D. shake

38. A. now and then   B. day and night  C. up and down     D. over and over

39. A. terrible        B. difficult       C. uncomfortable    D. unpleasant

40. A. doing         B. raising        C. putting           D. producing

41. A. scene         B. period        C. interest          D. sense

42. A. If            B. Although      C. When           D. Unless

43. A. pretty        B. quite         C. large            D. modern

44. A. tested        B. meant       C. kept             D. used

45. A. well          B. hard        C. biology           D. education

46. A. effort         B. time        C. trouble           D. noise

47. A. stand         B. accept      C. know            D. share

48. A. shop          B. live       C. come             D. study

49. A. notice         B. mention     C. fear              D. control

50. A. hardly        B. unwillingly   C. mostly            D. usually

51. A. surprised      B. afraid       C. pleased           D. determined

52. A. seize         B. fight       C. search           D. stop

53. A. proper        B. experienced  C. hopeful           D. serious

54. A. point         B. cause      C. need             D. law

55. A. left          B. found       C. reached           D. passed


When sailors are allowed ashore after a long time at sea, they sometimes get drunk and cause trouble. For this reason, the navy ___1___ has its police in big ports. Whenever sailors cause trouble, the police come and ___2___ them.  

One day, the police in a big seaport received a telephone call ___3___ a bar in the town. The barman said that a big sailor had got drunk and ___4___ the furniture in the bar. The officer in charge of the police guard that evening said that he would come immediately.  

Now, officers who ___5___ and punish the sailors ___6___ drunk usually chose ___7___ policeman they could find to go with them. ___8___ this particular officer did not do this. ___9___, he chose the smallest and ___10___ man he could find to go to the bar with him and ___11___ the sailor.  

Another officer who ___12___ there was surprised when he saw the officer of the guard chose such a small man. ___13___ he said to him, “Why ___14___ you take a big man with you? You have to fight the sailor who ___15___.”  

“Yes, you are ___16___ right,” answered the officer of the guard. “That is exactly ___17___ I am taking this small man. If you see two policemen coming ___18___ you, and one is ___19___ the other, which one ___20___ you attack?”  

1. A. always   B. seldom       C. forever       D. sometimes  

2. A. meet with      B. deal with    C. see     D. judge  

3. A. about     B. from   C. in       D. of  

4. A. was breaking B. was ordering      C. was moving       D. was dusting  

5. A. would go       B. might beat  C. dared to fight     D. had to go  

6. A. slightly   B. not at all     C. heavily       D. much more  

7. A. the biggest     B. the youngest      C. the bravest D. the experienced  

8. A. In fact    B. But     C. So      D. And  

9. A. Instead   B. Therefore   C. Although    D. Then  

10. A. good-looking       B. weakest-looking     C. ugly-looking    D. strongest-looking  

11. A. seize     B. kill      C. get rid of    D. catch up with  

12. A. will go  B. had come   C. would start off          D. happened to be  

13. A. Yet       B. But     C. So      D. Then  

14. A. don’t    B. couldn’t     C. can’t   D. do  

15. A. looks strong B. is drunk      C. seems rude D. is dangerous  

16. A. all B. very    C. too     D. quite  

17. A. how     B. what   C. why    D. that  

18. A. up B. at C. before D. towards  

19. A. not smaller than   B. as big as         C. as small as D. much smaller than

20. A. could    B. will     C. do      D. can  


My Teacher in the School of Life

I spent the opening day of school this year at DeMatha Catholic High School in much the same way I spent the first day of classes ___1___ 30 years ago; I sat in Dr Charles E. Offutt's British literature class, listening to him __2___ what his seniors would learn and get them excited about the journey they would __3__.I'm the principal(校长) of the school now, but for a few minutes I was back in 1975, __4__ what the future held.

I have been learning from Dr Offutt for 30 of the 51 years he has been teaching at DeMatha.He not only taught me to think, he __5__ me, as much by example as___6__, that it was my moral duty to do so and to serve __7__.

Neither of us could know how our __8__ would develop over the years. When I first came back to DeMatha to teach English, I worked for Dr Offutt, then the department chair. After several years, I was __9__ department chair, and our relationship changed __10__. I thought that it might be __11__chairing the department, since all of my former English teachers were still there, but Dr Offutt __12__ me throughout. He knew when to give me __13__ about curriculum, texts and personnel, and when to let me design my own course.

