What causes your computer a slow one? The problem lies with changes that occur to the PC's software. The 2 most 51 causes of slowdown (along with easy solutions) are:
Registry errors - the most common problem
Every 52 you load a program, game or file, your PC's software registry is updated with new instructions needed to operate that item. 53 , when the item is removed, these instructions usually remain on your PC. Every time you run your computer it 54 to carry out these instructions but, because the related program can't be found, it causes a registry error. Your PC is doing a lot 55 work than it should be and the result is a significantly 56 computer.
One of the best ways to manage this is with a 57 little tool. This program scans, identifies and 58 registry errors - resulting in a computer that's a lot more like it was when you 59 bought it.
Spyware and viruses
Spyware and viruses are software programs that are loaded on your computer 60 your knowledge or permission. They have various purposes, 61 :
Changing the default search engine in your browser
Tracking your web surfing 62
Stealing your personal 63
Most spyware and viruses get onto our computers through files that we 64 from the internet or as attachments to emails. They tend to 65 up a lot of computing power and as a 66 will significantly slow down the computer.
The simple rule of thumb to follow is to never download any 67 software programs from companies you do not know and trust, especially screensavers, emoticons and the 68 . In addition, make sure you have a good anti-virus / spyware removal software running at 69 times.
Follow the above advice and your PC should stay fast and 70 .
51. A. common B. ordinary C. special D. normal
52. A. day B. week C. time D. second
53. A. Although B. However C. Though D. And
54. A. costs B. keeps C. takes D. tries
55. A. more B. much C. most D. least
56. A. faster B. slower C. quicker D. stronger
57. A. easy B. funny C. neat D. dull
58. A. finds B. sees C. fixes D. stores
59. A. first B. next C. last D. second
60. A. without B. with C. between D. for
61. A. including B. includes C. included D. include
62. A. abilities B. habits C. shortcomings D. faults
63. A. money B. possession C. happiness D. information
64. A. read B. search C. write D. download
65. A. make B. turn C. take D. cut
66. A. rule B. hobby C. result D. start
67. A. free B. cheap C. expensive D. useful
68. A. thing B. like C. difference D. interest
69. A. each B. every C. some D. all
70. A. safe B. dangerous C. important D. useful