In 1997, I needed his advice about leaving DeMatha to become principal at another school. If he had asked me to stay at DeMatha, I might have. __14__, he encouraged me to seize the new __15__.

Five years ago, I became the __16__ of DeMatha.Once again, Dr Offutt was there for me, letting me know that I could__17__ on him as I tried to fill such big shoes, I've learned from him that great teachers have a(n) __18__ wealth of lessons to teach. __19__ his students don't know it yet, I know how __20__ they are; I'm still one of them.

1.A.mostly   B.exactly   C.only   D.simply

2.A.explain     B.predict       C.speak     D.teach

3.A.keep       B.achieve       C.choose   D.take

4.A.preparing   B.discovering   C.wondering  D.realizing

5.A.assisted    B.reminded      C.advised   D.convinced

6.A.words     B.action        C.explanation  D.models

7.A.the others  B.everyone       C.others   D.anyone

8.A.relationship  B.position      C.situation  D.condition

9.A.pointed    B.named         C.given    D.taken

10.A.already      B.yet       C.still  D.again

11.A.foolish      B.surprising  C.uncertain  D.challenging

12.A.promoted    B.accepted  C.supported  D.welcomed

13.A.advice      B.information  C.notice   D.thought

14.A.Otherwise  B.Therefore  C.Furthermore  D.Instead

15.A.choice     B.opportunity  C.occupation  D.possibility

16.A.teacher     B.principal  C.officer      D.clerk

17.A.live       B.look     C.depend       D.take

18.A.rich      B.little     C.valuable       D.endless

19.A.Once     B.Even if  C.Unless       D.Until

20.A.fortunate  B.curious  C.innocent      D.satisfied


          My Teacher in the School of Life
I spent the opening day of school this year at DeMatha Catholic High School in much the same way I spent the first day of classes __1__ 30 years ago; I sat in Dr. Charles E. Offutt's British literature class, listening to him __2__ what his seniors would learn and getting them excited about the journey they would __3__, I'm principal(校长) of the school now, but for a few minutes I was back in 1975, __4__ what the future held.

I have been learning from Dr. Offutt for 30 of the 51 years he has been teaching at DeMatha. He not only taught me to think, he __5__me, as much by example as __6__, that it was my moral duty to do so and to serve __7__.

Neither of us could know how our __8__would develop over the years. When I first came back to DeMatha to teach English, I worked for Dr. Offutt, then department chair. After several years, I was __9__ department chair, and our relationship changed __10__. I thought that it might be __11__ chairing the department, since all of my former English teachers were still there, but Dr. Offutt __12__ me throughout. He knew when to give me __13__  about curriculum, texts and personnel, and when to let me design my own course.

In 1997, I needed his advice about leaving DeMatha to become principal at another school. If he had asked me to stay at DeMatha, I might have. __14__, he encouraged me to seize the new __15__.
Five years ago, I became __16__ of DeMatha. Once again, Dr. Offutt was there for me, letting me know that I could __17__ on him as I tried to fill such big shoes. I've learned from him that great teachers have a(n) __18__ wealth of lessons to teach. __19__ his students don't know it yet, I know how __20__ they are; I'm still one of them.

1.A. mostly    B. exactly    C. only    D. simply
2.A. explaining  B. predicting   C. speaking   D. teaching
3.A. keep    B. achieve  C. choose   D. take
4.A. preparing  B. discovering  C. wondering  D. realizing
5.A. assisted   B. reminded   C. advised    D. convinced
6.A. words    B. action   C. explanation  D. models

7.A. the others  B. everyone   C. others    D. anyone
8.A. relationship  B. position     C. situation    D. condition
9.A. appointed  B. named     C. given     D. taken

10.A. already   B. yet   C. still      D. again
11.A. foolish   B. surprising   C. uncertain   D. challenging
12.A. promoted  B. accepted    C. supported    D. welcomed
13.A. advice   B. information C. notice     D. thought

14.A. Otherwise  B. Therefore   C. Furthermore  D. Instead
15.A. choice   B. opportunity   C. occupation   D. possibility
16.A. teacher   B. principal   C. officer    D. clerk

17.A. live    B. look      C. depend    D. take
18.A. rich     B. little    C. valuable    D. endless
19.A. Once   B. Even if   C. Unless     D. Until
20.A. fortunate  B. curious   C. innocent    D. satisfied



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